예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Circle mycircle = new Circle();

            mycircle.Radius = 7.5;
            Console.WriteLine($"The radius of {mycircle.Radius} is {mycircle.CalculateArea()}" + $" and a perimeter of {mycircle.CalculatePerimeter()}");

            Circle circle2 = new Circle();

            circle2.Radius = 8282828282;
            double areaofcircle2      = circle2.CalculateArea();
            double perimeterofcircle2 = circle2.CalculatePerimeter;

            Circle circle3 = new Circle(3.5);

            Rectangle myrectangle = new RectangleL();

            myrectangle.Length = 6;
            Console.WriteLine($"The length of {myrectangle.Length} is {myrectangle.CalculateArea()}" + $" and a perimeter of {myrectangle.CalculatePerimeter()}");

            Rectangle rectangle2 = new RectangleW();

            rectangle2.Length = 43;
            rectangle2.Width  = 23;
            double areaofrectangle2      = rectangle2.CalculateArea();
            double perimeterofrectangle2 = rectangle2.CalculatePerimeter();
 public DisplayConfigDesktopImageInfo(PointL pathSourceSize, RectangleL desktopImageRegion,
                                      RectangleL desktopImageClip)
     PathSourceSize     = pathSourceSize;
     DesktopImageRegion = desktopImageRegion;
     DesktopImageClip   = desktopImageClip;
예제 #3
        public override void ViewportChanged(IMapViewport viewport, ViewportChangeAction action)
            if (this.Image == null)
                base.ViewportChanged(viewport, action);
            long mapSize = MapTileSystemHelper.MapSize(viewport.ZoomLevel);

            if ((action & ViewportChangeAction.Zoom) != 0)
                this.pixelLocation = MapTileSystemHelper.LatLongToPixelXY(this.Location, viewport.ZoomLevel);
            if ((action & ViewportChangeAction.Pan) != 0)
                this.drawRect = new RectangleL(pixelLocation.X - this.Image.Size.Width / 2, pixelLocation.Y - this.Image.Size.Height, this.Image.Size.Width, this.Image.Size.Height);
            RectangleL wraparoundDrawRect = this.drawRect;

            for (int i = 0; i <= viewport.NumberOfWraparounds; i++)
                if (wraparoundDrawRect.IntersectsWith(viewport.ViewportInPixels))
                    this.isImageInViewPort = true;
                wraparoundDrawRect.Offset(mapSize, 0L);
            if (!this.IsInViewport)
예제 #4
 internal static extern IntPtr MonitorFromRect(
     [In] RectangleL rectangle,
     MonitorFromFlag flag