예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the logger:
            ILogger logger = new LoggerThatUsesConsoleWriteLine();

            // Define main configuration:
            string        csprojFilePath = @"..\..\..\InputProject\InputProject.csproj";
            string        outputPath     = @"C:\DotNetForHtml5\TestOuptut2";
            List <string> coreAssembliesForUseByXamlToCSharpConverter = new List <string>()
                //@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\References\CommonConfiguration\Neutral\Windows.winmd"
            List <string> coreAssembliesForUseByCSharpToExeOrDllCompiler = new List <string>()
            List <string> librariesFolders = new List <string>()
            using (var reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain = new ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler())

                //todo: call reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssembly to also load the assemblies that are referenced by the entry-point project

                // Start compilation:
            // Finish:
            logger.WriteMessage("-------- COMPILATION FINISHED: Press any key to close --------");
        internal static bool GenerateSgenCommandLineParameters(string intermediateOutputDirectory, string sourceAssembly, ILogger logger, bool isBridgeBasedVersion, out string sgenCommandLineParameters, out string sgenCommandLineParametersContinued, out bool sgenIsContinued)
            // Create or clear the obj/Debug/TempSGen folder
            string tempFolderForSerializationAssemblies = GetTempFolderForSerializationAssemblies(intermediateOutputDirectory);

            if (Directory.Exists(tempFolderForSerializationAssemblies))
                foreach (string filePath in Directory.GetFiles(tempFolderForSerializationAssemblies))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        logger.WriteError("Could not delete the following temporary file: " + filePath + "   - Please delete the file manually. If the error persists, please contact [email protected] - " + ex.Message);
                        sgenCommandLineParameters          = null;
                        sgenCommandLineParametersContinued = null;
                        sgenIsContinued = false;

            // Find all the types for which we need to create the serialization assemblies:

            string[] typesThatAreSerializable;

            // Create the "TypesResolver" on a separate AppDomain so that the types loaded for reflection can be unloaded when done.
            using (var reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain = new ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler())
                string assemblySimpleName = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssembly(sourceAssembly, loadReferencedAssembliesToo: false, isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: false, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: "");
                string commaSeparatedTypesThatAreSerializable = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.FindCommaSeparatedTypesThatAreSerializable(assemblySimpleName);
                typesThatAreSerializable = commaSeparatedTypesThatAreSerializable.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // Generate the command line call to the "sgen.exe" tool, that will generate the C# source code for the serialization assemblies:

            if (typesThatAreSerializable.Length > 0)
                StringBuilder commandLineBuilder          = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder commandLineBuilderContinued = new StringBuilder();

                string sourceAssemblyAbsolutePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), sourceAssembly);

                string shortPathName = ShortPathHelper.GetShortPathName(sourceAssemblyAbsolutePath); // Note: we call "ShortPathHelper.GetShortPathName" so that we don't need to surround the path with double quotes (which don't work with the MSBuild Exec tasc):


                commandLineBuilder.Append(" /keep"); // Note: "keep" will prevent sgen from deleting the ".cs" source file after generating the serialization assembly
                commandLineBuilderContinued.Append(" /keep");

                commandLineBuilder.Append(" /v"); // Note: "v" will display verbose output for debugging, and will list types from the target assembly that cannot be serialized with the XmlSerializer.
                commandLineBuilderContinued.Append(" /v");

                commandLineBuilder.Append(" /force"); // Note: "force" will force replace the generated assembly if it already exists.
                commandLineBuilderContinued.Append(" /force");

                int charactersCount = 0; // We count the characters because command lines are limited to 32,768 characters.
                sgenIsContinued = false;
                Dictionary <string, string> typesLocalNameToFullName = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (string serializableType in typesThatAreSerializable)
                    // Verify that there are no 2 classes with the same local name (SGEN.exe does not support processing two classes with the same local name, unless they have some XML attribute to specify the namespace, but the current version of the XmlSerializer does not support such XML namespace attributes:
                    string serializableTypeLocalName = (serializableType.Contains('.') ? serializableType.Substring(serializableType.LastIndexOf('.') + 1) : serializableType);
                    if (typesLocalNameToFullName.ContainsKey(serializableTypeLocalName))
                        throw new Exception(@"The following serializable classes have the same name: """ + serializableType + @""" and """ + typesLocalNameToFullName[serializableTypeLocalName] + @""". The current version of C#/XAML for HTML5 does not allow serializing two classes that have the same name. This is due to the fact that the XmlSerializer does not support namespaces at the moment. To work around this limitation, please rename one of the two classes, or remove its [Serializable] or [DataContract] attribute.");
                        typesLocalNameToFullName.Add(serializableTypeLocalName, serializableType);

                    // Build the command line parameter related to the list of types that are serializable:
                    string fragment = " /type:" + serializableType; // Note: the full type name (ie. namespace + name) is required.

                    if (!sgenIsContinued)                           // This is due to the fact that command lines are limited to 32,768 characters, so we split into two calls if necessary.

                    charactersCount += fragment.Length;
                    if (charactersCount > 32000)
                        sgenIsContinued = true;
                    if (charactersCount > 64000)
                        throw new Exception("The maximum length of the SGEN command line has been exceeded (64,000 characters). Please reduce the number of serializable types and try again.");

                string outParam = @" /out:" + ShortPathHelper.GetShortPathName(tempFolderForSerializationAssemblies); // Note: we call "ShortPathHelper.GetShortPathName" so that we don't need to surround the path with double quotes (which don't work with the MSBuild Exec tasc):

                sgenCommandLineParameters = commandLineBuilder.ToString();

                if (sgenIsContinued)
                    sgenCommandLineParametersContinued = commandLineBuilderContinued.ToString();
                    sgenCommandLineParametersContinued = string.Empty;

                // Fix the 8192 characters length limitation (for more information, read the comments in the method "Fix8192charactersIssue"):
                sgenCommandLineParameters          = Fix8192charactersIssue(sgenCommandLineParameters);
                sgenCommandLineParametersContinued = Fix8192charactersIssue(sgenCommandLineParametersContinued);
                sgenCommandLineParameters          = string.Empty;
                sgenCommandLineParametersContinued = string.Empty;
                sgenIsContinued = false;

            logger.WriteMessage("SGEN command line parameters: " + sgenCommandLineParameters, Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance.Low);
예제 #3
        public static bool Execute(bool isSecondPass, string flagsString, string referencePathsString, string sourceAssemblyForPass2, string nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode, bool isBridgeBasedVersion, bool isProcessingCSHTML5Itself, ILogger logger, string typeForwardingAssemblyPath)

            string passNumber    = (isSecondPass ? "2" : "1");
            string operationName = string.Format("C#/XAML for HTML5: BeforeXamlPreprocessor (pass {0})", passNumber);

                using (var executionTimeMeasuring = new ExecutionTimeMeasuring())
                    //------- DISPLAY THE PROGRESS -------
                    logger.WriteMessage(operationName + " started.");

                    // Note: we create a static instance of the "ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler" to avoid reloading the assemblies for each XAML file.
                    // We dispose the static instance in the "AfterXamlPreprocessor" task.

                    if (isSecondPass && string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceAssemblyForPass2))
                        throw new Exception(operationName + " failed because the SourceAssembly parameter was not specified during the second pass.");

                    // Create a new static instance of the "ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler":
                    ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler.Current = new ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler(typeForwardingAssemblyPath);
                    ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain = ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler.Current;

                    //todo: if we are compiling CSHTML5 itself (or CSHTML5.Stubs), we need to process the XAML files in CSHTML5,
                    // and for that we need to load the XAML types, so we need to load the previous version of CSHTML5 (from
                    // the NuGet package). Note: this is not supposed to lead to a circular reference because it is only used
                    // for the XamlPreprocessor to generate the .xaml.g.cs files from the .xaml files.
                    // To do so, we need to stop skipping the processing of the CSHTML5 and CSHTML5.Stubs assemblies (c.f.
                    // "Skip the assembly if it is not a user assembly" in "LoadAndProcessReferencedAssemblies").
                    // we load the source assembly early in case we are processing the CSHTML5.
                    if (isSecondPass && isProcessingCSHTML5Itself)
                        reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssembly(sourceAssemblyForPass2, loadReferencedAssembliesToo: true, isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: false, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode);
                    // work-around: reference path string is not correctly setted so we set it manually
                    string referencePathsString = OpenSilverHelper.ReferencePathsString(resolvedReferences);
                    // Retrieve paths of referenced .dlls and load them:
                    HashSet <string> referencePaths = (referencePathsString != null) ? new HashSet <string>(referencePathsString.Split(';')) : new HashSet <string>();

                    referencePaths.RemoveWhere(s => !s.ToLower().EndsWith(".dll") || s.Contains("DotNetBrowser") || s.ToLower().EndsWith(@"\bridge.dll"));

                    foreach (string referencedAssembly in AssembliesLoadHelper.EnsureCoreAssemblyIsFirstInList(referencePaths)) // Note: we ensure that the Core assembly is loaded first so that types such as "XmlnsDefinitionAttribute" are known when loading the other assemblies.
                        reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssembly(referencedAssembly, loadReferencedAssembliesToo: false, isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: false, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode);

                    // Load "mscorlib.dll" too (this is useful for resolving Mscorlib types in XAML, such as <system:String x:Key="TestString" xmlns:system="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib">Test</system:String>)
                    reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssemblyMscorlib(isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: false, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode);

                    // Load for reflection the source assembly itself and the referenced assemblies if second path:
                    if (isSecondPass && !isProcessingCSHTML5Itself)
                        reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssembly(sourceAssemblyForPass2, loadReferencedAssembliesToo: true, isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: false, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode);

                    bool isSuccess = true;

                    //------- DISPLAY THE PROGRESS -------
                    logger.WriteMessage(operationName + (isSuccess ? " completed in " + executionTimeMeasuring.StopAndGetTimeInSeconds() + " seconds." : " failed.") + "\". IsSecondPass: "******". Source assembly file: \"" + (sourceAssemblyForPass2 ?? "").ToString());

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler.Current != null)

                logger.WriteError(operationName + " failed: " + ex.ToString());
예제 #4
        static void IsReferenceAcceptable(string referenceName, string referenceHintPath, string allowedAssemblies, HashSet <string> flags, bool isBridgeBasedVersion, string nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode, string projectDir, string referencesPaths, string typeForwardingAssemblyPath, out ResultEnum result, out string minimumRequiredCompilerVersionFriendlyNameIfAny)
            minimumRequiredCompilerVersionFriendlyNameIfAny = null;

            // This method will verify that the referenced DLL is itself of type C#/XAML for HTML5, and that the minimum version number is OK.

            // Check if the reference is a file that belongs to "C#/XAML for HTML5":
            if (referenceName.ToLower().Contains(Constants.LOWERCASE_CORE_ASSEMBLY_NAME) ||
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceHintPath) && (Path.GetFileName(referenceHintPath)).ToLower().Contains(Constants.LOWERCASE_CORE_ASSEMBLY_NAME)))
                result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsOK;
            // In the Bridge version, we use the "AllowedAssemblies" below to allow the CSHTML5 assemblies.

            // Check if the reference is among the specially allowed ones:
            string[] allowedAssembliesArray = allowedAssemblies != null?allowedAssemblies.Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) : new string[]
            foreach (var allowedAssembly in allowedAssembliesArray)
                if (referenceName.ToLower() == allowedAssembly.ToLower())
                    result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsOK;

            // Otherwise, check if the reference was compiled with "C#/XAML for HTML5"
            // and if the user is running the Professional Edition
            // and if the version of the compiler is OK:
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceHintPath))
                // Perform reflection on a separate AppDomain so that the types loaded for reflection can be unloaded when done.
                using (var reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain = new ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler(typeForwardingAssemblyPath))
                    // In the Bridge.NET version, we use "Assembly.LoadFile" instead of "Assembly.LoadFrom", so we need to convert a Relative path into an Absolute path:
                    if (!Path.IsPathRooted(referenceHintPath))
                        referenceHintPath = Path.Combine(projectDir, referenceHintPath);

                    // Verify that the file was found:
                    if (!File.Exists(referenceHintPath))
                        throw new CompilationExceptionWithOptions("File not found: " + referenceHintPath)
                                  DisplayOnlyTheMessageInTheOutputNothingElse = true

                    // In the Bridge.NET version, we need to preload the CSHTML5 assemblies so that it can find types such as "XmlnsDefinitionAttribute" or "CompilerVersionNumberAttribute":
                    HashSet <string> referencesPathsHasSet = (referencesPaths != null) ? new HashSet <string>(referencesPaths.Split(';')) : new HashSet <string>();
                    referencesPathsHasSet.RemoveWhere(s => !s.ToLower().EndsWith(".dll") || s.Contains("DotNetBrowser") || s.ToLower().EndsWith(@"\bridge.dll"));
                    foreach (string referencedAssembly in AssembliesLoadHelper.EnsureCoreAssemblyIsFirstInList(referencesPathsHasSet)) // Note: we ensure that the Core assembly is loaded first so that types such as "XmlnsDefinitionAttribute" are known when loading the other assemblies.
                        reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssembly(referencedAssembly, loadReferencedAssembliesToo: false, isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: false, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode, skipReadingAttributesFromAssemblies: false);

                    string assemblySimpleName = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssembly(referenceHintPath, loadReferencedAssembliesToo: false, isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: false, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode, skipReadingAttributesFromAssemblies: false);

                    // Check if the reference was compiled with "C#/XAML for HTML5" by reading the "C#/XAML for HTML5" compiler version attributes:

                    string compilerVersionNumber       = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.GetCSharpXamlForHtml5CompilerVersionNumberOrNull(assemblySimpleName);
                    string compilerVersionFriendlyName = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.GetCSharpXamlForHtml5CompilerVersionFriendlyNameOrNull(assemblySimpleName);

                    // If at least one of those attributes exists, it means that the assembly was compiled with C#/XAML fot HTML5:
                    bool wasCompiledWithCSharpXamlForHtml5 = (compilerVersionNumber != null || compilerVersionFriendlyName != null);

                    if (wasCompiledWithCSharpXamlForHtml5)
                        // The reference is OK, it was compiled with "C#/XAML for HTML5".

                        // Now check if the "minimum compiler version" (if any) required by the DLL is compatible with the current version:

                        string minimumRequiredCompilerVersionNumberIfAny = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.GetCSharpXamlForHtml5MinimumRequiredCompilerVersionNumberOrNull(assemblySimpleName);
                        minimumRequiredCompilerVersionFriendlyNameIfAny = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.GetCSharpXamlForHtml5MinimumRequiredCompilerVersionFriendlyNameOrNull(assemblySimpleName);

                        if (minimumRequiredCompilerVersionNumberIfAny == null ||
                            compilerVersionNumber == null ||
                            (new Version(minimumRequiredCompilerVersionNumberIfAny) <= new Version(compilerVersionNumber)))
                            // The reference is OK, the version of the "C#/XAML for HTML5" compiler is compatible.

                            // Now check if the user is running the Professional Edition, which is required for referencing non-default DLLs:

                            if (ActivationHelpers.IsFeatureEnabled(Constants.ENTERPRISE_EDITION_FEATURE_ID, flags))
                                // It's OK to proceed, the Enterprise Edition is being used.

                                // Everything is OK:
                                result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsOK;
                            else if (ActivationHelpers.IsFeatureEnabled(Constants.SL_MIGRATION_EDITION_FEATURE_ID, flags))
                                // It's OK to proceed, the SL Migration Edition is being used.
                                //todo: once (if it happens) sl migration and enterprise editions will be different, add a test like for the professional edition.

                                // Everything is OK:
                                result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsOK;
                            else if (ActivationHelpers.IsFeatureEnabled(Constants.PROFESSIONAL_EDITION_FEATURE_ID, flags))
                                // It's OK to proceed, the Professional Edition is being used.
                                //todo: actually test what the references tries to use to make sure it limits to the professional edition

                                // Everything is OK:
                                result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsOK;
                                // Display the activation app and, if we are not in trial mode, stop the compilation and raise the compilation error:
                                result = ResultEnum.ReferenceRequiresToUpgradeToTheProEdition;
                            // Everything is OK:
                            result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsOK;
                            // A new version of the compiler is required:
                            result = ResultEnum.ReferenceRequiresNewerVersionOfTheCompiler;
                            if (minimumRequiredCompilerVersionFriendlyNameIfAny == null)
                                minimumRequiredCompilerVersionFriendlyNameIfAny = "Build " + minimumRequiredCompilerVersionNumberIfAny;
                        // Otherwise, fail:
                        result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsNotCompatible;
                // Otherwise, fail:
                result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsNotCompatible;
        public static bool Execute(string sourceAssembly, string outputRootPath, string outputResourcesPath, string assembliesToIgnore, string supportedExtensions, ILogger logger, bool isBridgeBasedVersion, string typeForwardingAssemblyPath, string nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode, string coreAssemblyFiles, out List <string> listOfCopiedResXFiles)
            string operationName = "C#/XAML for HTML5: ResourcesExtractorAndCopier";

                using (var executionTimeMeasuring = new ExecutionTimeMeasuring())
                    // Validate input strings:
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceAssembly))
                        throw new Exception(operationName + " failed because the source assembly argument is invalid.");

                    //------- DISPLAY THE PROGRESS -------
                    logger.WriteMessage(operationName + " started for assembly \"" + sourceAssembly + "\".");

                    // Determine the absolute output path:
                    string outputPathAbsolute = PathsHelper.GetOutputPathAbsolute(sourceAssembly, outputRootPath);

                    // Create a separate AppDomain so that the types loaded for reflection can be unloaded when done.
                    bool isSuccess = false;
                    using (var reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain = new ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler(typeForwardingAssemblyPath))
                        // Load for the core assemblies first:
                        string[] coreAssemblyFilesArray = coreAssemblyFiles.Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        foreach (string coreAssemblyFile in coreAssemblyFilesArray)
                            reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssembly(coreAssemblyFile, loadReferencedAssembliesToo: false, isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: true, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode, skipReadingAttributesFromAssemblies: true);

                        // Prepare some dictionaries:
                        string[] arrayWithSimpleNameOfAssembliesToIgnore = assembliesToIgnore != null?assembliesToIgnore.Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) : new string[]
                        HashSet <string> simpleNameOfAssembliesToIgnore = new HashSet <string>(arrayWithSimpleNameOfAssembliesToIgnore);
                        string[]         arrayOfSupportedExtensions     = supportedExtensions != null?supportedExtensions.ToLowerInvariant().Split(new char[]
                        }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) : new string[] { };
                        HashSet <string> supportedExtensionsLowercase = new HashSet <string>(arrayOfSupportedExtensions);

                        // Do the extraction and copy:
                        isSuccess = ExtractingAndCopyingResources.Start(
                            out listOfCopiedResXFiles);

                    //------- DISPLAY THE PROGRESS -------
                    logger.WriteMessage(operationName + (isSuccess ? " completed in " + executionTimeMeasuring.StopAndGetTimeInSeconds() + " seconds." : " failed."));

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.WriteError(operationName + " failed: " + ex.ToString());
                listOfCopiedResXFiles = null;