public RegistryLink(RegistryEvent e) { _item = e.Item; if (_item is T r) { Item = r; } }
public bool CreateRegistryEvent(RegistryEventCreate model) { var entity = new RegistryEvent() { UserProfileId = (int)_thisUserProfileId, RegistryEventTitle = model.RegistryEventTitle, RegistryEventDescription = model.RegistryEventDescription, EventLocation = model.EventLocation, EventDate = model.EventDate }; using (var ctx = new ApplicationDbContext()) { ctx.RegistryEvents.Add(entity); return(ctx.SaveChanges() == 1); } }
void manager_UnhandledEvent(object sender, ManagerEvent e) { log.Debug("New unhandled event received: " + e.GetType().Name); LineControl lc = null; //StateServer switch (e.GetType().Name) { case "AGIExecEvent": AGIExecEvent agievent = e as AGIExecEvent; break; case "AlarmClearEvent": AlarmClearEvent alarmclear = e as AlarmClearEvent; break; case "AlarmEvent": AlarmEvent alarmevent = e as AlarmEvent; break; case "AsyncAGIEvent": AsyncAGIEvent asyncagievent = e as AsyncAGIEvent; break; case "BridgeEvent": BridgeEvent bridgeevent = e as BridgeEvent; break; case "CdrEvent": CdrEvent cdrevent = e as CdrEvent; break; case "ChannelReloadEvent": ChannelReloadEvent channelreload = e as ChannelReloadEvent; break; case "ChannelUpdateEvent": ChannelUpdateEvent channelupdate = e as ChannelUpdateEvent; break; case "ConnectEvent": ConnectEvent connectevent = e as ConnectEvent; break; case "ConnectionStateEvent": ConnectionStateEvent connectionstate = e as ConnectionStateEvent; break; case "DBGetResponseEvent": DBGetResponseEvent dbget = e as DBGetResponseEvent; log.Debug("DBGet response: " + dbget.ToString()); switch (dbget.Family) { case "DND": ss.SetLineControl(setLineControlDND(dbget.Key, true)); break; case "CF": ss.SetLineControl(setLineControlForward(dbget.Key, dbget.Val)); break; } break; case "DialEvent": DialEvent dial = e as DialEvent; log.Debug("Dial event: " + dial.ToString()); break; case "DisconnectEvent": DisconnectEvent disconnect = e as DisconnectEvent; log.Debug("Disconnect event: " + disconnect.ToString()); break; case "DNDStateEvent": DNDStateEvent dndstate = e as DNDStateEvent; log.Debug("DND state event: " + dndstate.ToString()); break; case "ExtensionStatusEvent": ExtensionStatusEvent extensionstatus = e as ExtensionStatusEvent; log.Debug("Extension status event: " + extensionstatus.ToString() + ", status: " + extensionstatus.Status + ", hint: " + extensionstatus.Hint); ss.SetLineControl(getLineControlFromExtensionStatusEvent(extensionstatus)); break; case "FaxReceivedEvent": FaxReceivedEvent faxreceived = e as FaxReceivedEvent; break; case "HangupEvent": HangupEvent hangup = e as HangupEvent; log.Debug("Hangup event: " + hangup.ToString() + " callerid: " + hangup.CallerId + " calleridnum: " + hangup.CallerIdNum); //line control if (channels.Contains(hangup.Channel)) { lc = getLineControl((string)channels[hangup.Channel]); int hi = 0; LineControlConnection[] newLCC = null; if (lc.lineControlConnection.Length > 1) { newLCC = new LineControlConnection[lc.lineControlConnection.Length - 1]; foreach (LineControlConnection hlcc in lc.lineControlConnection) { if (hlcc.callid != hangup.Channel) { newLCC[hi] = hlcc; hi++; } } } lc.lineControlConnection = newLCC; ss.SetLineControl(lc); channels.Remove(hangup.Channel); } //missed calls callToFind = hangup.UniqueId.Substring(0, 6) + "," + hangup.UniqueId.Substring(6); Call mCall = missedCalls.Find(FindCall); if (mCall != null) { log.Debug("Missed call finded for callid: " + hangup.UniqueId); AddCallLogs(mCall.callee, mCall); if (missedCalls.Remove(mCall)) { log.Debug("Call " + mCall.callId + " successfully removed from missedcall cache"); } else { log.Debug("Call " + mCall.callId + " cannot be removed from missedcall cache"); } } break; case "HoldedCallEvent": HoldedCallEvent holdedcall = e as HoldedCallEvent; break; case "HoldEvent": HoldEvent holdevent = e as HoldEvent; break; case "JabberEvent": JabberEvent jabberevent = e as JabberEvent; break; case "JitterBufStatsEvent": JitterBufStatsEvent jitter = e as JitterBufStatsEvent; break; case "JoinEvent": JoinEvent join = e as JoinEvent; break; case "LeaveEvent": LeaveEvent leave = e as LeaveEvent; break; case "LinkEvent": LinkEvent link = e as LinkEvent; log.Debug("Link event: " + link.ToString()); lc = getLineControl(link.CallerId1); if (lc != null) { foreach (LineControlConnection linklcc in lc.lineControlConnection) { if (linklcc.callid == link.Channel1) { = link.CallerId2; ss.SetLineControl(lc); break; } } } lc = getLineControl(link.CallerId2); if (lc != null) { foreach (LineControlConnection linklcc in lc.lineControlConnection) { if (linklcc.callid == link.Channel2) { = link.CallerId1; ss.SetLineControl(lc); break; } } } break; case "LogChannelEvent": LogChannelEvent logchannel = e as LogChannelEvent; break; case "ManagerEvent": ManagerEvent managerevent = e; break; case "MeetmeEndEvent": MeetmeEndEvent meetmeend = e as MeetmeEndEvent; break; case "MeetmeJoinEvent": MeetmeJoinEvent meetmejoin = e as MeetmeJoinEvent; break; case "MeetmeLeaveEvent": MeetmeLeaveEvent meetmeleave = e as MeetmeLeaveEvent; break; case "MeetmeMuteEvent": MeetmeMuteEvent meetmemute = e as MeetmeMuteEvent; break; case "MeetmeStopTalkingEvent": MeetmeStopTalkingEvent meetmestoptalking = e as MeetmeStopTalkingEvent; break; case "MeetmeTalkingEvent": MeetmeTalkingEvent meetmetalking = e as MeetmeTalkingEvent; break; case "MeetmeTalkRequestEvent": MeetmeTalkRequestEvent meetmetalkrequest = e as MeetmeTalkRequestEvent; break; case "MessageWaitingEvent": MessageWaitingEvent messagewaiting = e as MessageWaitingEvent; log.Debug("Message waiting event: " + messagewaiting.ToString()); lc = getLineControl(messagewaiting.Mailbox.Substring(0, messagewaiting.Mailbox.IndexOf("@"))); if (lc != null) { if (messagewaiting.Waiting > 0) { lc.mwiOn = true; } else { lc.mwiOn = false; } ss.SetLineControl(lc); } break; case "MobileStatusEvent": MobileStatusEvent mobilestatus = e as MobileStatusEvent; break; case "ModuleLoadReportEvent": ModuleLoadReportEvent moduleload = e as ModuleLoadReportEvent; break; case "MonitorStartEvent": MonitorStartEvent monitorstart = e as MonitorStartEvent; break; case "MonitorStopEvent": MonitorStopEvent monitorstop = e as MonitorStopEvent; break; case "NewAccountCodeEvent": NewAccountCodeEvent newaccountcode = e as NewAccountCodeEvent; break; case "NewCallerIdEvent": NewCallerIdEvent newcallerid = e as NewCallerIdEvent; log.Debug("New caller id envent: " + newcallerid.ToString()); break; case "NewChannelEvent": NewChannelEvent newchannel = e as NewChannelEvent; log.Debug("New Channel event: " + newchannel.ToString()); CommandAction ca = new CommandAction("core show channel " + newchannel.Channel); CommandResponse cr = (CommandResponse)manager.SendAction(ca, 10000); log.Debug("Channel info: " + cr.ToString()); string dn = newchannel.CallerIdNum; log.Debug("Retreive call information..."); bool callerIdUnknown = true; if (newchannel.CallerIdNum != "<unknown>") { callerIdUnknown = false; } else { foreach (string s in cr.Result) { if (s.Contains("Caller ID:")) { dn = s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf(" ")); break; } } } Call newOutboundCall = getOutboundCallFromChannelInfo(cr.Result, callerIdUnknown); if (newOutboundCall != null) { Call missedCall = newOutboundCall; AddCallLogs(dn, newOutboundCall); dnToFind = newOutboundCall.callee; if (linecontrols.Find(FindLineControl) != null) { log.Debug("This call will be put in missedcall cache: " + missedCall.callId); missedCall.type = CallType.missed; missedCalls.Add(missedCall); } } break; case "NewExtenEvent": NewExtenEvent newexten = e as NewExtenEvent; log.Debug("New exten event: " + newexten.ToString()); string channel = ""; char[] splitter = { '/' }; string[] splitchannel = newexten.Channel.Split(splitter); splitter[0] = '-'; splitchannel = splitchannel[1].Split(splitter); channel = splitchannel[0]; //DND? if (newexten.Extension == Properties.Settings.Default.FeatureCodeDNDToggle && newexten.Application == "Playback") { switch (newexten.AppData) { case "do-not-disturb&activated": log.Debug("Successfully activate dnd for channel: " + channel); ss.SetLineControl(setLineControlDND(channel, true)); break; case "do-not-disturb&de-activated": log.Debug("Successfully deactivate dnd for channel: " + channel); ss.SetLineControl(setLineControlDND(channel, false)); break; } } //Forward all? else if (newexten.Extension.Contains(Properties.Settings.Default.FeatureCodeCallForwardAllActivate) && newexten.Application == "Playback" && newexten.AppData == "call-fwd-unconditional&for&extension") { string forward = newexten.Extension.Substring(Properties.Settings.Default.FeatureCodeCallForwardAllActivate.Length); log.Debug("Call forward all from channel: " + channel + " to " + forward); ss.SetLineControl(setLineControlForward(channel, forward)); } // UnForwardAll else if (newexten.Extension == Properties.Settings.Default.FeatureCodeCallForwardAllDeactivate && newexten.Application == "Playback" && newexten.AppData == "call-fwd-unconditional&de-activated") { log.Debug("Call unforward all from channel: " + channel); ss.SetLineControl(setLineControlForward(channel, "")); } break; case "NewStateEvent": NewStateEvent newstate = e as NewStateEvent; log.Debug("New State event: " + newstate.ToString()); LineControl newstateLc = getLineControl(newstate.CallerId); LineControlConnection[] newStateLccs = null; int i = 0; if (newstateLc.lineControlConnection != null) { bool isContained = false; foreach (LineControlConnection elcc in newstateLc.lineControlConnection) { if (elcc.callid == newstate.Channel) { isContained = true; newStateLccs = newstateLc.lineControlConnection; break; } i++; } if (!isContained) { i = 0; newStateLccs = new LineControlConnection[newstateLc.lineControlConnection.Length + 1]; foreach (LineControlConnection newstateLcc in newstateLc.lineControlConnection) { newStateLccs[i] = newstateLcc; i++; } } } else { newStateLccs = new LineControlConnection[1]; newStateLccs[0] = new LineControlConnection(); } try { switch (newstate.State) { case "Up": //received call? callToFind = newstate.UniqueId; Call rCall = missedCalls.Find(FindCall); if (rCall != null) { log.Debug("Missed call finded: " + callToFind + ", this call will be received"); rCall.type = CallType.received; AddCallLogs(rCall.callee, rCall); missedCalls.Remove(rCall); } if (newStateLccs != null) { if (!channels.Contains(newstate.Channel)) { channels.Add(newstate.Channel, newstate.CallerId); } newStateLccs[i].callid = newstate.Channel; newStateLccs[i].remoteState = Wybecom.TalkPortal.CTI.Proxy.ConnectionState.established; newStateLccs[i].state = Wybecom.TalkPortal.CTI.Proxy.ConnectionState.established; newStateLccs[i].terminalState = TerminalState.talking; } break; case "Ringing": if (newStateLccs != null) { if (!channels.Contains(newstate.Channel)) { channels.Add(newstate.Channel, newstate.CallerId); } newStateLccs[i].callid = newstate.Channel; newStateLccs[i].remoteState = Wybecom.TalkPortal.CTI.Proxy.ConnectionState.established; newStateLccs[i].state = Wybecom.TalkPortal.CTI.Proxy.ConnectionState.alerting; newStateLccs[i].terminalState = TerminalState.ringing; } break; case "Ring": if (newStateLccs != null) { if (!channels.Contains(newstate.Channel)) { channels.Add(newstate.Channel, newstate.CallerId); } newStateLccs[i].callid = newstate.Channel; newStateLccs[i].remoteState = Wybecom.TalkPortal.CTI.Proxy.ConnectionState.alerting; newStateLccs[i].state = Wybecom.TalkPortal.CTI.Proxy.ConnectionState.dialing; newStateLccs[i].terminalState = TerminalState.inuse; } break; } } catch (Exception stateException) { log.Debug("NewState exception: " + stateException.Message); } if (newstateLc != null) { newstateLc.lineControlConnection = newStateLccs; ss.SetLineControl(newstateLc); } break; case "OriginateResponseEvent": OriginateResponseEvent originateresponse = e as OriginateResponseEvent; break; case "ParkedCallEvent": ParkedCallEvent parkedcall = e as ParkedCallEvent; break; case "ParkedCallGiveUpEvent": ParkedCallGiveUpEvent parkedcallgiveup = e as ParkedCallGiveUpEvent; break; case "ParkedCallsCompleteEvent": ParkedCallsCompleteEvent parkedcallscomplete = e as ParkedCallsCompleteEvent; break; case "ParkedCallTimeOutEvent": ParkedCallTimeOutEvent parkedcalltimeout = e as ParkedCallTimeOutEvent; break; case "PeerEntryEvent": log.Debug("SipAction: one peer entry event received, " + e.ToString()); PeerEntryEvent peerentry = e as PeerEntryEvent; peers.Add(peerentry); ss.SetLineControl(getLineControlFromPeerEntry(peerentry)); break; case "PeerlistCompleteEvent": log.Debug("SipAction: peer list completed " + e.ToString()); PeerlistCompleteEvent peerlistcomplete = e as PeerlistCompleteEvent; acs.setPeers(peers); break; case "PeerStatusEvent": PeerStatusEvent peerstatus = e as PeerStatusEvent; log.Debug("Peer status: " + peerstatus.ToString()); break; case "PRIEvent": PRIEvent pri = e as PRIEvent; break; case "RegistryEvent": RegistryEvent registry = e as RegistryEvent; break; case "ReloadEvent": ReloadEvent reload = e as ReloadEvent; break; case "RenameEvent": RenameEvent rename = e as RenameEvent; break; case "ResponseEvent": ResponseEvent response = e as ResponseEvent; break; case "RTCPReceivedEvent": RTCPReceivedEvent rtcpreceived = e as RTCPReceivedEvent; break; case "RTCPSentEvent": RTCPSentEvent rtcpsent = e as RTCPSentEvent; break; case "RTPReceiverStatEvent": RTPReceiverStatEvent rtpreceiver = e as RTPReceiverStatEvent; break; case "RTPSenderStatEvent": RTPSenderStatEvent rtpsender = e as RTPSenderStatEvent; break; case "ShowDialPlanCompleteEvent": ShowDialPlanCompleteEvent showdialplan = e as ShowDialPlanCompleteEvent; break; case "ShutdownEvent": ShutdownEvent shutdown = e as ShutdownEvent; break; case "StatusCompleteEvent": StatusCompleteEvent statuscomplete = e as StatusCompleteEvent; break; case "StatusEvent": StatusEvent status = e as StatusEvent; break; case "TransferEvent": TransferEvent transfer = e as TransferEvent; break; case "UnholdEvent": UnholdEvent unhold = e as UnholdEvent; break; case "UnknownEvent": UnknownEvent unknown = e as UnknownEvent; break; case "UnlinkEvent": UnlinkEvent unlink = e as UnlinkEvent; log.Debug("Unlink event : " + unlink.ToString()); LineControlConnection[] lccs = null; i = 0; lc = getLineControl(unlink.CallerId1); if (lc != null) { if (lc.lineControlConnection.Length > 1) { lccs = new LineControlConnection[lc.lineControlConnection.Length - 1]; foreach (LineControlConnection linklcc in lc.lineControlConnection) { if (linklcc.callid != unlink.Channel1) { lccs[i] = linklcc; i++; break; } } } else { lc.lineControlConnection = null; } ss.SetLineControl(lc); } i = 0; lc = getLineControl(unlink.CallerId2); if (lc != null) { if (lc.lineControlConnection.Length > 1) { lccs = new LineControlConnection[lc.lineControlConnection.Length - 1]; foreach (LineControlConnection linklcc in lc.lineControlConnection) { if (linklcc.callid != unlink.Channel2) { lccs[i] = linklcc; i++; break; } } } else { lc.lineControlConnection = null; } ss.SetLineControl(lc); } break; case "UnparkedCallEvent": UnparkedCallEvent unparked = e as UnparkedCallEvent; break; case "UserEvent": UserEvent user = e as UserEvent; break; case "VarSetEvent": VarSetEvent varset = e as VarSetEvent; break; case "ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent": ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent zapshowchannelscomplete = e as ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent; break; case "ZapShowChannelsEvent": ZapShowChannelsEvent zapshowchannels = e as ZapShowChannelsEvent; break; } //ACDConnector switch (e.GetType().Name) { case "AgentCallbackLoginEvent": AgentCallbackLoginEvent agentcallbacklogin = e as AgentCallbackLoginEvent; break; case "AgentCallbackLogoffEvent": AgentCallbackLogoffEvent agentcallbacklogoff = e as AgentCallbackLogoffEvent; break; case "AgentCalledEvent": AgentCalledEvent agentcalled = e as AgentCalledEvent; break; case "AgentCompleteEvent": AgentCompleteEvent agentcomplete = e as AgentCompleteEvent; break; case "AgentConnectEvent": AgentConnectEvent agentconnect = e as AgentConnectEvent; break; case "AgentDumpEvent": AgentDumpEvent agentdump = e as AgentDumpEvent; break; case "AgentLoginEvent": AgentLoginEvent agentlogin = e as AgentLoginEvent; break; case "AgentLogoffEvent": AgentLogoffEvent agentlogoff = e as AgentLogoffEvent; break; case "AgentsCompleteEvent": AgentsCompleteEvent agentscomplete = e as AgentsCompleteEvent; break; case "AgentsEvent": AgentsEvent agentevent = e as AgentsEvent; break; case "QueueCallerAbandonEvent": QueueCallerAbandonEvent queuecallerabandon = e as QueueCallerAbandonEvent; break; case "QueueEntryEvent": QueueEntryEvent queueentry = e as QueueEntryEvent; break; case "QueueEvent": QueueEvent queue = e as QueueEvent; break; case "QueueMemberEvent": QueueMemberEvent queuemember = e as QueueMemberEvent; break; case "QueueMemberPausedEvent": QueueMemberPausedEvent queuememberpaused = e as QueueMemberPausedEvent; break; case "QueueMemberPenaltyEvent": QueueMemberPenaltyEvent queuememberpenalty = e as QueueMemberPenaltyEvent; break; case "QueueMemberRemovedEvent": QueueMemberRemovedEvent queuememberremoved = e as QueueMemberRemovedEvent; break; case "QueueMemberStatusEvent": QueueMemberStatusEvent queuememberstatus = e as QueueMemberStatusEvent; break; case "QueueParamsEvent": QueueParamsEvent queueparams = e as QueueParamsEvent; break; case "QueueStatusCompleteEvent": QueueStatusCompleteEvent queuestatuscomplete = e as QueueStatusCompleteEvent; break; } }
public async Task <ActionResult <bool> > Checkout(string customerId, [FromBody] RegistrationViewModel input) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } CustomerBasket basket; try { basket = await _repository.GetBasketAsync(customerId); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { return(NotFound()); } var items = basket.Items.Select(i => new CheckoutEventItem(i.Id, i.ProductId, i.ProductName, i.UnitPrice, i.Quantity)).ToList(); var checkoutEvent = new CheckoutEvent (customerId, input.Name, input.Email, input.Phone , input.Address, input.AdditionalAddress, input.District , input.City, input.State, input.ZipCode , Guid.NewGuid() , items); //Once we complete it, it sends an integration event to API Ordering //to convert the basket to order and continue with the order //creation process await _bus.Publish(checkoutEvent); _logger.LogInformation(eventId: EventId_Checkout, message: "Check out event has been dispatched: {CheckoutEvent}", args: checkoutEvent); var registryEvent = new RegistryEvent (customerId, input.Name, input.Email, input.Phone , input.Address, input.AdditionalAddress, input.District , input.City, input.State, input.ZipCode); await _bus.Publish(registryEvent); _logger.LogInformation(eventId: EventId_Registry, message: "Registry event has been dispatched: {RegistryEvent}", args: registryEvent); try { await _repository.DeleteBasketAsync(customerId); await this._connection .InvokeAsync("UpdateUserBasketCount", $"{customerId}", 0); return(Accepted(true)); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, e.Message); throw; } }
static void RegistryUtility(ConcurrentQueue <RegistryEvent> regQueue, RegistryEvent reg) { regQueue.Enqueue(reg); }
static int Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "SysManager"; //using (var sw = new StreamWriter(@"E:\EventLogInCS\PropertyInfo.txt")) //{ // sw.Write(FillPropertyInfo(new NetworkEvent())); //} //Environment.Exit(0); GetRuleConfig(); ProcessEvent proEvent = new ProcessEvent(); RegistryEvent regEvent = new RegistryEvent(); NetworkEvent netEvent = new NetworkEvent(); FileEvent fileEvent = new FileEvent(); Console.WriteLine("Please Choose One Operation To Manage Your System:"); int opi; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("For Process Enter 1"); Console.WriteLine("For Reistry Enter 2"); Console.WriteLine("For Network Enter 3"); Console.WriteLine("For File Enter 4"); Console.Write("Enter Your Choice:"); var op = Console.ReadLine(); if (int.TryParse(op, out opi)) { if (opi < 5 && opi > 0) { gec.Operation = opi; PipLineManager.operation = opi; break; } } Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>> Please Enter A Right One! <<<<<<<<<<<"); } Console.Clear(); Thread th = new Thread(FireForm); th.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); th.Start(); var pipe = PipLineManager.FileAccessCount; var processUseNetWork = PipLineManager.ProcessUseNetwork; var processDic = PipLineManager.ProcessDictionary; var NetUsage = PipLineManager.NetworkUsage; var netu = PipLineManager.netU; var regDic = PipLineManager.RegistryUsage; var fileEvents = PipLineManager.FileEvents; uint pid = 0; Action saveLogAction = null; saveLogAction = async() => { var conqueEvents = gec.ConqueEvent; if (conqueEvents.Count > 0) { string da; while (conqueEvents.TryDequeue(out da)) { var desxml = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(da); #region Process if (opi == 1) { int procid = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("ProcessID") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("ProcessID")) : -1; proEvent.ProcessId = procid; int pprocid; if (int.TryParse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute(ProcessEventProperty.ParentProcessID), out pprocid)) { var imagename = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("ImageName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("ImageName") : ""; proEvent.ProcessImage = imagename; await Task.Run(() => { GetProcessInfo(proEvent, proEvent.ProcessId, pprocid, EventName.Process, imagename, proEvent.ProcessId.ToString()); }); } else { await Task.Run(() => { GetProcessInfo(proEvent, procid, null, EventName.Process, null); }); } proEvent.ThreadId = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("TID") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("TID")) : -1; proEvent.StartAddress = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("StartAddress") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("StartAddress") : ""; proEvent.Win32StartAddress = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("Win32StartAddress") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("Win32StartAddress") : ""; proEvent.CycleTime = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("CycleTime") ? long.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("CycleTime")) : -1; proEvent.FormattedMessage = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("FormattedMessage") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("FormattedMessage") : ""; proEvent.CreateTime = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("CreateTime") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("CreateTime") : ""; proEvent.TaskName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("TaskName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("TaskName") : ""; proEvent.SessionId = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("SessionId") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("SessionId")) : -1; proEvent.ProviderName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("ProviderName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("ProviderName") : ""; proEvent.EventName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("EventName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("EventName") : ""; if (proEvent.EventName == "ProcessStop/Stop") { proEvent.ExitTime = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("Time") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("Time") : ""; proEvent.ExitCode = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("ExitCode") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("ExitCode")) : -1; //string mgs; //processDic.TryRemove(proEvent.ProcessName, out mgs); } else { processDic.AddOrUpdate(proEvent.ProcessName ?? "--", proEvent.ProcessHistory, (key, value) => proEvent.ProcessHistory); } } #endregion #region Registry else if (opi == 2) { regEvent.ProcessId = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("PID") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("PID")) : -1; await Task.Run(() => { GetProcessInfo(regEvent, regEvent.ProcessId, null, EventName.Registry, null); }); regEvent.BaseName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("BaseName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("BaseName") : ""; regEvent.BaseObject = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("BaseObject") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("BaseObject") : ""; regEvent.CapturedData = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("CapturedData") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("CapturedData") : ""; regEvent.CapturedDataSize = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("CapturedDataSize") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("CapturedDataSize")) : -1; regEvent.DataSize = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("DataSize") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("DataSize")) : -1; regEvent.EventName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("EventName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("EventName") : ""; regEvent.ProviderName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("ProviderName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("ProviderName") : ""; regEvent.Disposition = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("Disposition") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("Disposition")) : -1; regEvent.KeyName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("KeyName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("KeyName") : ""; regEvent.KeyObject = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("KeyObject") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("KeyObject") : ""; regEvent.PreviousData = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("PreviousData") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("PreviousData") : ""; regEvent.PreviousDataCapturedSize = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("PreviousDataCapturedSize") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("PreviousDataCapturedSize")) : -1; regEvent.PreviousDataSize = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("PreviousDataSize") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("PreviousDataSize")) : -1; regEvent.PreviousDataType = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("PreviousDataType") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("PreviousDataType")) : -1; regEvent.RelativeName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("RelativeName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("RelativeName") : ""; regEvent.ThreadId = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("TID") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("TID")) : -1; regEvent.Type = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("Type") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("Type")) : -1; regEvent.ValueName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("ValueName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("ValueName") : ""; //sw.WriteLine(regEvent.ProviderName + regEvent.EventName + regEvent.ProcessHistory); RegistryUtility(regDic, regEvent); } #endregion #region Network else if (opi == 3) { netEvent.ProcessId = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("PID") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("PID")) : -1; netEvent.ProcessId = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("PIDD") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("PIDD")) : -1; await Task.Run(() => { GetProcessInfo(netEvent, netEvent.ProcessId, null, EventName.Network); }); netEvent.ProviderName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("ProviderName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("ProviderName") : ""; netEvent.EventName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("EventName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("EventName") : ""; netEvent.DestinationAddress = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("daddr") ? Utility.LongToIpAddress(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("daddr")) : "-1"; netEvent.SourceAddress = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("saddr") ? Utility.LongToIpAddress(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("saddr")) : "-1"; netEvent.Dport = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("dport") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("dpoort")) : -1; netEvent.Sport = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("sport") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("sport")) : -1; netEvent.ConnId = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("connid") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("connid")) : -1; netEvent.SeqNum = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("seqnum") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("seqnum")) : -1; netEvent.ThreadId = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("TID") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("TID")) : -1; netEvent.Size = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("size") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("size")) : 0; //Task.Run(() => { NetworkUtility(netu, netEvent, processUseNetWork, netEvent.ProcessHistoryD, netEvent.SourceAddress, netEvent.DestinationAddress); }); NetUsage.Enqueue(netEvent); } #endregion #region File else { fileEvent.ProcessId = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("PID") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("PID")) : -1; await Task.Run(() => { GetProcessInfo(fileEvent, fileEvent.ProcessId, null, EventName.File); }); fileEvent.ThreadId = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("TID") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("TID")) : -1; fileEvent.FileName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("FileName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("FileName") : ""; fileEvent.FilePath = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("FilePath") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("FilePath") : ""; fileEvent.ProviderName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("ProviderName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("ProviderName") : ""; fileEvent.EventName = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("EventName") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("EventName") : ""; fileEvent.Irp = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("Irp") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("Irp") : ""; fileEvent.FileObject = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("FileObject") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("FileObject") : ""; //fileEvent.IssuingThreadId = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("IssuingThreadId") // ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("IssuingThreadId")) // : -1; //fileEvent.CreateOptions = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("CreateOptions") // ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("CreateOptions")) // : -1; //fileEvent.CreateAttributes = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("CreateAttributes") // ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("CreateAttributes")) // : -1; fileEvent.ShareAccess = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("ShareAccess") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("ShareAccess") : ""; fileEvent.FileKey = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("FileKey") ? desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("FileKey") : ""; //long iit = Convert.ToInt64(fileEvent.FileKey, 16)*-1; // var filena = Utility.GetFileNameFromHandle(new IntPtr(Convert.ToInt64(fileEvent.FileKey, 16))); fileEvent.IOSize = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("IOSize") ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("IOSize")) : -1; //fileEvent.IOFlags = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("IOFlags") // ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("IOFlags")) // : -1; //fileEvent.ExtraFlags = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("ExtraFlags") // ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("ExtraFlags")) // : -1; //fileEvent.ByteOffset = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("ByteOffset") // ? long.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("ByteOffset")) // : -1; //fileEvent.ExtraInformation = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("ExtraInformation") // ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("ExtraInformation")) // : -1; //fileEvent.Status = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("Status") // ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("Status")) // : -1; //fileEvent.InfoClass = desxml.DocumentElement.HasAttribute("InfoClass") // ? int.Parse(desxml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("InfoClass")) // : -1; Task.Run(() => { FileUtility(fileEvents, pipe, fileEvent); }); } #endregion } } try { Thread.Sleep(500); Parallel.Invoke(saveLogAction); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(500); saveLogAction.Invoke(); } }; Task t = new Task(() => { gec.FetchEvents(); }); t.Start(); saveLogAction.Invoke(); Console.Read(); return(0); }
public PostReg(RegistryEvent e) : base(e) { }
public PreReg(RegistryEvent e) : base(e) { }
static void ProcessImport(Int64 resource, Dictionary <String, Object> connectorConf, Dictionary <String, String> mapping) { TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Starting import thread..."); try { if (connectorConf == null) { throw new Exception("connectorConf is null"); } if (mapping == null) { throw new Exception("mapping is null"); } String id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); JsonGeneric records = new JsonGeneric(); records.function = "ProcessImport"; records.fields = new String[] { "resource", "uri", "importid", "registryid", "dataname", "datavalue", "datatype" }; String uri = plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri.ToLower(); String lastRegistryId = ""; RegistryEvent reg = new RegistryEvent(delegate(String importId, String registryId, String dataName, String dataValue, String dataType) { String[] { resource.ToString(), uri, importId, registryId, dataName, dataValue, dataType }); //Contabiliza a quantidade de registros para separar em vários arquivos if ( >= 2000) { //Após 2000 registros monitora a troca de registryId para salvar o arquivo //Evitando que o mesmo registryId tenha dados em arquivos diferentes //Isso evita problemas no servidor if (lastRegistryId != registryId) { try { SaveToSend(records, importId);; } catch { } } } lastRegistryId = registryId; }); LogEvent log = new LogEvent(delegate(PluginBase sender, PluginLogType type, string text) { TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + sender.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} " + type + ", " + text); }); LogEvent2 log2 = new LogEvent2(delegate(PluginBase sender, PluginLogType type, Int64 entityId, Int64 identityId, String text, String additionalData) { logProxy.AddLog("Proxy", resource.ToString(), sender.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri, (UserLogLevel)((Int32)type), entityId, identityId, text, additionalData); }); plugin.Registry += reg; plugin.Log += log; plugin.Log2 += log2; plugin.ProcessImport(id, connectorConf, mapping); plugin.Registry -= reg; plugin.Log -= log; plugin.Log2 -= log2; reg = null; log = null; uri = null; //Salva os registros remanescentes if ( > 0) { SaveToSend(records, id); } //Salva os logs para envio logProxy.SaveToSend(resource.ToString() + "log"); } finally { TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Finishing import thread"); } }