public Intersections(MetroGraphData metroGraphData, BundlingSettings bundlingSettings, RectangleNode<Polyline> obstacleTree, Func<Station, Set<Polyline>> obstaclesToIgnore) { this.metroGraphData = metroGraphData; this.obstaclesToIgnore = obstaclesToIgnore; this.bundlingSettings = bundlingSettings; this.obstacleTree = obstacleTree; }
internal MultiEdgeRouter(List<Edge[]> multiEdgeGeoms, InteractiveEdgeRouter interactiveEdgeRouter, IEnumerable<ICurve> nodeBoundaryCurves, BundlingSettings bundlingSettings, Func<EdgeGeometry, List<Shape>> transparentShapeSetter) { multiEdgeGeometries = multiEdgeGeoms.Select(l => l.Select(e => e.EdgeGeometry).ToArray()).ToList(); this.interactiveEdgeRouter = interactiveEdgeRouter; this.bundlingSettings = bundlingSettings; this.transparentShapeSetter = transparentShapeSetter; nodeTree = RectangleNode<ICurve>.CreateRectangleNodeOnData(nodeBoundaryCurves, c => c.BoundingBox); }
void CalculateTightObstaclesForBundle(RectangleNode<Polyline> tightTree, Set<Polyline> obstaclesToIgnore) { double sRadius = SourceBase.Curve.BoundingBox.Diagonal / 2; double tRadius = TargetBase.Curve.BoundingBox.Diagonal / 2; //Polyline bundle = Intersections.Create4gon(SourceBase.CurveCenter, TargetBase.CurveCenter, sRadius * 2, tRadius * 2); Polyline bundle = Intersections.Create4gon(SourceBase.Position, TargetBase.Position, sRadius * 2, tRadius * 2); tightObstaclesInTheBoundingBox = tightTree.AllHitItems(bundle.BoundingBox, p => !obstaclesToIgnore.Contains(p) && Curve.ClosedCurveInteriorsIntersect(bundle, p)).ToList(); }
void CreateTigthLooseCouples() { var couples = new List<TightLooseCouple>(); foreach (var tightPolyline in tightHierarchy.GetAllLeaves()) { var distance = InteractiveObstacleCalculator.FindMaxPaddingForTightPolyline(tightHierarchy, tightPolyline, LoosePadding); var loosePoly = InteractiveObstacleCalculator.LoosePolylineWithFewCorners(tightPolyline, distance); couples.Add(new TightLooseCouple(tightPolyline, new Shape(loosePoly), distance)); } coupleHierarchy = RectangleNode<TightLooseCouple>. CreateRectangleNodeOnEnumeration(couples.Select(c => new RectangleNode<TightLooseCouple>(c, c.TightPolyline.BoundingBox))); }
private void GetIntersecting(RectangleNode<IHull> leafNode, RectangleNode<IHull> internalNode, List<IHull> intersecting) { Debug.Assert(leafNode.UserData != null); if (!leafNode.Rectangle.Intersects(internalNode.Rectangle)) return; if (internalNode.UserData != null) { if (leafNode.UserData != internalNode.UserData) { intersecting.Add(internalNode.UserData); } } else { GetIntersecting(leafNode, internalNode.Left, intersecting); GetIntersecting(leafNode, internalNode.Right, intersecting); } }
internal static bool LandlocksPoint(RectangleNode<Obstacle> root, Point location) { var bbox = root.Rectangle; if (!bbox.Contains(location)) { return false; } // This is just a simple test; a more robust one would actually look for a bendy path.); return IntersectsSegment(root, location, StaticGraphUtility.RectangleBorderIntersect(bbox, location, Directions.North)) || IntersectsSegment(root, location, StaticGraphUtility.RectangleBorderIntersect(bbox, location, Directions.South)) || IntersectsSegment(root, location, StaticGraphUtility.RectangleBorderIntersect(bbox, location, Directions.East)) || IntersectsSegment(root, location, StaticGraphUtility.RectangleBorderIntersect(bbox, location, Directions.West)); }
void Init() { foreach (EdgeGeometry e in metroGraphData.Edges) { polylineToEdgeGeom[(Polyline)e.Curve] = e; } var del = new Point(ApproximateComparer.DistanceEpsilon, ApproximateComparer.DistanceEpsilon); if (cdt != null) { siteHierarchy = RectangleNode<CdtSite>.CreateRectangleNodeOnEnumeration( cdt.PointsToSites.Values.Select(site => new RectangleNode<CdtSite>(site, new Rectangle(site.Point + del, site.Point - del)))); triangleHierarchy = RectangleNode<CdtTriangle>.CreateRectangleNodeOnEnumeration( cdt.GetTriangles().Select(tr => new RectangleNode<CdtTriangle>(tr, TriangleRectangle(tr.Sites)))); } CreatePathsThroughPoints(); }
internal BundleRouter(GeometryGraph geometryGraph, SdShortestPath shortestPathRouter, VisibilityGraph visibilityGraph, BundlingSettings bundlingSettings, double loosePadding, RectangleNode<Polyline> tightHierarchy, RectangleNode<Polyline> looseHierarchy, Dictionary<EdgeGeometry, Set<Polyline>> edgeLooseEnterable, Dictionary<EdgeGeometry, Set<Polyline>> edgeTightEnterable, Func<Port, Polyline> loosePolylineOfPort) { ValidateArg.IsNotNull(geometryGraph, "geometryGraph"); ValidateArg.IsNotNull(bundlingSettings, "bundlingSettings"); this.geometryGraph = geometryGraph; this.bundlingSettings = bundlingSettings; regularEdges = geometryGraph.Edges.Where(e => e.Source != e.Target).ToArray(); VisibilityGraph = visibilityGraph; this.shortestPathRouter = shortestPathRouter; LoosePadding = loosePadding; LooseHierarchy = looseHierarchy; TightHierarchy = tightHierarchy; EdgeLooseEnterable = edgeLooseEnterable; EdgeTightEnterable = edgeTightEnterable; this.loosePolylineOfPort = loosePolylineOfPort; }
int CountCrossingsWithRTree(Size[] nodeSizes) { RectangleNode <int> rootNode = RectangleNode <int> .CreateRectangleNodeOnEnumeration( nodeSizes.Select((r, index) => new RectangleNode <int>(index, new Rectangle(r, nodePositions[index])))); int numCrossings = 0; RectangleNodeUtils.CrossRectangleNodes <int, int>(rootNode, rootNode, (a, b) => { if (a == b) { return; } numCrossings++; }); return(numCrossings); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //this is of GraphViz { var tree = RectangleNode <object> .CreateRectangleNodeOnEnumeration(GetRectangleNodesFromGraph()); var numberOfTries = 10000; Random random = new Random(1); double rectWidth = 50; double rectHeight = 200; var delta = new Point(rectWidth / 2, rectHeight / 2); Rectangle bestRectangle = Rectangle.CreateAnEmptyBox(); Point hint = (gViewer.Graph.BoundingBox.LeftBottom + gViewer.Graph.BoundingBox.RightTop) / 2; double minDistance = double.PositiveInfinity; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTries; i++) { Point randomCenter = GetRandomCenter(rectHeight, rectWidth, random); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(randomCenter); r.Add(randomCenter + delta); r.Add(randomCenter - delta); if (tree.GetNodeItemsIntersectingRectangle(r).Any()) { } else { var len = (randomCenter - hint).LengthSquared; if (len < minDistance) { minDistance = len; bestRectangle = r; } } } if (bestRectangle.IsEmpty == false) { InsertNodeIntoGraph(bestRectangle); } else { MessageBox.Show("cannot insert"); } }
static internal Cdt CreateConstrainedDelaunayTriangulation(RectangleNode <Polyline> looseHierarchy) { IEnumerable <Polyline> obstacles = looseHierarchy.GetAllLeaves(); Rectangle rectangle = looseHierarchy.Rectangle; double d = rectangle.Diagonal / 4; Point lb = rectangle.LeftBottom + new Point(-d, -d); Point lt = rectangle.LeftTop + new Point(-d, d); Point rt = rectangle.RightTop + new Point(d, d); Point rb = rectangle.RightBottom + new Point(d, -d); var additionalObstacles = new[] { new Polyline(lb, lt, rt, rb) { Closed = true } }; return(GetConstrainedDelaunayTriangulation(obstacles.Concat(additionalObstacles))); }
internal BundleRouter(GeometryGraph geometryGraph, SdShortestPath shortestPathRouter, VisibilityGraph visibilityGraph, BundlingSettings bundlingSettings, double loosePadding, RectangleNode <Polyline> tightHierarchy, RectangleNode <Polyline> looseHierarchy, Dictionary <EdgeGeometry, Set <Polyline> > edgeLooseEnterable, Dictionary <EdgeGeometry, Set <Polyline> > edgeTightEnterable, Func <Port, Polyline> loosePolylineOfPort) { ValidateArg.IsNotNull(geometryGraph, "geometryGraph"); ValidateArg.IsNotNull(bundlingSettings, "bundlingSettings"); this.geometryGraph = geometryGraph; this.bundlingSettings = bundlingSettings; regularEdges = geometryGraph.Edges.Where(e => e.Source != e.Target).ToArray(); VisibilityGraph = visibilityGraph; this.shortestPathRouter = shortestPathRouter; LoosePadding = loosePadding; LooseHierarchy = looseHierarchy; TightHierarchy = tightHierarchy; EdgeLooseEnterable = edgeLooseEnterable; EdgeTightEnterable = edgeTightEnterable; this.loosePolylineOfPort = loosePolylineOfPort; }
public void Should_Replace_Different_DrawOperation() { var node = new VisualNode(new TestRoot(), null); var operation = new RectangleNode(Matrix.Identity, Brushes.Red, null, new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), 0); var layers = new SceneLayers(node.Visual); var target = new DeferredDrawingContextImpl(null, layers); node.LayerRoot = node.Visual; node.AddDrawOperation(operation); using (target.BeginUpdate(node)) { target.FillRectangle(Brushes.Green, new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)); } Assert.Equal(1, node.DrawOperations.Count); Assert.NotSame(operation, node.DrawOperations.Single()); Assert.IsType <RectangleNode>(node.DrawOperations[0]); }
public BackgroundNode() { var count = GameUtils.AreaSize; var size = GameUtils.CellSize * 0.9f; foreach (var v in GameUtils.AllCells) { var node = new RectangleNode { Position = new Vector2F(v.X + 0.5f, v.Y + 0.5f) * GameUtils.CellSize, CenterPosition = size * 0.5f, RectangleSize = size, ZOrder = ZOrders.Background, Color = new Color(20, 20, 20), }; AddChildNode(node); } }
private void GetIntersecting(RectangleNode <IHull> leafNode, RectangleNode <IHull> internalNode, List <IHull> intersecting) { Debug.Assert(leafNode.UserData != null); if (!leafNode.Rectangle.Intersects(internalNode.Rectangle)) { return; } if (internalNode.UserData != null) { if (leafNode.UserData != internalNode.UserData) { intersecting.Add(internalNode.UserData); } } else { GetIntersecting(leafNode, internalNode.Left, intersecting); GetIntersecting(leafNode, internalNode.Right, intersecting); } }
void Init() { foreach (EdgeGeometry e in metroGraphData.Edges) { polylineToEdgeGeom[(Polyline)e.Curve] = e; } var del = new Point(ApproximateComparer.DistanceEpsilon, ApproximateComparer.DistanceEpsilon); if (cdt != null) { siteHierarchy = RectangleNode <CdtSite> .CreateRectangleNodeOnEnumeration( cdt.PointsToSites.Values.Select(site => new RectangleNode <CdtSite>(site, new Rectangle(site.Point + del, site.Point - del)))); triangleHierarchy = RectangleNode <CdtTriangle> .CreateRectangleNodeOnEnumeration( cdt.GetTriangles().Select(tr => new RectangleNode <CdtTriangle>(tr, TriangleRectangle(tr.Sites)))); } CreatePathsThroughPoints(); }
internal MetroGraphData(EdgeGeometry[] regularEdges, RectangleNode<Polyline> looseTree, RectangleNode<Polyline> tightTree, BundlingSettings bundlingSettings, Cdt cdt, Dictionary<EdgeGeometry, Set<Polyline>> edgeLooseEnterable, Dictionary<EdgeGeometry, Set<Polyline>> edgeTightEnterable, Func<Port, Polyline> loosePolylineOfPort) { //Debug.Assert(cdt != null); this.regularEdges = regularEdges; if (cdt != null) Cdt = cdt; else Cdt = BundleRouter.CreateConstrainedDelaunayTriangulation(looseTree); EdgeLooseEnterable = edgeLooseEnterable; EdgeTightEnterable = edgeTightEnterable; LoosePolylineOfPort = loosePolylineOfPort; looseIntersections = new Intersections(this, bundlingSettings, looseTree, station => station.EnterableLoosePolylines); tightIntersections = new Intersections(this, bundlingSettings, tightTree, station => station.EnterableTightPolylines); cdtIntersections = new CdtIntersections(this, bundlingSettings); Initialize(false); }
static int NumberOfHits(int numberOfChecks, Random random, RectangleNode <Node, Point> tree, int maxNumberOfHits) { // var l = new List<Point>(); int numberOfHits = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChecks; i++) { Point point = RandomPointFromBox(random, (Rectangle)tree.rectangle); // l.Add(point); if ((tree.FirstHitNode(point, (p, t) => HitTestBehavior.Stop)) != null) { numberOfHits++; } if (numberOfHits == maxNumberOfHits) { return(maxNumberOfHits); } } //LayoutAlgorithmSettings.ShowDebugCurvesEnumeration(Getdc(tree, l)); return(numberOfHits); }
bool PushNodeAndUpdateRTree(Node pushingNode, RectangleNode<Node> pushed) { var del = pushed.UserData.Center - pushingNode.Center; var w = pushingNode.Width / 2 + pushed.UserData.Width / 2; var h = pushingNode.Height / 2 + pushed.UserData.Height / 2; var absDelXBetweenCenters = Math.Abs(del.X); var absDelYBetweenCenters = Math.Abs(del.Y); var xSep = absDelXBetweenCenters - w; var ySep = absDelYBetweenCenters - h; if (xSep >= separation || ySep >= separation) return false; if (absDelXBetweenCenters >= absDelYBetweenCenters) { double d = del.X > 0 ? separation - xSep : xSep - separation; PushByX(d, pushed); } else { double d = del.Y > 0 ? separation - ySep : ySep - separation; PushByY(d, pushed); } UpdateBoundingBoxesOfPushedAndUpParents(pushed); return true; }
RectangleNode <Node, Point> FindClusterNodeRecurse(RectangleNode <Node, Point> node, Node cluster, Rectangle previousBox) { if (node.UserData != null) { return(node.UserData == cluster ? node : null); } RectangleNode <Node, Point> n0 = null; if (previousBox.Intersects((Rectangle)node.Left.Rectangle)) { n0 = FindClusterNodeRecurse(node.Left, cluster, previousBox); } if (n0 != null) { return(n0); } if (previousBox.Intersects((Rectangle)node.Right.Rectangle)) { return(FindClusterNodeRecurse(node.Right, cluster, previousBox)); } return(null); }
static void AddTilePoints(RectangleNode <Node> rtree, List <Point> list, double left, double bottom, double tileSize, Rectangle boundingBox) { const int n = 2; //adding n*n points double del = tileSize / (n + 1); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { var p = new Point(i * del + left, j * del + bottom); if (!boundingBox.Contains(p)) { continue; } if (rtree.FirstHitNode(p) != null) { continue; } list.Add(p); } } }
public void CreateScene() { _scene = new Scene(); var clearNode = new RectangleNode() { Position = new Vector2(0, 0), Size = new Vector2(1000, 1000) }; var fillNode = new SetColorNode { Color = Color.Green }; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { fillNode.Children.Add( new RectangleNode { Name = $"Rect{i}", Position = new Vector2(i * 50, 50), Size = new Vector2(40, 40) }); } clearNode.Children.Add(fillNode); _scene.Root.Children.Add(clearNode); }
/// <summary> /// does the initialization /// </summary> public void Initialize() { if (_initFromPrecomputedLgData) { InitOnPrecomputedLgData(); return; } #if DEBUG && TEST_MSAGL mainGeometryGraph.SetDebugIds(); #endif CreateConnectedComponentsAndLayoutTheWholeGraph(); #if (!SILVERLIGHT && !SHARPKIT) Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.Start(); #endif LevelCalculator.SetNodeZoomLevelsAndRouteEdgesOnLevels(lgData, mainGeometryGraph, lgLayoutSettings); TestZoomLevels(); // CalculateEdgeZoomLevels(); // Console.WriteLine("nodes {0} edges {1}", MainGeometryGraph.Nodes.Count(), MainGeometryGraph.Edges.Count()); lgNodeHierarchy = RectangleNode <LgNodeInfo> .CreateRectangleNodeOnEnumeration( lgData.GeometryNodesToLgNodeInfos.Values.Where(n => !(n.GeometryNode is Cluster)).Select( lginfo => new RectangleNode <LgNodeInfo>(lginfo, lginfo.BoundingBox))); railGraph = new RailGraph(); #if (!SILVERLIGHT && !SHARPKIT) timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("levels calculated for {0}", timer.Duration); if (lgLayoutSettings.ExitAfterInit) { Environment.Exit(0); } #endif }
public void RectangleNode() { var tc = new TestCore(new Configuration()); tc.Init(); var rectangle1 = new RectangleNode() { Color = new Color(255, 0, 0), Position = new Vector2F(100f, 100f), CenterPosition = new Vector2F(25f, 25f), RectangleSize = new Vector2F(50f, 50f), }; var rectangle2 = new RectangleNode() { Color = new Color(0, 255, 0), Position = new Vector2F(400f, 200f), RectangleSize = new Vector2F(200f, 100f), }; var rectangle3 = new RectangleNode() { Color = new Color(0, 0, 255), Position = new Vector2F(200f, 300f), RectangleSize = new Vector2F(100f, 150f), }; Engine.AddNode(rectangle1); Engine.AddNode(rectangle2); Engine.AddNode(rectangle3); tc.LoopBody((c) => { rectangle1.RectangleSize += new Vector2F(1, 1); }, null); tc.End(); }
private void GetClosePairs(RectangleNode<IHull> a, RectangleNode<IHull> b, List<Tuple<IHull, IHull>> closePairs) { if (!a.Rectangle.Intersects(b.Rectangle)) return; if (a.UserData != null && b.UserData != null) { if (a.UserData != b.UserData) { Point ap = a.UserData.Center; Point bp = b.UserData.Center; if (ap.X <= bp.X || (ap.X == bp.X && ap.Y <= bp.Y)) { closePairs.Add(new Tuple<IHull, IHull>(a.UserData, b.UserData)); } } } else if (a.UserData == null && b.UserData == null) { GetClosePairs(a.Left, b.Left, closePairs); GetClosePairs(a.Left, b.Right, closePairs); GetClosePairs(a.Right, b.Left, closePairs); GetClosePairs(a.Right, b.Right, closePairs); } else if (a.UserData == null) { GetClosePairs(a.Left, b, closePairs); GetClosePairs(a.Right, b, closePairs); } else { GetClosePairs(a, b.Left, closePairs); GetClosePairs(a, b.Right, closePairs); } }
private SceneNodeBase GetRootElement() { var rectangle = RectangleNode.Create(); rectangle.Scale *= 3; rectangle.TextureSource = new TextureSource(@"Lenna.png"); //var blend = RectangleNode.Create(); //blend.Scale *= 1.5f; //blend.WorldPosition = new vec3(-0.5f, 0, 0.1f); //blend.RenderUnit.Methods[0].StateList.Add(new BlendState(BlendingSourceFactor.SourceAlpha, BlendingDestinationFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha)); //blend.TextureSource = new TextureSource(@"particle.png"); //var blend2 = RectangleNode.Create(); //blend2.Scale *= 1.5f; //blend2.WorldPosition = new vec3(0.5f, 0, 0.2f); //blend2.RenderUnit.Methods[0].StateList.Add(new BlendState(BlendingSourceFactor.SourceAlpha, BlendingDestinationFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha)); //blend2.TextureSource = new TextureSource(@"particle.png"); // note: this tells us that the right way is to render the nearest transparenct object at last. var group = new GroupNode(rectangle);//, blend, blend2); return(group); }
private void GetClosePairs(RectangleNode <IHull> a, RectangleNode <IHull> b, List <Tuple <IHull, IHull> > closePairs) { if (!a.Rectangle.Intersects(b.Rectangle)) { return; } if (a.UserData != null && b.UserData != null) { if (a.UserData != b.UserData) { Point ap = a.UserData.Center; Point bp = b.UserData.Center; if (ap.X <= bp.X || (ap.X == bp.X && ap.Y <= bp.Y)) { closePairs.Add(new Tuple <IHull, IHull>(a.UserData, b.UserData)); } } } else if (a.UserData == null && b.UserData == null) { GetClosePairs(a.Left, b.Left, closePairs); GetClosePairs(a.Left, b.Right, closePairs); GetClosePairs(a.Right, b.Left, closePairs); GetClosePairs(a.Right, b.Right, closePairs); } else if (a.UserData == null) { GetClosePairs(a.Left, b, closePairs); GetClosePairs(a.Right, b, closePairs); } else { GetClosePairs(a, b.Left, closePairs); GetClosePairs(a, b.Right, closePairs); } }
void UpdateBoundingBoxesOfPushedAndUpParents(RectangleNode<Node> pushed) { pushed.Rectangle = GetPaddedBoxOfNode(pushed.UserData); var parent = pushed.Parent; while (parent != null) { parent.Rectangle = new Rectangle(parent.Left.Rectangle, parent.Right.Rectangle); parent = parent.Parent; } }
static bool CurveIntersectsRectangleNode(ICurve curve, ref Rectangle curveBox, RectangleNode <Polyline> rectNode, Polyline polylineToIgnore) { if (!rectNode.Rectangle.Intersects(curveBox)) { return(false); } if (rectNode.UserData != null) { return(rectNode.UserData != polylineToIgnore && (Curve.CurveCurveIntersectionOne(rectNode.UserData, curve, false) != null || Inside(rectNode.UserData, curve))); } Debug.Assert(rectNode.Left != null && rectNode.Right != null); return(CurveIntersectsRectangleNode(curve, ref curveBox, rectNode.Left, polylineToIgnore) || CurveIntersectsRectangleNode(curve, ref curveBox, rectNode.Right, polylineToIgnore)); }
internal static bool CurveIntersectsRectangleNode(ICurve curve, RectangleNode <Polyline> rectNode) { Rectangle boundingBox = curve.BoundingBox; return(CurveIntersectsRectangleNode(curve, ref boundingBox, rectNode)); }
internal CdtGeneralPolylineTracer(IEnumerable<PolylinePoint> polylinePoints, RectangleNode<CdtSite> siteHierarchy, RectangleNode<CdtTriangle> triangleHierarchy) { iterator = polylinePoints.GetEnumerator(); TriangleHierarchy = triangleHierarchy; SiteHierarchy = siteHierarchy; }
internal ProximityQuery(List <IHull> nodeHulls) { hierarchy = RectangleNode <IHull> .CreateRectangleNodeOnEnumeration(GetNodeRects(nodeHulls)); }
internal CdtGeneralPolylineTracer(IEnumerable <PolylinePoint> polylinePoints, RectangleNode <CdtSite> siteHierarchy, RectangleNode <CdtTriangle> triangleHierarchy) { iterator = polylinePoints.GetEnumerator(); TriangleHierarchy = triangleHierarchy; SiteHierarchy = siteHierarchy; }
static void IntersectionsOfLineAndRectangleNodeOverPolyline(LineSegment ls, RectangleNode<Polyline> rectNode, List<IntersectionInfo> listOfIntersections) { if (rectNode == null) return; if (!ls.BoundingBox.Intersects(rectNode.Rectangle)) return; if (rectNode.UserData != null) { listOfIntersections.AddRange(Curve.GetAllIntersections(ls, rectNode.UserData, true)); return; } IntersectionsOfLineAndRectangleNodeOverPolyline(ls, rectNode.Left, listOfIntersections); IntersectionsOfLineAndRectangleNodeOverPolyline(ls, rectNode.Right, listOfIntersections); }
internal static RectangleNode <Polyline> CalculateHierarchy(IEnumerable <Polyline> polylines) { var rectNodes = polylines.Select(polyline => CreateRectNodeOfPolyline(polyline)).ToList(); return(RectangleNode <Polyline> .CreateRectangleNodeOnListOfNodes(rectNodes)); }
RectangleNode<Node> FindClusterNodeRecurse(RectangleNode<Node> node, Node cluster, Rectangle previousBox) { if (node.UserData != null) return node.UserData == cluster ? node : null; RectangleNode<Node> n0=null; if (previousBox.Intersects(node.Left.Rectangle)) n0 = FindClusterNodeRecurse(node.Left, cluster, previousBox); if (n0 != null) return n0; if (previousBox.Intersects(node.Right.Rectangle)) return FindClusterNodeRecurse(node.Right, cluster, previousBox); return null; }
static internal Cdt CreateConstrainedDelaunayTriangulation(RectangleNode<Polyline> looseHierarchy) { IEnumerable<Polyline> obstacles = looseHierarchy.GetAllLeaves(); Rectangle rectangle = looseHierarchy.Rectangle; double d = rectangle.Diagonal / 4; Point lb = rectangle.LeftBottom + new Point(-d, -d); Point lt = rectangle.LeftTop + new Point(-d, d); Point rt = rectangle.RightTop + new Point(d, d); Point rb = rectangle.RightBottom + new Point(d, -d); var additionalObstacles = new[] { new Polyline(lb, lt, rt, rb) { Closed = true }}; return GetConstrainedDelaunayTriangulation(obstacles.Concat(additionalObstacles)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="cluster"></param> /// <param name="previousBox"></param> public void UpdateRTreeByChangedNodeBox(Node cluster, Rectangle previousBox) { RectangleNode <Node, Point> rectNode = FindClusterNode(cluster, previousBox); UpdateBoundingBoxesOfPushedAndUpParents(rectNode); }
static bool LineIntersectsRectangleNode(LineSegment ls, RectangleNode<Polyline> rectNode) { if (!ls.BoundingBox.Intersects(rectNode.Rectangle)) return false; if (rectNode.UserData != null) { // SugiyamaLayoutSettings.Show(ls, rectNode.UserData); return Curve.GetAllIntersections(rectNode.UserData, ls, false).Count > 0; } return LineIntersectsRectangleNode(ls, rectNode.Left) || LineIntersectsRectangleNode(ls, rectNode.Right); }
internal static bool IntersectsSegment(RectangleNode<Obstacle> root, Point start, Point end) { return root.GetLeafRectangleNodesIntersectingRectangle(new Rectangle(start, end)).Any(); }
internal RectangleNode<CdtTriangle> GetCdtTree() { if (cdtTree == null) { cdtTree = RectangleNode<CdtTriangle>.CreateRectangleNodeOnEnumeration(GetTriangles().Select(t => new RectangleNode<CdtTriangle>(t, t.BoundingBox()))); } return cdtTree; }
internal void CalculateHierarchy() { this.hierarchy = ObstacleTree.CalculateHierarchy(groupsAndClumps); }
bool PolylineIntersectsPolyRectangleNodeOfTightHierarchy(Point a, Point b, RectangleNode<Polyline> rect) { return PolylineIntersectsPolyRectangleNodeOfTightHierarchy(new LineSegment(a, b), rect); }
void PushByX(double del, RectangleNode<Node> pushed) { var delPoint = new Point(del, 0); PushByPoint(pushed, delPoint); }
bool PolylineIntersectsPolyRectangleNodeOfTightHierarchy(LineSegment ls, RectangleNode<Polyline> rect) { if (!ls.BoundingBox.Intersects(rect.Rectangle)) return false; if (rect.UserData != null) { foreach (IntersectionInfo ii in Curve.GetAllIntersections(ls, rect.UserData, false)) { if (ii.Segment1 != SourceTightPolyline && ii.Segment1 != TargetTightPolyline) return true; if (ii.Segment1 == SourceTightPolyline && SourcePort is CurvePort) return true; if (ii.Segment1 == TargetTightPolyline && TargetPort is CurvePort) return true; } return false; } return PolylineIntersectsPolyRectangleNodeOfTightHierarchy(ls, rect.Left) || PolylineIntersectsPolyRectangleNodeOfTightHierarchy(ls, rect.Right); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Altseed2 を初期化します。 Engine.Initialize("ShapeNode", 640, 480); // 円を描画するノード var circle = new CircleNode() { Color = new Color(255, 100, 100), Radius = 30f, Position = new Vector2F(100f, 300f), VertNum = 30 }; // 円弧を描画するノード var arc = new ArcNode() { Color = new Color(100, 255, 100), Radius = 25f, Position = new Vector2F(300f, 100f), StartDegree = 30f, EndDegree = 150f, VertNum = 30 }; // 直線を描画するノード var line = new LineNode() { Color = new Color(100, 100, 255), Point1 = new Vector2F(200f, 150f), Point2 = new Vector2F(400f, 350f), Thickness = 5f }; // 短形を描画するノード var rectangle = new RectangleNode() { Color = new Color(255, 255, 100), Position = new Vector2F(300f, 400f), RectangleSize = new Vector2F(50f, 50f) }; // 三角形を描画するノード var triangle = new TriangleNode() { Color = new Color(255, 100, 255), Point1 = new Vector2F(50f, 50f), Point2 = new Vector2F(100f, 50f), Point3 = new Vector2F(50f, 100f), }; // エンジンにノードを追加します。 Engine.AddNode(circle); Engine.AddNode(arc); Engine.AddNode(line); Engine.AddNode(rectangle); Engine.AddNode(triangle); // メインループ。 // Altseed のウインドウが閉じられると終了します。 while (Engine.DoEvents()) { // Altseed を更新します。 Engine.Update(); } // Altseed の終了処理をします。 Engine.Terminate(); }
internal void SetParamsFeasiblySymmetrically(RectangleNode <Polyline> tightTree) { CalculateTightObstaclesForBundle(tightTree, obstaclesToIgnore); SetEndParamsSymmetrically(); }
internal static RectangleNode <Obstacle, Point> CalculateHierarchy(IEnumerable <Obstacle> obstacles) { var rectNodes = obstacles.Select(obs => new RectangleNode <Obstacle, Point>(obs, obs.VisibilityBoundingBox)).ToList(); return(RectangleNode <Obstacle, Point> .CreateRectangleNodeOnListOfNodes(rectNodes)); }
StaircaseRemover(List<Path> paths, RectangleNode<Polyline> hierarchyOfObstacles) { HierarchyOfObstacles = new RTree<Polyline>(hierarchyOfObstacles); Paths = paths; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="quadrilateral"></param> /// <param name="rectangleNode"></param> /// <param name="polylineToIgnore"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool CurveIntersectsRectangleNode(Polyline quadrilateral, RectangleNode <Polyline> rectangleNode, Polyline polylineToIgnore) { Rectangle boundingBox = quadrilateral.BoundingBox; return(CurveIntersectsRectangleNode(quadrilateral, ref boundingBox, rectangleNode, polylineToIgnore)); }
internal static void RemoveStaircases(List<Path> paths, RectangleNode<Polyline> hierarchyOfObstacles) { var r = new StaircaseRemover(paths, hierarchyOfObstacles); r.Calculate(); }
bool ThereAreOverlaps(RectangleNode <Polyline> hierarchy) { return(RectangleNodeUtils.FindIntersectionWithProperty(hierarchy, hierarchy, Curve.CurvesIntersect)); }
bool ThereAreOverlaps(RectangleNode<Polyline> hierarchy) { return RectangleNodeUtils.FindIntersectionWithProperty(hierarchy, hierarchy, Curve.CurvesIntersect); }
internal static bool IntersectsSegment(RectangleNode <Obstacle> root, Point start, Point end) { return(root.GetLeafRectangleNodesIntersectingRectangle(new Rectangle(start, end)).Any()); }
static void PushByPoint(RectangleNode<Node> pushed, Point delPoint) { pushed.UserData.Center += delPoint; var cluster = pushed.UserData as Cluster; if (cluster != null) cluster.DeepContentsTranslation(delPoint, true); }
/// <summary> /// Computes the intersection between the hub and obstacles /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <param name="center"></param> /// <param name="radius"></param> /// <param name="obstaclesToIgnore">these are the obstacles the are ignored by the method</param> /// <param name="touchedObstacles">list of pairs (obstacle, closest point on the obstacle)</param> /// <param name="minimalDistance">min distance from the center to an obstacle</param> /// <returns>false iff center is inside of an obstacle</returns> static bool IntersectCircleWithTree(RectangleNode<Polyline> node, Point center, double radius, Set<Polyline> obstaclesToIgnore, List<Tuple<Polyline, Point>> touchedObstacles, ref double minimalDistance) { if (!node.Rectangle.Contains(center, radius)) return true; if (node.UserData == null) { bool res = IntersectCircleWithTree(node.Left, center, radius, obstaclesToIgnore, touchedObstacles, ref minimalDistance); if (!res) return false; res = IntersectCircleWithTree(node.Right, center, radius, obstaclesToIgnore, touchedObstacles, ref minimalDistance); if (!res) return false; } else { Polyline obstacle = node.UserData; if (obstaclesToIgnore.Contains(obstacle)) return true; PointLocation pl = Curve.PointRelativeToCurveLocation(center, obstacle); if (pl != PointLocation.Outside) return false; Point touchPoint = obstacle[obstacle.ClosestParameter(center)]; double dist = (touchPoint - center).Length; if (dist <= radius) touchedObstacles.Add(new Tuple<Polyline, Point>(obstacle, touchPoint)); minimalDistance = Math.Min(dist, minimalDistance); } return true; }
internal void SetParamsFeasiblySymmetrically(RectangleNode<Polyline> tightTree) { CalculateTightObstaclesForBundle(tightTree, obstaclesToIgnore); SetEndParamsSymmetrically(); }
static bool CurveIntersectsRectangleNode(ICurve curve, ref Rectangle curveBox, RectangleNode <Polyline> rectNode) { if (!rectNode.Rectangle.Intersects(curveBox)) { return(false); } if (rectNode.UserData != null) { var curveUnderTest = rectNode.UserData; return(Curve.CurveCurveIntersectionOne(curveUnderTest, curve, false) != null || Inside(curveUnderTest, curve)); } Debug.Assert(rectNode.Left != null && rectNode.Right != null); return(CurveIntersectsRectangleNode(curve, ref curveBox, rectNode.Left) || CurveIntersectsRectangleNode(curve, ref curveBox, rectNode.Right)); }
internal static List<IntersectionInfo> IntersectionsOfLineAndRectangleNodeOverPolyline(LineSegment ls, RectangleNode<Polyline> rectNode) { var ret = new List<IntersectionInfo>(); IntersectionsOfLineAndRectangleNodeOverPolyline(ls, rectNode, ret); return ret; }