public void TestDraw()
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentNullException>(() => _rectangleDrawer.Draw(null));
            var graphics = new GraphicsMock();

예제 #2
        public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch)
            if (this.State == AdState.Loading || this.State == AdState.Playing || this.State == AdState.NoAdsFound)
                var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Engine.Game.CanvasWidth, Engine.Game.CanvasHeight);
                RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, rect, new Color(0X04, 0X04, 0X04), layerDepth: 0.001f);

                var font            = ContentHolder.Get(AvailableFonts.retro_computer);
                var font_color      = new Color(0XCC, 0XCC, 0XCC);
                var splash_texture  = ContentHolder.Get(AvailableTextures.splash_ad_buffer);
                var splash_position = new Vector2(Engine.Game.CanvasWidth / 2 - splash_texture.Width / 2, 57);
                sprite_batch.Draw(splash_texture, splash_position, Color.White);
                sprite_batch.DrawString(font, "Snake Will Be Right Back", splash_position + new Vector2(splash_texture.Width / 2f, 188), font_color, scale: 0.4375f, draw_from: DrawFrom.TopCenter);

                string text;
                if (this.State == AdState.Loading)
                    text = "Fetching Ad Data...";
                else if (this.State == AdState.Playing)
                    text = "Loading Ad";
                    text = "No Ads Found";
                sprite_batch.DrawString(font, text, new Vector2(Engine.Game.CanvasWidth / 2f, Engine.Game.CanvasHeight - 80), font_color, scale: 0.5f, draw_from: DrawFrom.TopCenter);
예제 #3
 public ButtonLevels() : base(Engine.Game.CanvasWidth / 2, Engine.Game.CanvasHeight / 2 + 20, 215, 120)
     this.ExtraDrawingBegin = sprite_batch => {
         const float extra_rect_alpha = (48 / 255f);
         const float rect_width       = 60;
         const float rect_height      = 34;
         var         scaled_pos       = new Vector2(
             this.Position.X - (this.BaseWidth / 2f) * this.Scale,
             this.Position.Y - (this.BaseHeight / 2f) * this.Scale);
         foreach (var lock_location in ButtonLevels.LockLocations)
             RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, scaled_pos.X + lock_location.X * this.Scale, scaled_pos.Y + lock_location.Y * this.Scale, rect_width * this.Scale, rect_height * this.Scale, Color.Black * extra_rect_alpha);
         RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, scaled_pos.X + 9 * this.Scale, scaled_pos.Y + 44 * this.Scale, rect_width * this.Scale, rect_height * this.Scale, Color.Black * extra_rect_alpha);
예제 #4
        public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch)
            if (!(Engine.Room is RoomMain))

            if (!Upgrade.IsUpgraded && !this.FetchingIsUpgraded)
                if (Settings.CurrentTheme == 6 || Settings.CurrentTheme == 7)
                    Color wall_color;
                    if (Settings.CurrentTheme == 6)
                        wall_color = new Color(0xdf, 0x5a, 0x1f);
                        wall_color = new Color(0x84, 0xb0, 0x4e);
                    RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, this.Position.X - Wall.Size / 2f, this.Position.Y - Wall.Size / 2f, Wall.Size, Wall.Size, wall_color);

                var background_color = Color.White;
                if (Settings.CurrentTheme < this.BackgroundColors.Length)
                    background_color = this.BackgroundColors[Settings.CurrentTheme];
                RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, this.Position.X - Wall.Size / 2f + 4, this.Position.Y - Wall.Size / 2f + 4, Wall.Size - 8, Wall.Size - 8, background_color);

                var text_color = Color.Black;
                if (Settings.CurrentTheme < this.FoodColors.Length)
                    text_color = this.FoodColors[Settings.CurrentTheme];
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, this.Position.X - 8, this.Position.Y - 1.5f - 5 + 5 * i, 16, 3, text_color);
                sprite_batch.DrawString(ContentHolder.Get(AvailableFonts.retro_computer), "Upgrade", this.Position + new Vector2(Wall.Size / 2 + 3, 0), text_color, scale: 0.3125f, draw_from: DrawFrom.LeftCenter);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 使用指定图形绘制对象从指定位置开始绘制页面框架
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">图形绘制对象</param>
        /// <param name="ClipRectangle">剪切矩形</param>
        public void DrawPageFrame(
            System.Drawing.Graphics g,
            System.Drawing.Rectangle ClipRectangle)
            using (RectangleDrawer drawer = new RectangleDrawer())
                drawer.Bounds = this.myBounds;
                if (this.intBorderColor.A != 0 && this.intBorderWidth > 0)
                    drawer.BorderPen = new System.Drawing.Pen(this.intBorderColor, (float)this.intBorderWidth);
                if (this.intBackColor.A != 0)
                    drawer.FillBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(this.intBackColor);
                if (drawer.Draw(g, ClipRectangle))
                    if (this.bolDrawMargin &&
                        this.intMarginLineColor.A != 0 &&
                        this.intMarginLineLength > 0)
                        System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(
                            myBounds.Left + this.intLeftMargin,
                            myBounds.Top + this.intTopMargin + this.PageHeaderHeight,
                            myBounds.Width - this.intLeftMargin - this.intRightMargin,
                            myBounds.Height - this.intTopMargin - this.intBottomMargin - this.PageHeaderHeight - this.PageFooterHeight);

                        System.Drawing.Point[] ps = new System.Drawing.Point[16];
                        ps[0]   = rect.Location;
                        ps[1].X = rect.Left - intMarginLineLength;
                        ps[1].Y = rect.Top;

                        ps[2]   = ps[0];
                        ps[3].X = rect.Left;
                        ps[3].Y = rect.Top - intMarginLineLength;

                        ps[4].X = rect.Right;
                        ps[4].Y = rect.Top;
                        ps[5].X = rect.Right + intMarginLineLength;
                        ps[5].Y = rect.Top;

                        ps[6]   = ps[4];
                        ps[7].X = rect.Right;
                        ps[7].Y = rect.Top - intMarginLineLength;

                        ps[8].X = rect.Right;
                        ps[8].Y = rect.Bottom;
                        ps[9].X = rect.Right + intMarginLineLength;
                        ps[9].Y = rect.Bottom;

                        ps[10]   = ps[8];
                        ps[11].X = rect.Right;
                        ps[11].Y = rect.Bottom + intMarginLineLength;

                        ps[12].X = rect.Left;
                        ps[12].Y = rect.Bottom;
                        ps[13].X = rect.Left;
                        ps[13].Y = rect.Bottom + intMarginLineLength;

                        ps[14]   = ps[12];
                        ps[15].X = rect.Left - intMarginLineLength;
                        ps[15].Y = rect.Bottom;

                        Common.MathCommon.RectangleClipLines(myBounds, ps);
                        using (System.Drawing.Pen p = new System.Drawing.Pen(this.intMarginLineColor, 1))
                            if (this.DrawTopMargin)
                                p.Color = this.intMarginLineColor;
                                p.Color = this.BackColor;

                            for (int iCount = 0; iCount < 8; iCount += 2)
                                g.DrawLine(p, ps[iCount], ps[iCount + 1]);

                            if (this.DrawBottomMargin)
                                p.Color = this.intMarginLineColor;
                                p.Color = this.BackColor;

                            for (int iCount = 8; iCount < 16; iCount += 2)
                                g.DrawLine(p, ps[iCount], ps[iCount + 1]);

                            //p.Color = Color.Red;
                            //g.DrawLine(p, myBounds.Left + this.LeftMargin, myBounds.Height / 2 - 20, myBounds.Left + this.LeftMargin, myBounds.Height / 2 + 20);
                        } //using( System.Drawing.Pen p = new System.Drawing.Pen( this.intMarginLineColor , 1 ))
                    }     //if( this.bolDrawMargin && this.intMarginLineColor.A != 0 )
                }         //if( drawer.Draw( g , ClipRectangle ))
            }             //using( RectangleDrawer drawer = new RectangleDrawer() )
        }                 //public void DrawPageFrame()
예제 #6
        public override void onDraw(SpriteBatch sprite_batch)

            var scaled_pos = new Vector2(
                this.Position.X - (this.BaseWidth / 2f) * this.Scale,
                this.Position.Y - (this.BaseHeight / 2f) * this.Scale);
            float scaled_width  = this.BaseWidth * this.Scale;
            float scaled_height = this.BaseHeight * this.Scale;
            var   vector_zero   = Vector2.Zero;
            var   textures      = new Dictionary <DrawDataTextures, Texture2D> {
                [DrawDataTextures.Snake]  = this.SnakeTexture,
                [DrawDataTextures.Food]   = this.FoodTexture,
                [DrawDataTextures.Wall]   = this.WallTexture,
                [DrawDataTextures.Portal] = ContentHolder.Get(AvailableTextures.portal_0)

            // Cut out the base position from background and redraw (applicable for user imported themes)
            var background = new Region(this.BackgroundTexture, this.BaseX - this.BaseWidth / 2, this.BaseY - this.BaseHeight / 2, this.BaseWidth, this.BaseHeight, 0, 0);

            sprite_batch.Draw(background, scaled_pos, Color.White, 0, new Vector2(this.Scale));

            // Draw transparent overlay and borders
            float       edge  = 2 * this.Scale;
            const float alpha = (28 / 255f);

            RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, scaled_pos.X, scaled_pos.Y, scaled_width, scaled_height, Color.Black * alpha);
            if (this.ShouldDrawBorder)
                RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, scaled_pos.X, scaled_pos.Y, scaled_width, edge, Color.Black * alpha);
                RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, scaled_pos.X, scaled_pos.Y + scaled_height - edge, scaled_width, edge, Color.Black * alpha);
                RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, scaled_pos.X, scaled_pos.Y + edge, edge, scaled_height - edge * 2, Color.Black * alpha);
                RectangleDrawer.Draw(sprite_batch, scaled_pos.X + scaled_width - edge, scaled_pos.Y + edge, edge, scaled_height - edge * 2, Color.Black * alpha);


            for (int i = 0; i < this.DrawData.Length; i++)
                var data    = this.DrawData[i];
                var texture = textures[data.DrawDataTexture];
                for (int j = 0; j < data.Locations.Length; j++)
                    var pos = data.Locations[j];
                    var source_rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, texture.Width, texture.Height);;

                    // Cut off left and top if necessary
                    if (pos.X < 0)
                        source_rectangle.X      = (int)(-pos.X / data.Scale);
                        source_rectangle.Width -= source_rectangle.X;
                        pos.X += source_rectangle.X * data.Scale;
                    if (pos.Y < 0)
                        source_rectangle.Y       = (int)(-pos.Y / data.Scale);
                        source_rectangle.Height -= source_rectangle.Y;
                        pos.Y += source_rectangle.Y * data.Scale;

                    // Cut off right and bottom if necessary
                    float right_x = pos.X + source_rectangle.Width * data.Scale;
                    if (right_x > this.BaseWidth)
                        source_rectangle.Width -= (int)((right_x - this.BaseWidth) / data.Scale);
                    float bottom_y = pos.Y + source_rectangle.Height * data.Scale;
                    if (bottom_y > this.BaseHeight)
                        source_rectangle.Height -= (int)((bottom_y - this.BaseHeight) / data.Scale);

                    sprite_batch.Draw(texture, scaled_pos + pos * this.Scale, source_rectangle, Color.White, 0, vector_zero, data.Scale * this.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
