//Load settings from the registry and aply them to main window, //such as last position, dimensions and font family & size private void LoadLastPos() { int top; int left; int height; int width; int.TryParse(settings.GetSetting(WND_TOP), out top); int.TryParse(settings.GetSetting(WND_LEFT), out left); int.TryParse(settings.GetSetting(WND_WIDTH), out width); int.TryParse(settings.GetSetting(WND_HEIGHT), out height); if (top > 0) { Top = top; } if (left > 0) { Left = left; } if (height >= MinimumSize.Height) { Height = height; } if (width >= MinimumSize.Width) { Width = width; } //load font 'serialized' string and convert it into a Font object, via the FontConverter class string fontStr; fontStr = settings.GetSetting(WND_FONT); if (fontStr != "") { FontConverter fontCon = new FontConverter(); try{ Font fontObj = (Font)fontCon.ConvertFromString(fontStr); textBoxGreek.Font = fontObj; textBoxLatin.Font = fontObj; }catch (Exception) { } } }