private void button_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBoxSeialNumber.Text.Equals("") || !RegExValidator.Is12Digit(textBoxSeialNumber.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid value for serial number..!!"); return; } Boolean found = false; listBoxDisplay.Items.Clear(); if (bikeList.Count > 0) { foreach (Bike bike in bikeList) { if (bike.SerialNumber.Equals(long.Parse(textBoxSearchBike.Text))) { listBoxDisplay.Items.Add(bike); found = true; MessageBox.Show("Bike found, Details"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("\n" + "The list is empty"); } if (!found) { MessageBox.Show("No Search Results..!!"); } }
public void Has_default_negated_message() { var validator = new RegExValidator<Person>("^[A-Z][a-z]{1,4}$"); var message = validator.DefaultNegatedErrorMessage; Console.WriteLine(message); Assert.That(message, Is.Not.Null & Is.Not.Empty); }
public void Has_default_negated_message() { var validator = new RegExValidator <Person>("^[A-Z][a-z]{1,4}$"); var message = validator.DefaultNegatedErrorMessage; Console.WriteLine(message); Assert.That(message, Is.Not.Null & Is.Not.Empty); }
public void Validate_SuccessfullyIdentifiesNameThatMatchesRegex() { var validator = new RegExValidator(new RegExConfig() { Name = "badFormat", Pattern = "^((?!\\d)\\w+)$" }); var result = validator.Validate("Blank1"); Assert.True(result.IsValid); Assert.True(result.Errors.Count == 0); }
public void Validate_SuccessfullyIdentifiesNameThatDoesntMatchRegex() { var validator = new RegExValidator(new RegExConfig() { Name = "badFormat", Pattern = "^((?!\\d)\\w+)$" }); var result = validator.Validate("Blank;"); Assert.False(result.IsValid); Assert.True(result.Errors.Count == 1); Assert.Equal(ValidationErrorType.Regex, result.Errors.FirstOrDefault()?.ErrorType); Assert.Equal("badFormat", result.Errors.FirstOrDefault()?.ValidatorName); }
public static bool ValidateUser(PortalUserContract user, out string msg) { try { if (user == null) { msg = "User object is null or empty"; return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.UserName) || user.UserName.Length < 8) { msg = "User name is null or empty / less than 8 character length"; return(false); } if (!RegExValidator.IsEmailValid(user.Email)) { msg = "Invalid email address"; return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.FirstName)) { msg = "Invalid first name"; return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.LastName)) { msg = "Invalid last name"; return(false); } msg = ""; return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = ex.Message; return(false); } }
private void button_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int gearNumber; long serialNumber; double price, warrenty, speed, gheight, sheight, bweight; string make, input, msg = ""; EnumSuspension suspensionType; EnumColor color; bool correct = false; Bike mountainBike = null; Bike roadBike = null; if (bikeType.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("\t Please Select Bike type \n"); return; } input = textBoxSeialNumber.Text; correct = RegExValidator.Is12Digit(input) && RegExValidator.IsEmpty(input); if (!correct) { MessageBox.Show("\t Serial Number must 12 digit \n"); return; } serialNumber = long.Parse(input); correct = false; input = textBoxMake.Text; correct = RegExValidator.IsAlphabetLetter(input) && RegExValidator.IsEmpty(input); if (!correct) { MessageBox.Show("\t Must be in LETTER(S) and NOT EMPTY \n"); return; } make = input; correct = false; input = textBoxSpeed.Text; correct = RegExValidator.IsDigit(input) && RegExValidator.IsEmpty(input); if (!correct) { MessageBox.Show("\t Speed must not be zero AND Must be degit \n"); return; } speed = Convert.ToDouble(input); Date made_date = new Date(); made_date.Day = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxDay.Text); made_date.Month = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxMonth.Text); made_date.Year = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxYear.Text); suspensionType = (EnumSuspension)positionsuspensioncombo; color = (EnumColor)positioncolorcombo; price = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxPrice.Text); warrenty = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxWarrenty.Text); if (bikeType.SelectedIndex == 1) { correct = false; input = textBoxSeatHeight.Text; correct = RegExValidator.IsDigit(input) && RegExValidator.IsEmpty(input); if (!correct) { MessageBox.Show("\t Seat height must not be empty AND Must be degit \n"); return; } sheight = Convert.ToDouble(input); bweight = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxWeight.Text); roadBike = new RoadBike(serialNumber, make, speed, color, made_date, warrenty, price, sheight, bweight); bikeList.Add(roadBike); msg = "Bike successfully added as a road bike "; } else { gheight = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxGroundHeight.Text); gearNumber = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxGears.Text); mountainBike = new MountainBike(serialNumber, make, speed, color, made_date, warrenty, price, gheight, suspensionType, gearNumber); bikeList.Add(mountainBike); msg = "Bike successfully added as a mountain bike "; } msg += "with bikelist"; MessageBox.Show(msg); }
public void Should_be_valid_when_input_matches_pattern() { var validator = new RegExValidator<Person>("^[A-Z][a-z]{1,4}$"); Assert.That(validator.Validate(null, "Hello"), Is.True); }
public void Should_be_invalid_when_input_does_not_match_pattern() { var validator = new RegExValidator<Person>("^[A-Z][a-z]{1,4}$"); Assert.That(validator.Validate(null, "world"), Is.False); }
public void Should_be_invalid_when_input_does_not_match_pattern() { var validator = new RegExValidator <Person>("^[A-Z][a-z]{1,4}$"); Assert.That(validator.Validate(null, "world"), Is.False); }
public void Should_be_valid_when_input_matches_pattern() { var validator = new RegExValidator <Person>("^[A-Z][a-z]{1,4}$"); Assert.That(validator.Validate(null, "Hello"), Is.True); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string input; long serNum = 0; string make = ""; double speed = 0, seatHeight = 0; bool correct = false; do { Console.Write("Please enter serial number: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (RegExValidator.Is12Digit(input) && RegExValidator.IsEmpty(input)) { correct = true; } if (!correct) { Console.WriteLine("\t...The input must not be empty and must be 12 digit. Please try again...\n"); } } while (!correct); serNum = long.Parse(input); correct = false; do { Console.Write(" Please enter the make: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); correct = RegExValidator.IsAlphabetLetter(input); if (!correct) { Console.WriteLine("\t...Not valid.. the input must be alphabets only. Try again.\n"); } } while (!correct); make = input; correct = false; do { Console.Write("Please enter top speed: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); correct = RegExValidator.IsDigit(input); if (!correct) { Console.WriteLine("\t...Not valid.. the input must be digit only...\n"); } } while (!correct); speed = Convert.ToDouble(input); correct = false; do { Console.Write("Please enter seat height(in inches): "); input = Console.ReadLine(); correct = RegExValidator.IsDigit(input); if (!correct) { Console.WriteLine("\t...Not valid. The input must be digits only...\n"); } } while (!correct); seatHeight = Convert.ToInt32(input); Roadbike rBike = new Roadbike(serNum, make, speed, EnumColor.Black, new MyBikesStore.Date(1, 1, 1), seatHeight); Console.WriteLine("\n\n The Mountain Bike is:\n\t" + rBike); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void Button_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { long serialNumber; double warrenty, speed, gheight, sheight, bweight; string make, input, msg = ""; EnumSuspension suspensionType; EnumColor color; bool correct = false; Bike mountainBike = null; Bike roadBike = null; //Bike bike; if (bikeType.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("\t...BAD INPUT..No bike type selected\n"); return; } input = textBoxSeialNumber.Text; correct = RegExValidator.Is12Digit(input) && RegExValidator.IsEmpty(input); if (!correct) { MessageBox.Show("\t...BAD INPUT..Serial cant be empty and should be of 12 digits\n"); return; } serialNumber = long.Parse(input); correct = false; input = textBoxMake.Text; correct = RegExValidator.IsAlphabetLetter(input) && RegExValidator.IsEmpty(input); if (!correct) { MessageBox.Show("\t...BAD INPUT..Make cannot be empty and should contain\n"); return; } make = input; correct = false; input = textBoxSpeed.Text; correct = RegExValidator.IsDigit(input) && RegExValidator.IsEmpty(input); if (!correct) { MessageBox.Show("\t...BAD INPUT..Speed cannot be empty and should contain only digits\n"); return; } speed = Convert.ToDouble(input); Date made_date = new Date(); made_date.Day = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxDay.Text); made_date.Month = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxMonth.Text); made_date.Year = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxYear.Text); suspensionType = (EnumSuspension)positionsuspensioncombo; color = (EnumColor)positioncolorcombo; warrenty = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxWarrenty.Text); if (bikeType.SelectedIndex == 1) { correct = false; input = textBoxSeatHeight.Text; correct = RegExValidator.IsDigit(input) && RegExValidator.IsEmpty(input); if (!correct) { MessageBox.Show("\t...BAD INPUT..Seat height cannot be empty and should contain only digits\n"); return; } sheight = Convert.ToDouble(input); bweight = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxWeight.Text); roadBike = new RoadBike(serialNumber, make, speed, color, made_date, warrenty, sheight, bweight); bikeList.Add(roadBike); msg = "Bike successfully added as a road bike "; } else { gheight = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxGroundHeight.Text); mountainBike = new MountainBike(serialNumber, make, speed, color, made_date, warrenty, gheight, suspensionType); bikeList.Add(mountainBike); msg = "Bike successfully added as a mountain bike "; } msg += "with bikelist"; MessageBox.Show(msg); }
public bool Validate() { IDictionary <string, ModelPropertyConfiguration> modelPropConfig = ControlLibraryConfig.ControlConfigReader.GetModelConfigurationSettings(TypeName, this.ConfigKey); if (modelPropConfig != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ModelPropertyConfiguration> keyValue in modelPropConfig) { this.PropertyName = keyValue.Key; if (keyValue.Value.IsComplexType) { if (keyValue.Value.IsEnumerable) { IEnumerable enumerable = GetNestedPropertyValue(, keyValue.Key) as IEnumerable; if (enumerable != null) { IEnumerator enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator(); int currentIndex = 0; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { if (enumerator.Current != null) { this.PropertyName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_", keyValue.Key, currentIndex); ObjectValidator validator = new ObjectValidator(enumerator.Current, this, ConfigKey); if (false == validator.Validate()) { this.ErrorList.AddRange(validator.ErrorList); } } currentIndex++; } } } else { object data = GetNestedPropertyValue(, keyValue.Key); if (null != data) { ObjectValidator validator = new ObjectValidator(data, this, ConfigKey); if (false == validator.Validate()) { this.ErrorList.AddRange(validator.ErrorList); } } } } else { //PropertyInfo info = this.GetType().GetProperty(keyValue.Key); object value = GetNestedPropertyValue(, keyValue.Key); IModelPropertyConfiguration imodel = modelPropConfig[keyValue.Key]; if (imodel != null && imodel.PropertyConfiguration != null && imodel.PropertyConfiguration.Validators != null && imodel.PropertyConfiguration.Validators.Count > 0) { foreach (IValidator item in imodel.PropertyConfiguration.Validators) { if (item.Type == ValidatorsType.Custom) { CustomValidator validation = item as CustomValidator; CustomValidationExpressionConfiguration expressionConfig = ControlLibraryConfig.ControlConfigReader.GetCustomValidationExpressionConfiguration(validation.ValidationType.ToString()); string _exression = string.Empty; if (expressionConfig != null) { _exression = expressionConfig.Expression; } if (item.Validate(value, _exression) == false) { if (ErrorList == null) { ErrorList = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); } ErrorList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(this.GetCurrentPropertyName(), item.Message)); } } else if (item.Type == ValidatorsType.RegExp) { RegExValidator validation = item as RegExValidator; string _exression = validation.RegExpression; if (item.Validate(value, _exression) == false) { if (ErrorList == null) { ErrorList = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); } ErrorList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(this.GetCurrentPropertyName(), item.Message)); } } else if (item.Type == ValidatorsType.Required) { bool mandatory = true; if (imodel.PropertyConfiguration.SiteConfig != null && imodel.PropertyConfiguration.SiteConfig.Count > 0) { bool?configVlaueVisible = this.GetSiteConfigValue(imodel.PropertyConfiguration.SiteConfig, SiteConfigType.Visible); if (configVlaueVisible.HasValue && configVlaueVisible == false) { mandatory = false; } if (mandatory) { bool?configVlaueMandatory = this.GetSiteConfigValue(imodel.PropertyConfiguration.SiteConfig, SiteConfigType.Mandatory); if (configVlaueMandatory.HasValue && configVlaueMandatory == false) { mandatory = false; } } } if (mandatory) { if (item.Validate(value, string.Empty) == false) { if (ErrorList == null) { ErrorList = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); } ErrorList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(this.GetCurrentPropertyName(), item.Message)); } } } else { if (item.Validate(value, string.Empty) == false) { if (ErrorList == null) { ErrorList = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); } ErrorList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(this.GetCurrentPropertyName(), item.Message)); } } } } } } } return(this.ErrorList == null ? true : this.ErrorList.Count == 0); }