예제 #1
        public SpaceEngineersCore()
            var    contentPath  = ToolboxUpdater.GetApplicationContentPath();
            string userDataPath = SpaceEngineersConsts.BaseLocalPath.DataPath;

            MyFileSystem.Init(contentPath, userDataPath);

            MyLog.Default        = MySandboxGame.Log;
            MySandboxGame.Config = new MyConfig("SpaceEngineers.cfg"); // TODO: Is specific to SE, not configurable to ME.



            VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.Initialize(new MyNullRender());
            // We create a whole instance of MySandboxGame!
            // If this is causing an exception, then there is a missing dependency.
            MySandboxGame gameTemp = new MySandboxGame(new string[] { "-skipintro" });

            // creating MySandboxGame will reset the CurrentUICulture, so I have to reapply it.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfoByIetfLanguageTag(GlobalSettings.Default.LanguageCode);
            MyStorageBase.UseStorageCache = false;

            #region MySession creation

            // Replace the private constructor on MySession, so we can create it without getting involed with Havok and other depdancies.
            var keenStart = typeof(Sandbox.Game.World.MySession).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof(MySyncLayer), typeof(bool) }, null);
            var ourStart  = typeof(SEToolbox.Interop.MySession).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof(MySyncLayer), typeof(bool) }, null);
            ReflectionUtil.ReplaceMethod(ourStart, keenStart);

            // Create an empty instance of MySession for use by low level code.
            Sandbox.Game.World.MySession mySession = ReflectionUtil.ConstructPrivateClass <Sandbox.Game.World.MySession>(new Type[0], new object[0]);
            ReflectionUtil.ConstructField(mySession, "m_sessionComponents"); // Required as the above code doesn't populate it during ctor of MySession.
            mySession.Settings = new MyObjectBuilder_SessionSettings {
                EnableVoxelDestruction = true

            VRage.MyVRage.Init(new ToolboxPlatform());

            // change for the Clone() method to use XML cloning instead of Protobuf because of issues with MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid.Clone()
            ReflectionUtil.SetFieldValue(typeof(VRage.ObjectBuilders.MyObjectBuilderSerializer), "ENABLE_PROTOBUFFERS_CLONING", false);

            // Assign the instance back to the static.
            Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Static = mySession;

            Sandbox.Game.GameSystems.MyHeightMapLoadingSystem.Static = new MyHeightMapLoadingSystem();


            _stockDefinitions = new SpaceEngineersResources();
            _manageDeleteVoxelList = new List <string>();
예제 #2
        // Reflection copy of MyTexts.AddLanguage
        private static void AddLanguage(MyLanguagesEnum id, string cultureName, string subcultureName = null, string displayName = null, float guiTextScale = 1f, bool isCommunityLocalized = true)
            // Create an empty instance of LanguageDescription.
            MyTexts.MyLanguageDescription languageDescription = ReflectionUtil.ConstructPrivateClass <MyTexts.MyLanguageDescription>(
                new Type[] { typeof(MyLanguagesEnum), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(float), typeof(bool) },
                new object[] { id, displayName, cultureName, subcultureName, guiTextScale, isCommunityLocalized });

            Dictionary <MyLanguagesEnum, MyTexts.MyLanguageDescription> m_languageIdToLanguage = typeof(MyTexts).GetStaticField <Dictionary <MyLanguagesEnum, MyTexts.MyLanguageDescription> >("m_languageIdToLanguage");
            Dictionary <string, MyLanguagesEnum> m_cultureToLanguageId = typeof(MyTexts).GetStaticField <Dictionary <string, MyLanguagesEnum> >("m_cultureToLanguageId");

            if (!m_languageIdToLanguage.ContainsKey(id))
                m_languageIdToLanguage.Add(id, languageDescription);
                m_cultureToLanguageId.Add(languageDescription.FullCultureName, id);
예제 #3
        public SpaceEngineersCore()
            var    contentPath  = ToolboxUpdater.GetApplicationContentPath();
            string userDataPath = SpaceEngineersConsts.BaseLocalPath.DataPath;

            MyFileSystem.ExePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(FastResourceLock)).Location);

            MyLog.Default = MySandboxGame.Log;
            _startup = new MyCommonProgramStartup(new string[] { });

            //var appDataPath = _startup.GetAppDataPath();
            //MyInitializer.InvokeBeforeRun(AppId, MyPerGameSettings.BasicGameInfo.ApplicationName + "SEToolbox", appDataPath);

            MyFileSystem.Init(contentPath, userDataPath);

            // This will start the Steam Service, and Steam will think SE is running.
            // TODO: we don't want to be doing this all the while SEToolbox is running,
            // perhaps a once off during load to fetch of mods then disconnect/Dispose.
            _steamService = new MySteamService(MySandboxGame.IsDedicated, AppId);
            MyServiceManager.Instance.AddService <IMyGameService>(_steamService);

            MyFileSystem.InitUserSpecific(SpaceEngineersWorkshop.MySteam.UserId.ToString()); // This sets the save file/path to load games from.

            MySandboxGame.Config = new MyConfig("SpaceEngineers.cfg"); // TODO: Is specific to SE, not configurable to ME.


            VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.Initialize(new MyNullRender());
            // We create a whole instance of MySandboxGame!
            // If this is causing an exception, then there is a missing dependency.
            MySandboxGame gameTemp = new MySandboxGame(new string[] { "-skipintro" });

            // creating MySandboxGame will reset the CurrentUICulture, so I have to reapply it.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfoByIetfLanguageTag(GlobalSettings.Default.LanguageCode);
            MyStorageBase.UseStorageCache = false;

            #region MySession creation

            // Replace the private constructor on MySession, so we can create it without getting involed with Havok and other depdancies.
            var keenStart = typeof(Sandbox.Game.World.MySession).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof(MySyncLayer), typeof(bool) }, null);
            var ourStart  = typeof(SEToolbox.Interop.MySession).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof(MySyncLayer), typeof(bool) }, null);
            ReflectionUtil.ReplaceMethod(ourStart, keenStart);

            // Create an empty instance of MySession for use by low level code.
            Sandbox.Game.World.MySession mySession = ReflectionUtil.ConstructPrivateClass <Sandbox.Game.World.MySession>(new Type[0], new object[0]);
            ReflectionUtil.ConstructField(mySession, "m_sessionComponents"); // Required as the above code doesn't populate it during ctor of MySession.
            mySession.Settings = new MyObjectBuilder_SessionSettings {
                EnableVoxelDestruction = true

            VRage.MyVRage.Init(new ToolboxPlatform());

            // change for the Clone() method to use XML cloning instead of Protobuf because of issues with MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid.Clone()
            ReflectionUtil.SetFieldValue(typeof(VRage.ObjectBuilders.MyObjectBuilderSerializer), "ENABLE_PROTOBUFFERS_CLONING", false);

            // Assign the instance back to the static.
            Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Static = mySession;

            Sandbox.Game.GameSystems.MyHeightMapLoadingSystem.Static = new MyHeightMapLoadingSystem();


            _stockDefinitions = new SpaceEngineersResources();
            _manageDeleteVoxelList = new List <string>();
예제 #4
        public bool LoadGame(string seBinPath, string userDataPath, string savePath)
            if (!Directory.Exists(seBinPath))

            if (!Directory.Exists(savePath))

            if (!savePath.StartsWith(userDataPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            string contentPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(seBinPath, @"..\Content"));

            MyFileSystem.Init(contentPath, userDataPath);

            MyLog.Default        = MySandboxGame.Log;
            MySandboxGame.Config = new MyConfig("SpaceEngineers.cfg"); // TODO: Is specific to SE, not configurable to ME.



            VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.Initialize(new MyNullRender());
            // We create a whole instance of MySandboxGame!
            // If this is causing an exception, then there is a missing dependency.
            MySandboxGame gameTemp = new MySandboxGame(null);

            #region Game Localization

            // creating MySandboxGame will reset the CurrentUICulture, so I have to reapply it.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfoByIetfLanguageTag(GlobalSettings.Default.LanguageCode);

            var culture          = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;
            var languageTag      = culture.IetfLanguageTag;
            var localizationPath = Path.Combine(contentPath, @"Data\Localization");
            var codes            = languageTag.Split(new char[] { '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var maincode         = codes.Length > 0 ? codes[0] : null;
            var subcode          = codes.Length > 1 ? codes[1] : null;
            MyTexts.LoadTexts(localizationPath, maincode, subcode);


            MyStorageBase.UseStorageCache = false;

            #region MySession creation

            // Replace the private constructor on MySession, so we can create it without getting involed with Havok and other depdancies.
            var keenStart = typeof(Sandbox.Game.World.MySession).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof(MySyncLayer), typeof(bool) }, null);
            var ourStart  = typeof(EconomyConfigurationEditor.Interop.MySession).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof(MySyncLayer), typeof(bool) }, null);
            ReflectionUtil.ReplaceMethod(ourStart, keenStart);

            // Create an empty instance of MySession for use by low level code.
            Sandbox.Game.World.MySession mySession = ReflectionUtil.ConstructPrivateClass <Sandbox.Game.World.MySession>(new Type[0], new object[0]);
            ReflectionUtil.ConstructField(mySession, "m_sessionComponents"); // Required as the above code doesn't populate it during ctor of MySession.
            mySession.Settings = new MyObjectBuilder_SessionSettings {
                EnableVoxelDestruction = true

            // Assign the instance back to the static.
            Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Static = mySession;

            Sandbox.Game.GameSystems.MyHeightMapLoadingSystem.Static = new MyHeightMapLoadingSystem();


            #region Load Sandbox

            var filename = Path.Combine(savePath, SpaceEngineersConsts.SandBoxCheckpointFilename);

            MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint checkpoint;
            string errorInformation;
            bool   compressedCheckpointFormat;
            bool   snapshot = false;
            bool   retVal   = SpaceEngineersApi.TryReadSpaceEngineersFile <MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint>(filename, out checkpoint, out compressedCheckpointFormat, out errorInformation, snapshot);

            if (!retVal)


            var MaterialIndex = new Dictionary <string, byte>();
