예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// In the Main method instantiating the delegate and invoking the delegate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MultiCastDelegateDemo obj = new MultiCastDelegateDemo();
            RectangleDelegate     sd  = new RectangleDelegate(obj.GetArea);

            sd += obj.GetPerimeter;
            sd(2.7, 3.9);
            sd(5.1, 8.3);
예제 #2
        public static void Main()
            // instatiating multi cast delegate
            RectangleDelegate rect = new RectangleDelegate(Rectangle1.CalculateArea);

            rect += Rectangle1.CalculatePerimeter;

            //Step-3: Invoking the Delegate by using invoke method
            Console.WriteLine("Area of Rectangle is {0}", rect.Invoke(10.10, 20.10));
            Console.WriteLine("Perimeter of Rectangle is {0}", rect.Invoke(11.10, 21.22));
예제 #3
        //Multicast Delegates
        //01. Delegate: it is a type safe function pointer, using which we can call a method

        //(a) in c# we can call a method in two different way, for a non static method, we can call using instance of class
        // and name of the class if it is a static method
        // this is the approach we have been following for accessing the method (static or non static methods)

        //(b). the second approach is, calling the method by using a delegate
        // using delegates we can call static and non static methods also

        //there are three steps involved in calling a method using delegate
        //Step 1: defining delegate
        //Step 2: instanciating delegate
        //Step 3: calling the delgate

        //in previous class KDelegates, we seen how to bind method with a delegate and how to call the delegate

        //02. lets start multicast delegates
        //a delegate is going to hold reference of method (previous class example)
        //in MCD (multicast Delegate) a delegate will be holding the reference of more than one method, which can be called with the help of a delegate

        //03. in a class if we have multiple methods with same signature, we can call all those methods using the same delegate

        //06. create a main method, inside create object of Rectangle class
        //07. call the methods of the class: GetArea and GetRectangle
        public void LDelegateMain()
            Rectangle objRectangle = new Rectangle();

            objRectangle.GetArea(12.34, 56.78);
            objRectangle.GetPerimeter(12.34, 56.78);

            //08. lets check the output

            /*  Hello World!
             *  700.6652
             *  138.24

            //09. this is the normal way of calling, now I want to call the methods using a delegate
            //  to call the methods we do not require two delegates, because both the methods are having the
            //  same return type and the parameters are similar
            //  to do that lets first define a delegate

            //11. the next step (step 2) is instanciation of the delegate, to do that create the instance of the delegate
            //RectangleDelegate objRectangleDelegate = new RectangleDelegate(objRectangle.GetArea);

            //14. there is another way to perform instanciation of delegate
            RectangleDelegate objRectangleDelegate = objRectangle.GetArea;

            //15. now we need to call the second method, using the same deligate and same values, we can perform the binding like this
            objRectangleDelegate += new RectangleDelegate(objRectangle.GetPerimeter);
            //objRectangleDelegate += objRectangle.GetPerimeter;

            //16. run the program

             * Hello World!
             *   700.6652
             *   138.24
             *   700.6652   <=
             *   138.24     <=

            //17. one single delegate call will invoke both the methods

            //12. (step 3) invoke the delegate
            //objRectangleDelegate(12.34, 56.78); (or)
            objRectangleDelegate.Invoke(12.34, 56.78);

            //13. the op is:
            //      Hello World!
            //      700.6652
            //      138.24
            //      700.6652 <=

            //18. we can see that there is no need for us to call the delgate twice, calling the delegate once invoke both the methods

            //19. now if we want to find area and perimeter of different rectangle just pass different values
            objRectangleDelegate(42.89, 98.52);

            //20. the op is:
            //Hello World!
            //Area of rectangle is: 700.6652
            //Perimeter of rectangle is: 138.24
            //Area of rectangle is: 700.6652
            //Perimeter of rectangle is: 138.24

            //Area of rectangle is: 4225.5228
            //Perimeter of rectangle is: 282.82

            //21. now the delegate (objRectangleDelegate) is holding the reference of two methods
            //  both the methods are binded to this delegate and we can make a single call to execute both the delegate

            //21. the methods that we used are void types, suppose we have value returning methods
            //  then we will get the result of the last method only

            //22. expl: on calling delegate the first method (area) gets executes and the value comes the second method (perimeter)
            //  get executed and the values comes, the second output will overwrite the values of the first output

            //23. create two new methods with return type as double

            //25. creating the instance of the delegate (step: 2) instanciating the delegate
            //RectangleDoubleDelegate objRectangleDoubleDelegate = new RectangleDoubleDelegate(objRectangle.GetNewArea);
            RectangleDoubleDelegate objRectangleDoubleDelegate = objRectangle.GetNewArea;

            //26. bind the delegate with GetNewPerimeter method
            //objRectangleDoubleDelegate += new RectangleDoubleDelegate(objRectangle.GetNewPerimeter);
            objRectangleDoubleDelegate += objRectangle.GetNewPerimeter;

            //27. when we invoke the delegate, it returns the value. then how to capture
            //  first the GetNewArea method will be invoked and value will be stored in result and
            //  then the second method GetNewPerimeter will be invoke and value will be stored in result, thus the value is overwritten
            //  the problem is it will display the result of the last method only. result of GetNewArea will not be displayed

            //28. so when ever you use multicast delegate the return type of the methods are void, else the values will be over written

            //29. even if output parameters are used, then only the return from first method output parameter will be over written by the
            //  second method output parameter
            double result = objRectangleDoubleDelegate.Invoke(12.22, 15.45);

            //30. multicast delegate means the delegate is going to hold the reference of more than one methods (this eg. two methods reference is holded)
