Rectangle GetUpdatedRegionAndCleanUpAffectedObjects() { Rectangle rect = Rectangle.CreateAnEmptyBox(); var affectedObjectList = new List <IViewerObject>(CurrentUndoAction.AffectedObjects); foreach (var ivObj in affectedObjectList) { var inode = ivObj as IViewerNode; if (inode == null) { continue; } var node = (GeomNode)inode.DrawingObject.GeometryObject; NodeRestoreData nrd = (NodeRestoreData)CurrentUndoAction.GetRestoreData(node); var oldBoundingBox = nrd.BoundaryCurve.BoundingBox; if (!oldBoundingBox.Equals(node.BoundingBox)) { rect.Add(node.BoundingBox); rect.Add(oldBoundingBox); } else { CurrentUndoAction.RemoveAffectedObject(ivObj); } } foreach (var e in edgesDraggedWithSource.Concat(edgesDraggedWithTarget)) { rect.Add(e.BoundingBox); } rect.Pad(layoutSettings.EdgeRoutingSettings.Padding); return(rect); }
/// <summary> /// creates a "tight" bounding box /// </summary> /// <param name="affectedEntity">the object corresponding to the graph</param> /// <param name="geometryGraph"></param> public void FitGraphBoundingBox(object affectedEntity, GeometryGraph geometryGraph) { if (geometryGraph != null) { UndoRedoAction uAction = new UndoRedoAction(geometryGraph); uAction.Graph = geometryGraph; undoRedoActionsList.AddAction(uAction); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); foreach (GeomNode n in geometryGraph.NodeMap.Values) { r = n.BoundingBox; break; } foreach (GeomNode n in geometryGraph.NodeMap.Values) { r.Add(n.BoundingBox); } foreach (GeomEdge e in geometryGraph.Edges) { r.Add(e.BoundingBox); if (e.Label != null) { r.Add(e.Label.BoundingBox); } } r.Left -= geometryGraph.Margins; r.Top += geometryGraph.Margins; r.Bottom -= geometryGraph.Margins; r.Right += geometryGraph.Margins; uAction.AffectedObjects = new Set <object>(); uAction.AffectedObjects.Insert(affectedEntity); uAction.GraphBoundingBoxAfter = geometryGraph.BoundingBox = r; } }
/// <summary> /// displays the database /// </summary> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="curves"></param> public static void ShowDataBase(Database db, params ICurve[] curves) { var g = new Graph(""); AllocateDebugCurves(g); var graphBox = new Rectangle(db.Anchors[0].LeftTop); var cl = new List <ICurve>(curves); foreach (Anchor a in db.Anchors) { graphBox.Add(a.LeftTop); graphBox.Add(a.RightBottom); cl.Add(a.PolygonalBoundary); } AddCurvesToGraph(cl, g); Point del = (graphBox.LeftBottom - graphBox.RightTop) / 10; graphBox.Add(graphBox.LeftBottom + del); graphBox.Add(graphBox.RightTop - del); var gg = new GeometryGraph { BoundingBox = graphBox }; g.DataBase = db; g.GeometryGraph = gg; DisplayGraph(g, new Form()); db.nodesToShow = null; }
static void Main(string[] args) { // used for announcements from top to bottom or drawing // check it visually, shows Composite pattern really well IComponent page = new Component(new Position(0, 0)); page.Add(new Rectangle(new Position(0, 1), 7)); //page.Add(new Rectangle(new Position(5, 10), 6)); IComponent rec = new Rectangle(new Position(5, 10), 3); rec.Add(new Text(new Position(12, 0), 0, "I cannot lie")); rec.Add(new Text(new Position(13, 6), 1, "Rigmarole")); rec.Add(new Text(new Position(22, 9), 3, "Hodgepodge")); page.Add(rec); page.Draw(); while (true) { Position movePosition = new Position(3, 1); Console.Clear(); rec.Move(movePosition); //rec.Draw(); page.Draw(); Thread.Sleep(500); } //Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(new Position(8, 1), 5); //rec.Draw(); }
/// <summary> /// enlarge the rectangle to contain the graph /// </summary> /// <param name="b"></param> void PumpTheBoxToTheGraph(ref Rectangle b) { foreach (Edge e in Edges) { if (e.UnderCollapsedCluster()) { continue; } if (e.Curve != null) { #if SHARPKIT // there are no structs in js var cb = e.Curve.BoundingBox.Clone(); #else var cb = e.Curve.BoundingBox; #endif cb.Pad(e.LineWidth); b.Add(cb); } foreach (var l in e.Labels.Where(lbl => lbl != null)) { b.Add(l.BoundingBox); } } foreach (Node n in Nodes) { if (n.UnderCollapsedCluster()) { continue; } b.Add(n.BoundingBox); } foreach (var c in RootCluster.Clusters) { if (c.BoundaryCurve == null) { if (c.RectangularBoundary != null) { c.BoundaryCurve = c.RectangularBoundary.RectangularHull(); } } if (c.BoundaryCurve != null) { b.Add(c.BoundaryCurve.BoundingBox); } } #if DEBUG && TEST_MSAGL if (DebugCurves != null) { foreach (var debugCurve in DebugCurves.Where(d => d.Curve != null)) { b.Add(debugCurve.Curve.BoundingBox); } } #endif }
Rectangle TriangleRectangle(ThreeArray <CdtSite> sites) { var rect = new Rectangle(sites[0].Point); rect.Add(sites[1].Point); rect.Add(sites[2].Point); return(rect); }
/// <summary> /// enlarge the rectangle to contain the graph /// </summary> /// <param name="b"></param> void PumpTheBoxToTheGraph(ref Rectangle b) { foreach (Edge e in Edges) { if (e.UnderCollapsedCluster()) { continue; } if (e.Curve != null) { var cb = e.Curve.BoundingBox; cb.Pad(e.LineWidth); b.Add(cb); } foreach (var l in e.Labels.Where(lbl => lbl != null)) { b.Add(l.BoundingBox); } } foreach (Node n in Nodes) { if (n.UnderCollapsedCluster()) { continue; } b.Add(n.BoundingBox); } foreach (var c in RootCluster.Clusters) { if (c.BoundaryCurve == null) { if (c.RectangularBoundary != null) { c.BoundaryCurve = c.RectangularBoundary.RectangularHull(); } } if (c.BoundaryCurve != null) { b.Add(c.BoundaryCurve.BoundingBox); } } #if DEBUG && TEST_MSAGL if (DebugCurves != null) { foreach (var debugCurve in DebugCurves.Where(d => d.Curve != null)) { b.Add(debugCurve.Curve.BoundingBox); } } #endif }
public override void Enlarge(Rectangle r) { r.Add((int)(_x0 + 0.5), (int)(_y0 + 0.5)); double t = -_xcoeff1 / (2 * _xcoeff2); if (t > 0 && t < 1) { r.Add((int)(XforT(t) + .5), (int)(YforT(t) + .5)); } r.Add((int)(_x1 + 0.5), (int)(_y1 + 0.5)); }
public void TestVoidFunctions() { Shape myRectangle = new Rectangle("Rectangle1", "Fusion Blue", 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); Shape p1 = new Point("Point1", "Red", 1, 2); Shape p2 = new Point("Point2", "Blue", 3, 4); myRectangle.Add(p1); myRectangle.Add(p2); myRectangle.Remove(p1); myRectangle.Remove(p2); }
internal void AddEntry(Rectangle r, int id) { ids[entryCount] = id; entries[entryCount] = r.Copy(); entryCount++; if (mbr == null) { mbr = r.Copy(); } else { mbr.Add(r); } }
void AddArrowToBox(Point start, Point end, double width, ref Rectangle box) { //it does not hurt to add a larger piece Point dir = (end - start).Rotate(Math.PI / 2); box.Add(end + dir); box.Add(end - dir); box.Add(start + dir); box.Add(start - dir); box.Left -= width; box.Top += width; box.Right += width; box.Bottom -= width; }
public Rectangle GetInitialBoundingBox() { Rectangle bbox = new Rectangle(); bbox.SetToEmpty(); foreach (var rect in fixedRectangles) { bbox.Add(rect); } foreach (var rect in moveableRectangles) { bbox.Add(rect); } return(bbox); }
public ProgramGrid Analyze() { var rect = new Rectangle(InstructionGridLeft, Capture.Rect.Height - InstructionGridHeight - InstructionGridBottomMargin, Capture.Rect.Width - InstructionGridLeft - InstructionGridRightMargin, InstructionGridHeight); return(new ProgramGrid(rect.Add(Capture.Rect.Location))); }
public override void ModifyDamageHitbox(ref Rectangle hitbox) { if (projectile.aiStyle == 0) { hitbox = hitbox.Add(new Vector2(0, -1.5f).RotatedBy(projectile.rotation) * (-34 - drawOffsetY)); } }
void AddLabelBox(ref Rectangle box) { if (Label != null && DGraph.DLabelIsValid(Label)) { box.Add(Label.DrawingLabel.BoundingBox); } }
/// <summary> /// Entry point: execution starts here /// </summary> static void xMain() { // instantiate a new Rectangle struct // where Width is set to 1 and Height is set to 3 Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(); rect1.Width = 1; rect1.Height = 3; // show the value of Width and Height for rect1 Console.WriteLine("rect1: {0}:{1}", rect1.Width, rect1.Height); // instantiate a new Rectangle struct // where Width is set to 5 and Height is set to 7 Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(5, 7); // show the value of Width and Height for rect2 Console.WriteLine("rect2: {0}:{1}", rect2.Width, rect2.Height); // invoke the Add method on the rect1 Rectangle struct instance, // passing the rect2 Rectangle struct instance as an argument // and assigning the new copy of the value returned by the // Add method to the rect3 Rectangle struct. Rectangle rect3 = rect1.Add(rect2); // show the value of Width and Height for rect3 Console.WriteLine("rect3: {0}:{1}", rect3.Width, rect3.Height); Console.ReadKey(); }
public UserInterlfaceContainer CreateInfoPannel(Selector selector, Shape bounds) { UserInterlfaceContainer ui = new UserInterlfaceContainer(selector, true); GameObject pannel = CreatePanel(bounds); ui.Add(pannel); Point2D startLocation = bounds.Copy().Add(Settings.PORTRAT_SPACING); Rectangle portratBounds = new Rectangle(startLocation, Settings.PORTRAT_SIZE, Settings.PORTRAT_SIZE); foreach (GameObject i in selector.GameObjects) { ui.Add(CreatePortart(selector, i, portratBounds.Copy())); portratBounds.Add(new Point2D(portratBounds.Size + Settings.PORTRAT_SPACING, 0)); if (!CollsionDetector.Inside(portratBounds, bounds.HitBox)) { portratBounds.X = startLocation.X; portratBounds.Y += portratBounds.Height + Settings.PORTRAT_SPACING; } if (!CollsionDetector.Inside(portratBounds, bounds.HitBox)) { break; } } return(ui); }
public HexGrid Analyze() { var rect = new Rectangle(ScreenLayout.SidebarWidth, 0, Capture.Bitmap.Width - ScreenLayout.SidebarWidth, Capture.Bitmap.Height - InstructionAreaOuterHeight); var centerHex = FindApproximateCenterHex(rect); return(new HexGrid(rect.Add(Capture.Rect.Location), centerHex.Add(Capture.Rect.Location))); }
internal Rectangle BoundingBox() { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(Sites[0].Point, Sites[1].Point); rect.Add(Sites[2].Point); return(rect); }
private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.UI.ViewManagement.StatusBar")) { var applicationView = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView(); applicationView.SetDesiredBoundsMode(ApplicationViewBoundsMode.UseCoreWindow); var statusbar = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.StatusBar.GetForCurrentView(); statusbar.BackgroundColor = Colors.Beige; statusbar.BackgroundOpacity = 0.2; statusbar.ForegroundColor = Colors.Black; applicationView.TryEnterFullScreenMode(); } var s = ViewModel.Solid; var c = 0; var r = 0; var w = ViewModel.Width; foreach (var temp in s) { Rectangle.Add(new Rect() { X = w * c, Y = w * r, Width = w, Height = w, }); c++; if (c == ViewModel.Col) { c = 0; r++; } } }
public void FullScanWindow() { using (var integerMap = new IntegerMap(windowBitmap)) { var gridIcons = gridScanner.FullScan(integerMap).ToArray(); var gridLeft = gridIcons.Min(t => t.Item1.X); var gridRight = gridIcons.Max(t => t.Item1.X + t.Item2.IntegerMap.Size.Width - 1); var gridTop = gridIcons.Min(t => t.Item1.Y); var gridBottom = gridIcons.Max(t => t.Item1.Y + t.Item2.IntegerMap.Size.Height - 1); var gridRectangle = new Rectangle(gridLeft, gridTop, gridRight - gridLeft + 1, gridBottom - gridTop + 1); GridRectangle = gridRectangle.Add(WindowRectangle.Location); var gridCountX = GridRectangle.Width / Icons.Icon.RawGrid.IntegerMap.Size.Width; var gridCountY = GridRectangle.Height / Icons.Icon.RawGrid.IntegerMap.Size.Height; Grids = new Grid[gridCountX, gridCountY]; QuickScanGrids(); var faceIcons = faceScanner.FullScan(integerMap).ToArray(); var faceIcon = faceIcons.Single(); var faceRectangle = new Rectangle(faceIcon.Item1, faceIcon.Item2.IntegerMap.Size); FaceRectangle = faceRectangle.Add(WindowRectangle.Location); QuickScanFace(); var scoreIcons = bombCountScanner.FullScan(integerMap).ToArray(); var bombCountIcons = scoreIcons.Where(t => t.Item1.X < integerMap.Size.Width / 2).OrderBy(t => t.Item1.X); var bombCountRectangles = bombCountIcons.Select(t => new Rectangle(t.Item1, t.Item2.IntegerMap.Size)); BombCountRectangles = bombCountRectangles.Select(t => t.Add(WindowRectangle.Location)).ToArray(); QuickScanBombCount(); } }
protected override void Paint(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Rectangle bounds) { var tooltipBack = Content.GetTexture("tooltip"); spriteBatch.Draw(tooltipBack, bounds.Add(0, 0, -3, -3), new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width - 3, this.Height - 3), Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(tooltipBack, new Rectangle(bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Top, 3, bounds.Height), new Rectangle(0, 3, 3, this.Height - 3), Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(tooltipBack, new Rectangle(bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 3, bounds.Width, 3), new Rectangle(3, 0, this.Width - 6, 3), Color.White); }
public override void Enlarge(Rectangle r) { r.Add((int)(_x0 + .5), (int)(_y0 + .5)); double[] eqn = { _xcoeff1, 2 * _xcoeff2, 3 * _xcoeff3 }; int numroots = QuadCurve.SolveQuadratic(eqn, eqn); for (int i = 0; i < numroots; i++) { double t = eqn[i]; if (t > 0 && t < 1) { r.Add((int)(XforT(t) + .5), (int)(YforT(t) + .5)); } } r.Add((int)(_x1 + .5), (int)(_y1 + .5)); }
internal PreGraph(EdgeGeometry[] egs, Set <ICurve> nodeBoundaries) { edgeGeometries = new List <EdgeGeometry>(egs); this.nodeBoundaries = new Set <ICurve>(nodeBoundaries); boundingBox = Rectangle.CreateAnEmptyBox(); foreach (var curve in nodeBoundaries) { boundingBox.Add(curve.BoundingBox); } }
/// <summary> /// Metoda vrátí absolutní souřadnice prostoru, který je zadán jako relativní souřadnice v daném containeru. /// Pokud tedy například daný container je umístěn na (absolutní) souřadnici Bounds = { 100,20,200,50 }, a dané relativní souřadnice jsou { 5,5,10,10 }, /// pak výsledné absolutní souřadnice jsou { 105,25,10,10 }. /// </summary> /// <param name="container"></param> /// <param name="relativeBounds"></param> /// <param name="currentLayer">Vrstva, jejíž souřadnice řešíme. Každý prvek může mít souřadnice různé podle toho, o kterou vrstvu se jedná. /// To je důsledek procesu Drag and Drop, kdy ve standardní vrstvě se prvek nachází na výchozích souřadnicích Bounds, /// ale ve vrstvě <see cref="GInteractiveDrawLayer.Interactive"/> je na souřadnicích Drag.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Rectangle GetAbsoluteBoundsInContainer(IInteractiveParent container, Rectangle relativeBounds, GInteractiveDrawLayer currentLayer) { if (container == null) { return(relativeBounds); } BoundsInfo boundsInfo = BoundsInfo.CreateForContainer(container, currentLayer); return(relativeBounds.Add(boundsInfo.AbsolutePhysicalOriginPoint)); }
protected override void Paint(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Rectangle bounds) { int VertOffset = 0; int HorzOffset = 0; if (this.HasDropdown) { if (this.Direction == SkillBoxDirection.Up) { VertOffset = this.BoxScale == SkillBoxSize.Normal ? ARROW_DIMENSIONATSCALE_NORMAL : ARROW_DIMENSIONATSCALE_SMALL; } else if (this.Direction == SkillBoxDirection.Left) { HorzOffset = this.BoxScale == SkillBoxSize.Normal ? ARROW_DIMENSIONATSCALE_NORMAL : ARROW_DIMENSIONATSCALE_SMALL; } } var primaryTileBounds = new Rectangle(HorzOffset, VertOffset, BOX_DIMENSIONSATSCALE_NORMAL, BOX_DIMENSIONSATSCALE_NORMAL).OffsetBy(bounds.Location); if (!animPulseLoad.Active) { spriteBatch.Draw(ControlAtlas.GetRegion("skillbox/sb-blank"), primaryTileBounds.OffsetBy(bounds.Location), Color.White); } if (this.Icon != null) { if (animFlipIcon == null) { spriteBatch.Draw(this.Icon, primaryTileBounds.OffsetBy(bounds.Location), new Rectangle(16, 16, 96, 96), Color.White); } else { spriteBatch.Draw(this.Icon, primaryTileBounds.Add(0, animFlipIcon.CurrentValueInt / 2, 0, Math.Max(-animFlipIcon.CurrentValueInt, -primaryTileBounds.Height + 1)).OffsetBy(bounds.Location), new Rectangle(16, 16, 96, 96), Color.White); } } else { spriteBatch.Draw(ControlAtlas.GetRegion("skillbox/sb-blank"), primaryTileBounds.OffsetBy(bounds.Location), Color.White); } if (animPulseLoad.Active) { spriteBatch.Draw(ControlAtlas.GetRegion($"skillbox/sb-anim1-f{animPulseLoad.CurrentValueInt}"), primaryTileBounds.OffsetBy(bounds.Location), Color.White); } spriteBatch.Draw(ControlAtlas.GetRegion("skillbox/sb-outline"), primaryTileBounds.OffsetBy(bounds.Location), Color.White); if (this.MouseOver) { spriteBatch.Draw(ControlAtlas.GetRegion("skillbox/sb-hover"), primaryTileBounds.OffsetBy(bounds.Location), Color.White); } //if (this.Dropped && Items.Count == 0) // spriteBatch.Draw(controlAtlas.GetRegion("skillbox/sb-close"), primaryTileBounds, Color.White * (this.MouseOver ? 0.8f : 1f)); }
public Rectangle GetBoundingBox(IEnumerable <TreeNode> nodes) { Rectangle bbox = new Rectangle(); bbox.SetToEmpty(); foreach (var node in nodes) { bbox.Add(node.rect); } return(bbox); }
/// <summary> /// creates a "tight" bounding box /// </summary> /// <param name="affectedEntity">the object corresponding to the graph</param> /// <param name="geometryGraph"></param> public void FitGraphBoundingBox(IViewerObject affectedEntity, GeometryGraph geometryGraph) { if (geometryGraph != null) { var uAction = new UndoRedoAction(geometryGraph) { Graph = geometryGraph }; UndoRedoActionsList.AddAction(uAction); var r = new Rectangle(); foreach (GeomNode n in geometryGraph.Nodes) { r = n.BoundingBox; break; } foreach (GeomNode n in geometryGraph.Nodes) { r.Add(n.BoundingBox); } foreach (GeomEdge e in geometryGraph.Edges) { r.Add(e.BoundingBox); if (e.Label != null) { r.Add(e.Label.BoundingBox); } } r.Left -= geometryGraph.Margins; r.Top += geometryGraph.Margins; r.Bottom -= geometryGraph.Margins; r.Right += geometryGraph.Margins; uAction.ClearAffectedObjects(); uAction.AddAffectedObject(affectedEntity); uAction.GraphBoundingBoxAfter = geometryGraph.BoundingBox = r; } }
void Init() { boundingBox = new Rectangle(StartPoint.Point); count = 1; foreach (Point p in this.Skip(1)) { boundingBox.Add(p); count++; } CalculatePbNode(); NeedToInit = false; }
void CreateAndIndexBoundingBox() { _boundingBox = Rectangle.CreateAnEmptyBox(); foreach (var p in _pointsToIndices.Keys) { _boundingBox.Add(p); } _boundingBox.Pad(1); IndexAPoint(_boundingBox.LeftBottom); IndexAPoint(_boundingBox.RightBottom); IndexAPoint(_boundingBox.LeftTop); IndexAPoint(_boundingBox.RightTop); //SplineRouter.ShowVisGraph(_visGraph, null, new[] { _boundingBox.Perimeter() }, null); }
public override void Enlarge(Rectangle r) { r.Add((int)(_x + 0.5), (int)(_y + 0.5)); }
void SetBoundingBox() { if (ApproximateComparer.Close(ParStart, 0) && ApproximateComparer.Close(ParEnd, Math.PI * 2)) box = FullBox(); else { //the idea is that the box of an arc staying in one quadrant is just the box of the start and the end point of the arc box = new Rectangle(Start, End); //now Start and End are in the box, we need just add all k*P/2 that are in between double t; for (int i = (int)Math.Ceiling(ParStart / (Math.PI / 2)); (t = i * Math.PI / 2) < ParEnd; i++) if (t > parStart) box.Add(this[t]); } }