예제 #1
        static void drawScrollPosition()
            if (selectedNode != null)

            if (maxScrollPosition < 1)

            VideoDriver v = irr.Driver;

            if (v.ScreenSize.Height < 200)

            float p = irr.Scene.ActiveCamera.Position.Z / maxScrollPosition;

            v.Draw2DLine(v.ScreenSize.Width - 26, 80, v.ScreenSize.Width - 26, v.ScreenSize.Height - 80, new Color(0x88446699));

            float y = (v.ScreenSize.Height - 80 - 80 - 40) * (1.0f - p);
            Recti r = new Recti(v.ScreenSize.Width - 29, (int)y + 80, v.ScreenSize.Width - 22, (int)y + 80 + 40);

            v.Draw2DRectangle(r, new Color(0x88446699));
예제 #2
        static void drawTextureManagerActivity()
            if (selectedNode != null)

            if (tasksAddedToTextureManager == 0)

            int l = textureManager.GetCommandQueueLength();

            if (l == 0)
                tasksAddedToTextureManager = 0;

            VideoDriver v = irr.Driver;
            float       p = (tasksAddedToTextureManager - l) / (float)tasksAddedToTextureManager;

            if (p > 1)
                p = 1;

            Recti r = new Recti(v.ScreenSize.Width - 140, 20, v.ScreenSize.Width - 24, 30);

            v.Draw2DRectangleOutline(r, new Color(0x88446699));

            r.LowerRightCorner = new Vector2Di(r.UpperLeftCorner.X + (int)(r.Width * p), r.LowerRightCorner.Y);
            v.Draw2DRectangle(r, new Color(0x88446699));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Determines whether the rectangle can be placed in the packing area
        ///   at its current location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rectangle">Rectangle whose position to check</param>
        /// <param name="testedPackingAreaWidth">Total width of the packing area</param>
        /// <param name="testedPackingAreaHeight">Total height of the packing area</param>
        /// <returns>True if the rectangle can be placed at its current position</returns>
        private bool IsFree(ref Recti rectangle, int testedPackingAreaWidth, int testedPackingAreaHeight)
            // If the rectangle is partially or completely outside of the packing
            // area, it can't be placed at its current location
            bool leavesPackingArea = (rectangle.X < 0) || (rectangle.Y < 0) || (rectangle.Right > testedPackingAreaWidth) || (rectangle.Bottom > testedPackingAreaHeight);

            if (leavesPackingArea)

            // Brute-force search whether the rectangle touches any of the other
            // rectangles already in the packing area
            for (int index = 0; index < packedRectangles.Count; ++index)
                if (packedRectangles[index].IntersectsWith(rectangle))

            // Success! The rectangle is inside the packing area and doesn't overlap
            // with any other rectangles that have already been packed.
예제 #4
        public void TestGetSideOn()
            Recti rect = new Recti(0, 0, 4, 8);

                new RectiSide(Dir.E, 0, 8, 3),
                new RectiSide(Dir.E, 0, 7, 3),
                rect.GetSideOn(Dir.E, true));

                new RectiSide(Dir.N, 0, 4, 7),
                new RectiSide(Dir.N, 1, 4, 7),
                rect.GetSideOn(Dir.N, true));

                new RectiSide(Dir.S, 0, 4, 0),
                new RectiSide(Dir.S, 0, 3, 0),
                rect.GetSideOn(Dir.S, true));

                new RectiSide(Dir.W, 0, 8, 0),
                new RectiSide(Dir.W, 1, 8, 0),
                rect.GetSideOn(Dir.W, true));
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        ///   Optimizes the rectangle's placement by moving it either left or up to fill
        ///   any gaps resulting from rectangles blocking the anchors of the most optimal
        ///   placements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="placement">Placement to be optimized</param>
        /// <param name="rectangleWidth">Width of the rectangle to be optimized</param>
        /// <param name="rectangleHeight">Height of the rectangle to be optimized</param>
        private void OptimizePlacement(ref Pointi placement, int rectangleWidth, int rectangleHeight)
            var rectangle = Recti.FromSize(placement.X, placement.Y, rectangleWidth, rectangleHeight);

            // Try to move the rectangle to the left as far as possible
            int leftMost = placement.X;

            while (IsFree(ref rectangle, PackingAreaWidth, PackingAreaHeight))
                leftMost = rectangle.X;

            // Reset rectangle to original position
            rectangle.X = placement.X;

            // Try to move the rectangle upwards as far as possible
            int topMost = placement.Y;

            while (IsFree(ref rectangle, PackingAreaWidth, PackingAreaHeight))
                topMost = rectangle.Y;

            // Use the dimension in which the rectangle could be moved farther
            if ((placement.X - leftMost) > (placement.Y - topMost))
                placement.X = leftMost;
                placement.Y = topMost;
예제 #6
    public void SetPlayerPosition(Vec2i pos)
        int minX = pos.x - PathFinderSize;

        if (minX < 0)
            minX = 0;

        int minZ = pos.z - PathFinderSize;

        if (minZ < 0)
            minZ = 0;

         * int maxX = pos.x + PathFinderSize;
         * if (maxX >= WorldSize)
         *  maxX = WorldSize-1;
         * int maxZ = pos.z + PathFinderSize;
         * if (maxZ >= WorldSize)
         *  maxZ = WorldSize - 1;
        Bounds = new Recti(minX, minZ, 2 * PathFinderSize, 2 * PathFinderSize);
예제 #7
 public bool Overlaps(Recti other)
     return(other.xMin < xMax &&
            other.xMax > xMin &&
            other.yMin < yMax &&
            other.yMax > yMin);
예제 #8
        public void Draw(VideoDriver driver, Texture cellTexture)
            int th = cellTexture.Size.Height;

            Recti[] srcRect = new Recti[5] {
                new Recti(th * 0, 0, th * 1, th),                // [0] passable == -1
                new Recti(th * 1, 0, th * 2, th),                // [1] impassable == -2
                new Recti(th * 2, 0, th * 3, th),                // [2] start == -3
                new Recti(th * 3, 0, th * 4, th),                // [3] finish == -4
                new Recti(th * 4, 0, th * 5, th)                 // [4] path == -5

            for (int i = 0; i < cells.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < cells.GetLength(1); j++)
                    int k = -1 - cells[i, j];
                    if (k >= 0 && k < srcRect.Length)
                        batchSrcRect[i * cells.GetLength(1) + j] = srcRect[k];

            driver.Draw2DImageBatch(cellTexture, batchDestPos, batchSrcRect);
예제 #9
    public Settlement(Kingdom kingdom, string name, SettlementBuilder builder)
        IMPORTANT              = builder.ENTR_NODE;
        Name                   = name;
        KingdomID              = kingdom.KingdomID;
        TileSize               = builder.TileSize;
        Centre                 = builder.Centre;
        BaseCoord              = builder.BaseCoord;
        SettlementBounds       = new Recti(BaseCoord.x, BaseCoord.z, TileSize, TileSize);
        SettlementChunks       = builder.SettlementChunks;
        Buildings              = builder.Buildings;
        SettlementNPCIDs       = new List <int>();
        SettlementLeaderNPCIDs = new List <int>();
        tNodes                 = builder.TestNodes2;
        //SettlementNPCs = new List<NPC>();
        //setBuild = builder;

        PathNodes      = builder.PathNodes;
        SettlementType = builder.SettlementType;
        foreach (Building b in Buildings)

        SettlementPathFinder = builder.SettlementPathFinder;
예제 #10
 public bool Contains(Recti other)
     return(other.xMin >= xMin &&
            other.xMax <= xMax &&
            other.yMin >= yMin &&
            other.yMax <= yMax);
예제 #11
        public FractalGenerator(IrrlichtDevice device)
            this.device = device;
            driver      = device.VideoDriver;
            screen      = driver.ViewPort;

예제 #12
 public Recti GetSubworldBounds()
     if (SubworldBounds == null)
         SubworldBounds = new Recti(new Vec2i(0, 0), ChunkSize * World.ChunkSize);
예제 #13
		public FractalGenerator(IrrlichtDevice device)
			this.device = device;
			driver = device.VideoDriver;
			screen = driver.ViewPort;

예제 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new LayerEyeFov.
 /// </summary>
 public LayerEyeFov()
     Header       = new LayerHeader();
     Header.Type  = LayerType.EyeFov;
     ColorTexture = new IntPtr[2];
     Viewport     = new Recti[2];
     Fov          = new FovPort[2];
     RenderPose   = new Posef[2];
예제 #15
    public Recti GetWorldBounds()
        if (WorldBounds == null)
            WorldBounds = new Recti(WorldPosition.x, WorldPosition.z, Width, Height);

        public void FillPixels(byte[] byteArray, Rectd destRect)
            var screenRect = new Recti(transxi(destRect.X), transyi(destRect.Y),
                                       (int)(Width * (destRect.Width)), (int)(Height * (destRect.Height)));

            int stride = 4 * ((screenRect.Width * (_bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel / 8) + 3) / 4);

            _bitmap.WritePixels(new System.Windows.Int32Rect(0, 0, screenRect.Width, screenRect.Height), byteArray, stride, screenRect.X, screenRect.Y);
예제 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new LayerEyeMatrix.
 /// </summary>
 public LayerEyeMatrix()
     Header       = new LayerHeader();
     Header.Type  = LayerType.EyeMatrix;
     ColorTexture = new IntPtr[2];
     Viewport     = new Recti[2];
     RenderPose   = new Posef[2];
     Matrix       = new Matrix4[2];
예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new LayerQuad.
 /// </summary>
 public LayerQuad()
     Header         = new LayerHeader();
     Header.Type    = LayerType.Quad;
     ColorTexture   = IntPtr.Zero;
     Viewport       = new Recti();
     QuadPoseCenter = new Posef();
     QuadSize       = new Vector2();
예제 #19
        private void initGUI()
            GUIEnvironment gui = device.GUIEnvironment;

            foreach (GUIDefaultColor c in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GUIDefaultColor)))
                Color l = gui.Skin.GetColor(c);
                l.Alpha = 255;
                gui.Skin.SetColor(l, c);

            Recti v = device.VideoDriver.ViewPort;

            GUITabControl tc = gui.AddTabControl(new Recti(20, 20, v.Width - 20, v.Height - 70));

            GUITab t1 = tc.AddTab("Setup");

            gui.AddStaticText("Driver", new Recti(20, 20, v.Width - 60, 40), false, false, t1);
            guiDriverType = gui.AddComboBox(new Recti(20, 40, v.Width - 60, 60), t1);
            foreach (DriverType t in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DriverType)))
                if (t == DriverType.Null)

                int i = guiDriverType.AddItem(t.ToString(), (int)t);

                if (t == driverType)
                    guiDriverType.SelectedIndex = i;

            gui.AddStaticText("Resolution", new Recti(20, 70, v.Width - 60, 90), false, false, t1);
            guiResolution = gui.AddComboBox(new Recti(20, 90, v.Width - 60, 110), t1);
            foreach (VideoMode m in device.VideoModeList.ModeList)
                int i = guiResolution.AddItem(m.ToString());

                if (m.Resolution == videoMode.Resolution && m.Depth == videoMode.Depth)
                    guiResolution.SelectedIndex = i;

            guiFullscreen = gui.AddCheckBox(fullscreen, new Recti(20, 130, v.Width - 60, 150), "Fullscreen", t1);

            GUITab t2 = tc.AddTab("About");

            gui.AddStaticText(aboutText, new Recti(20, 20, v.Width - 60, 180), false, true, t2);

            guiButtonRun  = gui.AddButton(new Recti(v.Width - 190, v.Height - 50, v.Width - 110, v.Height - 20), null, -1, "Run");
            guiButtonExit = gui.AddButton(new Recti(v.Width - 100, v.Height - 50, v.Width - 20, v.Height - 20), null, -1, "Exit");
예제 #20
    public override bool Equals(object other)
        if (!(other is Recti))
        Recti vector = (Recti)other;

        return(lt == vector.lt && rb == vector.rb);
예제 #21
 private SettlementPathNode[] AddPlot(Recti r)
     SettlementPathNode[] nodes = new SettlementPathNode[4];
     if (r.X > 0 && r.Y > 0)
         Vec2i n1 = new Vec2i(r.X - 1, r.Y - 1);
         nodes[0] = new SettlementPathNode(n1); //Bottom left
         //PathNodes.Add(new Vec2i(r.X - 1, r.Y - 1));
     if (r.X > 0 && r.X + r.Width + 1 < TileSize && r.Y > 0)
         //PathNodes.Add(new Vec2i(r.X + r.Width + 1, r.Y - 1));
         nodes[1] = new SettlementPathNode(new Vec2i(r.X + r.Width + 1, r.Y - 1)); //Bottom right
     if (r.X > 0 && r.Y > 0 && r.Y + r.Height + 1 < TileSize)
         //PathNodes.Add(new Vec2i(r.X - 1, r.Y + r.Height + 1));
         nodes[2] = new SettlementPathNode(new Vec2i(r.X - 1, r.Y + r.Height + 1)); //Top Left
     if (r.X > 0 && r.X + r.Width + 1 < TileSize && r.Y > 0 && r.Y + r.Height + 1 < TileSize)
         //PathNodes.Add(new Vec2i(r.X + r.Width + 1, r.Y + r.Height + 1));
         nodes[3] = new SettlementPathNode(new Vec2i(r.X + r.Width + 1, r.Y + r.Height + 1)); //Top Right
     if (nodes[0] != null)
         if (nodes[1] != null)
             nodes[0].AddConnection(SettlementPathNode.EAST, nodes[1]);
             nodes[1].AddConnection(SettlementPathNode.WEST, nodes[0]);
         if (nodes[2] != null)
             nodes[0].AddConnection(SettlementPathNode.NORTH, nodes[2]);
             nodes[2].AddConnection(SettlementPathNode.SOUTH, nodes[0]);
     if (nodes[3] != null)
         if (nodes[1] != null)
             nodes[3].AddConnection(SettlementPathNode.SOUTH, nodes[1]);
             nodes[1].AddConnection(SettlementPathNode.NORTH, nodes[3]);
         if (nodes[2] != null)
             nodes[3].AddConnection(SettlementPathNode.WEST, nodes[2]);
             nodes[2].AddConnection(SettlementPathNode.EAST, nodes[3]);
예제 #22
        public override void GestureEnd(CircuitEditor editor, Vector2d endOffset)
            SelectionSize = editor.RoundDistToGrid(endOffset);
            Selecting     = false;

            // Make sure we don't have a negitive size

            if (SelectionSize.X < 0)
                SelectionSize.X   = -SelectionSize.X;
                SelectionStart.X -= SelectionSize.X;

            if (SelectionSize.Y < 0)
                SelectionSize.Y   = -SelectionSize.Y;
                SelectionStart.Y -= SelectionSize.Y;

            // FIXME: Do the selecting
            var wires = editor.Scene.Wires;


            // If the size is zero we want to check if we clicked a wire or gate
            if (SelectionSize == Vector2i.Zero)
                foreach (var wire in wires.WiresList)
                    if (wire.IsPointOnWire(SelectionStart))
                // Here we should loop through all wires and see if they are contained in the area
                Recti selectionRect = new Recti(SelectionStart, SelectionSize);

                foreach (var wire in wires.WiresList)
                    if (selectionRect.Contains(wire.Pos) &&
                        Console.WriteLine($"Selected wire: {wire}");

예제 #23
        public void SetProgress(uint progress)
            if (progress > 100)
                progress = 0;

            int xpercentage;
            xpercentage = (int)(progress * xWidth) / 100; //Reducing to the bar size
            toFill.UpperLeftCorner.Set(bar.UpperLeftCorner.X, bar.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
            toFill = new Recti(bar.UpperLeftCorner.X, bar.UpperLeftCorner.Y, bar.UpperLeftCorner.X + xpercentage, bar.LowerRightCorner.Y);
            empty = new Recti(new Vector2Di(toFill.LowerRightCorner.X, toFill.UpperLeftCorner.Y), new Vector2Di(bar.LowerRightCorner.X, bar.LowerRightCorner.Y));
예제 #24
        static void drawPreviewPlateTooltip()
            if (hoveredNode == null ||

            int k = hoveredNode.ID;

            Texture t = hoveredNode.GetMaterial(0).GetTexture(0);

            if (t != null && t.Name.Path != "NoPreviewTexture")
                k = hoveredNode.ID & (0xFFFFFFF ^ SelectableNodeIdFlag);

            string s = previewPlateInfo.ContainsKey(k)
                                ? previewPlateInfo[k]
                                : "???";

            if (s != null)
                Vector2Di p = irr.Device.CursorControl.Position + new Vector2Di(16);
                GUIFont   f = irr.GUI.Skin.GetFont(GUIDefaultFont.Default);

                Dimension2Di d = f.GetDimension(s);
                d.Inflate(16, 12);

                Recti       r = new Recti(p, d);
                VideoDriver v = irr.Driver;

                int ax = r.LowerRightCorner.X - v.ScreenSize.Width;
                int ay = r.LowerRightCorner.Y - v.ScreenSize.Height;
                if (ax > 0 || ay > 0)
                    if (ax < 0)
                        ax = 0;
                    if (ay < 0)
                        ay = 0;
                    r.Offset(-ax, -ay);

                v.Draw2DRectangle(r, new Color(0xbb223355));
                v.Draw2DRectangleOutline(r, new Color(0xbb445577));

                f.Draw(s, r.UpperLeftCorner + new Vector2Di(8, 6), Color.SolidYellow);
예제 #25
 public bool Intersects(Recti r)
     if (r.X > X + Width || r.X + Width > X)
     if (r.Y > Y + Height || r.Y + Height > Y)
예제 #26
    private void BuildWallAndEntrance()
        Recti boundry  = new Recti(Boundry, Boundry, TileSize.x - 2 * Boundry, TileSize.z - 2 * Boundry);
        Vec2i entrance = new Vec2i(0, 0);

        for (int x = Boundry + 1; x < TileSize.x - Boundry - 1; x++)
            Vec2i p1 = new Vec2i(x, Boundry + 1);

            if (entrance.QuickDistance(p1) > 4)
                WoodSpikeWall wall1 = new WoodSpikeWall();
                AddObject(wall1, true);
            Vec2i p2 = new Vec2i(x, TileSize.z - Boundry - 1);

            if (entrance.QuickDistance(p2) > 4)
                WoodSpikeWall wall2 = new WoodSpikeWall();
                AddObject(wall2, true);
        for (int z = Boundry + 1; z < TileSize.z - Boundry - 1; z++)
            Vec2i p1 = new Vec2i(Boundry + 1, z);

            if (p1.QuickDistance(entrance) > 4)
                WoodSpikeWall wall1 = new WoodSpikeWall();
                AddObject(wall1, true);
            Vec2i p2 = new Vec2i(TileSize.x - Boundry - 1, z);
            if (p2.QuickDistance(entrance) > 4)
                WoodSpikeWall wall2 = new WoodSpikeWall();
                AddObject(wall2, true);

        for (int x = 0; x < TileSize.x; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < TileSize.z; z++)
                SetTile(x, z, Tile.DIRT);
예제 #27
    public static void Init()
        FIELD_SIZE_X = GameManager.Instance.Definitions.FieldSizeX;
        FIELD_SIZE_Y = GameManager.Instance.Definitions.FieldSizeY;
        FIELD_GRID_X = GameManager.Instance.Definitions.FieldGridX;
        FIELD_GRID_Y = GameManager.Instance.Definitions.FieldGridY;

        FIELD_RECT = new Recti(-FIELD_GRID_X * FIELD_SIZE_X / 2 + GameManager.Instance.Definitions.FieldCenterX,
                               -FIELD_GRID_Y * FIELD_SIZE_Y / 2 + GameManager.Instance.Definitions.FieldCenterY,
                               FIELD_GRID_X * FIELD_SIZE_X / 2 + GameManager.Instance.Definitions.FieldCenterX,
                               FIELD_GRID_Y * FIELD_SIZE_Y / 2 + GameManager.Instance.Definitions.FieldCenterY);
        FIELD_POS_X = -FIELD_GRID_X * FIELD_SIZE_X / 2 + FIELD_GRID_X / 2 + GameManager.Instance.Definitions.FieldCenterX;
        FIELD_POS_Y = FIELD_GRID_Y * FIELD_SIZE_Y / 2 - FIELD_GRID_Y / 2 + GameManager.Instance.Definitions.FieldCenterY;
예제 #28
        public void TestExpandToInclude()
            Recti r = new Recti(0, 0, 0, 0);

            r.ExpandToInclude(new Vec2i(1, 1));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Recti(1, 1, 1, 1), r);

            r.ExpandToInclude(new Vec2i(1, 1));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Recti(1, 1, 1, 1), r);

            r.ExpandToInclude(new Vec2i(3, 1));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Recti(1, 1, 3, 1), r);

            r.ExpandToInclude(new Vec2i(0, 4));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Recti(0, 1, 4, 4), r);
예제 #29
    /// <summary>
    /// Attempts to place generate a building based on <paramref name="bp"/> in the plot specified
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bp"></param>
    /// <param name="plot"></param>
    private bool GenBuildingInPlot(BuildingPlan bp, Plot plot)
        Vec2i entrance = GenerationRandom.RandomFromArray(plot.EntranceSides);
        BuildingGenerationPlan bpPlan = new BuildingGenerationPlan()
            BuildingPlan = bp,
            EntranceSide = entrance,
            MaxHeight    = plot.Bounds.Height,
            MaxWidth     = plot.Bounds.Width

        if (bp.MinSize > plot.Bounds.Width || bp.MinSize > plot.Bounds.Height)

        Building b = BuildingGenerator.CreateBuilding(GenerationRandom, out BuildingVoxels vox, bpPlan);

        Vec2i pos = new Vec2i(plot.Bounds.X, plot.Bounds.Y);

        if (entrance.x == -1)
            pos = new Vec2i(plot.Bounds.X, plot.Bounds.Y + GenerationRandom.RandomIntFromSet(0, plot.Bounds.Height - b.Height));
        else if (entrance.x == 1)
            pos = new Vec2i(plot.Bounds.X + (plot.Bounds.Width - b.Width), plot.Bounds.Y + GenerationRandom.RandomIntFromSet(0, plot.Bounds.Height - b.Height));
        else if (entrance.z == -1)
            pos = new Vec2i(plot.Bounds.X + GenerationRandom.RandomIntFromSet(0, plot.Bounds.Width - b.Width), plot.Bounds.Y);
        else if (entrance.z == 1)
            pos = new Vec2i(plot.Bounds.X + GenerationRandom.RandomIntFromSet(0, plot.Bounds.Width - b.Width), plot.Bounds.Y + (plot.Bounds.Height - b.Height));
        Recti r = AddBuilding(b, vox, pos);

        if (r != null)
예제 #30
    public void OnSceneGUI()
        var obj = (CharacterController)target;

        if (showPlayerTiles)
            Handles.color = Color.green;
            var box   = obj.rigidbody.GetComponent <Collider2D>().bounds;
            var tiles = Recti.GetBoundingRect(box.min.x, box.min.y, box.size.x, box.size.y);
            for (int x = tiles.xMin; x < tiles.xMax; x++)
                for (int y = tiles.yMin; y < tiles.yMax; y++)
                    Handles.DrawWireCube(new Vector3((float)x + 0.5f, (float)y + 0.5f, 0), Vector3.one);
예제 #31
        /// <summary>Tries to allocate space for a rectangle in the packing area</summary>
        /// <param name="rectangleWidth">Width of the rectangle to allocate</param>
        /// <param name="rectangleHeight">Height of the rectangle to allocate</param>
        /// <param name="placement">Output parameter receiving the rectangle's placement</param>
        /// <returns>True if space for the rectangle could be allocated</returns>
        public override bool TryPack(int rectangleWidth, int rectangleHeight, out Pointi placement)
            // Try to find an anchor where the rectangle fits in, enlarging the packing
            // area and repeating the search recursively until it fits or the
            // maximum allowed size is exceeded.
            int anchorIndex = SelectAnchorRecursive(rectangleWidth, rectangleHeight, actualPackingAreaWidth, actualPackingAreaHeight);

            // No anchor could be found at which the rectangle did fit in
            if (anchorIndex == -1)
                placement = new Pointi();

            placement = anchors[anchorIndex];

            // Move the rectangle either to the left or to the top until it collides with
            // a neightbouring rectangle. This is done to combat the effect of lining up
            // rectangles with gaps to the left or top of them because the anchor that
            // would allow placement there has been blocked by another rectangle
            OptimizePlacement(ref placement, rectangleWidth, rectangleHeight);

            // Remove the used anchor and add new anchors at the upper right and lower left
            // positions of the new rectangle
            // The anchor is only removed if the placement optimization didn't
            // move the rectangle so far that the anchor isn't blocked anymore
            bool blocksAnchor =
                ((placement.X + rectangleWidth) > anchors[anchorIndex].X) &&
                ((placement.Y + rectangleHeight) > anchors[anchorIndex].Y);

            if (blocksAnchor)

            // Add new anchors at the upper right and lower left coordinates of the rectangle
            InsertAnchor(new Pointi(placement.X + rectangleWidth, placement.Y));
            InsertAnchor(new Pointi(placement.X, placement.Y + rectangleHeight));

            // Finally, we can add the rectangle to our packed rectangles list
            packedRectangles.Add(Recti.FromSize(placement.X, placement.Y, rectangleWidth, rectangleHeight));

예제 #32
    public static bool AddObject(Building build, BuildingVoxels vox, WorldObjectData obj, bool force = false)
        if (force)
            //Iterate all objects in the building and check for intersection.
            foreach (WorldObjectData obj_ in build.GetBuildingInternalObjects())
                //If they intersect, then we cannot place this object.
                if (obj_.Intersects(obj))

            //Find the integer bounds
            Recti bounds = obj.CalculateIntegerBounds();
            int   yMin   = (int)obj.Position.y;
            int   yMax   = yMin + (int)obj.Size.y;
            //Iterate the voxel position of the object bounds.
            for (int x = bounds.X; x < bounds.X + bounds.Width; x++)
                for (int z = bounds.Y; z < bounds.Y + bounds.Height; z++)
                    for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++)
                        //If any single voxel is non-none, then we cannot place the object here.
                        if (vox.GetVoxel(x, y, z) != Voxel.none)
예제 #33
        public ExperienceBar(GUIEnvironment guienv, Recti rectangle, int id = -1, GUIElement parent = null)
            : base(GUIElementType.Unknown, guienv, parent, rectangle)
            xWidth = rectangle.LowerRightCorner.X - rectangle.UpperLeftCorner.X;
            gui = guienv;
            if (Parent != null)
            { bar = new Recti(Parent.RelativePosition.UpperLeftCorner + rectangle.UpperLeftCorner, Parent.RelativePosition.UpperLeftCorner + rectangle.LowerRightCorner); }
            else { bar = rectangle; }

            if (parent != null)
            videoDriver = gui.VideoDriver;
            fillcolor = Color.OpaqueGreen;
            emptycolor = Color.OpaqueRed;
            bordercolor = Color.OpaqueBlack;
            border = bar;
            toFill = new Recti();
            empty = new Recti();
예제 #34
		public void Draw(VideoDriver driver, Texture cellTexture)
			int th = cellTexture.Size.Height;

			Recti[] srcRect = new Recti[5] {
				new Recti(th * 0, 0, th * 1, th), // [0] passable == -1
				new Recti(th * 1, 0, th * 2, th), // [1] impassable == -2
				new Recti(th * 2, 0, th * 3, th), // [2] start == -3
				new Recti(th * 3, 0, th * 4, th), // [3] finish == -4
				new Recti(th * 4, 0, th * 5, th) // [4] path == -5

			for (int i = 0; i < cells.GetLength(0); i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < cells.GetLength(1); j++)
					int k = -1 - cells[i, j];
					if (k >= 0 && k < srcRect.Length)
						batchSrcRect[i * cells.GetLength(1) + j] = srcRect[k];

			driver.Draw2DImageBatch(cellTexture, batchDestPos, batchSrcRect);
예제 #35
		static void Main(string[] args)
			DriverType driverType;
			if (!AskUserForDriver(out driverType))

			IrrlichtDevice device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(driverType, new Dimension2Di(512, 384));
			if (device == null)

			device.SetWindowCaption("Irrlicht Engine - 2D Graphics Demo");

			VideoDriver driver = device.VideoDriver;

			Texture images = driver.GetTexture("../../media/2ddemo.png");
			driver.MakeColorKeyTexture(images, new Vector2Di(0, 0));

			GUIFont font = device.GUIEnvironment.BuiltInFont;
			GUIFont font2 = device.GUIEnvironment.GetFont("../../media/fonthaettenschweiler.bmp");

			Recti imp1 = new Recti(349, 15, 385, 78);
			Recti imp2 = new Recti(387, 15, 423, 78);

			driver.Material2D.Layer[0].BilinearFilter = true;
			driver.Material2D.AntiAliasing = AntiAliasingMode.FullBasic;

			while (device.Run())
				if (device.WindowActive)
					int time = (int)device.Timer.Time;

					driver.BeginScene(true, true, new Color(120, 102, 136));

					// draw fire & dragons background world
					driver.Draw2DImage(images, new Vector2Di(50, 50),
						new Recti(0, 0, 342, 224), null,
						new Color(255, 255, 255), true);

					// draw flying imp
					driver.Draw2DImage(images, new Vector2Di(164, 125),
						(time / 500 % 2) == 1 ? imp1 : imp2, null,
						new Color(255, 255, 255), true);

					// draw second flying imp with colorcylce
					driver.Draw2DImage(images, new Vector2Di(270, 105),
						(time / 500 % 2) == 1 ? imp1 : imp2, null,
						new Color(time % 255, 255, 255), true);

					// draw some text
					if (font != null)
						font.Draw("This demo shows that Irrlicht is also capable of drawing 2D graphics.",
							130, 10, new Color(255, 255, 255));

					// draw some other text
					if (font2 != null)
						font2.Draw("Also mixing with 3d graphics is possible.",
							130, 20, new Color(time % 255, time % 255, 255));

					driver.Draw2DImage(images, new Recti(10, 10, 108, 48), new Recti(354, 87, 442, 118));

					Vector2Di m = device.CursorControl.Position;
					driver.Draw2DRectangle(new Recti(m.X - 20, m.Y - 20, m.X + 20, m.Y + 20), new Color(255, 255, 255, 100));


예제 #36
		static void drawScrollPosition()
			if (selectedNode != null)

			if (maxScrollPosition < 1)

			VideoDriver v = irr.Driver;
			if (v.ScreenSize.Height < 200)

			float p = irr.Scene.ActiveCamera.Position.Z / maxScrollPosition;

			v.Draw2DLine(v.ScreenSize.Width - 26, 80, v.ScreenSize.Width - 26, v.ScreenSize.Height - 80, new Color(0x88446699));

			float y = (v.ScreenSize.Height - 80 - 80 - 40) * (1.0f - p);
			Recti r = new Recti(v.ScreenSize.Width - 30, (int)y + 80, v.ScreenSize.Width - 23, (int)y + 80 + 40);
			v.Draw2DRectangle(r, new Color(0x88446699));
예제 #37
		static void drawTextureManagerActivity()
			if (selectedNode != null)

			if (tasksAddedToTextureManager == 0)

			int l = textureManager.GetCommandQueueLength();
			if (l == 0)
				tasksAddedToTextureManager = 0;

			VideoDriver v = irr.Driver;
			float p = (tasksAddedToTextureManager - l) / (float)tasksAddedToTextureManager;
			if (p > 1)
				p = 1;

			Recti r = new Recti(v.ScreenSize.Width - 140, 20, v.ScreenSize.Width - 24, 30);
			v.Draw2DRectangleOutline(r, new Color(0x88446699));

			r.Inflate(-4, -4);
			r.LowerRightCorner = new Vector2Di(r.UpperLeftCorner.X + (int)(r.Width * p), r.LowerRightCorner.Y);
			v.Draw2DRectangle(r, new Color(0x88446699));
예제 #38
		static void drawPreviewPlateTooltip()
			if (hoveredNode == null ||

			int k = hoveredNode.ID;

			Texture t = hoveredNode.GetMaterial(0).GetTexture(0);
			if (t != null && t.Name.Path != "NoPreviewTexture")
				k = hoveredNode.ID & (0xFFFFFFF ^ SelectableNodeIdFlag);

			string s = previewPlateInfo.ContainsKey(k)
				? previewPlateInfo[k]
				: "???";

			if (s != null)
				Vector2Di p = irr.Device.CursorControl.Position + new Vector2Di(16);
				GUIFont f = irr.GUI.Skin.GetFont(GUIDefaultFont.Default);

				Dimension2Di d = f.GetDimension(s);
				d.Inflate(16, 12);

				Recti r = new Recti(p, d);
				VideoDriver v = irr.Driver;

				int ax = r.LowerRightCorner.X - v.ScreenSize.Width;
				int ay = r.LowerRightCorner.Y - v.ScreenSize.Height;
				if (ax > 0 || ay > 0)
					if (ax < 0) ax = 0;
					if (ay < 0) ay = 0;
					r.Offset(-ax, -ay);

				v.Draw2DRectangle(r, new Color(0xbb223355));
				v.Draw2DRectangleOutline(r, new Color(0xbb445577));

				f.Draw(s, r.UpperLeftCorner + new Vector2Di(8, 6), Color.OpaqueYellow);
예제 #39
 public void AddBorder(int size, Color color)
     bordercolor = color;
     border = new Recti(border.UpperLeftCorner.X - size, border.UpperLeftCorner.Y - size, border.LowerRightCorner.X + size, border.LowerRightCorner.Y + size);
예제 #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Létrehoz egy sizex*sizey méretű ablakot, windowCaption címmel és deviceType renderelési eszközzel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="windowCaption">Ablak címe</param>
        /// <param name="sizex">Ablak szélessége</param>
        /// <param name="sizey">Ablak magassága</param>
        /// <param name="deviceType">A render eszköz típusa ("DriverType.OpenGL;" (OpenGL) vagy "DriverType.Direct3D8;"/"DriverType.Direct3D9;" (DirectX))</param>
        /// <param name="mapName">Betöltendő pálya neve a kiterjesztés nélkül (pl. "devmap")</param>
        /// <param name="pak0">A pak0 fájl neve (pl. "pak0" vagy "pack1")</param>
        /// <param name="pak1">A pak1 fájl neve (pl. "pak1" vagy "pack4")</param>
        /// <param name="pak2">A pak2 fájl neve (pl. "pak2" vagy "pack2")</param>
        public static void createScreen(string windowCaption, int sizex, int sizey, DriverType deviceType, string mapName, string pak0, string pak1, string pak2, bool isFullScreen)
            //Ablakot megjeleníteni
            if (isFullScreen == true)
                device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(deviceType, new Dimension2Di(sizex, sizey), 32, true, false, true);
                device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(deviceType, new Dimension2Di(sizex, sizey), 32, false, false, true);
            if (device == null)

            AnimatedMesh q3levelmesh = null;
            device.OnEvent += new IrrlichtDevice.EventHandler(device_OnEvent);
            device.SetWindowCaption(Property.modName + " Build " + Property.modVersion);
            driver = device.VideoDriver;
            smgr = device.SceneManager;

            GUIEnvironment gui = device.GUIEnvironment;
            GUIInOutFader fader = device.GUIEnvironment.AddInOutFader();
            fader.SetColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 255));
            //hurtOverlay = device.GUIEnvironment.AddImage(driver.GetTexture("./Content/2D/Overlays/hurt.png"), new Vector2Di(0, 0));
            //hurtOverlay.Visible = false;
            GUIImage copyrightScreen = device.GUIEnvironment.AddImage(driver.GetTexture("./Content/2D/exit.tga"), new Vector2Di(0, 0));
            float guiScalex = sizex / 800;
            float guiScaley = sizey / 600;
            copyrightScreen.Visible = false;
            copyrightScreen.ScaleImage = true;
            copyrightScreen.SetMaxSize(new Dimension2Di(sizex, sizey));
            copyrightScreen.SetMinSize(new Dimension2Di(sizex, sizey));
            //Betölteni a mapot
                device.FileSystem.AddFileArchive("./Content/PK3/" + pak0 + ".edsf");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log("pak0 fajl betoltese sikertelen vagy nem talalhato, a jatek nem tud betoltodni");
                string error = ex.ToString();
                device.FileSystem.AddFileArchive("./Content/PK3/" + pak1 + ".edsf");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log("pak1 fajl betoltese sikertelen vagy nem talalhato, ignoralva");
                string error = ex.ToString();
                device.FileSystem.AddFileArchive("./Content/PK3/" + pak2 + ".edsf");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log("pak2 fajl betoltese sikertelen vagy nem talalhato, ignoralva");
                string error = ex.ToString();
                q3levelmesh = smgr.GetMesh(mapName + ".bsp");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log("Palya betoltese sikertelen vagy nem talalhato, a jatek nem tud betoltodni");
                string error = ex.ToString();
            MeshSceneNode q3node = null;
                q3node = smgr.AddOctreeSceneNode(q3levelmesh.GetMesh(0), null, IDFlag_IsPickable);
                q3node.Position = new Vector3Df(-1350, -130, -1400);
            SceneNode node = null;
            if (mapName == "rpg")
                IsRPG = true;
            //LightSceneNode light = smgr.AddLightSceneNode(q3node, new Vector3Df(-1319, -118, -1410), new Color(255, 255, 255), 600.0, 10);
            //Half-Life Headcrab
            AnimatedMeshSceneNode anode3 = smgr.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(smgr.GetMesh("./Content/3D/headcrab.mdl"));
            if (IsRPG)
                anode3.Position = new Vector3Df(-1212, -180, -1346);
                anode3.Position = new Vector3Df(-1372.951f, -145.9882f, -1319.71f);
            anode3.Rotation = new Vector3Df(0, 0, 0);
            anode3.AnimationSpeed = 1;
            Scenes.changeAnimation(anode3, 1, 31);
            anode3.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, true);
            anode3.GetMaterial(0).NormalizeNormals = true;
            anode3.GetMaterial(0).Lighting = false;
            anode2 = smgr.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(smgr.GetMesh("./Content/3D/yodan.mdl"));
            anode2.Position = new Vector3Df(-1355, -200, -1410);
            anode2.AnimationSpeed = 15;
            anode2.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, true);
            anode2.GetMaterial(0).NormalizeNormals = true;
            anode2.GetMaterial(0).Lighting = false;
               			Scenes.changeYodanAnimation(anode2, "idle");
            SceneNode skybox = smgr.AddSkyBoxSceneNode("./Contents/2D/Skybox/mountains_up.jpg", "./Contents/2D/Skybox/mountains_dn.jpg", "./Contents/2D/Skybox/mountains_lf.jpg", "./Contents/2D/Skybox/mountains_rt.jpg", "./Contents/2D/Skybox/mountains_ft.jpg", "./Contents/2D/Skybox/mountains_bk.jpg");
            skybox.Visible = true;
            //FPS kamera hozzáadása
            camera = smgr.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS();
            camera.Position = new Vector3Df(-1625.723f, -145.9937f, -1532.087f);
            camera.Target = new Vector3Df(-1491.555f, -1434.106f, -1368.737f);
            AnimatedMesh weaponmesh = smgr.GetMesh("./Content/3D/blades.mdl");
            AnimatedMeshSceneNode weapon = smgr.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(weaponmesh, camera, 30);
            weapon.Scale = new Vector3Df(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            weapon.Position = new Vector3Df(0, 0, 15);
            weapon.Rotation = new Vector3Df(0, -90, 0);
            Scenes.changeAnimation(weapon, 1, 1);
            weapon.Visible = true;
            TriangleSelector selector;
            selector = smgr.CreateOctreeTriangleSelector(q3levelmesh.GetMesh(0), q3node, 128);
            q3node.TriangleSelector = selector;
            anim = smgr.CreateCollisionResponseAnimator(selector, camera, new Vector3Df(30, 50, 30), new Vector3Df(0, -10, 0), new Vector3Df(0, 30, 0));
            GUIImage overlay = device.GUIEnvironment.AddImage(driver.GetTexture("./Content/2D/Overlays/vignette.png"), new Vector2Di(0, 0));
            overlay.ScaleImage = true;
            overlay.SetMaxSize(new Dimension2Di(sizex, sizey));
            overlay.SetMinSize(new Dimension2Di(sizex, sizey));
            // fény
            lightMovementHelperNode = smgr.AddEmptySceneNode();

            q3node = smgr.AddSphereSceneNode(2, 6, lightMovementHelperNode, -1, new Vector3Df(15, -10, 15));
            q3node.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);

            lightNode = q3node;

            //A Portré
            anode = smgr.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(smgr.GetMesh("./Content/3D/portrait.mdl"));
            anode.Position = new Vector3Df(-1177.601f, -137.975f, -1238.015f);
            anode.Rotation = new Vector3Df(0,0,0);
            anode.Scale = new Vector3Df(3);
            anode.AnimationSpeed = 1500;
            anode.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, true);
            anode.GetMaterial(0).NormalizeNormals = true;
            anode.GetMaterial(0).Lighting = false;

            AnimatedMeshSceneNode anode4 = smgr.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(smgr.GetMesh("./Content/3D/waiter.mdl"));
            anode4.Position = new Vector3Df(-1130, -375, -1724);
            anode4.Rotation = new Vector3Df(0, -90, 0);
            anode4.Scale = new Vector3Df(2, 2, 2);
            anode4.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
            Scenes.changeAnimation(anode4, 0, 1);

            //Egér elrejtése
            device.CursorControl.Visible = false;
            GUIFont font = device.GUIEnvironment.BuiltInFont;
            SceneCollisionManager collMan = smgr.SceneCollisionManager;
            TextSceneNode headcrabName = smgr.AddTextSceneNode(font, "Yodan Lebegö Headcrab-je <Level 10>", new Color(255, 255, 0), null, anode3.Position + new Vector3Df(0, 25, 0), 0);
            TextSceneNode waiterName = smgr.AddTextSceneNode(font, "John <Level 15>", new Color(0, 255, 0), null, anode4.Position + new Vector3Df(0, 125, 0), 0);
            uint then = device.Timer.Time;
            float MOVEMENT_SPEED = 100.0f;

            /*AnimatedMeshSceneNode anode5 = smgr.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(smgr.GetMesh("./Content/3D/core.mdl"));
            anode5.Position = new Vector3Df(-1355, 0, -1410);
            Scenes.changeAnimation(anode5, 0, 90);
            anode5.Scale = new Vector3Df(2.0f);
            Line3Df coreray = new Line3Df(-1355, 0, -1410, -1355, -500, -1410);
            driver.SetTransform(TransformationState.World, Matrix.Identity);
            driver.Draw3DLine(coreray, new Color(255,0,0));*/

            GUIImage bartenderForm = device.GUIEnvironment.AddImage(driver.GetTexture("./Content/2D/bartender.png"), new Vector2Di(10, 10));
            bartenderForm.ScaleImage = true;
            bartenderForm.Visible = false;
            bartenderForm.SetMinSize(new Dimension2Di(sizex - 10, sizey - 10));
            bartenderForm.SetMaxSize(new Dimension2Di(sizex - 10, sizey - 10));
            bool BartenderFormIsOpen = false;
            GUIImage ActionBar = device.GUIEnvironment.AddImage(driver.GetTexture("./Content/2D/Hud/Actionbar.tga"), new Vector2Di(0, 600 - 128));
            //330, 110  790, 120
            Recti expbarrect = new Recti();
            ExperienceBar expbar = new ExperienceBar(gui, expbarrect,0, ActionBar);
            expbar.SetColors(new Color(255, 255, 0), new Color(255, 255, 255));
            expbar.AddBorder(5, new Color(0, 0, 0));
            expbar.SetMinSize(new Dimension2Di(128, 64));
            expbar.SetMaxSize(new Dimension2Di(128, 64));
            //Mi minek a része
            TextSceneNode yodanName = smgr.AddTextSceneNode(font, "Yodan a Bérgyilkos <Level 90>", new Color(255, 0, 0), null, anode2.Position + new Vector3Df(0, 50, 0), 0);
            while (device.Run())
                driver.BeginScene(true, true, new Color(135, 206, 235));

                string printDate = dateTime.ToShortTimeString();
                uint now = device.Timer.Time;
                float frameDeltaTime = (float)(now - then) / 1000.0f;
                then = now;
                Vector3Df nodePosition = camera.Position;
                if (font != null)
                    /*font.Draw("Build " + Property.modVersion, 5, 5, new Color(0, 0, 255));
                    font.Draw("pos= " + camera.Position, 5, 578 - 16, new Color(0, 0, 255));
                    font.Draw("tar= " + camera.Target, 5, 594 - 16, new Color(0, 0, 255));*/
                    font.Draw(Player.Experience(), new Vector2Di(505, 582), new Color(0,0,0));
                if (camera.Position.Z >= 10000)
                    font.Draw("Kiestél a Világból!", new Vector2Di(400, 300), new Color (0, 0, 0));
                    camera.Position = anode.Position;

                if (Quest1Done)
                    yodanName.SetTextColor(new Color(255, 255, 0));

                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                    nodePosition.Y += MOVEMENT_SPEED * frameDeltaTime;
                else if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.LControl))
                    nodePosition.Y -= MOVEMENT_SPEED * frameDeltaTime;
                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.LShift))
                    MOVEMENT_SPEED = 200.0f;
                    MOVEMENT_SPEED = 100.0f;

                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.Esc))
                    copyrightScreen.Visible = true;
                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.KeyM))
                    //Yodan.Run(new Vector3Df(-1642, -172, -1421), new Vector3Df(-1053, -167, -1416));
                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.KeyB))
                   // Yodan.Wave();

                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.KeyV))
                else if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.KeyN))
                else if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.KeyC))
                //Actionbar START

                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.Key1))
                    if (!AutoAttack)
                        AutoAttack = true;
                        if (currentWeapon == 1)
                            Scenes.changeAnimation(weapon, 11 + 24 + 25, 11 + 24 + 25 + 31 + 30);
                        else if (currentWeapon == 2)
                            Scenes.changeAnimation(weapon, 91 + 31 + 81 + 31, 91 + 31 + 81 + 31+90);
                    else if (AutoAttack)
                        AutoAttack = false;
                        if (currentWeapon == 1)
                            Scenes.changeAnimation(weapon, 1, 1);
                        else if (currentWeapon == 2)
                            Scenes.changeAnimation(weapon, 1, 90);

                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.Key2))
                     AnimatedMesh bladesmesh = smgr.GetMesh("./Content/3D/blades.mdl");
                     weapon.Mesh = bladesmesh;
                     weapon.Scale = new Vector3Df(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                     weapon.Position = new Vector3Df(0, 0, 15);
                     weapon.Rotation = new Vector3Df(0, -90, 0);
                     Scenes.changeAnimation(weapon, 1, 1);
                     currentWeapon = 1;
                 if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.Key3))
                     AnimatedMesh crossbowmesh = smgr.GetMesh("./Content/3D/crossbow.mdl");
                     weapon.Mesh = crossbowmesh;
                     Scenes.changeAnimation(weapon, 1, 90);
                     weapon.Scale = new Vector3Df(3.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f);
                     currentWeapon = 2;

                 if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.Key4))
                     if (IsEtlapPickedUp)
                         bartenderForm.Visible = true;
                         BartenderFormIsOpen = true;


                //Actionbar END

                //elteszi/előveszi a fegyvert
                    weapon.Visible = false;
                    weaponHolster = false;
                    weapon.Visible = true;
                    weaponHolster = true;
                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.MouseLButton))
                    AutoAttack = true;
                    if (currentWeapon == 1)
                        Scenes.changeAnimation(weapon, 11 + 24 + 25, 11 + 24 + 25 + 31 + 30);
                    else if (currentWeapon == 2)
                        Scenes.changeAnimation(weapon, 91 + 31 + 81 + 31, 91 + 31 + 81 + 31 + 90);
                else if (!IsKeyDown(KeyCode.MouseLButton))
                    AutoAttack = false;
                    if (currentWeapon == 1)
                        Scenes.changeAnimation(weapon, 1, 1);
                    else if (currentWeapon == 2)
                        Scenes.changeAnimation(weapon, 1, 90);

                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.KeyX))
                    Texture yodanMissing = driver.GetTexture("./Content/2D/yodanmissing.tga");
                    Dimension2Di yodanMisSiz = yodanMissing.Size;
                    yodanMisSiz = anode.GetMaterial(0).GetTexture(0).Size;
                    anode.SetMaterialTexture(0, yodanMissing);
                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.KeyE))
                    //Bartender Johh On-Use
                    Vector3Df camtarget = camera.Target;
                    if (!BartenderFormIsOpen)
                        if (new Vector3Df(727, 221, -986) <= camtarget)
                            if (new Vector3Df(763, 276, -2329) >= camtarget)
                                if (camtarget > new Vector3Df(184, -1843, -1255))
                                    if (camtarget > new Vector3Df(138, -1837, -2318))
                                        bartenderForm.Visible = true;
                                        BartenderFormIsOpen = true;
                                        if (!IsEtlapPickedUp)
                                            ActionBar.Image = driver.GetTexture("./Content/2D/Hud/Actionbar_etlap.tga");
                                        IsEtlapPickedUp = true;
                    else if (BartenderFormIsOpen)
                        bartenderForm.Visible = false;
                        BartenderFormIsOpen = false;

                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.KeyK))
                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.KeyJ))
                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.KeyL))

                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.F7))
                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.F9))
                    string campos = camera.Position.ToString();
                    Logger.Log("position:" + campos);
                    string camtar = camera.Target.ToString();
                    Logger.Log("target: " + camtar);
                if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.LShift))
                    if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.KeyY))
                    } else if (IsKeyDown(KeyCode.KeyN))
                        copyrightScreen.Visible = false;

                camera.Position = nodePosition;