예제 #1
        public ScenarioMap Expand(uint width, uint height, out RectangleMargins padding)
            if (width < this.width)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(width));

            if (height < this.height)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(height));

            if (width == this.width && height == this.height)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot expand when both width and height are same size as original.");

            var map = new ScenarioMap();

            map.width   = width;
            map.height  = height;
            map.terrain = new Terrain[width, height];

            var padx = width - this.width;
            var pady = height - this.height;

            // padding priority goes to -x and +y due to camera angle
            var padright  = padx / 2;
            var padbottom = pady / 2;
            var padleft   = padx - padright;
            var padtop    = pady - padbottom;

            padding = new RectangleMargins((int)padleft, (int)padright, (int)padbottom, (int)padtop);

            padright = width - padright;
            padtop   = height - padtop;

            for (uint x = 0; x < width; x++)
                for (uint y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    var i = x < padleft ? 0 : x >= padright ? this.width - 1 : x - padleft;
                    var j = y < padbottom ? 0 : y >= padtop ? this.height - 1 : y - padbottom;

                    var originalTile = terrain[i, j];
                    map.terrain[x, y].cnst = originalTile.cnst;
                    map.terrain[x, y].elev = originalTile.elev;

예제 #2
        public static MapInfo Generate(Scenario scenario, RectangleMargins padding)
            var map = scenario.Map;

            // var mapInfo = MapInfo.Default;
            var mapInfo = new MapInfo(MapInfoFormatVersion.Lua)
                MapVersion    = 1,
                EditorVersion = 6072,
                GameVersion   = GamePatch.v1_31_1.ToVersion(),

                MapName            = scenario.ScenarioName,
                RecommendedPlayers = scenario.PlayerCount.ToString(),

                CameraBounds            = new Quadrilateral(0, map.width * 128, map.height * 128, 0),
                CameraBoundsComplements = padding,
                PlayableMapAreaWidth    = (int)map.width,
                PlayableMapAreaHeight   = (int)map.height,

                MapFlags = MapFlags.UseItemClassificationSystem | MapFlags.HasMapPropertiesMenuBeenOpened | MapFlags.MeleeMap,

                Tileset = Tileset.LordaeronSummer,

                LoadingScreenBackgroundNumber = -1,

                GameDataSet = GameDataSet.Unset,

                FogStyle   = FogStyle.Linear,
                FogStartZ  = 3000f,
                FogEndZ    = 5000f,
                FogDensity = 0.5f,
                FogColor   = Color.Black,

                GlobalWeather     = WeatherType.None,
                WaterTintingColor = Color.White,

                ScriptLanguage = ScriptLanguage.Lua,

            const string NamePrefix = "MULTIPLAYER ";
            const string NameSuffix = ").SCN";

            if (scenario.ScenarioName.StartsWith(NamePrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var name  = scenario.ScenarioName[NamePrefix.Length..];
예제 #3
        public static MapDoodads Generate(ScenarioMap map, RectangleMargins padding)
            var width   = (int)map.width;
            var height  = (int)map.height;
            var doodads = new List <DoodadData>();

            var rnd = new Random();

            for (uint x = 0; x < width; x++)
                for (uint y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    var tileType = map.terrain[x, y].cnst;
                    if (_treeTypes.TryGetValue(tileType, out var treeType))
                        doodads.Add(new DoodadData
                            TypeId         = treeType,
                            Variation      = rnd.Next(tileType == AoeTerrainType.PineForest ? 5 : 10),
                            Position       = 128f * new Vector3(x - padding.Left, y - padding.Bottom, 0f),
                            Rotation       = 0f,
                            Scale          = Vector3.One,
                            CreationNumber = doodads.Count,

                            State = DoodadState.Normal,
                            Life  = 100,

            // TODO: convert scenario entities to doodads

            return(new MapDoodads(MapWidgetsFormatVersion.TFT, MapWidgetsSubVersion.V11, false)
                Doodads = doodads,
예제 #4
 public static void Write(this BinaryWriter writer, RectangleMargins rectangleMargins) => rectangleMargins.WriteTo(writer);
예제 #5
        public MapEnvironment(Tileset tileset, uint width, uint height, int cliffLevel, RectangleMargins cameraBoundsComplements)
            : this()
            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Tileset), tileset))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(tileset));

            var maxx = width - 1;

            if ((maxx % 32) != 0 || width == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(width));

            var maxy = height - 1;

            if ((maxy % 32) != 0 || height == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(height));

            if (cameraBoundsComplements is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cameraBoundsComplements));

            _tileset = tileset;
            _version = LatestVersion;
            _width   = width;
            _height  = height;
            _left    = MapWidth / -2f;
            _bottom  = MapHeight / -2f;

            _terrainTypes = GetDefaultTerrainTypes().ToList();
            _cliffTypes   = GetDefaultCliffTypes().ToList();

            var edgeLeft   = cameraBoundsComplements.Left;
            var edgeRight  = maxx - cameraBoundsComplements.Right;
            var edgeBottom = cameraBoundsComplements.Bottom;
            var edgeTop    = maxy - cameraBoundsComplements.Top;

            for (var y = 0; y < _width; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < _height; x++)
                    var tile = new MapTile();

                    tile.CliffLevel     = cliffLevel;
                    tile.CliffTexture   = 15;
                    tile.CliffVariation = 0;

                    tile.Height      = 0;
                    tile.IsBlighted  = false;
                    tile.IsBoundary  = false;
                    tile.IsEdgeTile  = x != maxx && y != maxy && (x < edgeLeft || x >= edgeRight || y < edgeBottom || y >= edgeTop);
                    tile.IsRamp      = false;
                    tile.IsWater     = false;
                    tile.Texture     = 0;
                    tile.Variation   = 0;
                    tile.WaterHeight = 0;

예제 #6
 public MapEnvironment(Tileset tileset, uint width, uint height, RectangleMargins cameraBoundsComplements)
     : this(tileset, width, height, DefaultCliffLevel, cameraBoundsComplements)