예제 #1
        private void AddOrderByJoinsToList(ArrayList joinList, EntityMap sourceEntity, string sourceAlias, OrderByJoinCollection joins, int indentDepth)
            foreach (OrderByJoin join in joins)
                RelationMap relation = join.RelationMap;
                if (relation.Relationship != Relationship.Parent)
                    throw new Exception("Relationship '" + relation.Alias + "' is not a ManyToOne relation.  Only ManyToOne relations are allowed in sort expressions.");

                EntityMap joinEntity = _maps[relation.Type];
                join.Alias = GetNextAlias();

                string relationConstraint = ReplaceTableNameWithAlias(relation.Filter, sourceEntity.Table, sourceAlias);
                relationConstraint = ReplaceTableNameWithAlias(relationConstraint, joinEntity.Table, join.Alias);

                StringWriter joinCondition = new StringWriter();
                bool         whereStarted  = false;
                WriteJoinCondition(joinCondition, sourceAlias, relation.Fields, join.Alias, GetFieldNames(joinEntity.KeyFields), relationConstraint, false, ref whereStarted);

                joinList.Add(new Join(joinEntity.Table, join.Alias, joinCondition.ToString(), indentDepth));

                // traverse inner joins using a recursive call
                if (join.NestedJoins.Count > 0)
                    AddOrderByJoinsToList(joinList, joinEntity, join.Alias, join.NestedJoins, indentDepth + 1);
예제 #2
        private OrderByItem ParseItem(OPathLexer lexer, EntityMap entity, OrderByJoinCollection joins, OrderByJoin parentJoin)
            Yytoken token = lexer.CurrentToken;

            if (token.Type != TokenType.IDENT)
                throw new OPathException("'" + token.Text + "' encountered where a property or relationship was expected in sort expression '" + _expression + "'.");

            string propertyName = token.Text;

            token = lexer.Lex();
            if (token == null)
                FieldMap field;
                    field = entity.GetFieldMap(propertyName);
                    throw new OPathException(string.Format("The specified property '{0}' in the sort '{1}' is not defined in the entity map for type '{2}'.", propertyName, _expression, entity.Type));

                return(new OrderByItem(propertyName, field, true, parentJoin));
            if (token.Type != TokenType.PERIOD)
                if (token.Type != TokenType.ASCEND && token.Type != TokenType.DESCEND && token.Type != TokenType.COMMA)
                    throw new OPathException("'" + token.Text + "' is not valid in sort expression '" + _expression + "'.");

                FieldMap field;
                    field = entity.GetFieldMap(propertyName);
                    throw new OPathException(string.Format("The specified property '{0}' in the sort '{1}' is not defined in the entity map for type '{2}'.", propertyName, _expression, entity.Type));

                bool ascending = (token.Type != TokenType.DESCEND);

                if (token.Type != TokenType.COMMA)

                return(new OrderByItem(propertyName, field, ascending, parentJoin));
            else             // dot operator (.)
                token = lexer.Lex();
                if (token == null)
                    throw new OPathException("End of expression encountered where a property or relationship was expected in sort expression '" + _expression + "'.");
                if (token.Type != TokenType.IDENT)
                    throw new OPathException("'" + token.Text + "' encountered where a property or relationship was expected in sort expression '" + _expression + "'.");

                RelationMap relation = entity.Relation(propertyName);
                if (relation == null)
                    throw new OPathException(string.Format("The specified relationship '{0}' in the sort expression '{1}' is not defined in the entity map for type '{2}'.", propertyName, _expression, entity.Type));
                if (relation.Relationship != Relationship.Parent)
                    throw new Exception("Relationship '" + relation.Alias + "' is not a ManyToOne relation.  Only ManyToOne relations are allowed in sort expressions.");

                EntityMap relEntity = _maps[relation.Type];

                OrderByJoin join = joins[propertyName];
                if (join == null)
                    join = new OrderByJoin(relation);

                // recursive call
                return(ParseItem(lexer, relEntity, join.NestedJoins, join));
예제 #3
        private void SetPropertyInfo(Property prop)
            Expression link = (prop.Source as Context).Link;

            if (link.NodeType == NodeType.Filter)
                Filter filter = (Filter)link;
                link = (filter.Source as Property);
            if (link == null)
                throw new Exception("Property '" + prop.Name + "' does not have a SourceLink node.");

            Type ownerClass = null;

            if (link.NodeType == NodeType.TypeFilter)
                TypeFilter node = (TypeFilter)link;
                ownerClass = node.Type;
            else if (link.NodeType == NodeType.Property)
                Property p = (Property)link;
                if (p.PropertyType == null)
                ownerClass = p.PropertyType;
                throw new NotImplementedException("Property link of type '" + link.NodeType + "' was not expected.");

            prop.OwnerClass = ownerClass;

            EntityMap entity = _maps[ownerClass];

            if (entity == null)
                throw new Exception("Type " + ownerClass + " does not have an entity mapping defined to the database.");

            if (prop.IsRelational)
                RelationMap rel = entity.Relation(prop.Name);
                if (rel == null)
                    throw new Exception("Type '" + ownerClass + "' does not have a relationship named '" + prop.Name + "' in the entity map.");
                prop.PropertyType = EntityMap.GetType(rel.Type);
                prop.RelationMap  = rel;
                FieldMap field = entity.GetFieldMap(prop.Name);
                if (field == null)                  // NOTE: we never get a chance to throw our exception, get field map beats us to it
                    throw new Exception("Type '" + ownerClass + "' does not have a property named '" + prop.Name + "' in the entity map.");
                prop.PropertyType = field.MemberType;
                prop.RelationMap  = null;
예제 #4
        private void WriteSqlQuery(TextWriter w, Expression expr)
            switch (expr.NodeType)
            case NodeType.Property:
                Property property = (Property)expr;

                EntityMap map   = _maps[property.OwnerClass];
                FieldMap  field = map.GetFieldMap(property.Name);
                if (field == null)
                    throw new Exception("Property '" + property.Name + "' could not be found for entity type '" + property.OwnerClass + "'.");

                string alias;
                if (!field.IsLookup)
                    alias = GetAlias(property);
                else                         // lookup field
                    LookupMap lookup = (LookupMap)field;
                    alias = (string)_lookupFieldToAliasMap[lookup.FieldAlias];
                if (alias == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not find table alias for property '" + property.Name + "' in entity '" + property.OwnerClass + "'.");

                WriteSqlColumn(w, alias, field.Field);

            case NodeType.Parameter:
                Query.Parameter node = (Query.Parameter)expr;

                string name;
                if (!_provider.NoNamedParameters)
                    name = _provider.ParameterPrefix + "P" + node.Ordinal;
                    name = "?";

                _parameterTable.Add(new OPathParameter(name, node.ValueType));


            case NodeType.Literal:
                Literal node = (Literal)expr;
                WriteLiteral(w, node.Value);

            case NodeType.Binary:
                Binary node = (Binary)expr;

                bool   isFormat;
                string keyword = GetSqlKeyword(node.Operator, out isFormat);

                if (isFormat)
                    WriteFormat(w, keyword, node.Left, node.Right);
                    WriteSqlQuery(w, node.Left);
                    w.Write(' ');
                    w.Write(' ');
                    WriteSqlQuery(w, node.Right);

            case NodeType.Unary:
                Unary node = (Unary)expr;

                if (node.Operator == UnaryOperator.Exists)
                    WriteSqlQuery(w, node.Operand);
                else if (node.Operator == UnaryOperator.IsNull)
                    WriteSqlQuery(w, node.Operand);
                    w.Write(' ');
                    WriteSqlQuery(w, node.Operand);

            case NodeType.Filter:
                Filter filter = (Filter)expr;

                // the only supported filters are the root and ones directly below an exists node
                if (filter.Owner != null && (filter.Owner.NodeType != NodeType.Unary || (filter.Owner as Unary).Operator != UnaryOperator.Exists))
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Filter with source type '" + filter.Source.NodeType + "' was not expected.");

                EntityMap entity      = _maps[filter.ValueType];
                string    entityAlias = GetNextAlias();
                filter.Alias = entityAlias;

                bool whereStarted = false;
                if (filter.Source.NodeType == NodeType.TypeFilter)                          // root filter/outer select
                    Join[] lookupJoins;
                    WriteSelectClause(w, entity, entityAlias, out lookupJoins);

                    Join[] joins;
                    if (_orderByNode != null)
                        Join[] orderByJoins = GetJoinsFromOrderBy(entity, entityAlias, _orderByNode);
                        joins = new Join[lookupJoins.Length + orderByJoins.Length];
                        lookupJoins.CopyTo(joins, 0);
                        orderByJoins.CopyTo(joins, lookupJoins.Length);
                        joins = lookupJoins;

                    WriteFromClause(w, entity.Table, entityAlias, joins);
                    if (entity.BaseEntity != null)
                        WriteSubEntityConstraint(w, entityAlias, entity.TypeField, entity.TypeValue, ref whereStarted);
                    WriteFilterConstraints(w, filter, whereStarted);

                    // add the default sort order if the entity has one defined but the query is not ordered
                    if (_orderByNode == null && entity.SortOrder != null && entity.SortOrder.Length > 0)
                        w.Write("\nORDER BY ");
                else if (filter.Source.NodeType == NodeType.Property || filter.Source.NodeType == NodeType.Filter)                          // nested filter/subquery
                    Expression source = filter.Source;
                    while (source.NodeType == NodeType.Filter)
                        source = (source as Filter).Source;
                    if (source.NodeType != NodeType.Property)
                        throw new Exception("Could not find source property for filter.");

                    Property relProperty = (Property)source;
                    if (!relProperty.IsRelational)
                        throw new Exception("Expected source property for Filter node to be relational.");

                    RelationMap relation     = relProperty.RelationMap;
                    EntityMap   sourceEntity = _maps[relProperty.OwnerClass];
                    string      sourceAlias  = GetAlias(relProperty);

                    string relationConstraint = ReplaceTableNameWithAlias(relation.Filter, sourceEntity.Table, sourceAlias);
                    relationConstraint = ReplaceTableNameWithAlias(relationConstraint, entity.Table, entityAlias);

                    switch (relation.Relationship)
                    case Relationship.Parent:
                        w.Write("SELECT *");
                        WriteFromClause(w, entity.Table, entityAlias, null);
                        if (entity.BaseEntity != null)
                            WriteSubEntityConstraint(w, entityAlias, entity.TypeField, entity.TypeValue, ref whereStarted);
                        WriteJoinCondition(w, sourceAlias, relation.Fields, entityAlias, GetFieldNames(entity.KeyFields), relationConstraint, true, ref whereStarted);
                        WriteFilterConstraints(w, filter, whereStarted);

                    case Relationship.Child:
                        w.Write("SELECT *");
                        WriteFromClause(w, entity.Table, entityAlias, null);
                        if (entity.BaseEntity != null)
                            WriteSubEntityConstraint(w, entityAlias, entity.TypeField, entity.TypeValue, ref whereStarted);
                        WriteJoinCondition(w, sourceAlias, GetFieldNames(sourceEntity.KeyFields), entityAlias, relation.Fields, relationConstraint, true, ref whereStarted);
                        WriteFilterConstraints(w, filter, whereStarted);

                    case Relationship.Many:
                        ManyMap junctionMap   = (ManyMap)relation;
                        string  junctionAlias = GetNextAlias();

                        relationConstraint = ReplaceTableNameWithAlias(relationConstraint, junctionMap.Table, junctionAlias);

                        // write the junction and child table, inner joined together in one select
                        w.Write("SELECT *");
                        WriteFromClause(w, junctionMap.Table, junctionAlias, null);
                        w.Write(", ");
                        WriteSqlTable(w, entity.Table, entityAlias);
                        if (entity.BaseEntity != null)
                            WriteSubEntityConstraint(w, entityAlias, entity.TypeField, entity.TypeValue, ref whereStarted);
                        WriteJoinCondition(w, sourceAlias, GetFieldNames(sourceEntity.KeyFields), junctionAlias, junctionMap.Source, null, true, ref whereStarted);
                        WriteJoinCondition(w, junctionAlias, junctionMap.Dest, entityAlias, GetFieldNames(entity.KeyFields), relationConstraint, true, ref whereStarted);
                        WriteFilterConstraints(w, filter, whereStarted);


                        throw new NotSupportedException("Relationship type '" + relation.Relationship + "' is not supported.");
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Filter with source type '" + filter.Source.NodeType + "' was not expected.");

            case NodeType.Function:
                Function node = (Function)expr;

                bool   isFormat;
                string keyword = GetSqlKeyword(node.Operator, out isFormat);
                if (isFormat)
                    WriteFormat(w, keyword, node.Params);
                    if (node.Operator != FunctionOperator.In)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Function operator '" + node.Operator + "' was not expected.");
                    WriteSqlQuery(w, node.Params[0]);
                    w.Write(' ');
                    w.Write(" (");
                    for (int i = 1; i < node.Params.Length; i++)
                        if (i > 1)
                            w.Write(", ");
                        WriteSqlQuery(w, node.Params[i]);

            case NodeType.OrderBy:
                OrderBy node = (OrderBy)expr;
                _orderByNode = node;

                Filter filter = (node.Source as Filter);
                if (filter == null)
                    throw new Exception("Expected source of OrderBy node to be Filter.");

                WriteSqlQuery(w, filter);

                w.Write("\nORDER BY ");
                for (int i = 0; i < node.OrderByItems.Count; i++)
                    OrderByItem item = node.OrderByItems[i];

                    FieldMap field = item.FieldInfo;
                    if (field == null)
                        throw new Exception("Field info does not exists for OrderByItem '" + item.Item + "'.");

                    string alias = (item.Join == null) ? filter.Alias : item.Join.Alias;

                    if (i > 0)
                        w.Write(", ");
                    WriteSqlColumn(w, alias, field.Field);
                    w.Write((item.Ascending) ? " ASC" : " DESC");

            case NodeType.Empty:

                throw new NotSupportedException("Expression type '" + expr.GetType() + "' is not currently supported.");
예제 #5
 public OrderByJoin(RelationMap relationMap)
     this.RelationMap = relationMap;