public ActorConfigurationBuilder Register <T>(Func <IWorkContext, ActorKey, IActorManager, T> createImplementation) where T : IActor { Verify.IsNotNull(nameof(createImplementation), createImplementation); Registration.Add(new ActorTypeRegistration(typeof(T), (c, x, m) => createImplementation(c, x, m))); return(this); }
public ActorConfigurationBuilder Register <T>(Func <IWorkContext, T> createImplementation) where T : IActor { createImplementation.Verify(nameof(createImplementation)).IsNotNull(); Registration.Add(new ActorTypeRegistration(typeof(T), x => createImplementation(x))); return(this); }
public ActionResult RegistrationView(Users user) { if (Registration.Add(user)) { ViewBag.Success = "Пользователь успешно зарегестрирован!"; return(View("../Admin/UsersProfile", user)); } else { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Такой пользователь уже существует!"; } return(View()); }
public async void ConfirmButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CodeEntry.Text != Storage.ConfirmCode) { await DisplayAlert("Ошибка", "Неверный код!\nПопробуйте ещё раз", "OK"); } else { activityIndicator.Start(); string res = "", res1 = ""; if (Storage.IsEntering) { Storage.User = Storage.temporaryData; Storage.IsEntering = false; App.Current.Properties.Clear(); App.Current.Properties.Add("user", Storage.User.Id); App.LogIn(true); await Navigation.PushAsync(new MainPage()); return; } else { res = await Task.Run(() => Registration.Add(Storage.temporaryData)); res1 = await Task.Run(() => BloodData.Push(Storage.temporaryData.Id, Storage.temporaryData.BloodGroup, Storage.temporaryData.RFactor)); } activityIndicator.Stop(); if (res == "OK" && res1 == "OK") { await Navigation.PopToRootAsync(); } else if (res == "OK") { await DisplayAlert("Предупреждение", "Возможно данные крови не были добавлены", "OK"); await Navigation.PopToRootAsync(); } else { await DisplayAlert("Ошибка", "Некорректные данные или проблемы с интернетом", "OK"); } } }
private KeyTypeInfo(System.Type Type, KeyTypeInfo <Key> Base, KeyTypeInfo <Key> Root, int TraitDepth) { this.Type = Type; this.Base = Base; if (Root == null) { } this.Root = (KeyTypeInfo <Key>) this; this.TraitDepth = TraitDepth; if (this.Root == this) { this.AssignableTo = new HashSet <KeyTypeInfo <Key> >(); } else { this.AssignableTo = new HashSet <KeyTypeInfo <Key> >(this.Base.AssignableTo); } this.AssignableTo.Add((KeyTypeInfo <Key>) this); Registration <Key> .Add((KeyTypeInfo <Key>) this); }
public IActionResult Create(RegistrationViewModel rv) { TempData["ReturnUrl"] = null; var username = rv.CustUserName; bool exists = CustomerManager.checkCustomerExist(username); if (exists == true) { _reg.Add(rv); _reg.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.message = "Customer " + rv.CustUserName + " Has Been Saved Successfully!"; //return View("Login"); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Login))); } else { ViewBag.message = "User name already exists!Please try again."; return(View("Create")); } }
public static void InteractionWithUser() { string login, pass, filename, s, notebooktext = " "; Registration listofusers = new Registration(); foreach (var user in (new RegisterUsers()).ExistedUsers) { listofusers.Add(user); } Authorization auth = new Authorization(listofusers); while (true) { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 120)); Console.WriteLine("\nLog in or Registration:" + "\n\nPress '1' if you are already registered" + "\nPress '2' if you want to register" + "\nPrint 'data' and press Enter to get the list of existing users\n"); s = Console.ReadLine(); switch (s) { case "1": EnterLoginInfo(out login, out pass); if (auth.ValidateAuthorization(login, pass, out DateTime date)) { Console.WriteLine("\nYour authorization is successful !!!"); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your today's notes to your 'Electronic Notebook' row by row (Press 'quit' when you finish your writting)\n"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nThe current date is {0}", date); notebooktext += "\nThe current date is " + date; while (true) { notebooktext += "\n" + Console.ReadLine(); if (notebooktext.Contains("quit")) { filename = login + " " + pass + ".txt"; File.AppendAllText(Directory + filename, notebooktext.Substring(0, notebooktext.Length - 5)); break; } } } else { Console.WriteLine("\nYour authorization isn't successful !!! Please try to Log in again or create a new account."); } break; case "2": EnterLoginInfo(out login, out pass); listofusers.Add(new Users(login, pass)); filename = login + " " + pass + ".txt"; File.CreateText(Directory + filename); break; case "data": Console.WriteLine("\n\nList of Users:"); foreach (Users user in listofusers) { Console.WriteLine("Login: "******" Password: "******"\n"); break; case " ": break; } } Console.ReadKey(); }