public async Task <Post> GetPost(string id, string subreddit) { JArray json = await RedditConnector.GetJSONArrayAsync("/r/" + subreddit + "/comments/" + id + ".json"); if (json[0]["error"] == null) { var currentPost = json[0]["data"]["children"][0]["data"]; Post post = ConvertPostFromJson(currentPost); post.Comments = new List <Comment>(); // Get comments var currentComments = json[1]["data"]["children"]; foreach (var comment in currentComments) { if (comment["data"]["body"] == null || comment["data"]["author"] == null) { continue; } Comment newComment = new Comment() { Body = comment["data"]["body"].ToString(), AuthorName = comment["data"]["author"].ToString() }; post.Comments.Add(newComment); } return(post); } return(null); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { votedPosts = new List <string>(); textBox.text = ""; reddit = new RedditConnector(); postWindow.localPosition = GetWindowPosition(postWindow, postOffX); commentWindow.localPosition = GetWindowPosition(commentWindow, commentOffX); voteWindow.localPosition = GetWindowPosition(voteWindow, voteOffX); addSpot = addition.transform.localPosition; shownScore = totalScore = ScoreManager.Instance.GetValidatedScore(); scoreText.text = totalScore.ToString(); MoveAlienLoading(); LoadVotedPosts(); Invoke("LoadPost", 0.25f); doTutorial = !PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Tutorial"); doComboTutorial = !PlayerPrefs.HasKey("ComboTutorial"); //if (Application.isEditor) doTutorial = true; //if (Application.isEditor) doComboTutorial = true; }
/// <summary> /// Populate post list with the top reddit posts right now /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task PopulatePosts(string subreddit) { JObject json = await RedditConnector.GetJSONAsync("/r/" + subreddit + ".json"); if (json["error"] == null) { int index = 1; foreach (var post in json["data"]["children"]) { var currentPost = post["data"]; Post newPost = ConvertPostFromJson(currentPost); redditPosts.Add(newPost); index++; } } }