private async Task SetGroupStatus(string status, bool trainingStatus) { string statusDetail = trainingStatus ? Constant.Group.COMPLETE : Constant.Group.INCOMPLETE; using (IObjectManager objectManager = Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser)) { RelativityObjectRef relativityObject = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = ActiveArtifact.ArtifactID }; FieldRefValuePair fieldValuePair = new FieldRefValuePair { Field = new FieldRef() { Guid = Constant.Guids.Field.FaceRecognitionGroup.TRAINING_STATUS }, Value = status + statusDetail }; UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Object = relativityObject, FieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> { fieldValuePair } }; await objectManager.UpdateAsync(Helper.GetActiveCaseID(), updateRequest); } }
private async Task SetPersonStatus(int workspaceArtifactId, int personArtifactId, string status) { using (IObjectManager objectManager = Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser)) { //Set Status field for current Person RelativityObjectRef relativityObject = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = personArtifactId }; FieldRefValuePair fieldValuePair = new FieldRefValuePair { Field = new FieldRef() { Guid = Constant.Guids.Field.FaceRecognitionPerson.STATUS }, Value = status }; UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Object = relativityObject, FieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> { fieldValuePair } }; UpdateResult updateResult = await objectManager.UpdateAsync(workspaceArtifactId, updateRequest); } }
private async Task SetGroupId(string groupId = null) { using (IObjectManager objectManager = Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser)) { RelativityObjectRef relativityObject = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = ActiveArtifact.ArtifactID }; FieldRefValuePair fieldValuePair = new FieldRefValuePair { Field = new FieldRef() { Guid = Constant.Guids.Field.FaceRecognitionGroup.GROUP_ID }, Value = groupId }; UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Object = relativityObject, FieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> { fieldValuePair } }; await objectManager.UpdateAsync(Helper.GetActiveCaseID(), updateRequest); } }
private async Task SetStatus(string status) { try { using (IObjectManager manager = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(Relativity.API.ExecutionIdentity.System)) { var toUpdate = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = ActiveArtifact.ArtifactID }; var fieldValuePair = new FieldRefValuePair() { Field = new FieldRef() { Guid = ApplicationConstants.INDEX_JOB_STATUS }, Value = status }; var updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Object = toUpdate, FieldValues = new FieldRefValuePair[] { fieldValuePair } }; await manager.UpdateAsync(this.Helper.GetActiveCaseID(), updateRequest); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(ex); } }
private async Task SetImageStatus(int workspaceArtifactId, int imageArtifactId, string status) { using (IObjectManager objectManager = CreateObjectManager()) { //Set Status field for current Image RelativityObjectRef relativityObject = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = imageArtifactId }; FieldRefValuePair fieldValuePair = new FieldRefValuePair { Field = new FieldRef() { Guid = Constant.Guids.Field.FaceRecognitionImage.STATUS }, Value = status }; UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Object = relativityObject, FieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> { fieldValuePair } }; UpdateResult updateResult = await objectManager.UpdateAsync(workspaceArtifactId, updateRequest); } }
private async Task WriteValuesToDocumentObject(IndexJob indexJob, VideoIndexResult videoIndexResult) { try { using (IObjectManager manager = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(Relativity.API.ExecutionIdentity.System)) { var toUpdate = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = indexJob.DocumentArtifactID }; var fieldValuePair = new FieldValue("Kramerica Video Transcript", videoIndexResult.Transcript); var updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Object = toUpdate, FieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> { fieldValuePair } }; await manager.UpdateAsync(indexJob.WorkspaceArtifactID, updateRequest); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(ex); } }
private async Task UpdateStatus(IndexJob indexJob, string status) { try { using (IObjectManager manager = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(Relativity.API.ExecutionIdentity.System)) { var toUpdate = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = indexJob.JobArtifactID }; var fieldValuePair = new FieldValue("Status", status); var updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Object = toUpdate, FieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> { fieldValuePair } }; await manager.UpdateAsync(indexJob.WorkspaceArtifactID, updateRequest); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(ex); } }
private async Task WriteValuesToIndexJob(IndexJob indexJob, VideoIndexResult videoIndexResult) { try { using (IObjectManager manager = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(Relativity.API.ExecutionIdentity.System)) { var toUpdate = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = indexJob.JobArtifactID }; var fields = new FieldValue[] { new FieldValue("VideoID", videoIndexResult.VideoID), new FieldValue("Video File Name", videoIndexResult.VideoName), new FieldValue("DocumentControlNumber", videoIndexResult.ControlNumber) }; var updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Object = toUpdate, FieldValues = fields }; await manager.UpdateAsync(indexJob.WorkspaceArtifactID, updateRequest); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(ex); } }
private void TextStreamer(object obj) { foreach (RelativityObjectSlim ros in _streamQueue.GetConsumingEnumerable()) { if (_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } RelativityObjectRef documentObjectRef = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = ros.ArtifactID }; try { foreach (int index in _longTextIds) { object longText = ros.Values[index]; if (longText != null && longText.ToString().Equals(_SHIBBOLETH)) { IKeplerStream keplerStream = _objectManager .StreamLongTextAsync(_workspaceId, documentObjectRef, _queryRequest.Fields.ElementAt(index)).Result; Stream realStream = keplerStream.GetStreamAsync().Result; ros.Values[index] = realStream; } } } catch (Exception exception) { // Close any streams we already opened in this ROS CloseOpenStreamsInRos(ros); // Send error to handler and cancel SendErrorAndCancel("StreamLongTextAsync failed", exception); // Skip rest of loop break; } try { _openStreamQueue.Add(ros, _cancellationToken); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } } // Close all open streams in the Open Stream Queue if we are canceling if (_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { // close open streams left in open stream queue _openStreamQueue.CompleteAdding(); foreach (RelativityObjectSlim rosToClose in _openStreamQueue.GetConsumingEnumerable()) { CloseOpenStreamsInRos(rosToClose); } } }
/// <summary> /// THIS is the method that needs to be what each /// thread executes--streams the text to a file. /// </summary> public static void StreamToFile() { // buffer size for file IO const int BUFFER_SIZE = 5000; while (!_writeJobs.IsCompleted) { WriteJob op; bool success = _writeJobs.TryTake(out op); if (!success) { Thread.Sleep(100); continue; } // stream // create ref to object var relativityObj = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = op.DocumentId }; // create ref to field var longTextFieldRef = new FieldRef { ArtifactID = op.LongTextFieldId }; // instantiate object manager service using (IObjectManager objMgr = ServiceFactory.CreateProxy <IObjectManager>()) using (IKeplerStream ks = objMgr.StreamLongTextAsync( op.WorkspaceId, relativityObj, longTextFieldRef).Result) using (Stream s = ks.GetStreamAsync().Result) using (var reader = new StreamReader(s)) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(op.Path, append: false)) { char[] buffer = new char[BUFFER_SIZE]; int copied; do { copied = reader.Read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); writer.Write( copied == BUFFER_SIZE ? buffer : buffer.Take(copied).ToArray()); writer.Flush(); } while (copied > 0); } } }
public async Task UpdateRelativity(IServicesMgr serviceManager, int workspaceId, int modelArtifactId) { using (IObjectManager objectManager = serviceManager.CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.System)) { RelativityObjectRef relativityObject = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = modelArtifactId }; List <FieldRefValuePair> fieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> { new FieldRefValuePair { Field = new FieldRef() { Guid = Guids.Model.MODEL_GUID_FIELD }, Value = ModelGuid.ToString() }, new FieldRefValuePair { Field = new FieldRef() { Guid = Guids.Model.SAS_URL_FIELD }, Value = SasUrl } }; UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Object = relativityObject, FieldValues = fieldValues }; UpdateResult result = await objectManager.UpdateAsync(workspaceId, updateRequest); } }
private async Task <bool> UpdateStatus() { bool success = false; try { kCura.EventHandler.Field myStatusField = this.ActiveArtifact.Fields[ApplicationConstants.INDEX_JOB_STATUS.ToString()]; if (myStatusField.Value.Value == null) { using (IObjectManager manager = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(Relativity.API.ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser)) { var toUpdate = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = ActiveArtifact.ArtifactID }; var fieldValuePair = new FieldRefValuePair() { Field = new FieldRef() { Guid = ApplicationConstants.INDEX_JOB_STATUS }, Value = "Created" }; var updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Object = toUpdate, FieldValues = new FieldRefValuePair[] { fieldValuePair } }; await manager.UpdateAsync(this.Helper.GetActiveCaseID(), updateRequest); } } success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(ex); success = false; } return(success); }
public async Task UpdateRelativity(IServicesMgr serviceManager, int workspaceId, int invoiceArtifactId) { using (IObjectManager objectManager = serviceManager.CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.System)) { RelativityObjectRef relativityObject = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = invoiceArtifactId }; List <FieldRefValuePair> fieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> { new FieldRefValuePair { Field = new FieldRef() { Guid = Guids.Invoice.TO_FIELD }, Value = To }, new FieldRefValuePair { Field = new FieldRef() { Guid = Guids.Invoice.FROM_FIELD }, Value = From }, new FieldRefValuePair { Field = new FieldRef() { Guid = Guids.Invoice.DATE_OF_ISSUE_FIELD }, Value = DateOfIssue }, new FieldRefValuePair { Field = new FieldRef() { Guid = Guids.Invoice.DUE_DATE_FIELD }, Value = DueDate }, new FieldRefValuePair { Field = new FieldRef() { Guid = Guids.Invoice.TOTAL_AMOUNT_DUE_FIELD }, Value = TotalAmountDue } }; UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Object = relativityObject, FieldValues = fieldValues }; UpdateResult result = await objectManager.UpdateAsync(workspaceId, updateRequest); if (invoiceArtifactId > 0) { foreach (InvoiceLineItem lineItem in LineItems) { await lineItem.CreateRelativity(serviceManager, workspaceId, invoiceArtifactId); } } } }
/* * Custom method to translate document using Azure Translator */ private async Task <int> TranslateDocument(int workspaceId, int documentArtifactId, string sourceField, string destinationField, string logField, string azureServiceRegion, string azureSubscriptionKey, string azureTranslatorEndpoint, string translateFrom, string translateTo) { /* * Custom local function to split string into chunks of defined size with delimiter priority */ List <string> SplitMulti(string str, char[] delimiters, int minChunkThreshold, int maxChunkThreshold, int smallChunkThreshold) { List <string> chunks = new List <string>() { str }; List <string> subChunks; foreach (char delimiter in delimiters) { for (int i = 0; i < chunks.Count; i++) { // Check if chunks are all below threshold otherwise split by space if (chunks[i].Length > maxChunkThreshold) { subChunks = SplitSized(chunks[i], delimiter, minChunkThreshold, maxChunkThreshold, smallChunkThreshold); chunks.RemoveAt(i); chunks.InsertRange(i, subChunks); } } } return(chunks); } /* * Custom local function to split string into chunks of defined size */ List <string> SplitSized(string str, char delimiter, int minChunkThreshold, int maxChunkThreshold, int smallChunkThreshold) { string[] split = str.Split(delimiter); List <string> chunks = new List <string>(); string hlp = split[0]; for (int i = 1; i < split.Length; i++) { // Rearange split text into bigger chunks if (((hlp.Length + split[i].Length) < minChunkThreshold || split[i].Length < smallChunkThreshold) && ((hlp.Length + split[i].Length) < maxChunkThreshold)) { hlp = hlp + delimiter + split[i]; } else { chunks.Add(hlp + delimiter); hlp = split[i]; } } chunks.Add(hlp); return(chunks); } // Get logger Relativity.API.IAPILog _logger = this.Helper.GetLoggerFactory().GetLogger().ForContext <MassOperationHandler>(); // Get Relativity Object Manager API IObjectManager objectManager = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser); // Get document text Stream streamToTranslate; try { // Construct objects and retreive document content RelativityObjectRef relativityObject = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = documentArtifactId }; FieldRef relativityField = new FieldRef { Name = sourceField }; IKeplerStream keplerStream = await objectManager.StreamLongTextAsync(workspaceId, relativityObject, relativityField); streamToTranslate = await keplerStream.GetStreamAsync(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Azure Translator, document for translation retrieval error (ArtifactID: {id})", documentArtifactId.ToString()); return(documentArtifactId); } // Copy stream to text as that is used for further on string textToTranslate = new StreamReader(streamToTranslate).ReadToEnd(); // Log original document _logger.LogDebug("Azure Translator, original document (ArtifactID: {id}, length: {length})", documentArtifactId.ToString(), textToTranslate.Length.ToString()); // Split document text to chunks as Azure Translator request is limited by 10K characters List <string> partsToTranslate = SplitMulti(textToTranslate, new char[] { '.', ' ' }, 9000, 9900, 20); _logger.LogDebug("Azure Translator, document split into {n} parts (ArtifactID: {id})", partsToTranslate.Count.ToString(), documentArtifactId.ToString()); // Force TLS 1.2 or higher as Azure requires it ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol |= SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 & ~(SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11); // URL encode request paramenters translateFrom = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(translateFrom.ToLower()); translateTo = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(translateTo.ToLower()); // Do Azure Translator call for every text part List <string> partsTranslated = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < partsToTranslate.Count; i++) { // Build translation request HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(); request.Method = HttpMethod.Post; request.RequestUri = new Uri(azureTranslatorEndpoint + "translate?api-version=3.0&to=" + translateTo + (translateFrom == "auto" ? "" : "&from=" + translateFrom) + "&includeAlignment=true"); // request.Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new object[] { new { Text = partsToTranslate[i] } }), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); request.Headers.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", azureSubscriptionKey); request.Headers.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region", azureServiceRegion); // Send the request HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); // Check the response if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { _logger.LogError("Azure Translator, HTTP reposnse error (ArtifactID: {id}, status: {status})", documentArtifactId.ToString(), response.StatusCode.ToString()); return(documentArtifactId); } // Read the response string partTranslated = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); _logger.LogDebug("Azure Translator, translation result JSON check (ArtifactID: {id}, length: {length})", documentArtifactId.ToString(), partTranslated.Length.ToString()); client.Dispose(); // Parse JSON TranslationResult[] translationResults = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TranslationResult[]>(partTranslated); // Check the translation result if (translationResults.Length > 1 || translationResults[0].Translations.Length > 1) { _logger.LogError("Azure Translator, unexpected document translation results (ArtifactID: {id})", documentArtifactId.ToString()); return(documentArtifactId); } if (translationResults.Length == 0 || translationResults[0].Translations.Length == 0) { _logger.LogError("Azure Translator, empty document translation results (ArtifactID: {id})", documentArtifactId.ToString()); return(documentArtifactId); } // Log the translation result _logger.LogDebug("Azure Translator, translation check (ArtifactID: {id}, part: {part}, length: {length})", documentArtifactId.ToString(), i.ToString(), translationResults[0].Translations[0].Text.Length.ToString()); // Get the translation result partsTranslated.Add(translationResults[0].Translations[0].Text); } // Construct translated text string textTranslated = string.Join(string.Empty, partsTranslated); Stream streamTranslated = new MemoryStream(); StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(streamTranslated); streamWriter.Write(textTranslated); streamWriter.Flush(); streamTranslated.Position = 0; // Log translated document _logger.LogDebug("Azure Translator, translated document (ArtifactID: {id}, length: {length})", documentArtifactId.ToString(), textTranslated.Length.ToString()); // Update document translated text try { // Construct objects and do document update RelativityObjectRef relativityObject = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = documentArtifactId }; FieldRef relativityField = new FieldRef { Name = destinationField }; UpdateLongTextFromStreamRequest updateRequest = new UpdateLongTextFromStreamRequest { Object = relativityObject, Field = relativityField }; KeplerStream keplerStream = new KeplerStream(streamTranslated); await objectManager.UpdateLongTextFromStreamAsync(workspaceId, updateRequest, keplerStream); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Azure Translator, document for translation update error (ArtifactID: {id})", documentArtifactId.ToString()); return(documentArtifactId); } // Update document translation log try { Stream streamCurrentLog; // Construct objects and get current translation log RelativityObjectRef relativityObject = new RelativityObjectRef { ArtifactID = documentArtifactId }; FieldRef relativityField = new FieldRef { Name = logField }; IKeplerStream keplerStream = await objectManager.StreamLongTextAsync(workspaceId, relativityObject, relativityField); streamCurrentLog = await keplerStream.GetStreamAsync(); // Add new translation log Stream streamUpdatedLog = new MemoryStream(); StreamWriter streamLogWriter = new StreamWriter(streamUpdatedLog); streamLogWriter.Write(new StreamReader(streamCurrentLog).ReadToEnd()); streamLogWriter.Write("Azure Translator;" + this.Helper.GetAuthenticationManager().UserInfo.EmailAddress + ";" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss") + ";" + translateFrom + ";" + translateTo + ";" + textToTranslate.Length.ToString() + ";" + textTranslated.Length.ToString() + "\n"); streamLogWriter.Flush(); streamUpdatedLog.Position = 0; // Write updated translation log UpdateLongTextFromStreamRequest updateRequest = new UpdateLongTextFromStreamRequest { Object = relativityObject, Field = relativityField }; keplerStream = new KeplerStream(streamUpdatedLog); await objectManager.UpdateLongTextFromStreamAsync(workspaceId, updateRequest, keplerStream); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Azure Translator, translation log update error (ArtifactID: {id})", documentArtifactId.ToString()); return(documentArtifactId); } // Return 0 as all went without error return(0); }