public void Setup() { var ctorArgTypes = new[] { typeof(IFoo) }; var type = typeof(Foo); var constructor = _ctorInfo = type.GetConstructor(ctorArgTypes); if (constructor == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to get the ctor."); } //IL_0000: ldarg.0 // this //IL_0001: ldfld class Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks.CtorInvokeBenchmarks/IFoo Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks.CtorInvokeBenchmarks::_foo //IL_0006: newobj instance void Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks.CtorInvokeBenchmarks/Foo::.ctor(class Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks.CtorInvokeBenchmarks/IFoo) //IL_000b: pop //IL_000c: ret // generate a dynamic method // // ldarg.0 // obj0 // newobj instance void [Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks]Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks.CtorInvokeBenchmarks / Foo::.ctor(class [Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks] Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks.CtorInvokeBenchmarks/IFoo) // ret var meth = new DynamicMethod(string.Empty, typeof(IFoo), ctorArgTypes, type.Module, true); var gen = meth.GetILGenerator(); gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); gen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, constructor); gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); _dynamicMethod = (Func <IFoo, IFoo>)meth.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <IFoo, IFoo>)); // generate a compiled expression // // ldarg.0 // content // newobj instance void [Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks]Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks.CtorInvokeBenchmarks / Foo::.ctor(class [Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks] Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks.CtorInvokeBenchmarks/IFoo) // ret var exprArg = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IFoo), "content"); var exprNew = Expression.New(constructor, exprArg); var expr = Expression.Lambda <Func <IFoo, IFoo> >(exprNew, exprArg); _expressionMethod = expr.Compile(); // create a dynamic assembly // dump to disk so we can review IL code with eg DotPeek var assemblyName = new AssemblyName("Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks.IL"); var assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(assemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save); var module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule(assemblyName.Name, assemblyName.Name + ".dll"); var typeBuilder = module.DefineType("CtorInvoke", TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Abstract); var expressionMethodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("ExpressionCtor", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, // CompileToMethod requires a static method typeof(IFoo), ctorArgTypes); expr.CompileToMethod(expressionMethodBuilder); var dynamicMethodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("DynamicCtor", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, typeof(IFoo), ctorArgTypes); gen = dynamicMethodBuilder.GetILGenerator(); gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); gen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, constructor); gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); meth.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <IFoo, IFoo>)); var btype = typeBuilder.CreateType(); // need to build before saving assembly.Save("Umbraco.Tests.Benchmarks.IL.dll"); // at that point, // _dynamicMethod is 2x slower than direct ctor // _expressionMethod is 6x slower than direct ctor // which is weird as inspecting the assembly IL shows that they are generated // exactly the same, and yet it is confirmed eg by // // not sure why exactly // see // see // // note that all the benchmark methods have the very same IL code so it's // really the 'callvirt ...' that ends up doing different things // // more readings: // // // // that last one points to // // which reads ... "Expression.Compile creates a DynamicMethod and associates it with an anonymous assembly // to run it in a sandboxed environment. This makes it safe for a dynamic method to be emitted and executed // by partially trusted code but adds some run-time overhead." // and, turning things into a delegate (below) removes that overhead... // turning it into a delegate seems cool, _expressionMethod2 is ~ _dynamicMethod _expressionMethod2 = (Func <IFoo, IFoo>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <IFoo, IFoo>), btype.GetMethod("ExpressionCtor")); // nope, this won't work, throws an ArgumentException because 'MethodInfo must be a MethodInfo object' // and here it's of type System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod+RTDynamicMethod - whereas the btype one is ok // so, the dynamic assembly step is required // //_expressionMethod3 = (Func<IFoo, IFoo>) Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof (Func<IFoo, IFoo>), _expressionMethod.Method); // but, our utilities know how to do it! _expressionMethod3 = ReflectionUtilities.CompileToDelegate(expr); _expressionMethod4 = ReflectionUtilities.GetCtor <Foo, IFoo>(); // however, unfortunately, the generated "compiled to delegate" code cannot access private stuff :( _emittedCtor = ReflectionUtilities.EmitConstructor <Func <IFoo, Foo> >(); }