예제 #1
        public override int GetHashCode()
            // Auto-generated by Visual Studio

            var hashCode = -871570897;

            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + EqualityComparer <byte[]> .Default.GetHashCode(_buffer);

            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + _isOpen.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + _readOnly.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + _length.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + _capacity.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + _position.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + _startIndex.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + _isExpandable.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + IsReadOnly.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + IsOpen.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Length.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Capacity.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Position.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + RemainingBytes.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + StartIndex.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + EqualityComparer <byte[]> .Default.GetHashCode(Raw);

예제 #2
        // updates blob if possible.
        // if blob doesn't already exist OR does not have a signature file
        // then we just upload as usual.
        public long UploadFile(string containerName, string blobName, string localFilePath)
            var fileLength = CommonOps.GetFileSize(localFilePath);

            // not used here but is cached for later.
            //ConfigHelper.GetSignatureSize(fileLength, true);

            // 1) Does remote blob exist?
            // 2) if so, download existing signature for blob.
            if (AzureHelper.DoesBlobExist(containerName, blobName) && AzureHelper.DoesBlobSignatureExist(containerName, blobName))
                // 3) If blob exists and have signature, then let the magic begin.
                // 3.1) Download existing blob signature from Azure.
                // 3.2) Search through local file for matches in existing blob signature.
                // 3.3) Upload differences to Azure
                // 3.4) Upload new signature.s

                var blobSig       = DownloadSignatureForBlob(containerName, blobName);
                var searchResults = CommonOps.SearchLocalFileForSignatures(localFilePath, blobSig);
                var allBlocks     = UploadDelta(localFilePath, searchResults, containerName, blobName);
                var sig           = CommonOps.CreateSignatureFromNewAndReusedBlocks(allBlocks);

                UploadSignatureForBlob(blobName, containerName, sig);

                long bytesUploaded = allBlocks.Where(b => b.IsNew).Select(b => b.Size).Sum();

                // 4) If blob or signature does NOT exist, just upload as normal. No tricky stuff to do here.
                // 4.1) Generate signature and upload it.

                var remainingBytes = new RemainingBytes()
                    BeginOffset = 0,
                    EndOffset   = fileLength - 1

                var allUploadedBlocks = UploadBytesParallel(remainingBytes, localFilePath, containerName, blobName);
                // var allUploadedBlocks = UploadBytes(remainingBytes, localFilePath, containerName, blobName);

                var res = (from b in allUploadedBlocks orderby b.Offset ascending select b.BlockId);
                PutBlockList(res.ToArray(), containerName, blobName);

                var sig = CommonOps.CreateSignatureForLocalFile(localFilePath);
                UploadSignatureForBlob(blobName, containerName, sig);

예제 #3
        // updates blob if possible.
        // if blob doesn't already exist OR does not have a signature file
        // then we just upload as usual.
        public long CalculateDeltaSize(string containerName, string blobName, string localFilePath)
            // 1) Does remote blob exist?
            // 2) if so, download existing signature for blob.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(blobName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(containerName) && AzureHelper.DoesBlobExist(containerName, blobName) && AzureHelper.DoesBlobSignatureExist(containerName, blobName))
                // 3) If blob exists and have signature, then let the magic begin.
                // 3.1) Download existing blob signature from Azure.
                // 3.2) Search through local file for matches in existing blob signature.
                // 3.3) Upload differences to Azure
                // 3.4) Upload new signature.s

                var blobSig       = DownloadSignatureForBlob(containerName, blobName);
                var searchResults = CommonOps.SearchLocalFileForSignatures(localFilePath, blobSig);

                long total = 0;
                foreach (var remainingBytes in searchResults.ByteRangesToUpload)
                    total += (remainingBytes.EndOffset - remainingBytes.BeginOffset);

                var fileLength = CommonOps.GetFileSize(localFilePath);

                var remainingBytes = new RemainingBytes()
                    BeginOffset = 0,
                    EndOffset   = fileLength - 1

                // upload all bytes of new file. UploadBytes method will break into appropriate sized blocks.
                var allUploadedBlocks = UploadBytes(remainingBytes, localFilePath, containerName, blobName, true);

                var sizeUploaded = allUploadedBlocks.Where(b => !b.IsDuplicate).Sum(b => b.Size);

예제 #4
        // updates blob if possible.
        // if blob doesn't already exist OR does not have a signature file
        // then we just upload as usual.
        public long UploadFile(string containerName, string blobName, string localFilePath, int parallelFactor = 2)
            var fileLength = CommonOps.GetFileSize(localFilePath);
            var sw         = new Stopwatch();

            var md5ForFile = GetFileMD5(localFilePath);

            // 1) Does remote blob exist?
            // 2) if so, download existing signature for blob.
            if (AzureHelper.DoesBlobExist(containerName, blobName) && AzureHelper.DoesBlobSignatureExist(containerName, blobName))
                var md5ForBlob = GetBlobMD5(containerName, blobName);

                // only continue if files are actually different.
                if (md5ForBlob != md5ForFile)
                    // 3) If blob exists and have signature, then let the magic begin.
                    // 3.1) Download existing blob signature from Azure.
                    // 3.2) Search through local file for matches in existing blob signature.
                    // 3.3) Upload differences to Azure
                    // 3.4) Upload new signature.s

                    var blobSig = DownloadSignatureForBlob(containerName, blobName);
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Dowloaded sig {0}ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds));

                    var searchResults = CommonOps.SearchLocalFileForSignatures(localFilePath, blobSig);

                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Searched for common {0}ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds));

                    var allBlocks = UploadDelta(localFilePath, searchResults, containerName, blobName, parallelFactor: parallelFactor);
                    var sig       = CommonOps.CreateSignatureFromNewAndReusedBlocks(allBlocks);

                    UploadSignatureForBlob(blobName, containerName, sig);

                    // set md5 for entire blob
                    AzureHelper.SetBlobMD5(containerName, blobName, md5ForFile);

                    long bytesUploaded = allBlocks.Where(b => b.IsNew).Select(b => b.Size).Sum();


                return(0);   // no bytes changed, no bytes uploaded
                // 4) If blob or signature does NOT exist, just upload as normal. No tricky stuff to do here.
                // 4.1) Generate signature and upload it.

                var remainingBytes = new RemainingBytes()
                    BeginOffset = 0,
                    EndOffset   = fileLength - 1

                var allUploadedBlocks = UploadBytesParallel(remainingBytes, localFilePath, containerName, blobName, parallelFactor: parallelFactor);
                var res = (from b in allUploadedBlocks orderby b.Offset ascending select b.BlockId);
                PutBlockList(res.ToArray(), containerName, blobName);

                var sig = CommonOps.CreateSignatureForLocalFile(localFilePath);
                UploadSignatureForBlob(blobName, containerName, sig);

                // set md5 for entire blob
                AzureHelper.SetBlobMD5(containerName, blobName, md5ForFile);

예제 #5
        private List <UploadedBlock> UploadBytesParallel(RemainingBytes remainingBytes, string localFilePath, string containerName, string blobName, bool testMode = false, int parallelFactor = 2)
            var uploadedBlockList = new ConcurrentBag <UploadedBlock>();

                CloudBlockBlob blob = null;
                if (!testMode)
                    var client    = AzureHelper.GetCloudBlobClient();
                    var container = client.GetContainerReference(containerName);
                    blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName);
                var blockCount =
                    Math.Round((double)(remainingBytes.EndOffset - remainingBytes.BeginOffset + 1) /
                               (double)ConfigHelper.SignatureSize, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                var taskList = new List <Task>();

                long offset = remainingBytes.BeginOffset;

                using (var stream = new FileStream(localFilePath, FileMode.Open))
                    while (offset <= remainingBytes.EndOffset)
                        while (offset <= remainingBytes.EndOffset && taskList.Count < parallelFactor)
                            var sizeToRead = offset + ConfigHelper.SignatureSize <= remainingBytes.EndOffset
                                ? ConfigHelper.SignatureSize
                                : remainingBytes.EndOffset - offset + 1;

                            if (sizeToRead > 0)
                                // seek to the offset we need. Dont forget remaining bytes may be bigger than the signature size
                                // we want to deal with.
                                stream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                var bytesToRead = new byte[sizeToRead];
                                var bytesRead   = stream.Read(bytesToRead, 0, (int)sizeToRead);

                                var t = WriteBytes(offset, bytesRead, bytesToRead, blob, uploadedBlockList, testMode);


                                offset += sizeToRead;

                        // wait until we've all uploaded.
                        var waitedIndex = Task.WaitAny(taskList.ToArray());

                    // wait on remaining tasks.
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                // probably bad container.
                Console.WriteLine("Argument Exception " + ex.ToString());

            //return uploadedBlockList;
예제 #6
        private List <UploadedBlock> UploadBytes(RemainingBytes remainingBytes, string localFilePath, string containerName, string blobName, bool testMode = false)
            var uploadedBlockList = new List <UploadedBlock>();

                CloudBlockBlob blob = null;
                if (!testMode)
                    var client    = AzureHelper.GetCloudBlobClient();
                    var container = client.GetContainerReference(containerName);
                    blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName);
                var blockCount =
                    Math.Round((double)(remainingBytes.EndOffset - remainingBytes.BeginOffset + 1) /
                               (double)ConfigHelper.SignatureSize, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                using (var stream = new FileStream(localFilePath, FileMode.Open))
                    for (var offset = remainingBytes.BeginOffset; offset <= remainingBytes.EndOffset;)
                        var sizeToRead = offset + ConfigHelper.SignatureSize <= remainingBytes.EndOffset
                            ? ConfigHelper.SignatureSize
                            : remainingBytes.EndOffset - offset + 1;

                        if (sizeToRead == 0)
                            var error = "";

                        // seek to the offset we need. Dont forget remaining bytes may be bigger than the signature size
                        // we want to deal with.
                        stream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        var bytesToRead = new byte[sizeToRead];
                        var bytesRead   = stream.Read(bytesToRead, 0, (int)sizeToRead);

                        var sig     = CommonOps.GenerateBlockSig(bytesToRead, offset, (int)sizeToRead, 0);
                        var blockId = Convert.ToBase64String(sig.MD5Signature);
                        var isDupe  = uploadedBlockList.Any(ub => ub.BlockId == blockId);

                        if (!testMode)
                            // only upload bytes IF another block hasn't already covered it.
                            // unlikely situation I think, but possibly going to happen for
                            // VM images etc where there is lots of "blank space".

                            if (!isDupe)
                                // yes, putting into memory stream is probably a waste here.
                                using (var ms = new MemoryStream(bytesToRead))
                                    var options = new BlobRequestOptions()
                                        ServerTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 90, 0)
                                    blob.PutBlock(blockId, ms, null, null, options);

                        // store the block id that is associated with this byte range.
                        uploadedBlockList.Add(new UploadedBlock()
                            BlockId     = blockId,
                            Offset      = offset,
                            Sig         = sig,
                            Size        = bytesRead,
                            IsNew       = true,
                            IsDuplicate = isDupe

                        offset += sizeToRead;
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                // probably bad container.
                Console.WriteLine("Argument Exception " + ex.ToString());
