private void GenerateWallsFromInnerBounds(List <RegionConnections> possibleConnections) { List <Direction> directions = new List <Direction>() { Direction.NORTH, Direction.EAST, Direction.SOUTH, Direction.WEST }; BoundsInt outerBounds = new BoundsInt(innerBounds.min, innerBounds.size); walls = new List <Wall>(); for (int i = 0; i < directions.Count; i++) { Direction wallDir = directions[i]; RegionConnections conns = possibleConnections.Find(x => x.direction == wallDir); List <BoundsInt> newPossibleConnections = new List <BoundsInt>(); for (int j = 0; conns != null && j < conns.boundsList.Count; j++) { BoundsInt newConnection = new BoundsInt(conns.boundsList[j].position + Vector3Int.RoundToInt(, conns.boundsList[j].size); newPossibleConnections.Add(newConnection); } BoundsInt wallBounds; switch (wallDir) { case Direction.NORTH: wallBounds = new BoundsInt(innerBounds.x, innerBounds.yMax, 0, innerBounds.size.x, Wall.thicknessNorth, 1); outerBounds.yMax += Wall.thicknessNorth; break; case Direction.EAST: wallBounds = new BoundsInt(innerBounds.xMax, innerBounds.y, 0, Wall.thicknessEast, innerBounds.size.y, 1); outerBounds.xMax += Wall.thicknessWest; break; case Direction.SOUTH: wallBounds = new BoundsInt(innerBounds.x, innerBounds.y - Wall.thicknessSouth, 0, innerBounds.size.x, Wall.thicknessSouth, 1); outerBounds.yMin -= Wall.thicknessSouth; break; case Direction.WEST: wallBounds = new BoundsInt(innerBounds.x - Wall.thicknessWest, innerBounds.y, 0, Wall.thicknessWest, innerBounds.size.y, 1); outerBounds.xMin -= Wall.thicknessWest; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown wall direction! '" + wallDir.ToString() + "'"); } Wall newWall = new Wall(wallDir, wallBounds, newPossibleConnections); walls.Add(newWall); } this.outerBounds = outerBounds; }
protected virtual void Convert() { //if (regionFurnitures == null) regionFurnitures = new List <RegionFurnitures>(); for (int i = 0; i < furnitureParent.transform.childCount; i++) { GameObject obj = furnitureParent.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject; if (obj.transform.childCount > 0) { RegionFurnitures rf = new RegionFurnitures(; for (int j = 0; j < obj.transform.childCount; j++) { Transform trans = obj.transform.GetChild(j).transform; rf.AddPosition(trans.localPosition, trans.rotation, trans.localScale); } regionFurnitures.Add(rf); } } //if (regionConnections == null) regionConnections = new List <RegionConnections>(); for (int i = 0; i < connectionParent.transform.childCount; i++) { GameObject obj = connectionParent.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject; Component[] cmps = obj.GetComponents(typeof(BoxCollider2D)); //Debug.Log(cmps.Length + " colliders found for " +; if (cmps.Length > 0) { RegionConnections con = new RegionConnections(; for (int j = 0; j < cmps.Length; j++) { Bounds bounds = ((BoxCollider2D)cmps[j]).bounds; bounds.min -= pos; bounds.max -= pos; con.AddConnection(bounds); } regionConnections.Add(con); } } }
protected virtual void OnDrawGizmos() { if (drawGizmos) { Gizmos.color = Color.white; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(pos, size + * 2.1f); Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(pos + Vector3.forward, size - * 0.1f); if (regionFurnitures != null) { Gizmos.color =; for (int i = 0; i < regionFurnitures.Count; i++) { RegionFurnitures rf = regionFurnitures[i]; for (int j = 0; j < rf.spawnTransforms.Count; j++) { // Convert to world coords Gizmos.DrawCube(rf.spawnTransforms[j].position + pos, * 0.25f); } } } if (regionConnections != null) { Gizmos.color = Color.magenta; for (int i = 0; i < regionConnections.Count; i++) { RegionConnections rc = regionConnections[i]; for (int j = 0; j < rc.boundsList.Count; j++) { // Are world coords already Gizmos.DrawCube(rc.boundsList[j].center + pos, rc.boundsList[j].size - * 0.25f); } } } } }
private BoundsInt GetRandomConnection(VariantRegion varRegion, Direction dir) { RegionConnections conns = varRegion.connections.Find(x => x.direction == dir); return(GetRandomConnection(conns.boundsList)); }
private Region CreateRegionAtRandomConnection(Wall w, bool createCorridor, PremadeRegion regionLayout = null) { CustomRegion customRegion; List <VariantRegion> possibleRegionLayouts; List <BoundsInt> possibleConnections = new List <BoundsInt>(w.possibleConnections); if (regionLayout == null) { if (createCorridor) { customRegion = corridorLayouts; } else { customRegion = roomLayouts; } //Debug.Log("Create Region At Random Connection - " + "useSeperateVerticalRegions: " + customRegion.useSeperateVerticalRegions + " | Wall is Vertical: " + w.isVertical); if (customRegion.useSeperateVerticalRegions && !w.isVertical) { possibleRegionLayouts = customRegion.verticalRegionVariations; } else { possibleRegionLayouts = customRegion.regionVariations; } } else { //Debug.Log("Creating a premade region."); customRegion = new CustomRegion(); VariantRegion vr; if (regionLayout.GetType() == typeof(VariantRegion)) { vr = (VariantRegion)regionLayout; } else { vr = new VariantRegion(regionLayout); } possibleRegionLayouts = new List <VariantRegion>() { vr }; customRegion.regionVariations = possibleRegionLayouts; customRegion.type = regionLayout.type; } while (possibleConnections.Count > 0) { // Get and remove a connection from the list BoundsInt con = possibleConnections[Random.Range(0, possibleConnections.Count)]; possibleConnections.Remove(con); List <VariantRegion> regionLayouts = new List <VariantRegion>(possibleRegionLayouts); while (regionLayouts.Count > 0) { // Get and remove a layout from the list to avoid duplicate checking VariantRegion layout = regionLayouts[Random.Range(0, regionLayouts.Count)]; regionLayouts.Remove(layout); // Test layout connections against possbile connections RegionConnections vrcs = layout.connections.Find(x => x.direction == Region.GetOppositeDirection(w.dir)); if (vrcs == null) { continue; } List <BoundsInt> variantConnections = new List <BoundsInt>(vrcs.boundsList); while (variantConnections.Count > 0) { // Get and remove a connection from the list BoundsInt varcon = variantConnections[Random.Range(0, variantConnections.Count)]; variantConnections.Remove(varcon); Vector3Int alignmentOffset = AlignConnections(con, varcon, w.dir); Vector3Int size = new Vector3Int(layout.innerRegionWidth, layout.innerRegionLength, 1); Vector3Int position = Vector3Int.RoundToInt(alignmentOffset - new Vector3(size.x / 2f, size.y / 2f)); testBounds = Region.GetOuterBounds(position, size); bool isOverlapping = false; for (int i = 0; i < regions.Count; i++) { if (Region.BoundsOverlap(regions[i].outerBounds, testBounds, 1)) { isOverlapping = true; break; } } // Place region if (!isOverlapping) { Region newRegion = new Region(layout, position); if (newRegion.type == RegionType.None) { newRegion.type = customRegion.type; } if (newRegion.floorTiles == null) { newRegion.floorTiles = customRegion.tilesets[Random.Range(0, customRegion.tilesets.Count)]; } return(newRegion); } } } } // No new Region could be created return(null); }