public static Assembly CompileCode(string code, string FileName, out CompilerResults result, string[] resourceFilePaths = null)
            Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider csProvider = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider();

            CompilerParameters options = new CompilerParameters();

            options.GenerateExecutable = false; // we want a Dll (or "Class Library" as its called in .Net)

            if (FileName != null)
                options.OutputAssembly = FileName;
                options.GenerateInMemory = true;

            // Add any references you want the users to be able to access, be warned that giving them access to some classes can allow
            // harmful code to be written and executed. I recommend that you write your own Class library that is the only reference it allows
            // thus they can only do the things you want them to.
            // (though things like "System.Xml.dll" can be useful, just need to provide a way users can read a file to pass in to it)
            // Just to avoid bloating this example to much, we will just add THIS program to its references, that way we don't need another
            // project to store the interfaces that both this class and the other uses. Just remember, this will expose ALL public classes to
            // the "script"

            //var assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
            //                .GetAssemblies()
            //                .Where(a => !a.IsDynamic)
            //                .Select(a => a.Location);


            ReferencedAssemblies.ForEach(x => options.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(x));

            if (resourceFilePaths != null)
                foreach (string filePath in resourceFilePaths)
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath))

            // Compile our code
            //CompilerResults result;
            result = csProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(options, code);

            if (result.Errors.HasErrors)
                // TODO: report back to the user that the script has errored

            if (result.Errors.HasWarnings)
                // TODO: tell the user about the warnings, might want to prompt them if they want to continue
                // running the "script"
