예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 尺寸标注双根直线元素间距 -详图线、模型线,要求:方向相同,起点共线方向与轴网方向垂直
        /// </summary>
        public static Dimension DimensionBetweenCurveElements(this Document doc, CurveElement curveElement01, CurveElement curveElement02)
            Dimension dimension = null;

            if (!(((curveElement01 is DetailLine) || (curveElement01 is ModelLine)) && ((curveElement02 is DetailLine) || (curveElement02 is ModelLine))))
            ReferenceArray referenceArray = new ReferenceArray();


            Curve curve01 = curveElement01.GeometryCurve;
            Curve curve02 = curveElement02.GeometryCurve;
            Line  line    = Line.CreateBound(curve01.GetEndPoint(1), curve02.GetEndPoint(1));

            // 【】移动标注线的位置
            //double distanceMove = 2000.0.MilliMeterToFeet();
            //distanceMove = distanceMove.MilliMeterToFeet();
            //line = line.CreateOffset(distanceMove, (curve01 as Line).Direction) as Line;

            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "轴网端头尺寸标注"))
                dimension = doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, line, referenceArray);
예제 #2
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            var uiapp = commandData.Application;
            var app   = uiapp.Application;
            var uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
            var doc   = uidoc.Document;

            var acview = uidoc.ActiveView;

            var pipe = uidoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, doc.GetSelectionFilter(m => m is Pipe))
                       .GetElement(doc) as Pipe;

            var location = pipe.Location as LocationCurve;

            var ref1 = location.Curve.GetEndPointReference(0);
            var ref2 = location.Curve.GetEndPointReference(1);

            var referencearray = new ReferenceArray();


            var line = pipe.LocationLine();

            doc.Invoke(m =>
                doc.Create.NewDimension(acview, line, referencearray);
            }, "dim");

예제 #3
        private Form CreateExtrusionForm(Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document massFamilyDocument)
            Form extrusionForm = null;

            // Create one profile
            ReferenceArray ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();

            XYZ        ptA        = new XYZ(10, 10, 0);
            XYZ        ptB        = new XYZ(90, 10, 0);
            ModelCurve modelcurve = MakeLine(massFamilyDocument, ptA, ptB);


            ptA        = new XYZ(90, 10, 0);
            ptB        = new XYZ(10, 90, 0);
            modelcurve = MakeLine(massFamilyDocument, ptA, ptB);

            ptA        = new XYZ(10, 90, 0);
            ptB        = new XYZ(10, 10, 0);
            modelcurve = MakeLine(massFamilyDocument, ptA, ptB);

            // The extrusion form direction
            XYZ direction = new XYZ(0, 0, 50);

            extrusionForm = massFamilyDocument.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusionForm(true, ref_ar, direction);

            int profileCount = extrusionForm.ProfileCount;

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 尺寸标注双根直线元素间距--轴网,要求:轴网方向相同,起点共线方向与轴网方向垂直
        /// </summary>
        public static Dimension DimensionBetweenGrids(this Document doc, Grid grid01, Grid grid02)
            Dimension      dimension      = null;
            ReferenceArray referenceArray = new ReferenceArray();
            Reference      reference01    = new Reference(grid01);
            Reference      reference02    = new Reference(grid02);


            Curve curve01 = grid01.Curve;
            Curve curve02 = grid02.Curve;
            Line  line    = Line.CreateBound(curve01.GetEndPoint(1), curve02.GetEndPoint(1));
            // 【】移动标注线的位置
            double distanceMove = 2000.0.MilliMeterToFeet();

            line = line.CreateOffset(distanceMove, (curve01 as Line).Direction) as Line;
            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "轴网端头尺寸标注"))
                dimension = doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, line, referenceArray);
예제 #5
        public void CreateNewDimensionAlongLine(Document doc, Solid solid, Transform instanceTransform)
                foreach (Face f in solid.Faces)
                    bool result = f.ComputeNormal(new UV(0.5, 0.5)).IsAlmostEqualTo(XYZ.BasisZ.Negate());
                    if (result) //get bottom face
                        //Transform instanceTransform = Transform.Identity;
                        foreach (EdgeArray edgeArr in f.EdgeLoops)
                            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                                Edge           edge     = edgeArr.get_Item(i);
                                ReferenceArray refArray = new ReferenceArray();
                                XYZ  offsetVec = instanceTransform.OfVector(edge.Evaluate(0.5)).Normalize();       // 取得邊的法向量(normal vector)
                                XYZ  p1        = instanceTransform.OfPoint(edge.Evaluate(0)) + (-250) * offsetVec; // 將點座標依照轉換為全域坐標系(Local transform to global transform)
                                XYZ  p2        = instanceTransform.OfPoint(edge.Evaluate(1)) + (-250) * offsetVec; // 將點座標依照轉換為全域坐標系(Local transform to global transform)
                                Line line      = Line.CreateBound(p1, p2);
                                doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, line, refArray);

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new dimension element using the given
        /// references and dimension line end points.
        /// This method opens and commits its own transaction,
        /// assuming that no transaction is open yet and manual
        /// transaction mode is being used.
        /// Note that this has only been tested so far using
        /// references to surfaces on planar walls in a plan
        /// view.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreateDimensionElement(
            View view,
            XYZ p1,
            Reference r1,
            XYZ p2,
            Reference r2)
            Document doc = view.Document;

            ReferenceArray ra = new ReferenceArray();


            Line line = Line.CreateBound(p1, p2);

            using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc))
                t.Start("Create New Dimension");

                Dimension dim = doc.Create.NewDimension(
                    view, line, ra);

예제 #7
        public Dimension CreateLinearDimension(
            Document doc)
            Application app = doc.Application;

            // first create two lines

            XYZ  pt1  = new XYZ(5, 5, 0);
            XYZ  pt2  = new XYZ(5, 10, 0);
            Line line = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);

            //Plane plane = app.Create.NewPlane( pt1.CrossProduct( pt2 ), pt2 ); // 2016

            Plane plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(pt1.CrossProduct(pt2), pt2); // 2017

            //SketchPlane skplane = doc.FamilyCreate.NewSketchPlane( plane ); // 2013

            SketchPlane skplane = SketchPlane.Create(doc, plane); // 2014

            ModelCurve modelcurve1 = doc.FamilyCreate
                                     .NewModelCurve(line, skplane);

            pt1  = new XYZ(10, 5, 0);
            pt2  = new XYZ(10, 10, 0);
            line = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);
            //plane = app.Create.NewPlane( pt1.CrossProduct( pt2 ), pt2 ); // 2016
            plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(pt1.CrossProduct(pt2), pt2); // 2017

            //skplane = doc.FamilyCreate.NewSketchPlane( plane ); // 2013

            skplane = SketchPlane.Create(doc, plane); // 2014

            ModelCurve modelcurve2 = doc.FamilyCreate
                                     .NewModelCurve(line, skplane);

            // now create a linear dimension between them

            ReferenceArray ra = new ReferenceArray();


            pt1  = new XYZ(5, 10, 0);
            pt2  = new XYZ(10, 10, 0);
            line = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);
            Dimension dim = doc.FamilyCreate
                            .NewLinearDimension(doc.ActiveView, line, ra);

            // create a label for the dimension called "width"

            FamilyParameter param = doc.FamilyManager
                                                  ParameterType.Length, false);

            //dim.Label = param; // 2013
            dim.FamilyLabel = param; // 2014

예제 #8
        public Dimension CreateLinearDimension(Document doc)
            Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = doc.Application;
            XYZ         pt1         = new XYZ(5, 5, 0);
            XYZ         pt2         = new XYZ(5, 10, 0);
            Line        line        = Line.CreateUnbound(pt1, pt2);
            Plane       plane       = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(pt1.CrossProduct(pt2), pt2);
            SketchPlane skPlane     = SketchPlane.Create(doc, plane);
            ModelCurve  modelCurveA = doc.FamilyCreate.NewModelCurve(line, skPlane);

            pt1     = new XYZ(10, 5, 0);
            pt2     = new XYZ(10, 10, 0);
            line    = Line.CreateUnbound(pt1, pt2);
            plane   = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(pt1.CrossProduct(pt2), pt2);
            skPlane = SketchPlane.Create(doc, plane);
            ModelCurve modelCurveB = doc.FamilyCreate.NewModelCurve(line, skPlane);

            ReferenceArray refArr = new ReferenceArray();


            pt1  = new XYZ(5, 10, 0);
            pt2  = new XYZ(10, 10, 0);
            line = Line.CreateUnbound(pt1, pt2);
            Dimension       dim   = doc.FamilyCreate.NewLinearDimension(doc.ActiveView, line, refArr);
            FamilyParameter param = doc.FamilyManager.AddParameter("width",

            dim.FamilyLabel = param;
예제 #9
        private static void AddReferencesToArray(ReferenceArray refArr, FSharpList <Value> lst)

            foreach (Value vInner in lst)
                var mc = (vInner as Value.Container).Item as ModelCurve;
                var f  = (vInner as Value.Container).Item as Face;
                var p  = (vInner as Value.Container).Item as Point;
                var c  = (vInner as Value.Container).Item as Curve;
                var rp = (vInner as Value.Container).Item as ReferencePlane;

                if (mc != null)
                else if (f != null)
                else if (p != null)
                else if (c != null)
                else if (c != null)
예제 #10
        public static void CreateDimensionElement(
            Document doc,
            Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app,
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.View view,
            XYZ p1,
            Reference r1,
            XYZ p2,
            Reference r2)
            Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Application creApp = app.Create;
            Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Document    creDoc = doc.Create;
            ReferenceArray refArr = new ReferenceArray();


            Line        line = Line.CreateBound(p1, p2);
            Transaction t    = new Transaction(doc, "Dimension Two Walls");


            Dimension dim = creDoc.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, line, refArr);

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a ReferenceArray to array with a bunch of lines
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc"></param>
        /// <param name="dimList"></param>
        /// <param name="gridList"></param>
        /// <param name="opt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static ReferenceArray PopulateReferenceArray(Document doc, List <Dimenser> dimList, List <Grid> gridList, Options opt)
            var tempArray = new ReferenceArray();

            if (doc.ActiveView.ViewType == ViewType.Section)
                dimList.OrderBy(wall => wall.Height).ToList();

            foreach (Dimenser dimenser in dimList)
            opt.IncludeNonVisibleObjects = true;
            opt.View = doc.ActiveView;

            foreach (Grid grid in gridList)
                foreach (GeometryObject obj in grid.get_Geometry(opt))
                    if (obj is Line line)
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 基于reference创建尺寸标注
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal Dimension GetDimension(Face face01, Face face02, Document doc)
            ReferenceArray referenceArray = new ReferenceArray();

            referenceArray.Append((face01 as PlanarFace).Reference);
            referenceArray.Append((face02 as PlanarFace).Reference);

            Element element01       = doc.GetElement(face01.Reference.ElementId);
            Element element02       = doc.GetElement(face02.Reference.ElementId);
            XYZ     locationPoint01 = (element01.Location as LocationPoint).Point;
            XYZ     locationPoint02 = (element02.Location as LocationPoint).Point;

            Line      dimensionLine = Line.CreateBound(locationPoint01, locationPoint02);
            Dimension dimension     = null;

            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "添加塔楼间距标注"))
                if (this.dimensionType == null)
                    dimension = doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, dimensionLine, referenceArray);
                    dimension = doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, dimensionLine, referenceArray, this.dimensionType);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// The method is used to create dimension between referenceplane and face
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view">the view in which the dimension is created</param>
        /// <param name="refPlane">the reference plane</param>
        /// <param name="face">the face</param>
        /// <returns>the new dimension</returns>
        public Dimension AddDimension(View view, ReferencePlane refPlane, Face face)
            Dimension dim;

            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ startPoint = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ();
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ endPoint   = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ();
            Line           line;
            Reference      ref1;
            Reference      ref2;
            ReferenceArray refArray = new ReferenceArray();

            ref1 = refPlane.Reference;
            PlanarFace pFace = face as PlanarFace;

            ref2 = pFace.Reference;
            if (null != ref1 && null != ref2)
            startPoint = refPlane.FreeEnd;
            endPoint   = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ(startPoint.X, pFace.Origin.Y, startPoint.Z);
            SubTransaction subTransaction = new SubTransaction(m_document);

            line = m_application.Create.NewLineBound(startPoint, endPoint);
            dim  = m_document.FamilyCreate.NewDimension(view, line, refArray);
예제 #14
        public static void DrawDimension(Document doc, ReferencePlane refP, FamilyInstance fi1, double offset)
            IList <Reference> fir1 = fi1.GetReferences(FamilyInstanceReferenceType.WeakReference);

            XYZ refPlanePoint = refP.FreeEnd;//end point of reference plane

            LocationPoint lp = fi1.Location as LocationPoint;

            XYZ direction = refP.Normal;//perpendicular direction to reference plane

            Plane p = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(direction, refP.FreeEnd);

            XYZ startPoint = ProjectOnto(p, lp.Point) + offset * refP.Direction;

            double distance = 1;

            //direction = direction / direction.GetLength();

            XYZ endPoint = startPoint + distance * direction;

            Line dimensionLine = Line.CreateBound(startPoint, endPoint);

            ReferenceArray references = new ReferenceArray();


            //			lockedAlign = doc.Create.NewAlignment(view, r1, r2)
            Dimension d = doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, dimensionLine, references);

            d.IsLocked = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create vertical dimensioning, cf.
        /// http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/revit-api-forum/how-can-i-create-dimension-line-that-is-not-parallel-to-detail/m-p/6801271
        /// </summary>
        void CreateVerticalDimensioning(ViewSection viewSection)
            Document doc = viewSection.Document;

            XYZ point3 = new XYZ(417.8, 80.228, 46.8);
            XYZ point4 = new XYZ(417.8, 80.811, 46.3);

            Line geomLine3 = Line.CreateBound(point3, point4);
            Line dummyLine = Line.CreateBound(XYZ.Zero, XYZ.BasisY);

            using (Transaction tx = new Transaction(doc))

                DetailLine line3 = doc.Create.NewDetailCurve(
                    viewSection, geomLine3) as DetailLine;

                DetailLine dummy = doc.Create.NewDetailCurve(
                    viewSection, dummyLine) as DetailLine;

                ReferenceArray refArray = new ReferenceArray();
                XYZ  dimPoint1 = new XYZ(417.8, 80.118, 46.8);
                XYZ  dimPoint2 = new XYZ(417.8, 80.118, 46.3);
                Line dimLine3  = Line.CreateBound(dimPoint1, dimPoint2);

                Dimension dim = doc.Create.NewDimension(
                    viewSection, dimLine3, refArray);

예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to create dimension among three reference planes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view">the view</param>
        /// <param name="refPlane1">the first reference plane</param>
        /// <param name="refPlane2">the second reference plane</param>
        /// <param name="refPlane">the middle reference plane</param>
        /// <returns>the new dimension</returns>
        public Dimension AddDimension(View view, ReferencePlane refPlane1, ReferencePlane refPlane2, ReferencePlane refPlane)
            Dimension dim;

            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ startPoint = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ();
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ endPoint   = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ();
            Line           line;
            Reference      ref1;
            Reference      ref2;
            Reference      ref3;
            ReferenceArray refArray = new ReferenceArray();

            ref1       = refPlane1.Reference;
            ref2       = refPlane2.Reference;
            ref3       = refPlane.Reference;
            startPoint = refPlane1.FreeEnd;
            endPoint   = refPlane2.FreeEnd;
            line       = m_application.Create.NewLineBound(startPoint, endPoint);
            if (null != ref1 && null != ref2 && null != ref3)
            SubTransaction subTransaction = new SubTransaction(m_document);

            dim = m_document.FamilyCreate.NewDimension(view, line, refArray);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Удаление нулей из размерной цепочки. В случае, если нулей не найдено, возвращает False. Иначе - True и
        /// массив <see cref="Reference"/> для пересоздания размерной цепочки без нулей
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dimension">Проверяемая размерная цепочка</param>
        /// <param name="referenceArray">Массив <see cref="Reference"/> для пересоздания размерной цепочки</param>
        /// <returns>True - размерная цепочка имела нули и требуется пересоздать её. Иначе false</returns>
        public static bool TryRemoveZeroes(Dimension dimension, out ReferenceArray referenceArray)
            referenceArray = new ReferenceArray();

            if (dimension.Segments.IsEmpty)

            var doc = dimension.Document;

            var reCreate = false;

            for (var i = 0; i < dimension.NumberOfSegments; i++)
                var segment = dimension.Segments.get_Item(i);
                var value   = segment.Value;
                if (value.HasValue && Math.Abs(value.Value) < 0.0001)
                    reCreate = true;
                    if (i == 0)
                    referenceArray.Append(dimension.References.get_Item(i + 1).FixReference(doc));

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new dimension element using the given
        /// references and dimension line end points.
        /// This method opens and commits its own transaction,
        /// assuming that no transaction is open yet and manual
        /// transaction mode is being used.
        /// Note that this has only been tested so far using
        /// references to surfaces on planar walls in a plan
        /// view.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreateDimensionElement(
            View view,
            XYZ p1,
            Reference r1,
            XYZ p2,
            Reference r2)
            Document doc = view.Document;

              ReferenceArray ra = new ReferenceArray();

              ra.Append( r1 );
              ra.Append( r2 );

              Line line = Line.CreateBound( p1, p2 );

              using( Transaction t = new Transaction( doc ) )
            t.Start( "Create New Dimension" );

            Dimension dim = doc.Create.NewDimension(
              view, line, ra );

예제 #19
        private Form CreateExtrusionForm(Document familyDoc)
                ReferenceArray ra = new ReferenceArray();
                ModelCurve     mc;
                int            i = 0;
                while (i < 3)
                    mc = MakeLine(familyDoc, _Vertices[i], _Vertices[i + 1]);
                mc = MakeLine(familyDoc, _Vertices[i], _Vertices[i - i]);
                XYZ  dir       = new XYZ(0, 0, _Height);
                Form extrusion = familyDoc.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusionForm(true, ra, dir);
                AssignSubCategory(familyDoc, extrusion);


            catch (Exception ex)
                TaskDialog.Show("Extrusion Error", ex.Message);

        public Dimension AddDimension(Document doc, Autodesk.Revit.DB.View view, Face face1, Face face2)
            Dimension dim;

            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ startPoint = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ();
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ endPoint   = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ();
            Line           line;
            Reference      ref1;
            Reference      ref2;
            ReferenceArray refArray = new ReferenceArray();
            PlanarFace     pFace1   = face1 as PlanarFace;

            ref1 = pFace1.Reference;
            PlanarFace pFace2 = face2 as PlanarFace;

            ref2 = pFace2.Reference;
            if (null != ref1 && null != ref2)
            startPoint = pFace1.Origin;
            endPoint   = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, pFace2.Origin.Z);
            SubTransaction subTransaction = new SubTransaction(doc);

            line = Line.CreateBound(startPoint, endPoint);
            dim  = doc.FamilyCreate.NewDimension(view, line, refArray);
예제 #21
        public void createALinearDimensionFamilyEditor()
            UIDocument uiDoc = this.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document   doc   = uiDoc.Document;

            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "Create linear Dimension"))

                XYZ pt1 = new XYZ(5, 5, 0);
                XYZ pt2 = new XYZ(5, 10, 0);

                Line line = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);

                Plane plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(pt1.CrossProduct(pt2), pt2);

                SketchPlane skPlane = SketchPlane.Create(doc, plane);

                ModelCurve modelCurve1 = doc.FamilyCreate.NewModelCurve(line, skPlane);

                pt1 = new XYZ(10, 5, 0);
                pt2 = new XYZ(10, 10, 0);

                line = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);

                plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(pt1.CrossProduct(pt2), pt2);

                skPlane = SketchPlane.Create(doc, plane);

                ModelCurve modelCurve2 = doc.FamilyCreate.NewModelCurve(line, skPlane);

                // Create a linear dimension between them

                ReferenceArray ra = new ReferenceArray();

                pt1  = new XYZ(5, 10, 0);
                pt2  = new XYZ(10, 10, 0);
                line = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);

                Dimension dim = doc.FamilyCreate.NewLinearDimension(doc.ActiveView, line, ra);

                // Create a lable for the dimension called "width"

                FamilyParameter param = doc.FamilyManager.AddParameter("width",
                                                                       ParameterType.Length, false);

                dim.FamilyLabel = param;

        /// <summary>Создание размеров для крайних осей</summary>
        /// <param name="doc">Document</param>
        /// <param name="chainDimensionLine">Chain dimension line</param>
        /// <param name="extremeWallVariant">Extreme wall variant</param>
        private Dimension CreateDimensionByExtremeGrids(Document doc, Line chainDimensionLine, ExtremeWallVariant extremeWallVariant)
            if (!_advancedGrids.Any())
            Dimension returnedDimension = null;
            var       referenceArray    = new ReferenceArray();

            // Нужно получить референсы крайних осей в зависимости от направления
            if (extremeWallVariant == ExtremeWallVariant.Left || extremeWallVariant == ExtremeWallVariant.Right)
                // Беру горизонтальные оси
                var verticalGrids = _advancedGrids.Where(g => g.Orientation == ElementOrientation.Horizontal).ToList();

                if (verticalGrids.Any())
                    // Сортирую по Y
                    verticalGrids.Sort((g1, g2) => g1.StartPoint.Y.CompareTo(g2.StartPoint.Y));
                    var grids = new List <AdvancedGrid> {
                        verticalGrids.First(), verticalGrids.Last()
                    foreach (var grid in grids)
            else //// Иначе верх/низ
                var horizontalGrids = _advancedGrids.Where(g => g.Orientation == ElementOrientation.Vertical).ToList();

                if (horizontalGrids.Any())
                    horizontalGrids.Sort((g1, g2) => g1.StartPoint.X.CompareTo(g2.StartPoint.X));
                    var grids = new List <AdvancedGrid> {
                        horizontalGrids.First(), horizontalGrids.Last()
                    foreach (var grid in grids)

            if (!referenceArray.IsEmpty && referenceArray.Size > 1)
                using (var transaction = new Transaction(doc, _transactionName))
                    returnedDimension = doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, chainDimensionLine, referenceArray);

예제 #23
        public XYZ GetReferenceDirection(Reference ref1, Document doc)
        // returns the direction perpendicular to reference
        // returns XYZ.Zero on error;
            XYZ res             = XYZ.Zero;
            XYZ workPlaneNormal = doc.ActiveView.SketchPlane.GetPlane().Normal;

            if (ref1.ElementId == ElementId.InvalidElementId)
            Element elem = doc.GetElement(ref1.ElementId);

            if (elem == null)
            if (ref1.ElementReferenceType == ElementReferenceType.REFERENCE_TYPE_SURFACE || ref1.ElementReferenceType == ElementReferenceType.REFERENCE_TYPE_LINEAR)
                // make a dimension to a point for direction

                XYZ            bEnd   = new XYZ(10, 10, 10);
                ReferenceArray refArr = new ReferenceArray();
                Dimension dim = null;
                using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "test"))
                    FailureHandlingOptions failureHandlingOptions = t.GetFailureHandlingOptions();
                    FailureHandler         failureHandler         = new FailureHandler();

                    using (SubTransaction st = new SubTransaction(doc))
                        ReferencePlane refPlane = doc.Create.NewReferencePlane(XYZ.Zero, bEnd, bEnd.CrossProduct(XYZ.BasisZ).Normalize(), doc.ActiveView);
                        ModelCurve     mc       = doc.Create.NewModelCurve(Line.CreateBound(XYZ.Zero, new XYZ(10, 10, 10)), SketchPlane.Create(doc, refPlane.Id));
                        dim = doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, Line.CreateBound(XYZ.Zero, new XYZ(10, 0, 0)), refArr);
                        ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(doc, dim.Id, new XYZ(0, 0.1, 0));
                    if (dim != null)
                        Curve cv = dim.Curve;
                        cv.MakeBound(0, 1);
                        XYZ pt1 = cv.GetEndPoint(0);
                        XYZ pt2 = cv.GetEndPoint(1);
                        res = pt2.Subtract(pt1).Normalize();
예제 #24
        public void Dimelement(Document doc, DimensionType dimensionType, View view)
            Dictionary <string, List <Grid> > dic = GridCollection(doc, view);

            foreach (var item in dic.Keys)
                ReferenceArray referenceArray  = new ReferenceArray();
                ReferenceArray referenceArray2 = new ReferenceArray();
                foreach (var item2 in dic[item])
                    referenceArray.Append(GetGridReference(doc.ActiveView, item2));
                referenceArray2.Append(GetGridReference(doc.ActiveView, dic[item].First()));
                referenceArray2.Append(GetGridReference(doc.ActiveView, dic[item].Last()));
                var  p1     = GetGridDirection(doc.ActiveView, dic[item].First());
                var  p2     = GetGridDirection(doc.ActiveView, dic[item].Last());
                var  r1     = p1.CrossProduct(doc.ActiveView.ViewDirection);
                var  curve  = dic[item].First().Curve;
                var  curve2 = dic[item].Last().Curve;
                Line line1  = curve as Line;
                if (line1.Direction.Equalpoint(doc.ActiveView.RightDirection))
                    XYZ  point  = Findpointdimension(curve.GetEndPoint(0), p1, 450, view);
                    XYZ  point2 = Findpointdimension(curve2.GetEndPoint(0), p2, 450, view);
                    XYZ  point3 = Findpointdimension(curve.GetEndPoint(0), p1, 200, view);
                    XYZ  point4 = Findpointdimension(curve2.GetEndPoint(0), p2, 200, view);
                    Line line   = Line.CreateBound(point, point2);
                    Line line2  = Line.CreateBound(point3, point4);
                    using (Transaction tran = new Transaction(doc, "Create dimesion"))
                        doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, line, referenceArray, dimensionType);
                        doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, line2, referenceArray2, dimensionType);
                if (line1.Direction.Equalpoint(doc.ActiveView.UpDirection))
                    XYZ  point  = Findpointdimension(curve.GetEndPoint(0), p1, 450, view);
                    XYZ  point2 = Findpointdimension(curve2.GetEndPoint(0), p2, 450, view);
                    XYZ  point3 = Findpointdimension(curve.GetEndPoint(0), p1, 200, view);
                    XYZ  point4 = Findpointdimension(curve2.GetEndPoint(0), p2, 200, view);
                    Line line   = Line.CreateBound(point, point2);
                    Line line2  = Line.CreateBound(point3, point4);
                    using (Transaction tran = new Transaction(doc, "Create dimesion"))
                        doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, line, referenceArray, dimensionType);
                        doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, line2, referenceArray2, dimensionType);
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Auto dimsection view
        /// </summary>

        public void autoDimSection()
            UIDocument uiDoc = this.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document   doc   = uiDoc.Document;

            Reference selectedBeamRef = uiDoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, "pick a beam...");

            FamilyInstance selectedBeam = doc.GetElement(selectedBeamRef) as FamilyInstance;

            if (selectedBeam == null)

            var beamFaces = getSolids(selectedBeam).SelectMany(x => x.Faces.OfType <PlanarFace>()).ToList();

            View view = doc.ActiveView;

            PlanarFace leftFace = beamFaces.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ComputeNormal(UV.Zero).
                                                           IsAlmostEqualTo(-1 * view.RightDirection));

            PlanarFace rightFace = beamFaces.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ComputeNormal(UV.Zero).

            if (leftFace == null || rightFace == null)
                TaskDialog.Show("abc", "Can't create dimension");

            double shift = UnitUtils.ConvertToInternalUnits(500, DisplayUnitType.DUT_MILLIMETERS);

            XYZ dimensionOrigin = selectedBeam.GetTotalTransform().Origin + shift * view.UpDirection;

            Line dimensionLine = Line.CreateBound(dimensionOrigin, view.RightDirection);

            ReferenceArray dimensionReferences = new ReferenceArray();


            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "Create dimension...")) {

                Dimension myDim = doc.Create.NewDimension(view, dimensionLine, dimensionReferences);

예제 #26
        public Dimension CreateLinearDimension1(Document doc, XYZ pt1, XYZ pt2, SketchPlane sketch, Application app)
            // first create line

            Line       line       = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);
            ModelCurve modelcurve = doc.Create
                                    .NewModelCurve(line, sketch);

            ReferenceArray ra = new ReferenceArray();

            return(doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, line, ra));
예제 #27
        public void DimGrids(Document doc, View view, double kctoidaugrid, double kc2dim)
            Dictionary <string, List <Grid> > dic = GridCollection(doc, view);

            foreach (var item in dic.Keys)
                ReferenceArray referenceArray  = new ReferenceArray();
                ReferenceArray referenceArray2 = new ReferenceArray();
                foreach (var item2 in dic[item])
                    referenceArray.Append(GetGridReference(doc.ActiveView, item2));
                referenceArray2.Append(GetGridReference(doc.ActiveView, dic[item].First()));
                referenceArray2.Append(GetGridReference(doc.ActiveView, dic[item].Last()));
                var p1          = Directorline(dic[item].First());
                var p2          = Directorline(dic[item].Last());
                var curve       = dic[item].First().Curve;
                var curve2      = dic[item].Last().Curve;
                XYZ starpoint1  = null;
                XYZ enpoint1    = null;
                XYZ startpoint2 = null;
                XYZ endpoint2   = null;
                Get2pointofgridingview(view, dic[item].First(), ref starpoint1, ref enpoint1);
                Get2pointofgridingview(view, dic[item].Last(), ref startpoint2, ref endpoint2);
                Line line1  = curve as Line;
                XYZ  point  = Findpointdimension(starpoint1, p1, UnitUtils.Convert(kctoidaugrid + kc2dim, DisplayUnitType.DUT_MILLIMETERS, DisplayUnitType.DUT_DECIMAL_FEET), view);
                XYZ  point2 = Findpointdimension(startpoint2, p2, UnitUtils.Convert(kctoidaugrid + kc2dim, DisplayUnitType.DUT_MILLIMETERS, DisplayUnitType.DUT_DECIMAL_FEET), view);
                XYZ  point3 = Findpointdimension(starpoint1, p1, UnitUtils.Convert(kctoidaugrid, DisplayUnitType.DUT_MILLIMETERS, DisplayUnitType.DUT_DECIMAL_FEET), view);
                XYZ  point4 = Findpointdimension(startpoint2, p2, UnitUtils.Convert(kctoidaugrid, DisplayUnitType.DUT_MILLIMETERS, DisplayUnitType.DUT_DECIMAL_FEET), view);
                XYZ  point5 = Findpointdimension(enpoint1, -p1, UnitUtils.Convert(kctoidaugrid + kc2dim, DisplayUnitType.DUT_MILLIMETERS, DisplayUnitType.DUT_DECIMAL_FEET), view);
                XYZ  point6 = Findpointdimension(endpoint2, -p2, UnitUtils.Convert(kctoidaugrid + kc2dim, DisplayUnitType.DUT_MILLIMETERS, DisplayUnitType.DUT_DECIMAL_FEET), view);
                XYZ  point7 = Findpointdimension(enpoint1, -p1, UnitUtils.Convert(kctoidaugrid, DisplayUnitType.DUT_MILLIMETERS, DisplayUnitType.DUT_DECIMAL_FEET), view);
                XYZ  point8 = Findpointdimension(endpoint2, -p2, UnitUtils.Convert(kctoidaugrid, DisplayUnitType.DUT_MILLIMETERS, DisplayUnitType.DUT_DECIMAL_FEET), view);
                Line line   = Line.CreateBound(point, point2);
                Line line2  = Line.CreateBound(point3, point4);
                Line line3  = Line.CreateBound(point5, point6);
                Line line4  = Line.CreateBound(point7, point8);
                using (Transaction tran = new Transaction(doc, "Create dimesion"))
                    //doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, line, referenceArray);
                    //doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, line2, referenceArray2);
                    doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, line3, referenceArray);
                    doc.Create.NewDimension(doc.ActiveView, line4, referenceArray2);
예제 #28
        private static Form ByLoftCrossSectionsInternal(object[] curves, bool isSolid = true)
            if (curves == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("curves");

            // if the arguments are polycurves, explode them
            if (curves.Any(x => x is PolyCurve))
                var ca = curves.Select(x => x is PolyCurve ? ((PolyCurve)x).Curves() : new[] { x }).ToArray();
                return(ByLoftMultiPartCrossSectionsInternal(ca, isSolid));

            var refArrArr = new ReferenceArrayArray();

            foreach (var l in curves)
                if (l == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("curves");
                var refArr = new ReferenceArray();

                refArr.Append(ElementCurveReference.TryGetCurveReference(l, "Form").InternalReference);

            return(new Form(isSolid, refArrArr));
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a rectangle profile with provided length, width and height
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="length">Length of the rectangle</param>
        /// <param name="width">Width of the rectangle</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height of the profile</param>
        /// <returns>The created profile</returns>
        private ReferenceArray CreateProfile(double length, double width, double height)
            ReferenceArray profile = new ReferenceArray();
            // Prepare points to create lines
            List <XYZ> points = new List <XYZ>();

            points.Add(new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ(-1 * length / 2, -1 * width / 2, height));
            points.Add(new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ(length / 2, -1 * width / 2, height));
            points.Add(new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ(length / 2, width / 2, height));
            points.Add(new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ(-1 * length / 2, width / 2, height));

            // Prepare sketch plane to create model line
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ normal = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ(0, 0, 1);
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ origin = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ(0, 0, height);
            Plane       geometryPlane    = m_revitApp.Create.NewPlane(normal, origin);
            SketchPlane sketchPlane      = SketchPlane.Create(m_revitDoc, geometryPlane);

            // Create model lines and get their references as the profile
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ startPoint = points[i];
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ endPoint   = (i == 3 ? points[0] : points[i + 1]);
                Line       line      = Line.CreateBound(startPoint, endPoint);
                ModelCurve modelLine = m_revitDoc.FamilyCreate.NewModelCurve(line, sketchPlane);

예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a hosted-sweep according to the CreationData parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="creationData">CreationData parameter</param>
        /// <returns>ModificationData which contains the created hosted-sweep</returns>
        public ModificationData Create(CreationData creationData)
            ReferenceArray refArr = new ReferenceArray();

            foreach (Edge edge in creationData.EdgesForHostedSweep)

            ModificationData modificationData = null;
            Transaction      transaction      = new Transaction(m_rvtDoc, "CreateHostedSweep");

                HostedSweep createdHostedSweep = CreateHostedSweep(creationData.Symbol, refArr);

                if (transaction.Commit() == TransactionStatus.Committed)

                    // just only end transaction return true, we will create the hosted sweep.
                    modificationData =
                        new ModificationData(createdHostedSweep, creationData);
예제 #31
        private Value GetCurvesFromFamily(Autodesk.Revit.DB.FamilyInstance fi, int count,
                                          Autodesk.Revit.DB.Options options)
            FamilySymbol fs = fi.Symbol;

            //Autodesk.Revit.DB.GeometryElement geomElem = fs.get_Geometry(options);
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.GeometryElement geomElem = fi.get_Geometry(options);
            // our particular case of a loaded mass family with no joins has no geom in the instance


            Autodesk.Revit.DB.CurveArray     curves    = new CurveArray();
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.ReferenceArray curveRefs = new ReferenceArray();

            //Find all curves and insert them into curve array
            AddCurves(fi, geomElem, count, ref curves);

            //curves.Append(GetCurve(fi, options)); //test

            //extract references for downstream use
            foreach (Curve c in curves)

            //convert curvearray into list using Stephens MakeEnumerable
            Value result = Value.NewList(Utils.SequenceToFSharpList(

예제 #32
        public IExternalCommand.Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            Application revit = commandData.Application;
            Document curDoc = revit.ActiveDocument;
            SelElementSet selSet = curDoc.Selection.Elements;
            if (selSet.Size != 1)
                message = "Please select a wall!";
                return IExternalCommand.Result.Cancelled;
            Wall wall = null;
            ElementSetIterator it = selSet.ForwardIterator();
            if (it.MoveNext())
                wall = it.Current as Wall;
            if (wall == null)
                message = "Please select a wall!";
                return IExternalCommand.Result.Cancelled;
            LocationCurve cur = wall.Location as LocationCurve;
            if (cur == null)
                return IExternalCommand.Result.Failed;
            Line line = cur.Curve as Line;
            Options options = revit.Create.NewGeometryOptions();
            options.ComputeReferences = true;
            options.View = curDoc.ActiveView;
            Autodesk.Revit.Geometry.Element element = wall.get_Geometry(options);
            ReferenceArray referenceArray = new ReferenceArray();
            GeometryObjectArray geoObjectArray = element.Objects;
            //enum the geometry element
            for (int j = 0; j < geoObjectArray.Size; j++)
                GeometryObject geoObject = geoObjectArray.get_Item(j);
                Line l0 = geoObject as Line;
                if (null != l0)
                    double d = (l0.get_EndPoint(1).X - l0.get_EndPoint(0).X) * (line.get_EndPoint(1).X - line.get_EndPoint(0).X);
                    d += (l0.get_EndPoint(1).Y - l0.get_EndPoint(0).Y) * (line.get_EndPoint(1).Y - line.get_EndPoint(0).Y);
                    d += (l0.get_EndPoint(1).Z - l0.get_EndPoint(0).Z) * (line.get_EndPoint(1).Z - line.get_EndPoint(0).Z);
                    if (d < 0.0000001 && d > -0.0000001)
                    if (2 == referenceArray.Size)
            Dimension createdDimension = curDoc.Create.NewDimension(curDoc.ActiveView, line, referenceArray);
            if (null == createdDimension)
                message = "Create the Dimension failed.";
                return IExternalCommand.Result.Failed;

            return IExternalCommand.Result.Succeeded;
예제 #33
파일: Form.cs 프로젝트: algobasket/Dynamo
        public static Form ByLoftingCurveReferences(object[] curveReferences, bool isSolid = true)
            var refArrArr = new ReferenceArrayArray();

            foreach (var l in curveReferences)
                if (l == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("curveReferences");
                var refArr = new ReferenceArray();
                refArr.Append(ElementCurveReference.TryGetCurveReference(l, "Form").InternalReference);

            return new Form(isSolid, refArrArr);

        public Dimension CreateLinearDimension(
            Document doc)
            Application app = doc.Application;

              // first create two lines

              XYZ pt1 = new XYZ( 5, 5, 0 );
              XYZ pt2 = new XYZ( 5, 10, 0 );
              Line line = Line.CreateBound( pt1, pt2 );

              //Plane plane = app.Create.NewPlane( pt1.CrossProduct( pt2 ), pt2 ); // 2016

              Plane plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin( pt1.CrossProduct( pt2 ), pt2 ); // 2017

              //SketchPlane skplane = doc.FamilyCreate.NewSketchPlane( plane ); // 2013

              SketchPlane skplane = SketchPlane.Create( doc, plane ); // 2014

              ModelCurve modelcurve1 = doc.FamilyCreate
            .NewModelCurve( line, skplane );

              pt1 = new XYZ( 10, 5, 0 );
              pt2 = new XYZ( 10, 10, 0 );
              line = Line.CreateBound( pt1, pt2 );
              //plane = app.Create.NewPlane( pt1.CrossProduct( pt2 ), pt2 ); // 2016
              plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin( pt1.CrossProduct( pt2 ), pt2 ); // 2017

              //skplane = doc.FamilyCreate.NewSketchPlane( plane ); // 2013

              skplane = SketchPlane.Create( doc, plane ); // 2014

              ModelCurve modelcurve2 = doc.FamilyCreate
            .NewModelCurve( line, skplane );

              // now create a linear dimension between them

              ReferenceArray ra = new ReferenceArray();
              ra.Append( modelcurve1.GeometryCurve.Reference );
              ra.Append( modelcurve2.GeometryCurve.Reference );

              pt1 = new XYZ( 5, 10, 0 );
              pt2 = new XYZ( 10, 10, 0 );
              line = Line.CreateBound( pt1, pt2 );
              Dimension dim = doc.FamilyCreate
            .NewLinearDimension( doc.ActiveView, line, ra );

              // create a label for the dimension called "width"

              FamilyParameter param = doc.FamilyManager
            .AddParameter( "width",
              ParameterType.Length, false );

              //dim.Label = param; // 2013
              dim.FamilyLabel = param; // 2014

              return dim;
예제 #35
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            Application app = commandData.Application.Application;

              string filename = Path.Combine( _folder, _template );

              Document familyDoc = app.NewFamilyDocument( filename );

              Family family = familyDoc.OwnerFamily;

              Autodesk.Revit.Creation.FamilyItemFactory factory
            = familyDoc.FamilyCreate;

              Extrusion extrusion = null;

              using( Transaction trans = new Transaction(
            familyDoc ) )
            trans.Start( "Create Extrusion" );

            XYZ arcCenter = new XYZ( 0.0, 3.0, -2.0 );

            // Get the "left" view

            View view = GetView( ViewType.Elevation,
              XYZ.BasisY.Negate(), XYZ.BasisZ, familyDoc );

            // 2D offsets from view 'left'

            XYZ xOffset = new XYZ( 0.0, 10.0, 0.0 );
            XYZ yOffset = new XYZ( 0.0, 0.0, -10.0 );

            //################## Reference planes ################################

            // Origin's reference planes

            ReferencePlane referencePlaneOriginX
              = factory.NewReferencePlane( XYZ.BasisX,
            XYZ.Zero, XYZ.BasisY, view );

            referencePlaneOriginX.Name = "ReferencePlane_OriginX";
            referencePlaneOriginX.Pinned = true;

            ReferencePlane referencePlaneOriginY
              = factory.NewReferencePlane( XYZ.BasisZ,
            XYZ.Zero, -XYZ.BasisX, view );

            referencePlaneOriginY.Name = "ReferencePlane_OriginY";
            referencePlaneOriginY.Pinned = true;

            // Reference planes the extruded arc should stick to

            ReferencePlane referencePlaneX
              = factory.NewReferencePlane(
            XYZ.BasisX + yOffset,
            XYZ.Zero + yOffset,
            XYZ.BasisY, view );
            referencePlaneX.Name = "ReferencePlane_X";

            ReferencePlane referencePlaneY
              = factory.NewReferencePlane(
            XYZ.BasisZ + xOffset,
            XYZ.Zero + xOffset,
            -XYZ.BasisX, view );
            referencePlaneY.Name = "ReferencePlane_Y";


            //################## Create dimensions ###############################

            // Dimension x

            ReferenceArray refArrayX = new ReferenceArray();
            refArrayX.Append( referencePlaneX.GetReference() );
            refArrayX.Append( referencePlaneOriginX.GetReference() );

            Line lineX = Line.CreateUnbound( arcCenter, XYZ.BasisZ );
            Dimension dimensionX = factory.NewDimension(
              view, lineX, refArrayX );

            // Dimension y

            ReferenceArray refArrayY = new ReferenceArray();
            refArrayY.Append( referencePlaneY.GetReference() );
            refArrayY.Append( referencePlaneOriginY.GetReference() );

            Line lineY = Line.CreateUnbound( arcCenter, XYZ.BasisY );
            Dimension dimensionY = factory.NewDimension(
              view, lineY, refArrayY );


            //################## Create arc ######################################

            double arcRadius = 1.0;

            Arc arc = Arc.Create(
              XYZ.Zero + xOffset + yOffset,
              arcRadius, 0.0, 2 * Math.PI,
              XYZ.BasisZ, XYZ.BasisY.Negate() );

            CurveArray curves = new CurveArray();
            curves.Append( arc );

            CurveArrArray profile = new CurveArrArray();
            profile.Append( curves );

            Plane plane = new Plane( XYZ.BasisX.Negate(),
              arcCenter );

            SketchPlane sketchPlane = SketchPlane.Create(
              familyDoc, plane );

            Debug.WriteLine( "Origin: " + sketchPlane.GetPlane().Origin );
            Debug.WriteLine( "Normal: " + sketchPlane.GetPlane().Normal );
            Debug.WriteLine( "XVec:   " + sketchPlane.GetPlane().XVec );
            Debug.WriteLine( "YVec:   " + sketchPlane.GetPlane().YVec );

            extrusion = factory.NewExtrusion( true,
              profile, sketchPlane, 10 );


            //################## Add family parameters ###########################

            FamilyManager fmgr = familyDoc.FamilyManager;

            FamilyParameter paramX = fmgr.AddParameter( "X",
              ParameterType.Length, true );
            dimensionX.FamilyLabel = paramX;

            FamilyParameter paramY = fmgr.AddParameter( "Y",
              ParameterType.Length, true );
            dimensionY.FamilyLabel = paramY;

            // Set their values

            FamilyType familyType = fmgr.NewType(
              "Standard" );

            fmgr.Set( paramX, 10 );
            fmgr.Set( paramY, 10 );


              // Save it to inspect

              SaveAsOptions opt = new SaveAsOptions();
              opt.OverwriteExistingFile = true;

              filename = Path.Combine( Path.GetTempPath(),
            "test.rfa" );

              familyDoc.SaveAs( filename, opt );

              return Result.Succeeded;
예제 #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates 2 hardwired lines and a dimension to measure 
        /// the distance between them
        /// </summary>
        public void DimensionHardWired()
            XYZ location1 = GeomUtils.kOrigin;
              XYZ location2 = new XYZ( 20.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
              XYZ location3 = new XYZ( 0.0, 20.0, 0.0 );
              XYZ location4 = new XYZ( 20.0, 20.0, 0.0 );

              Curve curve1 = Line.CreateBound( location1, location2 );
              Curve curve2 = Line.CreateBound( location3, location4 );

              DetailCurve dCurve1 = null;
              DetailCurve dCurve2 = null;
              using( Transaction trans = new Transaction( m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document, "DimensionHardWired" ) )

            if( !m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.IsFamilyDocument )
              dCurve1 = m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.Create.NewDetailCurve( m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView,
                                                          curve1 );
              dCurve2 = m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.Create.NewDetailCurve( m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView,
                                                          curve2 );
              if( null != m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.OwnerFamily && null != m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.OwnerFamily.FamilyCategory )
            if( !m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.OwnerFamily.FamilyCategory.Name.Contains( "Detail" ) )
              MessageBox.Show( "Please make sure you open a detail based family template.", "RevitLookup", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information );
              dCurve1 = m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.FamilyCreate.NewDetailCurve( m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView,
                                                          curve1 );
              dCurve2 = m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.FamilyCreate.NewDetailCurve( m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView,
                                                          curve2 );

            Line line = Line.CreateBound( location2, location4 );

            ReferenceArray refArray = new ReferenceArray();
            /// TBD: all curves return a null Reference, what am I missing?
            /// 01/12/07
            refArray.Append( dCurve1.GeometryCurve.Reference );
            refArray.Append( dCurve2.GeometryCurve.Reference );

            if( !m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.IsFamilyDocument )
              m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.Create.NewDimension( m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView,
              line, refArray );
              m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.FamilyCreate.NewDimension( m_revitApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView,
            line, refArray );
예제 #37
파일: Form.cs 프로젝트: algobasket/Dynamo
        public static Form ByLoftingCurveReferences(object[][] curveReferences, bool isSolid = true)
            var refArrArr = new ReferenceArrayArray();

            foreach (var curveArr in curveReferences)
                var refArr = new ReferenceArray();
                curveArr.ForEach(x => refArr.Append(ElementCurveReference.TryGetCurveReference(x, "Form").InternalReference));

            return new Form(isSolid, refArrArr);

예제 #38
파일: Form.cs 프로젝트: TheChosen0ne/Dynamo
        public static Form ByLoftingCurveElements( CurveElement[] curves, bool isSolid)
            var refArrArr = new ReferenceArrayArray();

            foreach (var l in curves)
                var refArr = new ReferenceArray();

            return new Form(isSolid, refArrArr);
예제 #39
파일: Form.cs 프로젝트: whztt07/Dynamo
        private static Form ByLoftMultiPartCrossSectionsInternal(object[][] curves, bool isSolid = true)
            if (curves == null || curves.SelectMany(x => x).Any(x => x == null))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Some of the input curves are null.");

            var refArrArr = new ReferenceArrayArray();

            foreach (var curveArr in curves)
                var refArr = new ReferenceArray();
                curveArr.ForEach(x => refArr.Append(ElementCurveReference.TryGetCurveReference(x, "Form").InternalReference));

            return new Form(isSolid, refArrArr);
예제 #40
파일: Form.cs 프로젝트: whztt07/Dynamo
        private static Form ByLoftCrossSectionsInternal(object[] curves, bool isSolid = true)
            if (curves == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("curves");

            // if the arguments are polycurves, explode them
            if (curves.Any(x => x is PolyCurve))
                var ca = curves.Select(x => x is PolyCurve ? ((PolyCurve)x).Curves() : new[] { x }).ToArray();
                return ByLoftMultiPartCrossSectionsInternal(ca, isSolid);

            var refArrArr = new ReferenceArrayArray();

            foreach (var l in curves)
                if (l == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("curves");
                var refArr = new ReferenceArray();

                refArr.Append(ElementCurveReference.TryGetCurveReference(l, "Form").InternalReference);

            return new Form(isSolid, refArrArr);
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
              UIDocument uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
              Application app = uiapp.Application;
              Document doc = uidoc.Document;

              // Select two walls and the dimension line point:

              Selection sel = uidoc.Selection;
              ReferenceArray refs = new ReferenceArray();

            ISelectionFilter f
              = new JtElementsOfClassSelectionFilter<Wall>();

            refs.Append( sel.PickObject(
              ObjectType.Element, f,
              "Please select first wall" ) );

            refs.Append( sel.PickObject(
              ObjectType.Element, f,
              "Please pick dimension line "
              + "point on second wall" ) );

            //rFace = sel.PickObject( ObjectType.Face,
            //  "Please select face on second wall at dimension line point" );
            //rPoint = sel.PickObject( ObjectType.PointOnElement,
            //  "Please select point on first wall" );
              catch( Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.OperationCanceledException )
            message = "No two walls selected";
            return Result.Failed;

              // Ensure the two selected walls are straight and
              // parallel; determine their mutual normal vector
              // and a point on each wall for distance
              // calculations:

              Wall[] walls = new Wall[2];
              List<int> ids = new List<int>( 2 );
              XYZ[] pts = new XYZ[2];
              Line[] lines = new Line[2];
              IntersectionResult ir;
              XYZ normal = null;
              int i = 0;

              foreach( Reference r in refs )
            // 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Reference.Element' is
            // obsolete: Property will be removed. Use
            // Document.GetElement(Reference) instead.
            //Wall wall = r.Element as Wall; // 2011

            Wall wall = doc.GetElement( r ) as Wall; // 2012

            walls[i] = wall;
            ids.Add( wall.Id.IntegerValue );

            // Obtain location curve and
            // check that it is straight:

            LocationCurve lc = wall.Location
              as LocationCurve;

            Curve curve = lc.Curve;
            lines[i] = curve as Line;

            if( null == lines[i] )
              message = _prompt;
              return Result.Failed;

            // Obtain normal vectors
            // and ensure that they are equal,
            // i.e. walls are parallel:

            if( null == normal )
              normal = Util.Normal( lines[i] );
              if( !Util.IsParallel( normal,
            Util.Normal( lines[i] ) ) )
            message = _prompt;
            return Result.Failed;

            // Obtain pick points and project
            // onto wall location lines:

            XYZ p = r.GlobalPoint;
            ir = lines[i].Project( p );

            if( null == ir )
              message = string.Format(
            "Unable to project pick point {0} "
            + "onto wall location line.",
            i );

              return Result.Failed;

            pts[i] = ir.XYZPoint;

              "Wall {0} id {1} at {2}, {3} --> point {4}",
              i, wall.Id.IntegerValue,
              Util.PointString( lines[i].GetEndPoint( 0 ) ),
              Util.PointString( lines[i].GetEndPoint( 1 ) ),
              Util.PointString( pts[i] ) );

            if( 0 < i )
              // Project dimension point selected on second wall
              // back onto first wall, and ensure that normal
              // points from second wall to first:

              ir = lines[0].Project( pts[1] );
              if( null == ir )
            message = string.Format(
              "Unable to project selected dimension "
              + "line point {0} on second wall onto "
              + "first wall's location line.",
              Util.PointString( pts[1] ) );

            return Result.Failed;
              pts[0] = ir.XYZPoint;


              XYZ v = pts[0] - pts[1];
              if( 0 > v.DotProduct( normal ) )
            normal = -normal;

              // Shoot a ray back from the second
              // picked wall towards first:

            "Shooting ray from {0} in direction {1}",
            Util.PointString( pts[1] ),
            Util.PointString( normal ) );

              View3D view = Get3DView( doc );

              if( null == view )
            message = "No 3D view named '{3D}' found; "
              + "run the View > 3D View command once "
              + "to generate it.";

            return Result.Failed;

              //refs = doc.FindReferencesByDirection(
              //  pts[1], normal, view ); // 2011

              //IList<ReferenceWithContext> refs2
              //  = doc.FindReferencesWithContextByDirection(
              //    pts[1], normal, view ); // 2012

              // In the Revit 2014 API, the call to
              // FindReferencesWithContextByDirection causes a
              // warning saying:
              // "FindReferencesWithContextByDirection is obsolete:
              // This method is deprecated in Revit 2014.
              // Use the ReferenceIntersector class instead."

              ReferenceIntersector ri
            = new ReferenceIntersector(
              walls[0].Id, FindReferenceTarget.Element, view );

              ReferenceWithContext ref2
            = ri.FindNearest( pts[1], normal );

              if( null == ref2 )
            message = "ReferenceIntersector.FindNearest"
              + " returned null!";

            return Result.Failed;

              #region Obsolete code to determine the closest reference
              // Store the references to the wall surfaces:

              Reference[] surfrefs = new Reference[2] {
            null, null };

              // Find the two closest intersection
              // points on each of the two walls:

              double[] minDistance = new double[2] {
            double.MaxValue };

              //foreach( Reference r in refs )
              foreach( ReferenceWithContext rc in refs2 )
            // 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Reference.Element' is
            // obsolete: Property will be removed. Use
            // Document.GetElement(Reference) instead.
            //Element e = r.Element; // 2011

            Reference r = rc.GetReference();
            Element e = doc.GetElement( r ); // 2012

            if( e is Wall )
              i = ids.IndexOf( e.Id.IntegerValue );

              if( -1 < i
            && ElementReferenceType.REFERENCE_TYPE_SURFACE
              == r.ElementReferenceType )
            //GeometryObject g = r.GeometryObject; // 2011
            GeometryObject g = e.GetGeometryObjectFromReference( r ); // 2012

            if( g is PlanarFace )
              PlanarFace face = g as PlanarFace;

              Line line = ( e.Location as LocationCurve )
            .Curve as Line;

            "Wall {0} at {1}, {2} surface {3} "
            + "normal {4} proximity {5}",
            Util.PointString( line.GetEndPoint( 0 ) ),
            Util.PointString( line.GetEndPoint( 1 ) ),
            Util.PointString( face.Origin ),
            Util.PointString( face.Normal ),
            rc.Proximity );

              // First reference: assert it is a face on this wall
              // and the distance is half the wall thickness.
              // Second reference: the first reference on the other
              // wall; assert the distance between the two references
              // equals the distance between the wall location lines
              // minus half of the sum of the two wall thicknesses.

              if( rc.Proximity < minDistance[i] )
            surfrefs[i] = r;
            minDistance[i] = rc.Proximity;

              if( null == surfrefs[0] )
            message = "No suitable face intersection "
              + "points found on first wall.";

            return Result.Failed;

              if( null == surfrefs[1] )
            message = "No suitable face intersection "
              + "points found on second wall.";

            return Result.Failed;

            .CreateDimensionElement( doc.ActiveView,
            pts[0], surfrefs[0], pts[1], surfrefs[1] );
              #endregion // Obsolete code to determine the closest reference

            .CreateDimensionElement( doc.ActiveView,
            pts[0], ref2.GetReference(), pts[1], refs.get_Item( 1 ) );

              return Result.Succeeded;
예제 #42
파일: Command.cs 프로젝트: AMEE/revit
        ArrayList m_walls = new ArrayList(); //store the wall of selected

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// find out every wall in the selection and add a dimension from the start of the wall to its end
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>if add successfully, true will be retured, else false will be returned</returns>
        public bool AddDimension()
            if (!initialize())
                return false;

            Transaction transaction = new Transaction(m_revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document, "Add Dimensions");
            //get out all the walls in this array, and create a dimension from its start to its end
            for (int i = 0; i < m_walls.Count; i++)
                Wall wallTemp = m_walls[i] as Wall;
                if (null == wallTemp)

                //get location curve
                Location location = wallTemp.Location;
                LocationCurve locationline = location as LocationCurve;
                if (null == locationline)

                //New Line
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ  locationEndPoint = locationline.Curve.get_EndPoint(1);
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ  locationStartPoint = locationline.Curve.get_EndPoint(0);
                Line newLine = m_revit.Application.Application.Create.NewLine(locationStartPoint,

                //get reference
                ReferenceArray referenceArray = new ReferenceArray();

                Options options = m_revit.Application.Application.Create.NewGeometryOptions();
                options.ComputeReferences = true;
                options.View = m_revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView;
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.GeometryElement element = wallTemp.get_Geometry(options);
                GeometryObjectArray geoObjectArray = element.Objects;
                //enum the geometry element
                for (int j = 0; j < geoObjectArray.Size; j++)
                    GeometryObject geoObject = geoObjectArray.get_Item(j);
                    Curve curve = geoObject as Curve;
                    if (null != curve)
                        //find the two upright lines beside the line
                        if (Validata(newLine, curve as Line))

                        if (2 == referenceArray.Size)
                    //try to new a dimension
                    Autodesk.Revit.UI.UIApplication app = m_revit.Application;
                    Document doc = app.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

                    Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ p1 = new XYZ(
                        newLine.get_EndPoint(0).X + 5,
                        newLine.get_EndPoint(0).Y + 5,
                    Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ p2 = new XYZ(
                        newLine.get_EndPoint(1).X + 5,
                        newLine.get_EndPoint(1).Y + 5,

                    Line newLine2 = app.Application.Create.NewLine(p1, p2, true);
                    Dimension newDimension = doc.Create.NewDimension(
                      doc.ActiveView, newLine2, referenceArray);
                // catch the exceptions
                catch (Exception ex)
                    m_errorMessage += ex.ToString();
                    return false;
            return true;
예제 #43
        private Value GetCurvesFromFamily(Autodesk.Revit.DB.FamilyInstance fi, int count,
                                          Autodesk.Revit.DB.Options options)
            FamilySymbol fs = fi.Symbol;
            //Autodesk.Revit.DB.GeometryElement geomElem = fs.get_Geometry(options);
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.GeometryElement geomElem = fi.get_Geometry(options);
                // our particular case of a loaded mass family with no joins has no geom in the instance


            Autodesk.Revit.DB.CurveArray curves = new CurveArray();
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.ReferenceArray curveRefs = new ReferenceArray();

            //Find all curves and insert them into curve array
            AddCurves(fi, geomElem, count, ref curves);

            //curves.Append(GetCurve(fi, options)); //test

            //extract references for downstream use
            foreach (Curve c in curves)

            //convert curvearray into list using Stephens MakeEnumerable
            Value result = Value.NewList(Utils.SequenceToFSharpList(

            return result;
예제 #44
        private static void AddReferencesToArray(ReferenceArray refArr, FSharpList<Value> lst)

            foreach (Value vInner in lst)
                var mc = (vInner as Value.Container).Item as ModelCurve;
                var f = (vInner as Value.Container).Item as Face;
                var p = (vInner as Value.Container).Item as Point;
                var c = (vInner as Value.Container).Item as Curve;
                var rp = (vInner as Value.Container).Item as ReferencePlane;

                if (mc != null)
                else if (f != null)
                else if (p != null)
                else if (c != null)
                else if (c != null)
예제 #45
파일: Command.cs 프로젝트: AMEE/revit
        /// <summary>
        /// Implement this method as an external command for Revit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandData">An object that is passed to the external application 
        /// which contains data related to the command, 
        /// such as the application object and active view.</param>
        /// <param name="message">A message that can be set by the external application 
        /// which will be displayed if a failure or cancellation is returned by 
        /// the external command.</param>
        /// <param name="elements">A set of elements to which the external application 
        /// can add elements that are to be highlighted in case of failure or cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>Return the status of the external command. 
        /// A result of Succeeded means that the API external method functioned as expected. 
        /// Cancelled can be used to signify that the user cancelled the external operation 
        /// at some point. Failure should be returned if the application is unable to proceed with 
        /// the operation.</returns>
        public Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, Autodesk.Revit.DB.ElementSet elements)
            ExternalCommandData cdata = commandData;
             Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = commandData.Application.Application;
             app = commandData.Application.Application;
             Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

             Transaction transaction = new Transaction(doc, "MakeRevolveForm");

             // Create one profile
             ReferenceArray ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();
             Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ norm = Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ.BasisZ;

             Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (0, 0, 10);
             Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ(100, 0, 10);
             ModelCurve modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB, norm);

             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (100, 0, 10);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (100, 100, 10);
             modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB, norm);

             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (100, 100, 10);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (0, 0, 10);
             modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB, norm);

             // Create axis for revolve form
             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (-5, 0, 10);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (-5, 10, 10);
             ModelCurve axis = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB, norm);

             Autodesk.Revit.DB.FormArray form = doc.FamilyCreate.NewRevolveForms(true, ref_ar, axis.GeometryCurve.Reference, 0, Math.PI / 4);


             return Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result.Succeeded;
예제 #46
파일: Command.cs 프로젝트: AMEE/revit
        /// <summary>
        /// Implement this method as an external command for Revit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandData">An object that is passed to the external application 
        /// which contains data related to the command, 
        /// such as the application object and active view.</param>
        /// <param name="message">A message that can be set by the external application 
        /// which will be displayed if a failure or cancellation is returned by 
        /// the external command.</param>
        /// <param name="elements">A set of elements to which the external application 
        /// can add elements that are to be highlighted in case of failure or cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>Return the status of the external command. 
        /// A result of Succeeded means that the API external method functioned as expected. 
        /// Cancelled can be used to signify that the user cancelled the external operation 
        /// at some point. Failure should be returned if the application is unable to proceed with 
        /// the operation.</returns>
        public Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, Autodesk.Revit.DB.ElementSet elements)
            ExternalCommandData cdata = commandData;
             Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = commandData.Application.Application;
             app = commandData.Application.Application;
             Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

             Transaction transaction = new Transaction(doc, "MakeExtrusionForm");

             // Create one profile
             ReferenceArray ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();

             Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 10, 0);
             Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (90, 10, 0);
             ModelCurve modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB);

             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (90, 10, 0);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 90, 0);
             modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB);

             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 90, 0);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 10, 0);
             modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB);

             // The extrusion form direction
             Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ direction = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (0, 0, 50);

             Autodesk.Revit.DB.Form form = doc.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusionForm(true, ref_ar, direction);


             return Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result.Succeeded;
예제 #47
        public override FScheme.Value Evaluate(FSharpList<FScheme.Value> args)
            //Solid argument
            bool isSolid = ((FScheme.Value.Number)args[0]).Item == 1;

            //Surface argument
            bool isSurface = ((FScheme.Value.Number)args[2]).Item == 1;

            //Build up our list of list of references for the form by...
            var curvesListList = (FScheme.Value.List)args[1];
            //Now we add all of those references into ReferenceArrays
            ReferenceArrayArray refArrArr = new ReferenceArrayArray();

            FSharpList<FScheme.Value> vals = ((FScheme.Value.List)curvesListList).Item;

            if (vals.Any() && (vals[0] is FScheme.Value.Container) && ((FScheme.Value.Container)vals[0]).Item is ModelCurveArray)
                //Build a sequence that unwraps the input list from it's Value form.
                IEnumerable<ModelCurveArray> modelCurveArrays = ((FScheme.Value.List)args[1]).Item.Select(
                   x => (ModelCurveArray)((FScheme.Value.Container)x).Item

                foreach (var modelCurveArray in modelCurveArrays)
                    var refArr = new ReferenceArray();
                    foreach (Autodesk.Revit.DB.ModelCurve modelCurve in modelCurveArray)
                IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Reference>> refArrays = (curvesListList).Item.Select(
                    //...first selecting everything in the topmost list...
                   delegate(FScheme.Value x)
                       //If the element in the topmost list is a sub-list...
                       if (x.IsList)
                           //...then we return a new IEnumerable of References by converting the sub list.
                           return (x as FScheme.Value.List).Item.Select(
                              delegate(FScheme.Value y)
                                  //Since we're in a sub-list, we can assume it's a container.
                                  var item = ((FScheme.Value.Container)y).Item;
                                  if (item is CurveElement)
                                      return (item as CurveElement).GeometryCurve.Reference;
                                      return (Reference)item;
                       //If the element is not a sub-list, then just assume it's a container.
                           var obj = ((FScheme.Value.Container)x).Item;
                           Reference r;
                           if (obj is CurveElement)
                               r = (obj as CurveElement).GeometryCurve.Reference;
                               r = (Reference)obj;
                           //We return a list here since it's expecting an IEnumerable<Reference>. In reality,
                           //just passing the element by itself instead of a sub-list is a shortcut for having
                           //a list with one element, so this is just performing that for the user.
                           return new List<Reference>() { r };

                //Now we add all of those references into ReferenceArrays

                foreach (IEnumerable<Reference> refs in refArrays.Where(x => x.Any()))
                    var refArr = new ReferenceArray();
                    foreach (Reference r in refs)
            //If we already have a form stored...
            if (this.Elements.Any())
                Form oldF;
                //is this same element?
                if (dynUtils.TryGetElement(this.Elements[0], out oldF))
                    if (oldF.IsSolid == isSolid &&
                        _preferSurfaceForOneLoop == isSurface
                        && matchOrAddFormCurveToReferenceCurveMap(oldF, refArrArr, true))
                        return FScheme.Value.NewContainer(oldF);

                //Dissolve it, we will re-make it later.
                if (FormUtils.CanBeDissolved(this.UIDocument.Document, this.Elements.Take(1).ToList()))
                    FormUtils.DissolveForms(this.UIDocument.Document, this.Elements.Take(1).ToList());
                //And register the form for deletion. Since we've already deleted it here manually, we can
                //pass "true" as the second argument.
                this.DeleteElement(this.Elements[0], true);

            else if (this._formId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)
                Form oldF;
                if (dynUtils.TryGetElement(this._formId, out oldF))
                    if (oldF.IsSolid == isSolid
                        && _preferSurfaceForOneLoop == isSurface
                        && matchOrAddFormCurveToReferenceCurveMap(oldF, refArrArr, true))
                        return FScheme.Value.NewContainer(oldF);

            _preferSurfaceForOneLoop = isSurface;

            //We use the ReferenceArrayArray to make the form, and we store it for later runs.

            Form f;
            //if we only have a single refArr, we can make a capping surface or an extrusion
            if (refArrArr.Size == 1)
                ReferenceArray refArr = refArrArr.get_Item(0);

                if (isSurface) // make a capping surface
                    f = this.UIDocument.Document.FamilyCreate.NewFormByCap(true, refArr);
                else  // make an extruded surface
                    // The extrusion form direction
                    XYZ direction = new XYZ(0, 0, 50);
                    f = this.UIDocument.Document.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusionForm(true, refArr, direction);
            else // make a lofted surface
                f = this.UIDocument.Document.FamilyCreate.NewLoftForm(isSolid, refArrArr);

            matchOrAddFormCurveToReferenceCurveMap(f, refArrArr, false);

            return FScheme.Value.NewContainer(f);
예제 #48
파일: Form.cs 프로젝트: TheChosen0ne/Dynamo
        public static Form ByLoftingCurveReferences( CurveReference[][] curves, bool isSolid )
            var refArrArr = new ReferenceArrayArray();

            foreach (var curveArr in curves)
                var refArr = new ReferenceArray();
                curveArr.ForEach(x => refArr.Append(x.InternalReference));

            return new Form(isSolid, refArrArr);
예제 #49
파일: Command.cs 프로젝트: AMEE/revit
        /// <summary>
        /// Implement this method as an external command for Revit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandData">An object that is passed to the external application 
        /// which contains data related to the command, 
        /// such as the application object and active view.</param>
        /// <param name="message">A message that can be set by the external application 
        /// which will be displayed if a failure or cancellation is returned by 
        /// the external command.</param>
        /// <param name="elements">A set of elements to which the external application 
        /// can add elements that are to be highlighted in case of failure or cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>Return the status of the external command. 
        /// A result of Succeeded means that the API external method functioned as expected. 
        /// Cancelled can be used to signify that the user cancelled the external operation 
        /// at some point. Failure should be returned if the application is unable to proceed with 
        /// the operation.</returns>
        public Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, Autodesk.Revit.DB.ElementSet elements)
            ExternalCommandData cdata = commandData;
             Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = commandData.Application.Application;
             app = commandData.Application.Application;
             Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

             Transaction transaction = new Transaction(doc, "MakeLoftForm");

             // Create profiles array
             ReferenceArrayArray ref_ar_ar = new ReferenceArrayArray();

             // Create first profile
             ReferenceArray ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();

             int y = 100;
             int x = 50;
             Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (-x, y, 0);
             Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (x, y, 0);
             Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ ptC = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (0, y + 10, 10);
             ModelCurve modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeArc(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB, ptC);

             // Create second profile
             ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();

             y = 40;
             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (-x, y, 5);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (x, y, 5);
             ptC = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (0, y, 25);
             modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeArc(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB, ptC);

             // Create third profile
             ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();

             y = -20;
             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (-x, y, 0);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (x, y, 0);
             ptC = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (0, y, 15);
             modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeArc(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB, ptC);

             // Create fourth profile
             ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();

             y = -60;
             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (-x, y, 0);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (x, y, 0);
             ptC = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (0, y + 10, 20);
             modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeArc(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB, ptC);
             ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();

             Autodesk.Revit.DB.Form form = doc.FamilyCreate.NewLoftForm(true, ref_ar_ar);


             return Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result.Succeeded;
예제 #50
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Extrusion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="extrusion"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Element Create(this Grevit.Types.SimpleExtrusion extrusion)
            // Get the Massing template file
            string templateFile = GrevitBuildModel.RevitTemplateFolder + @"\Conceptual Mass\Metric Mass.rft";

            // If the file doesnt exist ask the user for a new template
            if (!File.Exists(templateFile))
                System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog ofd = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
                ofd.Multiselect = false;
                ofd.Title = templateFile + " not found.";
                System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult dr = ofd.ShowDialog();
                if (dr != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) return null;
                templateFile = ofd.FileName;

            // Create a new family Document
            Document familyDocument = GrevitBuildModel.document.Application.NewFamilyDocument(templateFile);

            // Create a new family transaction
            Transaction familyTransaction = new Transaction(familyDocument, "Transaction in Family");

            // get family categories
            Categories categories = familyDocument.Settings.Categories;

            // Get the mass category
            Category catMassing = categories.get_Item("Mass");

            // Create a new subcategory in Mass
            Category subcategory = familyDocument.Settings.Categories.NewSubcategory(catMassing, "GrevitExtrusion");

            // Create a reference Array for the Profile
            ReferenceArray referenceArrayProfile = new ReferenceArray();

            // Translate all Points to the reference Array
            for (int i = 0; i < extrusion.polyline.points.Count - 1; i++)
                Grevit.Types.Point pkt1 = extrusion.polyline.points[i];
                Grevit.Types.Point pkt2 = extrusion.polyline.points[i + 1];
                referenceArrayProfile.Append(Utilities.CurveFromXYZ(familyDocument, pkt1.ToXYZ(), pkt2.ToXYZ()));

            // Create a new Extrusion
            Form extrudedMass = familyDocument.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusionForm(true, referenceArrayProfile, new XYZ(extrusion.vector.x, extrusion.vector.y, extrusion.vector.z));
            // Apply the subcategory
            extrudedMass.Subcategory = subcategory;

            // Commit the Family Transaction

            // Assemble a filename to save the family to
            string filename = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "GrevitMass-" + extrusion.GID + ".rfa");

            // Save Family to Temp path and close it
            SaveAsOptions opt = new SaveAsOptions();
            opt.OverwriteExistingFile = true;
            familyDocument.SaveAs(filename, opt);

            // Load the created family to the document
            Family family = null;
            GrevitBuildModel.document.LoadFamily(filename, out family);

            // Get the first family symbol
            FamilySymbol symbol = null;
            foreach (ElementId s in family.GetFamilySymbolIds())
                symbol = (FamilySymbol)GrevitBuildModel.document.GetElement(s);

            if (!symbol.IsActive) symbol.Activate();

            // Create a new Family Instance origin based
            FamilyInstance familyInstance = GrevitBuildModel.document.Create.NewFamilyInstance(new XYZ(0, 0, 0), symbol, Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.StructuralType.NonStructural);

            // Activate Mass visibility

            return familyInstance;

예제 #51
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication app = commandData.Application;
              Document doc = app.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

              if( !doc.IsFamilyDocument
            || !doc.OwnerFamily.FamilyCategory.Name.Equals( "Mass" ) )
            message = "Please run this comand in a conceptual massing family document.";
            return Result.Failed;

              using( Transaction tx = new Transaction( doc ) )
            tx.Start( "Create Loft Form" );

            FamilyItemFactory creator = doc.FamilyCreate;

              // Create profiles array
              ReferenceArrayArray ref_ar_ar = new ReferenceArrayArray();

              // Create first profile
              ReferenceArray ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();

              int y = 100;
              int x = 50;
              XYZ pa = new XYZ( -x, y, 0 );
              XYZ pb = new XYZ( x, y, 0 );
              XYZ pc = new XYZ( 0, y + 10, 10 );
              CurveByPoints curve = FormUtils.MakeCurve( creator, pa, pb, pc );
              ref_ar.Append( curve.GeometryCurve.Reference );
              ref_ar_ar.Append( ref_ar );

              // Create second profile
              ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();

              y = 40;
              pa = new XYZ( -x, y, 5 );
              pb = new XYZ( x, y, 5 );
              pc = new XYZ( 0, y, 25 );
              curve = FormUtils.MakeCurve( creator, pa, pb, pc );
              ref_ar.Append( curve.GeometryCurve.Reference );
              ref_ar_ar.Append( ref_ar );

              // Create third profile
              ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();

              y = -20;
              pa = new XYZ( -x, y, 0 );
              pb = new XYZ( x, y, 0 );
              pc = new XYZ( 0, y, 15 );
              curve = FormUtils.MakeCurve( creator, pa, pb, pc );
              ref_ar.Append( curve.GeometryCurve.Reference );
              ref_ar_ar.Append( ref_ar );

              // Create fourth profile
              ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();

              y = -60;
              pa = new XYZ( -x, y, 0 );
              pb = new XYZ( x, y, 0 );
              pc = new XYZ( 0, y + 10, 20 );
              curve = FormUtils.MakeCurve( creator, pa, pb, pc );
              ref_ar.Append( curve.GeometryCurve.Reference );
              ref_ar_ar.Append( ref_ar );

              Form form = creator.NewLoftForm( true, ref_ar_ar );
              return Result.Succeeded;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new dimension element using the given
        /// references and dimension line end points.
        /// This method creates its own transaction.
        /// It assumes that no transaction is open yet
        /// and manual transaction mode is being used!
        /// This has only been tested using references to
        /// surfaces on planar walls in a plan view!
        /// Create a new dimension element using the given
        /// references and dimension line end points.
        /// This method opens and commits its own transaction,
        /// assuming that no transaction is open yet and manual
        /// transaction mode is being used.
        /// Note that this has only been tested so far using
        /// references to surfaces on planar walls in a plan
        /// view.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreateDimensionElement(
            View view,
            XYZ p1,
            Reference r1,
            XYZ p2,
            Reference r2)
            Document doc = view.Document;
              Application app = doc.Application;

              // creation objects, or factories, for database
              // and non-database resident instances:

              Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Application creApp
            = app.Create;

              Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Document creDoc
            = doc.Create;

              ReferenceArray ra = new ReferenceArray();

              ra.Append( r1 );
              ra.Append( r2 );

              Line line = Line.CreateBound( p1, p2 );

              Transaction t = new Transaction( doc,
            "Dimension Two Walls" );


              Dimension dim = creDoc.NewDimension(
            doc.ActiveView, line, ra );

        private void WriteElementGeometry( int elementId )
            FilteredElementCollector viewCollector = new FilteredElementCollector( m_doc );
              viewCollector.OfClass( typeof( ViewPlan ) );
              Func<ViewPlan, bool> isLevel1FloorPlan = v => !v.IsTemplate && v.Name == "Level 1" && v.ViewType == ViewType.FloorPlan;

              m_targetView = viewCollector.Cast<ViewPlan>().First<ViewPlan>( isLevel1FloorPlan );

              Transaction createCurve = new Transaction( m_doc, "Create reference curves" );
              const double xReferenceLocation = 30;
              Line vLine = Line.CreateBound( new XYZ( xReferenceLocation, 0, 0 ), new XYZ( xReferenceLocation, 20, 0 ) );
              m_vLine = m_doc.Create.NewDetailCurve( m_targetView, vLine );

              const double yReferenceLocation = -10;
              Line hLine = Line.CreateBound( new XYZ( 0, yReferenceLocation, 0 ), new XYZ( 20, yReferenceLocation, 0 ) );
              m_hLine = m_doc.Create.NewDetailCurve( m_targetView, hLine );

              Element e = m_doc.GetElement( new ElementId( elementId ) );

              Options options = new Options();
              options.ComputeReferences = true;
              options.IncludeNonVisibleObjects = true;
              options.View = m_targetView;

              GeometryElement geomElem = e.get_Geometry( options );

              foreach( GeometryObject geomObj in geomElem )
            if( geomObj is Solid )
              WriteSolid( (Solid) geomObj );
            else if( geomObj is GeometryInstance )
              TraverseGeometryInstance( (GeometryInstance) geomObj );
              m_writer.WriteLine( "Something else - " + geomObj.GetType().Name );

              foreach( Curve curve in m_referencePlaneReferences )
            // Try to get the geometry object from reference
            Reference curveReference = curve.Reference;
            GeometryObject geomObj = e.GetGeometryObjectFromReference( curveReference );

            if( geomObj != null )
              m_writer.WriteLine( "Curve reference leads to: " + geomObj.GetType().Name );

              // Dimension to reference curves
              foreach( Curve curve in m_referencePlaneReferences )
            DetailCurve targetLine = m_vLine;

            Line line = (Line) curve;
            XYZ lineStartPoint = line.GetEndPoint( 0 );
            XYZ lineEndPoint = line.GetEndPoint( 1 );
            XYZ direction = lineEndPoint - lineStartPoint;
            Line dimensionLine = null;
            if( Math.Abs( direction.Y ) < 0.0001 )
              targetLine = m_hLine;
              XYZ dimensionLineStart = new XYZ( lineStartPoint.X + 5, lineStartPoint.Y, 0 );
              XYZ dimensionLineEnd = new XYZ( dimensionLineStart.X, dimensionLineStart.Y + 10, 0 );

              dimensionLine = Line.CreateBound( dimensionLineStart, dimensionLineEnd );
              targetLine = m_vLine;
              XYZ dimensionLineStart = new XYZ( lineStartPoint.X, lineStartPoint.Y + 5, 0 );
              XYZ dimensionLineEnd = new XYZ( dimensionLineStart.X + 10, dimensionLineStart.Y, 0 );
              dimensionLine = Line.CreateBound( dimensionLineStart, dimensionLineEnd );

            ReferenceArray references = new ReferenceArray();
            references.Append( curve.Reference );
            references.Append( targetLine.GeometryCurve.Reference );

            Transaction t = new Transaction( m_doc, "Create dimension" );
            m_doc.Create.NewDimension( m_targetView, dimensionLine, references );
예제 #54
        public void SelectReferenceASTGeneration()
            Form extrude;

            using (var trans = new Transaction(DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument, "Create an extrusion Form"))

                FailureHandlingOptions fails = trans.GetFailureHandlingOptions();

                var p = new Plane(new XYZ(0, 0, 1), new XYZ());
                var arc = Arc.Create(p, 2, 0, System.Math.PI);
                var sp = SketchPlane.Create(DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument, p);
                var mc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument.FamilyCreate.NewModelCurve(arc, sp);

                var profiles = new ReferenceArray();
                extrude = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusionForm(false, profiles, new XYZ(0,0,1));

            var geom = extrude.get_Geometry(new Options()
                ComputeReferences = true,
                DetailLevel = ViewDetailLevel.Medium,
                IncludeNonVisibleObjects = true

            var solid = geom.FirstOrDefault(x => x is Solid) as Solid;
            var face = solid.Faces.get_Item(0);
            Assert.Greater(solid.Faces.Size, 0);

            var sel = new DSFaceSelection() { SelectedElement = face.Reference };

            var buildOutput = sel.BuildOutputAst(new List<AssociativeNode>());

            var funCall = (FunctionCallNode)((IdentifierListNode)((BinaryExpressionNode)buildOutput.First()).RightNode).RightNode;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, funCall.FormalArguments.Count);

            var stableRef = face.Reference.ConvertToStableRepresentation(DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument);
            Assert.AreEqual(stableRef, ((StringNode)funCall.FormalArguments[0]).value);
예제 #55
        public override Expression Evaluate(FSharpList<Expression> args)
            //If we already have a form stored...
            if (this.Elements.Any())
                //Dissolve it, we will re-make it later.
                FormUtils.DissolveForms(this.UIDocument.Document, this.Elements.Take(1).ToList());
                //And register the form for deletion. Since we've already deleted it here manually, we can
                //pass "true" as the second argument.
                this.DeleteElement(this.Elements[0], true);

            //Solid argument
            bool isSolid = ((Expression.Number)args[0]).Item == 1;

            //Surface argument
            bool isSurface = ((Expression.Number)args[2]).Item == 1;

            //Build up our list of list of references for the form by...
            IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Reference>> refArrays = ((Expression.List)args[1]).Item.Select(
                //...first selecting everything in the topmost list...
               delegate(Expression x)
                   //If the element in the topmost list is a sub-list...
                   if (x.IsList)
                       //...then we return a new IEnumerable of References by converting the sub list.
                       return (x as Expression.List).Item.Select(
                          delegate(Expression y)
                              //Since we're in a sub-list, we can assume it's a container.
                              var item = ((Expression.Container)y).Item;
                              if (item is CurveElement)
                                  return (item as CurveElement).GeometryCurve.Reference;
                                  return (Reference)item;
                   //If the element is not a sub-list, then just assume it's a container.
                       var obj = ((Expression.Container)x).Item;
                       Reference r;
                       if (obj is CurveElement)
                           r = (obj as CurveElement).GeometryCurve.Reference;
                           r = (Reference)obj;
                       //We return a list here since it's expecting an IEnumerable<Reference>. In reality,
                       //just passing the element by itself instead of a sub-list is a shortcut for having
                       //a list with one element, so this is just performing that for the user.
                       return new List<Reference>() { r };

            //Now we add all of those references into ReferenceArrays
            ReferenceArrayArray refArrArr = new ReferenceArrayArray();
            foreach (IEnumerable<Reference> refs in refArrays.Where(x => x.Any()))
                var refArr = new ReferenceArray();
                foreach (Reference r in refs)

            //We use the ReferenceArrayArray to make the form, and we store it for later runs.

            Form f;
            //if we only have a single refArr, we can make a capping surface or an extrusion
            if (refArrArr.Size == 1)
                ReferenceArray refArr = refArrArr.get_Item(0);

                if (isSurface) // make a capping surface
                    f = this.UIDocument.Document.FamilyCreate.NewFormByCap(true, refArr);
                else  // make an extruded surface
                    // The extrusion form direction
                    XYZ direction = new XYZ(0, 0, 50);
                    f = this.UIDocument.Document.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusionForm(true, refArr, direction);
            else // make a lofted surface
                f = this.UIDocument.Document.FamilyCreate.NewLoftForm(isSolid, refArrArr);


            return Expression.NewContainer(f);
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication app = commandData.Application;
              Document doc = app.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

              if( !doc.IsFamilyDocument )
            message = "Please run this command in afamily document.";
            return Result.Failed;

              Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Application creApp = app.Application.Create;
              Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Document creDoc = doc.Create;

              SketchPlane skplane = findSketchPlane( doc, XYZ.BasisZ );

              if( null == skplane )
            Plane geometryPlane = creApp.NewPlane(
              XYZ.BasisZ, XYZ.Zero );

            //skplane = doc.FamilyCreate.NewSketchPlane( geometryPlane ); // 2013

            skplane = SketchPlane.Create( doc, geometryPlane ); // 2014

              double length = 1.23;

              XYZ start = XYZ.Zero;
              XYZ end = creApp.NewXYZ( 0, length, 0 );

              //Line line = creApp.NewLine( start, end, true ); // 2013

              Line line = Line.CreateBound( start, end ); // 2014

              ModelCurve modelCurve
            = doc.FamilyCreate.NewModelCurve(
              line, skplane );

              ReferenceArray ra = new ReferenceArray();

              ra.Append( modelCurve.GeometryCurve.Reference );

              start = creApp.NewXYZ( length, 0, 0 );
              end = creApp.NewXYZ( length, length, 0 );

              line = Line.CreateBound( start, end );

              modelCurve = doc.FamilyCreate.NewModelCurve(
            line, skplane );

              ra.Append( modelCurve.GeometryCurve.Reference );

              start = creApp.NewXYZ( 0, 0.2 * length, 0 );
              end = creApp.NewXYZ( length, 0.2 * length, 0 );

              line = Line.CreateBound( start, end );

              Dimension dim
            = doc.FamilyCreate.NewLinearDimension(
              doc.ActiveView, line, ra );

              FamilyParameter familyParam
            = doc.FamilyManager.AddParameter(
              ParameterType.Length, false );

              //dim.Label = familyParam; // 2013
              dim.FamilyLabel = familyParam; // 2014

              return Result.Succeeded;
        public static void SlopedWallTest(
            ExternalCommandData revit)
            Document massDoc = revit.Application.Application.NewFamilyDocument(
              @"C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RAC 2012\Family Templates\English_I\Conceptual Mass\Mass.rft" );

              Transaction transaction = new Transaction( massDoc );
              transaction.SetName( "TEST" );

              ExternalCommandData cdata = revit;
              Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = revit.Application.Application;
              app = revit.Application.Application;

              // Create one profile
              ReferenceArray ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();

              Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ ptA = new XYZ( 0, 0, 0 );
              XYZ ptB = new XYZ( 0, 30, 0 );
              ModelCurve modelcurve = MakeLine( revit.Application, ptA, ptB, massDoc );
              ref_ar.Append( modelcurve.GeometryCurve.Reference );

              ptA = new XYZ( 0, 30, 0 );
              ptB = new XYZ( 2, 30, 0 );
              modelcurve = MakeLine( revit.Application, ptA, ptB, massDoc );
              ref_ar.Append( modelcurve.GeometryCurve.Reference );

              ptA = new XYZ( 2, 30, 0 );
              ptB = new XYZ( 2, 0, 0 );
              modelcurve = MakeLine( revit.Application, ptA, ptB, massDoc );
              ref_ar.Append( modelcurve.GeometryCurve.Reference );

              ptA = new XYZ( 2, 0, 0 );
              ptB = new XYZ( 0, 0, 0 );
              modelcurve = MakeLine( revit.Application, ptA, ptB, massDoc );
              ref_ar.Append( modelcurve.GeometryCurve.Reference );

              // The extrusion form direction
              XYZ direction = new XYZ( -6, 0, 50 );
              Form form = massDoc.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusionForm( true, ref_ar, direction );

              if( File.Exists( @"C:\TestFamily.rfa" ) )
            File.Delete( @"C:\TestFamily.rfa" );

              massDoc.SaveAs( @"C:\TestFamily.rfa" );

              if( !revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document.LoadFamily( @"C:\TestFamily.rfa" ) )
            throw new Exception( "DID NOT LOAD FAMILY" );

              Family family = null;
              foreach( Element el in new FilteredElementCollector(
              revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document ).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements() )
            if( el is Family )
              if( ( (Family) el ).Name.ToUpper().Trim().StartsWith( "TEST" ) )
            family = (Family) el;

              FamilySymbol fs = null;
              foreach( FamilySymbol sym in family.Symbols )
            fs = sym;

              // Create a family instance.
              new XYZ( 0, 0, 0 ), fs, revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView.Level,
              StructuralType.NonStructural );

              WallType wallType = null;
              foreach( WallType wt in revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document.WallTypes )
            if( FaceWall.IsWallTypeValidForFaceWall( revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document, wt.Id ) )
              wallType = wt;

              foreach( Element el in new FilteredElementCollector(
              revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document ).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements() )
            if( el is FamilyInstance )
              if( ( (FamilyInstance) el ).Symbol.Family.Name.ToUpper().StartsWith( "TEST" ) )
            Options options = revit.Application.Application.Create.NewGeometryOptions();
            options.ComputeReferences = true;
            options.View = revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView;
            GeometryElement geoel = el.get_Geometry( options );

            // Attempt to create a slopped wall from the geometry.
            for( int i = 0; i < geoel.Objects.Size; i++ )
              if( geoel.Objects.get_Item( i ) is Solid )
                Solid solid = (Solid) geoel.Objects.get_Item( i );
                for( int j = 0; j < solid.Faces.Size; j++ )
                    if( solid.Faces.get_Item( i ).Reference != null )
                      FaceWall.Create( revit.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document,
                          wallType.Id, WallLocationLine.CoreCenterline,
                          solid.Faces.get_Item( i ).Reference );
                  catch( System.Exception e )
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( e.Message );
예제 #58
파일: Command.cs 프로젝트: AMEE/revit
        /// <summary>
        /// Implement this method as an external command for Revit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandData">An object that is passed to the external application 
        /// which contains data related to the command, 
        /// such as the application object and active view.</param>
        /// <param name="message">A message that can be set by the external application 
        /// which will be displayed if a failure or cancellation is returned by 
        /// the external command.</param>
        /// <param name="elements">A set of elements to which the external application 
        /// can add elements that are to be highlighted in case of failure or cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>Return the status of the external command. 
        /// A result of Succeeded means that the API external method functioned as expected. 
        /// Cancelled can be used to signify that the user cancelled the external operation 
        /// at some point. Failure should be returned if the application is unable to proceed with 
        /// the operation.</returns>
        public Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, Autodesk.Revit.DB.ElementSet elements)
            ExternalCommandData cdata = commandData;
             Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = commandData.Application.Application;
             app = commandData.Application.Application;
             Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

             Transaction transaction = new Transaction(doc, "MakeSweptBlendForm");

             // Create first profile
             ReferenceArray ref_ar = new ReferenceArray();
             Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 10, 0);
             Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (50, 10, 0);
             ModelCurve modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB);

             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (50, 10, 0);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 50, 0);
             modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB);

             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 50, 0);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 10, 0);
             modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB);

             // Create second profile
             ReferenceArray ref_ar2 = new ReferenceArray();
             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 10, 90);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (80, 10, 90);
             modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB);

             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (80, 10, 90);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 50, 90);
             modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB);

             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 50, 90);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 10, 90);
             modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB);

             // Add profiles
             ReferenceArrayArray profiles = new ReferenceArrayArray();

             // Create path for swept blend form
             ReferenceArray path = new ReferenceArray();
             ptA = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 10, 0);
             ptB = new Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ (10, 10, 90);
             modelcurve = FormUtils.MakeLine(commandData.Application, ptA, ptB);

             Autodesk.Revit.DB.Form form = doc.FamilyCreate.NewSweptBlendForm(true, path, profiles);


             return Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result.Succeeded;
예제 #59
        // ======================================
        //   (3.2) add dimensions
        // ======================================
        void addDimensions()
            // find the plan view
            View pViewPlan = findElement(typeof(ViewPlan), "Lower Ref. Level") as View;

            // find reference planes
            ReferencePlane refLeft = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "Left") as ReferencePlane;
            ReferencePlane refFront = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "Front") as ReferencePlane;
            ReferencePlane refOffsetV = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "OffsetV") as ReferencePlane; // OffsetV is added for L-shape
            ReferencePlane refOffsetH = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "OffsetH") as ReferencePlane; // OffsetH is added for L-shape

            // (1)  add dimension between the reference planes 'Left' and 'OffsetV', and label it as 'Tw'

            // define a dimension line
            XYZ p0 = refLeft.FreeEnd;
            XYZ p1 = refOffsetV.FreeEnd;
            // Line pLine = _app.Create.NewLineBound(p0, p1);  // Revit 2013
            Line pLine = Line.CreateBound(p0, p1);  // Revit 2014

            // define references
            ReferenceArray pRefArray = new ReferenceArray();

            // create a dimension
            Dimension pDimTw = _doc.FamilyCreate.NewDimension(pViewPlan, pLine, pRefArray);

            // add label to the dimension
            FamilyParameter paramTw = _doc.FamilyManager.get_Parameter("Tw");
            // pDimTw.Label = paramTw;  //Revit 2013
            pDimTw.FamilyLabel = paramTw;  // Revit 2014

            // (2)  do the same for dimension between 'Front' and 'OffsetH', and lable it as 'Td'

            // define a dimension line
            p0 = refFront.FreeEnd;
            p1 = refOffsetH.FreeEnd;
            //pLine = _app.Create.NewLineBound(p0, p1);  // Revit 2013
            pLine = Line.CreateBound(p0, p1);  // Revit 2014

            // define references
            pRefArray = new ReferenceArray();

            // create a dimension
            Dimension pDimTd = _doc.FamilyCreate.NewDimension(pViewPlan, pLine, pRefArray);

            // add label to the dimension
            FamilyParameter paramTd = _doc.FamilyManager.get_Parameter("Td");
            // pDimTd.Label = paramTd;  // Revit 2013
            pDimTd.FamilyLabel = paramTd;  // Revit 2014
예제 #60
파일: Command.cs 프로젝트: AMEE/revit
 /// <summary>
 /// Implement this method as an external command for Revit.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="commandData">An object that is passed to the external application 
 /// which contains data related to the command, 
 /// such as the application object and active view.</param>
 /// <param name="message">A message that can be set by the external application 
 /// which will be displayed if a failure or cancellation is returned by 
 /// the external command.</param>
 /// <param name="elements">A set of elements to which the external application 
 /// can add elements that are to be highlighted in case of failure or cancellation.</param>
 /// <returns>Return the status of the external command. 
 /// A result of Succeeded means that the API external method functioned as expected. 
 /// Cancelled can be used to signify that the user cancelled the external operation 
 /// at some point. Failure should be returned if the application is unable to proceed with 
 /// the operation.</returns>
 public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
     ExternalCommandData cdata = commandData;
     Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = commandData.Application.Application;
     Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
     XYZ xyz = new XYZ();
     ReferenceArrayArray refArAr = new ReferenceArrayArray();
     int x = 0;
     double z = 0;
     while (x < 800)
         ReferencePointArray rpAr = new ReferencePointArray();
         int y = 0;
         while (y < 800)
             z = 50 * (Math.Cos((Math.PI / 180) * x) + Math.Cos((Math.PI / 180) * y));
             xyz = app.Create.NewXYZ(x, y, z);
             ReferencePoint rp = doc.FamilyCreate.NewReferencePoint(xyz);
             y = y + 40;
         CurveByPoints curve = doc.FamilyCreate.NewCurveByPoints(rpAr);
         ReferenceArray refAr = new ReferenceArray();
         x = x + 40;
     Form form = doc.FamilyCreate.NewLoftForm(true, refArAr);
     return Result.Succeeded;