예제 #1
        public void AdjustRectangle(ref RectangleD2D r, StringAlignment horz, StringAlignment vert)
            switch (vert)
            case StringAlignment.Near:

            case StringAlignment.Center:
                r.Y -= 0.5 * r.Height;

            case StringAlignment.Far:
                r.Y -= r.Height;
            switch (horz)
            case StringAlignment.Near:

            case StringAlignment.Center:
                r.X -= 0.5 * r.Width;

            case StringAlignment.Far:
                r.X -= r.Width;
예제 #2
 public RectangleD2D MeasureItem(System.Drawing.Graphics g, RectangleD2D innerArea)
     innerArea.Inflate(_shadowLength / 2, _shadowLength / 2);
     innerArea.Width  += _shadowLength;
     innerArea.Height += _shadowLength;
예제 #3
파일: DarkMarbel.cs 프로젝트: olesar/Altaxo
        public void Draw(Graphics g, BrushX brush, RectangleD2D innerArea)
            innerArea.Inflate(_shadowLength / 2, _shadowLength / 2); // Padding
            var outerArea = innerArea;

            outerArea.Inflate(_shadowLength, _shadowLength);

            brush.SetEnvironment(outerArea, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
            g.FillRectangle(brush, (RectangleF)outerArea);

            var twhite = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255, 255));
            var oA     = (RectangleF)outerArea;
            var iA     = (RectangleF)innerArea;

            g.FillPolygon(twhite, new PointF[] {
                new PointF(oA.Left, oA.Top),                                      // upper left point
                new PointF(oA.Right, oA.Top),                                     // go to the right
                new PointF(iA.Right, iA.Top),                                     // go 45 deg left down in the upper right corner
                new PointF(iA.Left, iA.Top),                                      // upper left corner of the inner rectangle
                new PointF(iA.Left, iA.Bottom),                                   // lower left corner of the inner rectangle
                new PointF(oA.Left, oA.Bottom)                                    // lower left corner

            var tblack = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 0, 0));

            g.FillPolygon(tblack, new PointF[] {
                new PointF(oA.Right, oA.Bottom),
                new PointF(oA.Right, oA.Top),
                new PointF(iA.Right, iA.Top),
                new PointF(iA.Right, iA.Bottom),                                    // upper left corner of the inner rectangle
                new PointF(iA.Left, iA.Bottom),                                     // lower left corner of the inner rectangle
                new PointF(oA.Left, oA.Bottom)                                      // lower left corner
예제 #4
        public override void Paint(Graphics g, IPaintContext paintContext)
            if (null == _cachedLayerSegment) // _privLayer should be set before in FixupInternalDataStructures
                PaintErrorInvalidLayerType(g, paintContext);

            if (_background == null)
                _axisStyle.Paint(g, paintContext, _cachedLayerSegment, _cachedLayerSegment.GetAxisStyleInformation);
                // if we have a background, we paint in a dummy bitmap in order to measure all items
                // the real painting is done later on after painting the background.
                using (var bmp = new Bitmap(4, 4))
                    using (var gg = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                        _axisStyle.Paint(gg, paintContext, _cachedLayerSegment, _cachedLayerSegment.GetAxisStyleInformation);

            _cachedPath = _axisStyle.AxisLineStyle.GetObjectPath(_cachedLayerSegment, true);

            // calculate size information
            RectangleD2D bounds1 = _cachedPath.GetBounds();

            if (_axisStyle.AreMinorLabelsEnabled)
                var path = _axisStyle.MinorLabelStyle.GetSelectionPath();
                if (path.PointCount > 0)
                    _cachedPath.AddPath(path, false);
                    RectangleD2D bounds2 = path.GetBounds();
            if (_axisStyle.AreMajorLabelsEnabled)
                var path = _axisStyle.MajorLabelStyle.GetSelectionPath();
                if (path.PointCount > 0)
                    _cachedPath.AddPath(path, false);
                    RectangleD2D bounds2 = path.GetBounds();

            ((ItemLocationDirectAutoSize)_location).SetSizeInAutoSizeMode(bounds1.Size, false); // size here is important only for selection, thus we set size silently

            if (_background != null)
                _background.Draw(g, bounds1);
                _axisStyle.Paint(g, paintContext, _cachedLayerSegment, _cachedLayerSegment.GetAxisStyleInformation);
예제 #5
        public bool IsCovering(RectangleD2D rect, MatrixD2D additionalTransform)
            PointD2D pt;

            pt = _transformation.TransformPoint(additionalTransform.TransformPoint(new PointD2D(rect.X, rect.Y)));
            if (!_hittedAreaInPageCoord.Contains(pt))

            pt = _transformation.TransformPoint(additionalTransform.TransformPoint(new PointD2D(rect.Right, rect.Y)));
            if (!_hittedAreaInPageCoord.Contains(pt))

            pt = _transformation.TransformPoint(additionalTransform.TransformPoint(new PointD2D(rect.X, rect.Bottom)));
            if (!_hittedAreaInPageCoord.Contains(pt))

            pt = _transformation.TransformPoint(additionalTransform.TransformPoint(new PointD2D(rect.Right, rect.Bottom)));
            if (!_hittedAreaInPageCoord.Contains(pt))

예제 #6
 public void Draw(System.Drawing.Graphics g, BrushX brush, RectangleD2D innerArea)
     if (brush != null)
         brush.SetEnvironment(innerArea, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
         g.FillRectangle(brush, (RectangleF)innerArea);
예제 #7
 public override void Paint(System.Type dctype, object dc, RectangleD2D cellRectangle, int nRow, Altaxo.Data.DataColumn data, bool bSelected)
     if (RegisteredPaintMethods.TryGetValue(dctype, out var action))
         action(this, dc, cellRectangle, nRow, data, bSelected);
         throw new NotImplementedException("Paint method is not implemented for context type " + dc.GetType().ToString());
예제 #8
        private void DrawRectangleFromLTRB(Graphics g, PointD2D a, PointD2D b)
            var rect = RectangleD2D.FromLTRB(a.X, a.Y, b.X, b.Y);
            Pen pen  = Pens.Blue;

            g.DrawLine(pen, (float)a.X, (float)a.Y, (float)b.X, (float)a.Y);
            g.DrawLine(pen, (float)b.X, (float)a.Y, (float)b.X, (float)b.Y);
            g.DrawLine(pen, (float)b.X, (float)b.Y, (float)a.X, (float)b.Y);
            g.DrawLine(pen, (float)a.X, (float)b.Y, (float)a.X, (float)a.Y);
            //      g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue,rect.X,rect.Y,rect.Width,rect.Height);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjusts the position and auto size of this group shape according to the contained elements. Must be called after changing any of the contained elements.
        /// </summary>
        public void AdjustPosition()
            RectangleD2D bounds            = RectangleD2D.Empty;
            bool         boundsInitialized = false;

            foreach (var e in _groupedObjects)
                var p1 = new PointD2D(0, 0);
                var p2 = new PointD2D(1, 0);
                var p3 = new PointD2D(0, 1);
                var p4 = new PointD2D(1, 1);

                p1 = e.RelativeLocalToAbsoluteParentCoordinates(p1);
                p2 = e.RelativeLocalToAbsoluteParentCoordinates(p2);
                p3 = e.RelativeLocalToAbsoluteParentCoordinates(p3);
                p4 = e.RelativeLocalToAbsoluteParentCoordinates(p4);

                if (boundsInitialized)
                    bounds            = new RectangleD2D(p1.X, p1.Y, 0, 0);
                    boundsInitialized = true;

            if (bounds != Bounds)
                // adjust position in this way that bounds.X and bounds.Y get zero
                var dx = bounds.X;
                var dy = bounds.Y;

                foreach (var e in _groupedObjects)
                    e.ShiftPosition(-dx, -dy);
                ShiftPosition(dx, dy);

                ((ItemLocationDirectAutoSize)_location).SetSizeInAutoSizeMode(bounds.Size, false);

                bounds.Location = new PointD2D(0, 0);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the bounds of the root layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private RectangleD2D GetBounds()
            var s  = _rootLayer.Size;
            var p1 = _rootLayer.TransformCoordinatesFromHereToParent(new PointD2D(0, 0));
            var p2 = _rootLayer.TransformCoordinatesFromHereToParent(new PointD2D(s.X, 0));
            var p3 = _rootLayer.TransformCoordinatesFromHereToParent(new PointD2D(0, s.Y));
            var p4 = _rootLayer.TransformCoordinatesFromHereToParent(new PointD2D(s.X, s.Y));

            var r = new RectangleD2D(p1, PointD2D.Empty);

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides the logic for determining the size of the dialog window. See remarks for details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="availableSize"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// There are two changes from the default behaviour:
        /// <para>(i) when the dialog is loaded, the size is adjusted so that it is not bigger than
        /// the available working area on the screen. If the initial position of the dialog is chosen so that the right lower corner of the dialog would be outside
        /// of the working area, it is adjusted so that it is inside the working area.</para>
        /// <para>
        /// If during the dialog is showed the size of the content changed, the dialog box size is adjusted so that the lower right corner of the dialog window would
        /// always be inside the working area. This does not apply if the user had manually changed the size of the dialog box before.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
            _workArea = Current.Gui.GetScreenInformation(Left, Top);

            var thisWindowPresentationSource = PresentationSource.FromVisual(this);
            var m = thisWindowPresentationSource.CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice;
            var thisDpiWidthFactor  = m.M11;
            var thisDpiHeightFactor = m.M22;

            // TODO is this working for arrangments of monitors with different dpi settings, too?
            _workArea = new RectangleD2D(_workArea.X / thisDpiWidthFactor, _workArea.Y / thisDpiHeightFactor, _workArea.Width / thisDpiWidthFactor, _workArea.Height / thisDpiHeightFactor);

            if (!IsLoaded) // when the dialog is initially loaded
                // adjust the size of the dialog box so that is is maximum the size of the working area
                if (availableSize.Height > _workArea.Height)
                    availableSize.Height = _workArea.Height;
                if (availableSize.Width > _workArea.Width)
                    availableSize.Width = _workArea.Width;
            else if (SizeToContent == System.Windows.SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight) // when the content size changed and the user had not manually resized the box
                // adjust the size of the dialog box so that it fits inside of the working area (without changing the position of the dialog
                if (Top + availableSize.Height > _workArea.Bottom)
                    availableSize.Height = _workArea.Bottom - Top;
                if (Left + availableSize.Width > _workArea.Right)
                    availableSize.Width = _workArea.Right - Left;

            if (availableSize.Height < 0)
                availableSize.Height = 0;
            if (availableSize.Width < 0)
                availableSize.Width = 0;

예제 #12
        protected void MeasureBackground(Graphics g, double textWidth, double textHeight)
            var fontInfo = FontInfo.Create(g, _font);

            double widthOfOne_n   = Glyph.MeasureString(g, "n", _font).X;
            double widthOfThree_M = Glyph.MeasureString(g, "MMM", _font).X;

            double distanceXL = 0; // left distance bounds-text
            double distanceXR = 0; // right distance text-bounds
            double distanceYU = 0; // upper y distance bounding rectangle-string
            double distanceYL = 0; // lower y distance

            if (_background != null)
                // the distance to the sides should be like the character n
                distanceXL = 0.25 * widthOfOne_n; // left distance bounds-text
                distanceXR = distanceXL;          // right distance text-bounds
                distanceYU = fontInfo.cyDescent;  // upper y distance bounding rectangle-string
                distanceYL = 0;                   // lower y distance

            var size = new PointD2D((textWidth + distanceXL + distanceXR), (textHeight + distanceYU + distanceYL));

            _cachedExtendedTextBounds = new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, size);
            var textRectangle = new RectangleD2D(new PointD2D(-distanceXL, -distanceYU), size);

            if (_background != null)
                var backgroundRect = _background.MeasureItem(g, textRectangle);
                _cachedExtendedTextBounds.Offset(textRectangle.X - backgroundRect.X, textRectangle.Y - backgroundRect.Y);

                size       = backgroundRect.Size;
                distanceXL = -backgroundRect.Left;
                distanceXR = (backgroundRect.Right - textWidth);
                distanceYU = -backgroundRect.Top;
                distanceYL = (backgroundRect.Bottom - textHeight);

            //var xanchor = _location.PivotX.GetValueRelativeTo(size.X);
            //var yanchor = _location.PivotY.GetValueRelativeTo(size.Y);

            // this._leftTop = new PointD2D(-xanchor, -yanchor);
            ((ItemLocationDirectAutoSize)_location).SetSizeInAutoSizeMode(size, false);

            _cachedTextOffset = new PointD2D(distanceXL, distanceYU);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the absolute enclosing rectangle, taking into account ScaleX, ScaleY, Rotation and Shear (SSRS).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The enclosing rectangle in absolute values.</returns>
        public RectangleD2D GetAbsoluteEnclosingRectangle()
            var m = new MatrixD2D();

            m.SetTranslationRotationShearxScale(AbsolutePivotPositionX, AbsolutePivotPositionY, -Rotation, ShearX, ScaleX, ScaleY);
            m.TranslatePrepend(AbsoluteVectorPivotToLeftUpper.X, AbsoluteVectorPivotToLeftUpper.Y);

            var s  = AbsoluteSize;
            var p1 = m.TransformPoint(new PointD2D(0, 0));
            var p2 = m.TransformPoint(new PointD2D(s.X, 0));
            var p3 = m.TransformPoint(new PointD2D(0, s.Y));
            var p4 = m.TransformPoint(new PointD2D(s.X, s.Y));

            var r = new RectangleD2D(p1, PointD2D.Empty);

예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the mouse move event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Mouse position.</param>
        /// <param name="e">MouseEventArgs as provided by the view.</param>
        /// <returns>The next mouse state handler that should handle mouse events.</returns>
        public override void OnMouseMove(PointD2D position, MouseEventArgs e)
            base.OnMouseMove(position, e);

            if (null != ActiveGrip)
                PointD2D graphCoord = _grac.ConvertMouseToRootLayerCoordinates(position);
                _wereObjectsMoved = true;
            else if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                var diffPos = position - _positionLastMouseDownInMouseCoordinates;

                var oldRect = _rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates;

                if (null != _rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates ||
                    Math.Abs(diffPos.X) >= System.Windows.SystemParameters.MinimumHorizontalDragDistance ||
                    Math.Abs(diffPos.Y) >= System.Windows.SystemParameters.MinimumHorizontalDragDistance)
                    if (null == _rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates)
                        (_grac.ViewObject as IGraphView).CaptureMouseOnCanvas();

                    var pt1  = _grac.ConvertMouseToRootLayerCoordinates(_positionLastMouseDownInMouseCoordinates);
                    var rect = new RectangleD2D(pt1, PointD2D.Empty);
                    _rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates = rect;
                if (null != _rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates)
예제 #15
        public void Draw(System.Drawing.Graphics g, BrushX brush, RectangleD2D innerArea)
            BrushX shadowBrush = null;

            if (object.ReferenceEquals(brush, _brush))
                if (null == _cachedShadowBrush)
                    _cachedShadowBrush = GetShadowBrush(brush);
                    _cachedShadowBrush.ParentObject = this;
                shadowBrush = _cachedShadowBrush;
                shadowBrush = GetShadowBrush(brush);

            innerArea.Inflate(_shadowLength / 2, _shadowLength / 2);

            // please note: m_Bounds is already extended to the shadow

            // first the shadow
            shadowBrush.SetEnvironment(innerArea, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));

            // shortCuts to floats
            var   iArea        = (RectangleF)innerArea;
            float shadowLength = (float)_shadowLength;

            g.TranslateTransform(shadowLength, shadowLength);
            g.FillRectangle(shadowBrush, iArea);
            g.TranslateTransform(-shadowLength, -shadowLength);

            brush.SetEnvironment(innerArea, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
            g.FillRectangle(brush, iArea);
            g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, iArea.Left, iArea.Top, iArea.Width, iArea.Height);
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints part of the worksheet to the drawing context. Row and column header are always threaten as visible here.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dc">Drawing context.</param>
        /// <param name="layout">Worksheet layout.</param>
        /// <param name="viewSize">Width and height of the viewing area (Pixel or Wpf coordinates).</param>
        /// <param name="clipRectangle">Bounds of the clipping region. Only that parts of the worksheet that are visible within the clipping region are drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedDataColumns">Selected data columns.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedDataRows">Selected data rows.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedPropertyColumns">Selected property columns.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedPropertyRows">Selected property rows.</param>
        /// <param name="horzScrollPos">Horizontal scroll position (0 = first column visible).</param>
        /// <param name="vertScrollPos">Vertical scroll position (0 = first data column visible, negative values: one or more property columns visible).</param>
        public static void PaintTableArea(
            Graphics dc,
            Altaxo.Worksheet.WorksheetLayout layout,
            Size viewSize,
            RectangleD2D clipRectangle,
            IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedDataColumns,
            IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedDataRows,
            IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedPropertyColumns,
            IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedPropertyRows,
            int horzScrollPos, int vertScrollPos
            var dataTable = layout.DataTable;

            bool bDrawColumnHeader = false;

            int firstTableRowToDraw     = WA.GetFirstVisibleTableRow(clipRectangle.Top, layout, vertScrollPos);
            int numberOfTableRowsToDraw = WA.GetVisibleTableRows(clipRectangle.Top, clipRectangle.Bottom, layout, vertScrollPos);

            int firstPropertyColumnToDraw     = WA.GetFirstVisiblePropertyColumn(clipRectangle.Top, layout, vertScrollPos);
            int numberOfPropertyColumnsToDraw = WA.GetVisiblePropertyColumns(clipRectangle.Top, clipRectangle.Bottom, layout, vertScrollPos);

            bool bAreColumnsSelected = selectedDataColumns.Count > 0;
            bool bAreRowsSelected    = selectedDataRows.Count > 0;
            bool bAreCellsSelected   = bAreRowsSelected || bAreColumnsSelected;

            bool bArePropertyColsSelected  = selectedPropertyColumns.Count > 0;
            bool bArePropertyRowsSelected  = selectedPropertyRows.Count > 0;
            bool bArePropertyCellsSelected = ArePropertyCellsSelected(dataTable, selectedPropertyColumns, selectedPropertyRows);

            int yShift = 0;

            var    cellRectangle = new RectangleD2D();
            double left, width;

            if (clipRectangle.Top < layout.ColumnHeaderStyle.Height)
                bDrawColumnHeader = true;

            // if neccessary, draw the row header (the most left column)
            if (clipRectangle.Left < layout.RowHeaderStyle.Width)
                cellRectangle.Height = layout.ColumnHeaderStyle.Height;
                cellRectangle.Width  = layout.RowHeaderStyle.Width;
                cellRectangle.X      = 0;

                // if visible, draw the top left corner of the table
                if (bDrawColumnHeader)
                    cellRectangle.Y = 0;
                    layout.RowHeaderStyle.PaintBackground(dc, (Rectangle)cellRectangle, false);

                // if visible, draw property column header items
                yShift = WA.GetTopCoordinateOfPropertyColumn(firstPropertyColumnToDraw, layout, vertScrollPos);
                cellRectangle.Height = layout.PropertyColumnHeaderStyle.Height;
                for (int nPropCol = firstPropertyColumnToDraw, nInc = 0; nInc < numberOfPropertyColumnsToDraw; nPropCol++, nInc++)
                    cellRectangle.Y = yShift + nInc * layout.PropertyColumnHeaderStyle.Height;
                    bool bPropColSelected = bArePropertyColsSelected && selectedPropertyColumns.Contains(nPropCol);
                    layout.PropertyColumnHeaderStyle.Paint(dc, (Rectangle)cellRectangle, nPropCol, dataTable.PropCols[nPropCol], bPropColSelected);

            // draw the table row Header Items
            yShift = WA.GetTopCoordinateOfTableRow(firstTableRowToDraw, layout, vertScrollPos);
            cellRectangle.Height = layout.RowHeaderStyle.Height;
            for (int nRow = firstTableRowToDraw, nInc = 0; nInc < numberOfTableRowsToDraw; nRow++, nInc++)
                cellRectangle.Y = yShift + nInc * layout.RowHeaderStyle.Height;
                layout.RowHeaderStyle.Paint(dc, (Rectangle)cellRectangle, nRow, null, bAreRowsSelected && selectedDataRows.Contains(nRow));

            if (clipRectangle.Bottom >= layout.ColumnHeaderStyle.Height || clipRectangle.Right >= layout.RowHeaderStyle.Width)
                int firstColToDraw = WA.GetFirstAndNumberOfVisibleColumn(clipRectangle.Left, clipRectangle.Right, layout, horzScrollPos, out var numberOfColumnsToDraw);

                // draw the property columns
                for (int nPropCol = firstPropertyColumnToDraw, nIncPropCol = 0; nIncPropCol < numberOfPropertyColumnsToDraw; nPropCol++, nIncPropCol++)
                    Altaxo.Worksheet.ColumnStyle cs = layout.PropertyColumnStyles[dataTable.PropCols[nPropCol]];
                    bool bPropColSelected           = bArePropertyColsSelected && selectedPropertyColumns.Contains(nPropCol);
                    bool bPropColIncluded           = bArePropertyColsSelected ? bPropColSelected : true; // Property cells are only included if the column is explicite selected

                    cellRectangle.Y      = WA.GetTopCoordinateOfPropertyColumn(nPropCol, layout, vertScrollPos);
                    cellRectangle.Height = layout.PropertyColumnHeaderStyle.Height;

                    for (int nCol = firstColToDraw, nIncCol = 0; nIncCol < numberOfColumnsToDraw; nCol++, nIncCol++)
                        if (nCol == firstColToDraw)
                            WA.GetXCoordinatesOfColumn(nCol, layout, horzScrollPos, out left, out width);
                            cellRectangle.X     = left;
                            cellRectangle.Width = width;
                            cellRectangle.X    += cellRectangle.Width;
                            cellRectangle.Width = layout.DataColumnStyles[dataTable.DataColumns[nCol]].WidthD;

                        bool bPropRowSelected = bArePropertyRowsSelected && selectedPropertyRows.Contains(nCol);
                        bool bPropRowIncluded = bArePropertyRowsSelected ? bPropRowSelected : true;

                        cs.Paint(dc, (Rectangle)cellRectangle, nCol, dataTable.PropCols[nPropCol], bArePropertyCellsSelected && bPropColIncluded && bPropRowIncluded);

                // draw the cells
                for (int nCol = firstColToDraw, nIncCol = 0; nIncCol < numberOfColumnsToDraw; nCol++, nIncCol++)
                    Altaxo.Worksheet.ColumnStyle cs = layout.DataColumnStyles[dataTable.DataColumns[nCol]];
                    if (nCol == firstColToDraw)
                        WA.GetXCoordinatesOfColumn(nCol, layout, horzScrollPos, out left, out width);
                        cellRectangle.X     = left;
                        cellRectangle.Width = width;
                        cellRectangle.X    += cellRectangle.Width;
                        cellRectangle.Width = cs.WidthD;

                    bool bColumnSelected      = bAreColumnsSelected && selectedDataColumns.Contains(nCol);
                    bool bDataColumnIncluded  = bAreColumnsSelected ? bColumnSelected : true;
                    bool bPropertyRowSelected = bArePropertyRowsSelected && selectedPropertyRows.Contains(nCol);

                    if (bDrawColumnHeader) // must the column Header been drawn?
                        cellRectangle.Height = layout.ColumnHeaderStyle.Height;
                        cellRectangle.Y      = 0;
                        layout.ColumnHeaderStyle.Paint(dc, (Rectangle)cellRectangle, 0, dataTable[nCol], bColumnSelected || bPropertyRowSelected);

                    yShift = WA.GetTopCoordinateOfTableRow(firstTableRowToDraw, layout, vertScrollPos);
                    cellRectangle.Height = layout.RowHeaderStyle.Height;
                    for (int nRow = firstTableRowToDraw, nIncRow = 0; nIncRow < numberOfTableRowsToDraw; nRow++, nIncRow++)
                        bool bRowSelected     = bAreRowsSelected && selectedDataRows.Contains(nRow);
                        bool bDataRowIncluded = bAreRowsSelected ? bRowSelected : true;
                        cellRectangle.Y = yShift + nIncRow * layout.RowHeaderStyle.Height;
                        cs.Paint(dc, (Rectangle)cellRectangle, nRow, dataTable[nCol], bAreCellsSelected && bDataColumnIncluded && bDataRowIncluded);
예제 #17
 public static void Paint(this Altaxo.Worksheet.ColumnStyle thiss, DrawingContext dc, RectangleD2D cellRectangle, int nRow, Altaxo.Data.DataColumn data, bool bSelected)
     thiss.Paint(typeof(DrawingContext), dc, cellRectangle, nRow, data, bSelected);
예제 #18
 public void Draw(System.Drawing.Graphics g, RectangleD2D innerArea)
     Draw(g, _brush, innerArea);
예제 #19
 public static System.Drawing.RectangleF ToSysDraw(this RectangleD2D rect)
     return(new System.Drawing.RectangleF((float)rect.X, (float)rect.Y, (float)rect.Width, (float)rect.Height));
예제 #20
		public abstract void Paint(System.Type dctype, object dc, RectangleD2D cellRectangle, int nRow, Altaxo.Data.DataColumn data, bool bSelected);
예제 #21
		protected void MeasureBackground(Graphics g, double textWidth, double textHeight)
			var fontInfo = FontInfo.Create(g, _font);

			double widthOfOne_n = Glyph.MeasureString(g, "n", _font).X;
			double widthOfThree_M = Glyph.MeasureString(g, "MMM", _font).X;

			double distanceXL = 0; // left distance bounds-text
			double distanceXR = 0; // right distance text-bounds
			double distanceYU = 0;   // upper y distance bounding rectangle-string
			double distanceYL = 0; // lower y distance

			if (this._background != null)
				// the distance to the sides should be like the character n
				distanceXL = 0.25 * widthOfOne_n; // left distance bounds-text
				distanceXR = distanceXL; // right distance text-bounds
				distanceYU = fontInfo.cyDescent;   // upper y distance bounding rectangle-string
				distanceYL = 0; // lower y distance

			PointD2D size = new PointD2D((textWidth + distanceXL + distanceXR), (textHeight + distanceYU + distanceYL));
			_cachedExtendedTextBounds = new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, size);
			RectangleD2D textRectangle = new RectangleD2D(new PointD2D(-distanceXL, -distanceYU), size);

			if (this._background != null)
				var backgroundRect = this._background.MeasureItem(g, textRectangle);
				_cachedExtendedTextBounds.Offset(textRectangle.X - backgroundRect.X, textRectangle.Y - backgroundRect.Y);

				size = backgroundRect.Size;
				distanceXL = -backgroundRect.Left;
				distanceXR = (backgroundRect.Right - textWidth);
				distanceYU = -backgroundRect.Top;
				distanceYL = (backgroundRect.Bottom - textHeight);

			//var xanchor = _location.PivotX.GetValueRelativeTo(size.X);
			//var yanchor = _location.PivotY.GetValueRelativeTo(size.Y);

			// this._leftTop = new PointD2D(-xanchor, -yanchor);
			((ItemLocationDirectAutoSize)_location).SetSizeInAutoSizeMode(size, false);

			this._cachedTextOffset = new PointD2D(distanceXL, distanceYU);
예제 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hitAreaPageCoord">Page coordinates (unit: points).</param>
 /// <param name="pageScale">Current zoom factor, i.e. ration between displayed size on the screen and given size.</param>
 public HitTestRectangularData(RectangleD2D hitAreaPageCoord, double pageScale)
     _hittedAreaInPageCoord = hitAreaPageCoord;
     _pageScale             = pageScale;
     _transformation        = new MatrixD2D();
예제 #23
 public RectangleD2D MeasureItem(System.Drawing.Graphics g, RectangleD2D innerArea)
예제 #24
 public void Draw(Graphics g, BrushX brush, RectangleD2D innerArea)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #25
        private static void RowHeaderStyle_Paint(Altaxo.Worksheet.RowHeaderStyle thiss, object drawingContext, RectangleD2D cellRect, int nRow, Altaxo.Data.DataColumn data, bool bSelected)
            var  dc            = (DrawingContext)drawingContext;
            Rect cellRectangle = cellRect.ToWpf();

            thiss.PaintBackground(dc, cellRect, bSelected);

            string text = "[" + nRow + "]";

            var font     = WpfFontManager.ToWpf(thiss.TextFont);
            var fontSize = (thiss.TextFont.Size * 96) / 72;
            var txtBrush = bSelected ? thiss.DefaultSelectedTextBrush.ToWpf() : thiss.TextBrush.ToWpf();

            FormattedText t;

            t = new FormattedText(text, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, font, fontSize, txtBrush)
                MaxTextWidth  = cellRectangle.Width,
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center
            dc.DrawText(t, cellRectangle.Location); // ("[" + nRow + "]", _textFont, _textBrush, cellRectangle, _textFormat);
예제 #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="from">Another HitTestData object to copy from.</param>
 public HitTestRectangularData(HitTestRectangularData from)
     _hittedAreaInPageCoord = from._hittedAreaInPageCoord;
     _pageScale             = from._pageScale;
     _transformation        = new MatrixD2D(from._transformation);
예제 #27
		public void AdjustRectangle(ref RectangleD2D r, StringAlignment horz, StringAlignment vert)
			switch (vert)
				case StringAlignment.Near:

				case StringAlignment.Center:
					r.Y -= 0.5 * r.Height;

				case StringAlignment.Far:
					r.Y -= r.Height;
			switch (horz)
				case StringAlignment.Near:

				case StringAlignment.Center:
					r.X -= 0.5 * r.Width;

				case StringAlignment.Far:
					r.X -= r.Width;
예제 #28
파일: GridStyle.cs 프로젝트: olesar/Altaxo
        public void Paint(Graphics g, IPlotArea layer, int axisnumber)
            if (!_showGrid)

            Scale       axis    = layer.Scales[axisnumber];
            TickSpacing ticking = layer.Scales[axisnumber].TickSpacing;

            var layerRect = new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, layer.Size);

            if (_showZeroOnly)
                var    var = new Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant(0.0);
                double rel = axis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(var);
                _majorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
                if (rel >= 0 && rel <= 1)
                    if (axisnumber == 0)
                        layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(rel, 0), new Logical3D(rel, 1));
                        layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(0, rel), new Logical3D(1, rel));

                    //layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MajorPen, axisnumber, rel, 0, 1);
                double[] ticks;

                if (_showMinor)
                    _minorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
                    ticks = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(axis);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
                        if (axisnumber == 0)
                            layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MinorPen, new Logical3D(ticks[i], 0), new Logical3D(ticks[i], 1));
                            layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MinorPen, new Logical3D(0, ticks[i]), new Logical3D(1, ticks[i]));

                        //layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MinorPen, axisnumber, ticks[i], 0, 1);

                MajorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
                ticks = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(axis);
                for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
                    if (axisnumber == 0)
                        layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(ticks[i], 0), new Logical3D(ticks[i], 1));
                        layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(0, ticks[i]), new Logical3D(1, ticks[i]));

                    //layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MajorPen, axisnumber, ticks[i], 0, 1);
예제 #29
		/// <summary>
		/// Paints the axis style labels.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="g">Graphics environment.</param>
		/// <param name="coordSyst">The coordinate system. Used to get the path along the axis.</param>
		/// <param name="scale">Scale.</param>
		/// <param name="tickSpacing">If not <c>null</c>, this parameter provides a custom tick spacing that is used instead of the default tick spacing of the scale.</param>
		/// <param name="styleInfo">Information about begin of axis, end of axis.</param>
		/// <param name="outerDistance">Distance between axis and labels.</param>
		/// <param name="useMinorTicks">If true, minor ticks are shown.</param>
		public virtual void Paint(Graphics g, G2DCoordinateSystem coordSyst, Scale scale, TickSpacing tickSpacing, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, double outerDistance, bool useMinorTicks)
			_cachedAxisStyleInfo = styleInfo;
			CSLineID styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
			Scale raxis = scale;
			TickSpacing ticking = tickSpacing;

			_enclosingPath.FillMode = FillMode.Winding; // with Winding also overlapping rectangles are selected
			GraphicsPath helperPath = new GraphicsPath();
			Matrix math = new Matrix();

			Logical3D r0 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisOrg);
			Logical3D r1 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisEnd);

			PointD2D outVector;
			Logical3D outer;
			var dist_x = outerDistance; // Distance from axis tick point to label
			var dist_y = outerDistance; // y distance from axis tick point to label

			// dist_x += this._font.SizeInPoints/3; // add some space to the horizontal direction in order to separate the chars a little from the ticks

			// next statement is necessary to have a consistent string length both
			// on 0 degree rotated text and rotated text
			// without this statement, the text is fitted to the pixel grid, which
			// leads to "steps" during scaling
			g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

			double[] relpositions;
			AltaxoVariant[] ticks;
			if (useMinorTicks)
				relpositions = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(raxis);
				ticks = ticking.GetMinorTicksAsVariant();
				relpositions = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(raxis);
				ticks = ticking.GetMajorTicksAsVariant();

			if (!_suppressedLabels.IsEmpty)
				List<AltaxoVariant> filteredTicks = new List<AltaxoVariant>();
				List<double> filteredRelPositions = new List<double>();

				for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
					if (_suppressedLabels.ByValues.Contains(ticks[i]))
					if (_suppressedLabels.ByNumbers.Contains(i))
					if (_suppressedLabels.ByNumbers.Contains(i - ticks.Length))

				ticks = filteredTicks.ToArray();
				relpositions = filteredRelPositions.ToArray();

			IMeasuredLabelItem[] labels = _labelFormatting.GetMeasuredItems(g, _font, _stringFormat, ticks);

			double emSize = _font.Size;
			CSAxisSide labelSide = null != _labelSide ? _labelSide.Value : styleInfo.PreferredLabelSide;
			for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
				double r = relpositions[i];

				if (!Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsInIntervalCC(r, -1000, 1000))

				outer = coordSyst.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, labelSide);
				PointD2D tickorg = coordSyst.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
				PointD2D tickend = tickorg + outVector * outerDistance;

				PointD2D msize = labels[i].Size;
				PointD2D morg = tickend;

				if (_automaticRotationShift)
					double alpha = _rotation * Math.PI / 180 - Math.Atan2(outVector.Y, outVector.X);
					double shift = msize.Y * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Sin(alpha)) + (msize.X + _font.Size / 2) * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Cos(alpha));
					morg = morg + outVector * shift;
					morg = morg.WithXPlus(outVector.X * _font.Size / 3);

				RectangleD2D mrect = new RectangleD2D(morg, msize);
				if (_automaticRotationShift)
					AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, StringAlignment.Center, StringAlignment.Center);
					AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, _horizontalAlignment, _verticalAlignment);

				math.Translate((float)morg.X, (float)morg.Y);
				if (this._rotation != 0)
				math.Translate((float)(mrect.X - morg.X + emSize * _xOffset), (float)(mrect.Y - morg.Y + emSize * _yOffset));

				System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState gs = g.Save();

				if (this._backgroundStyle != null)
					_backgroundStyle.Draw(g, new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, msize));

				_brush.SetEnvironment(new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, msize), BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
				labels[i].Draw(g, _brush, new PointF(0, 0));
				g.Restore(gs); // Restore the graphics state

				helperPath.AddRectangle(new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, (SizeF)msize));

				_enclosingPath.AddPath(helperPath, true);
예제 #30
 public void Draw(System.Drawing.Graphics g, RectangleD2D innerArea)
     g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, (float)innerArea.Left, (float)innerArea.Top, (float)innerArea.Width, (float)innerArea.Height);
예제 #31
        public static void PaintBackground(this Altaxo.Worksheet.ColumnStyle thiss, DrawingContext dc, RectangleD2D cellRectangle, bool bSelected)
            var cellRect = cellRectangle.ToWpf();

            if (bSelected)
                dc.DrawRectangle(thiss.DefaultSelectedBackgroundBrush.ToWpf(), null, cellRect);
                dc.DrawRectangle(thiss.BackgroundBrush.ToWpf(), null, cellRect);

            dc.DrawLine(thiss.CellBorder.ToWpf(), cellRect.BottomLeft, cellRect.BottomRight);
            dc.DrawLine(thiss.CellBorder.ToWpf(), cellRect.BottomRight, cellRect.TopRight);
예제 #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the axis style labels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics environment.</param>
        /// <param name="coordSyst">The coordinate system. Used to get the path along the axis.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">Scale.</param>
        /// <param name="tickSpacing">If not <c>null</c>, this parameter provides a custom tick spacing that is used instead of the default tick spacing of the scale.</param>
        /// <param name="styleInfo">Information about begin of axis, end of axis.</param>
        /// <param name="outerDistance">Distance between axis and labels.</param>
        /// <param name="useMinorTicks">If true, minor ticks are shown.</param>
        public virtual void Paint(Graphics g, G2DCoordinateSystem coordSyst, Scale scale, TickSpacing tickSpacing, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, double outerDistance, bool useMinorTicks)
            _cachedAxisStyleInfo = styleInfo;
            CSLineID    styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
            Scale       raxis   = scale;
            TickSpacing ticking = tickSpacing;

            _enclosingPath.FillMode = FillMode.Winding; // with Winding also overlapping rectangles are selected
            var helperPath = new GraphicsPath();
            var math       = new Matrix();

            Logical3D r0 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisOrg);
            Logical3D r1 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisEnd);

            Logical3D outer;
            var       dist_x = outerDistance; // Distance from axis tick point to label
            var       dist_y = outerDistance; // y distance from axis tick point to label

            // dist_x += this._font.SizeInPoints/3; // add some space to the horizontal direction in order to separate the chars a little from the ticks

            // next statement is necessary to have a consistent string length both
            // on 0 degree rotated text and rotated text
            // without this statement, the text is fitted to the pixel grid, which
            // leads to "steps" during scaling
            g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

            double[]        relpositions;
            AltaxoVariant[] ticks;
            if (useMinorTicks)
                relpositions = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(raxis);
                ticks        = ticking.GetMinorTicksAsVariant();
                relpositions = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(raxis);
                ticks        = ticking.GetMajorTicksAsVariant();

            if (!_suppressedLabels.IsEmpty)
                var filteredTicks        = new List <AltaxoVariant>();
                var filteredRelPositions = new List <double>();

                for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
                    if (_suppressedLabels.ByValues.Contains(ticks[i]))
                    if (_suppressedLabels.ByNumbers.Contains(i))
                    if (_suppressedLabels.ByNumbers.Contains(i - ticks.Length))

                ticks        = filteredTicks.ToArray();
                relpositions = filteredRelPositions.ToArray();

            IMeasuredLabelItem[] labels = _labelFormatting.GetMeasuredItems(g, _font, _stringFormat, ticks);

            double     emSize    = _font.Size;
            CSAxisSide labelSide = null != _labelSide ? _labelSide.Value : styleInfo.PreferredLabelSide;

            for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
                double r = relpositions[i];

                if (!Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsInIntervalCC(r, -1000, 1000))

                outer = coordSyst.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, labelSide);
                PointD2D tickorg = coordSyst.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out var outVector);
                PointD2D tickend = tickorg + outVector * outerDistance;

                PointD2D msize = labels[i].Size;
                PointD2D morg  = tickend;

                if (_automaticRotationShift)
                    double alpha = _rotation * Math.PI / 180 - Math.Atan2(outVector.Y, outVector.X);
                    double shift = msize.Y * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Sin(alpha)) + (msize.X + _font.Size / 2) * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Cos(alpha));
                    morg = morg + outVector * shift;
                    morg = morg.WithXPlus(outVector.X * _font.Size / 3);

                var mrect = new RectangleD2D(morg, msize);
                if (_automaticRotationShift)
                    AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, StringAlignment.Center, StringAlignment.Center);
                    AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, _horizontalAlignment, _verticalAlignment);

                math.Translate((float)morg.X, (float)morg.Y);
                if (_rotation != 0)
                math.Translate((float)(mrect.X - morg.X + emSize * _xOffset), (float)(mrect.Y - morg.Y + emSize * _yOffset));

                System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState gs = g.Save();

                if (_backgroundStyle != null)
                    _backgroundStyle.Draw(g, new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, msize));

                _brush.SetEnvironment(new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, msize), BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
                labels[i].Draw(g, _brush, new PointF(0, 0));
                g.Restore(gs); // Restore the graphics state

                helperPath.AddRectangle(new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, (SizeF)msize));

                _enclosingPath.AddPath(helperPath, true);
예제 #33
 public static Rect ToWpf(this RectangleD2D rect)
     return(new Rect(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height));
예제 #34
		/// <summary>
		/// Paints part of the worksheet to the drawing context. Row and column header are always threaten as visible here.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dc">Drawing context.</param>
		/// <param name="layout">Worksheet layout.</param>
		/// <param name="viewSize">Width and height of the viewing area (Pixel or Wpf coordinates).</param>
		/// <param name="clipRectangle">Bounds of the clipping region. Only that parts of the worksheet that are visible within the clipping region are drawn.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedDataColumns">Selected data columns.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedDataRows">Selected data rows.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedPropertyColumns">Selected property columns.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedPropertyRows">Selected property rows.</param>
		/// <param name="horzScrollPos">Horizontal scroll position (0 = first column visible).</param>
		/// <param name="vertScrollPos">Vertical scroll position (0 = first data column visible, negative values: one or more property columns visible).</param>
		public static void PaintTableArea(
			Graphics dc,
			Altaxo.Worksheet.WorksheetLayout layout,
			Size viewSize,
			RectangleD2D clipRectangle,
			IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedDataColumns,
			IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedDataRows,
			IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedPropertyColumns,
			IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedPropertyRows,
			int horzScrollPos, int vertScrollPos
			var dataTable = layout.DataTable;

			bool bDrawColumnHeader = false;

			int firstTableRowToDraw = WA.GetFirstVisibleTableRow(clipRectangle.Top, layout, vertScrollPos);
			int numberOfTableRowsToDraw = WA.GetVisibleTableRows(clipRectangle.Top, clipRectangle.Bottom, layout, vertScrollPos);

			int firstPropertyColumnToDraw = WA.GetFirstVisiblePropertyColumn(clipRectangle.Top, layout, vertScrollPos);
			int numberOfPropertyColumnsToDraw = WA.GetVisiblePropertyColumns(clipRectangle.Top, clipRectangle.Bottom, layout, vertScrollPos);

			bool bAreColumnsSelected = selectedDataColumns.Count > 0;
			bool bAreRowsSelected = selectedDataRows.Count > 0;
			bool bAreCellsSelected = bAreRowsSelected || bAreColumnsSelected;

			bool bArePropertyColsSelected = selectedPropertyColumns.Count > 0;
			bool bArePropertyRowsSelected = selectedPropertyRows.Count > 0;
			bool bArePropertyCellsSelected = ArePropertyCellsSelected(dataTable, selectedPropertyColumns, selectedPropertyRows);

			int yShift = 0;

			var cellRectangle = new RectangleD2D();
			double left, width;

			if (clipRectangle.Top < layout.ColumnHeaderStyle.Height)
				bDrawColumnHeader = true;

			// if neccessary, draw the row header (the most left column)
			if (clipRectangle.Left < layout.RowHeaderStyle.Width)
				cellRectangle.Height = layout.ColumnHeaderStyle.Height;
				cellRectangle.Width = layout.RowHeaderStyle.Width;
				cellRectangle.X = 0;

				// if visible, draw the top left corner of the table
				if (bDrawColumnHeader)
					cellRectangle.Y = 0;
					layout.RowHeaderStyle.PaintBackground(dc, (Rectangle)cellRectangle, false);

				// if visible, draw property column header items
				yShift = WA.GetTopCoordinateOfPropertyColumn(firstPropertyColumnToDraw, layout, vertScrollPos);
				cellRectangle.Height = layout.PropertyColumnHeaderStyle.Height;
				for (int nPropCol = firstPropertyColumnToDraw, nInc = 0; nInc < numberOfPropertyColumnsToDraw; nPropCol++, nInc++)
					cellRectangle.Y = yShift + nInc * layout.PropertyColumnHeaderStyle.Height;
					bool bPropColSelected = bArePropertyColsSelected && selectedPropertyColumns.Contains(nPropCol);
					layout.PropertyColumnHeaderStyle.Paint(dc, (Rectangle)cellRectangle, nPropCol, dataTable.PropCols[nPropCol], bPropColSelected);

			// draw the table row Header Items
			yShift = WA.GetTopCoordinateOfTableRow(firstTableRowToDraw, layout, vertScrollPos);
			cellRectangle.Height = layout.RowHeaderStyle.Height;
			for (int nRow = firstTableRowToDraw, nInc = 0; nInc < numberOfTableRowsToDraw; nRow++, nInc++)
				cellRectangle.Y = yShift + nInc * layout.RowHeaderStyle.Height;
				layout.RowHeaderStyle.Paint(dc, (Rectangle)cellRectangle, nRow, null, bAreRowsSelected && selectedDataRows.Contains(nRow));

			if (clipRectangle.Bottom >= layout.ColumnHeaderStyle.Height || clipRectangle.Right >= layout.RowHeaderStyle.Width)
				int numberOfColumnsToDraw;
				int firstColToDraw = WA.GetFirstAndNumberOfVisibleColumn(clipRectangle.Left, clipRectangle.Right, layout, horzScrollPos, out numberOfColumnsToDraw);

				// draw the property columns
				for (int nPropCol = firstPropertyColumnToDraw, nIncPropCol = 0; nIncPropCol < numberOfPropertyColumnsToDraw; nPropCol++, nIncPropCol++)
					Altaxo.Worksheet.ColumnStyle cs = layout.PropertyColumnStyles[dataTable.PropCols[nPropCol]];
					bool bPropColSelected = bArePropertyColsSelected && selectedPropertyColumns.Contains(nPropCol);
					bool bPropColIncluded = bArePropertyColsSelected ? bPropColSelected : true; // Property cells are only included if the column is explicite selected

					cellRectangle.Y = WA.GetTopCoordinateOfPropertyColumn(nPropCol, layout, vertScrollPos);
					cellRectangle.Height = layout.PropertyColumnHeaderStyle.Height;

					for (int nCol = firstColToDraw, nIncCol = 0; nIncCol < numberOfColumnsToDraw; nCol++, nIncCol++)
						if (nCol == firstColToDraw)
							WA.GetXCoordinatesOfColumn(nCol, layout, horzScrollPos, out left, out width);
							cellRectangle.X = left;
							cellRectangle.Width = width;
							cellRectangle.X += cellRectangle.Width;
							cellRectangle.Width = layout.DataColumnStyles[dataTable.DataColumns[nCol]].WidthD;

						bool bPropRowSelected = bArePropertyRowsSelected && selectedPropertyRows.Contains(nCol);
						bool bPropRowIncluded = bArePropertyRowsSelected ? bPropRowSelected : true;

						cs.Paint(dc, (Rectangle)cellRectangle, nCol, dataTable.PropCols[nPropCol], bArePropertyCellsSelected && bPropColIncluded && bPropRowIncluded);

				// draw the cells
				for (int nCol = firstColToDraw, nIncCol = 0; nIncCol < numberOfColumnsToDraw; nCol++, nIncCol++)
					Altaxo.Worksheet.ColumnStyle cs = layout.DataColumnStyles[dataTable.DataColumns[nCol]];
					if (nCol == firstColToDraw)
						WA.GetXCoordinatesOfColumn(nCol, layout, horzScrollPos, out left, out width);
						cellRectangle.X = left;
						cellRectangle.Width = width;
						cellRectangle.X += cellRectangle.Width;
						cellRectangle.Width = cs.WidthD;

					bool bColumnSelected = bAreColumnsSelected && selectedDataColumns.Contains(nCol);
					bool bDataColumnIncluded = bAreColumnsSelected ? bColumnSelected : true;
					bool bPropertyRowSelected = bArePropertyRowsSelected && selectedPropertyRows.Contains(nCol);

					if (bDrawColumnHeader) // must the column Header been drawn?
						cellRectangle.Height = layout.ColumnHeaderStyle.Height;
						cellRectangle.Y = 0;
						layout.ColumnHeaderStyle.Paint(dc, (Rectangle)cellRectangle, 0, dataTable[nCol], bColumnSelected || bPropertyRowSelected);

					yShift = WA.GetTopCoordinateOfTableRow(firstTableRowToDraw, layout, vertScrollPos);
					cellRectangle.Height = layout.RowHeaderStyle.Height;
					for (int nRow = firstTableRowToDraw, nIncRow = 0; nIncRow < numberOfTableRowsToDraw; nRow++, nIncRow++)
						bool bRowSelected = bAreRowsSelected && selectedDataRows.Contains(nRow);
						bool bDataRowIncluded = bAreRowsSelected ? bRowSelected : true;
						cellRectangle.Y = yShift + nIncRow * layout.RowHeaderStyle.Height;
						cs.Paint(dc, (Rectangle)cellRectangle, nRow, dataTable[nCol], bAreCellsSelected && bDataColumnIncluded && bDataRowIncluded);
예제 #35
        private static void ColumnHeaderStyle_Paint(Altaxo.Worksheet.ColumnHeaderStyle thiss, object drawingContext, RectangleD2D cellRect, int nRow, Altaxo.Data.DataColumn data, bool bSelected)
            var  dc            = (DrawingContext)drawingContext;
            Rect cellRectangle = cellRect.ToWpf();

            thiss.PaintBackground(dc, cellRect, bSelected);

            var    dataColCol    = (Altaxo.Data.DataColumnCollection)AbsoluteDocumentPath.GetRootNodeImplementing(data, typeof(Altaxo.Data.DataColumnCollection));
            string columnnumber  = dataColCol.GetColumnNumber(data).ToString();
            string kindandgroup  = string.Format("({0}{1})", dataColCol.GetColumnKind(data).ToString(), dataColCol.GetColumnGroup(data));
            var    font          = WpfFontManager.ToWpf(thiss.TextFont);
            var    fontSize      = (thiss.TextFont.Size * 96) / 72;
            var    fontheight    = font.FontFamily.LineSpacing * fontSize;
            var    nameRectangle = cellRectangle;

            nameRectangle.Height = Math.Max(fontheight, cellRectangle.Height - fontheight);
            var numRectangle = cellRectangle;

            numRectangle.Height = fontheight;
            numRectangle.Y      = Math.Max(cellRectangle.Y + cellRectangle.Height - fontheight, cellRectangle.Y);

            var txtBrush = bSelected ? thiss.DefaultSelectedTextBrush.ToWpf() : thiss.TextBrush.ToWpf();

            FormattedText t;

            t = new FormattedText(columnnumber, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, font, fontSize, txtBrush)
                MaxTextWidth  = numRectangle.Width,
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left
            dc.DrawText(t, numRectangle.Location);

            t = new FormattedText(kindandgroup, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, font, fontSize, txtBrush)
                MaxTextWidth  = numRectangle.Width,
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right
            dc.DrawText(t, numRectangle.Location);

            t = new FormattedText(data.Name, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, font, fontSize, txtBrush)
                MaxTextWidth  = nameRectangle.Width,
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center
            dc.DrawText(t, nameRectangle.Location);