예제 #1
        public bool RequestBoundsChange(RectInt32 newBounds)
            bool handled = false;

            this.OnBoundsChangeRequested(newBounds, ref handled);
예제 #2
        public RectDouble ClientToDocument(RectInt32 clientRect)
            RectInt32  screenRect   = this.RectangleToScreen(clientRect);
            RectInt32  viewportRect = this.scrollableCanvasControl.CanvasControl.RectangleToClient(screenRect);
            RectDouble extentRect   = this.CanvasView.ConvertViewportToExtent(viewportRect);

 private void OnCanvasViewViewportCanvasBoundsChanged(object sender, ValueChangedEventArgs <RectDouble> e)
     if (this.IsVisible && this.IsActive)
         RectInt32 sourceRect = e.NewValue.Int32Bound;
         this.tileCache.QueueInvalidTilesForRendering(sourceRect, true);
예제 #4
        public unsafe void Render(ISurface <ColorAlpha8> dst, PointInt32 renderOffset)
            this.cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested <ICancellationToken>();
            int       width  = dst.Width;
            int       height = dst.Height;
            RectInt32 bounds = RectInt32.Inflate(new RectInt32(renderOffset, new SizeInt32(width, height)), 1, 1);

            byte[] buffer = toleranceToMaskValueLookupTable(this.tolerance);
            this.cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested <ICancellationToken>();
            using (ISurface <ColorAlpha8> surface = UseTileOrToSurfaceWithEdgePadding(this.stencilSource, bounds, ColorAlpha8.Transparent))
                for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                    this.cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested <ICancellationToken>();
                    byte *rowPointer = (byte *)dst.GetRowPointer <ColorAlpha8>(i);
                    byte *numPtr2    = (byte *)surface.GetPointPointer <ColorAlpha8>(0, i);
                    byte *numPtr3    = (byte *)surface.GetPointPointer <ColorAlpha8>(0, (i + 1));
                    byte *numPtr4    = (byte *)surface.GetPointPointer <ColorAlpha8>(0, (i + 2));
                    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                        byte num6;
                        byte num7 = numPtr3[1];
                        if (num7 != 0)
                            num6 = num7;
                            byte num8  = numPtr2[0];
                            byte num9  = numPtr2[1];
                            byte num10 = numPtr2[2];
                            byte num11 = numPtr3[0];
                            byte num12 = numPtr3[2];
                            byte num13 = numPtr4[0];
                            byte num14 = numPtr4[1];
                            byte num15 = numPtr4[2];
                            if ((((num8 == 0xff) || (num9 == 0xff)) || ((num10 == 0xff) || (num11 == 0xff))) || (((num12 == 0xff) || (num13 == 0xff)) || ((num14 == 0xff) || (num15 == 0xff))))
                                ColorBgra b        = this.colorSource.GetPointSlow(j + renderOffset.X, i + renderOffset.Y);
                                byte      distance = FloodFillAlgorithm.GetDistance(this.basis, b);
                                byte      mask     = buffer[distance];
                                byte      coverage = this.GetCoverageValue(num8, num9, num10, num11, num12, num13, num14, num15);
                                num6 = this.CombineMaskAndCoverageValues(mask, coverage);
                                num6 = 0;
                        rowPointer[0] = num6;
예제 #5
파일: ADT.cs 프로젝트: NecroSharper/WCell
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the rendering liquid vertices to the provided list for the MapChunk given by:
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indexY">The y index of the map chunk.</param>
        /// <param name="indexX">The x index of the map chunk</param>
        /// <param name="vertices">The Collection to add the vertices to.</param>
        /// <returns>The number of vertices added.</returns>
        public override int GenerateLiquidVertices(int indexX, int indexY, ICollection <Vector3> vertices)
            var count = 0;
            var chunk = Chunks[indexX, indexY];

            if (chunk == null)
            if (!chunk.HasLiquid)

            //var clr = Color.Green;

            //switch (mh2O.Header.Type)
            //    case FluidType.Water:
            //        clr = Color.Blue;
            //        break;
            //    case FluidType.Lava:
            //        clr = Color.Red;
            //        break;
            //    case FluidType.OceanWater:
            //        clr = Color.Coral;
            //        break;

            var mh2OHeightMap = chunk.LiquidHeights;
            var header        = chunk.WaterInfo.Header;
            var bounds        = new RectInt32(header.XOffset, header.YOffset, header.Width, header.Height);

            for (var xStep = 0; xStep <= TerrainConstants.UnitsPerChunkSide; xStep++)
                for (var yStep = 0; yStep < 9; yStep++)
                    var xPos = TerrainConstants.CenterPoint - (TileX * TerrainConstants.TileSize) -
                               (indexX * TerrainConstants.ChunkSize) - (xStep * TerrainConstants.UnitSize);
                    var yPos = TerrainConstants.CenterPoint - (TileY * TerrainConstants.TileSize) -
                               (indexY * TerrainConstants.ChunkSize) - (yStep * TerrainConstants.UnitSize);

                    if (((xStep < bounds.X) || ((xStep - bounds.X) > bounds.Height)) ||
                        ((yStep < bounds.Y) || ((yStep - bounds.Y) > bounds.Width)))

                    var zPos = mh2OHeightMap[yStep - bounds.Y, xStep - bounds.X];

                    var position = new Vector3(xPos, yPos, zPos);

예제 #6
        private static PointInt32 AdjustNewLocation(SnapObstacle obstacle, PointInt32 newLocation, SnapDescription snapDescription)
            if ((snapDescription == null) || ((snapDescription.HorizontalEdge == HorizontalSnapEdge.Neither) && (snapDescription.VerticalEdge == VerticalSnapEdge.Neither)))
            RectInt32          num            = new RectInt32(newLocation, obstacle.Bounds.Size);
            RectInt32          bounds         = snapDescription.SnappedTo.Bounds;
            HorizontalSnapEdge horizontalEdge = snapDescription.HorizontalEdge;
            VerticalSnapEdge   verticalEdge   = snapDescription.VerticalEdge;
            SnapRegion         snapRegion     = snapDescription.SnappedTo.SnapRegion;
            int num3 = 0;

            if ((horizontalEdge == HorizontalSnapEdge.Top) && (snapRegion == SnapRegion.Exterior))
                int num7 = bounds.Top - snapDescription.YOffset;
                num3 = num.Bottom - num7;
            else if ((horizontalEdge == HorizontalSnapEdge.Bottom) && (snapRegion == SnapRegion.Exterior))
                int num8 = bounds.Bottom + snapDescription.YOffset;
                num3 = num.Top - num8;
            else if ((horizontalEdge == HorizontalSnapEdge.Top) && (snapRegion == SnapRegion.Interior))
                int num9 = Math.Min(bounds.Bottom, bounds.Top + snapDescription.YOffset);
                num3 = num.Top - num9;
            else if ((horizontalEdge == HorizontalSnapEdge.Bottom) && (snapRegion == SnapRegion.Interior))
                int num10 = Math.Max(bounds.Top, bounds.Bottom - snapDescription.YOffset);
                num3 = num.Bottom - num10;
            int num4 = 0;

            if ((verticalEdge == VerticalSnapEdge.Left) && (snapRegion == SnapRegion.Exterior))
                int num11 = bounds.Left - snapDescription.XOffset;
                num4 = num.Right - num11;
            else if ((verticalEdge == VerticalSnapEdge.Right) && (snapRegion == SnapRegion.Exterior))
                int num12 = bounds.Right + snapDescription.XOffset;
                num4 = num.Left - num12;
            else if ((verticalEdge == VerticalSnapEdge.Left) && (snapRegion == SnapRegion.Interior))
                int num13 = Math.Min(bounds.Right, bounds.Left + snapDescription.XOffset);
                num4 = num.Left - num13;
            else if ((verticalEdge == VerticalSnapEdge.Right) && (snapRegion == SnapRegion.Interior))
                int num14 = Math.Max(bounds.Left, bounds.Right - snapDescription.XOffset);
                num4 = num.Right - num14;
            return(new PointInt32(num.Left - num4, num.Top - num3));
 public BitmapLayerToolLayerOverlay(BitmapLayer layer, RectInt32 affectedBounds, TChanges changes, ContentBlendMode blendMode, IEnumerable <IMaskedRenderer <ColorBgra, ColorAlpha8> > contentRenderers, IRenderer <ColorAlpha8> clipMaskRenderer) : base(layer, affectedBounds)
     Validate.IsNotNull <TChanges>(changes, "changes");
     this.changes          = changes;
     this.blendMode        = blendMode;
     this.contentRenderers = contentRenderers.ToArrayEx <IMaskedRenderer <ColorBgra, ColorAlpha8> >();
     this.clipMaskRenderer = clipMaskRenderer;
     this.renderer         = new ContentRendererBgra(base.Layer.Surface, this.blendMode, this.contentRenderers, this.clipMaskRenderer);
예제 #8
        private static Surface CreateThumbnail(MaskedSurface maskedSurface)
            int          thumbSideLength  = UIUtil.ScaleWidth(120);
            Surface      surfaceReadOnly  = maskedSurface.SurfaceReadOnly;
            GeometryList geometryMaskCopy = maskedSurface.GetGeometryMaskCopy();
            RectInt32    maskBounds       = maskedSurface.GeometryMaskBounds.Int32Bound;

            return(CreateThumbnail(surfaceReadOnly, geometryMaskCopy, maskBounds, thumbSideLength));
예제 #9
        private void EnsureItemIsFullyVisible(ItemType itemType, int itemIndex)
            PointInt32 location = this.StackIndexToViewPoint(itemType, itemIndex);
            RectInt32  num2     = new RectInt32(location, new SizeInt32(this.ViewWidth, this.itemHeight));
            int        num3     = num2.Bottom - base.ClientSize.Height;
            int        top      = num2.Top;

            this.ScrollOffset = Int32Util.ClampSafe(this.ScrollOffset, num3, top);
예제 #10
        private void UpdateTileWhileLocked(TileData tileData, ICancellationToken cancelToken)
            RectInt32  tileSourceRect = this.tileMathHelper.GetTileSourceRect(tileData.Offset);
            RectDouble num2           = tileSourceRect;

            cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested <ICancellationToken>();
            object newCurrencyToken = this.renderData.CreateCurrencyToken();

            cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested <ICancellationToken>();
            IList <int?> list  = this.renderData.GetStrokeSampleIndicesInRect(tileSourceRect, tileData.CurrencyToken, newCurrencyToken);
            int          count = list.Count;

            if (count > 0)
                SizeDouble      size = this.stamp.Size;
                RectDouble      num5 = new RectDouble(PointDouble.Zero, size);
                IDrawingContext dc   = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        int?nullable = list[i];
                        if (nullable.HasValue)
                            if (tileData.Mask == null)
                                cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested <ICancellationToken>();
                                tileData.Mask = new SurfaceAlpha8(tileSourceRect.Size);
                            if (tileData.MaskRenderTarget == null)
                                cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested <ICancellationToken>();
                                tileData.MaskRenderTarget = RenderTarget.FromSurface(tileData.Mask, FactorySource.PerThread);
                            if (dc == null)
                                cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested <ICancellationToken>();
                                dc = DrawingContext.FromRenderTarget(tileData.MaskRenderTarget);
                                dc.UseTranslateTransform((float)-tileSourceRect.X, (float)-tileSourceRect.Y, MatrixMultiplyOrder.Prepend);
                                dc.AntialiasMode = AntialiasMode.Aliased;
                            int        valueOrDefault = nullable.GetValueOrDefault();
                            RectDouble bounds         = this.renderData.StrokeSamples[valueOrDefault].GetBounds(size);
                            RectDouble num9           = this.stamp.Antialiased ? bounds : RectDouble.Round(bounds, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                            cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested <ICancellationToken>();
                            RectDouble?srcRect = null;
                            dc.FillOpacityMask(this.lazyStampMaskDevBitmap.CancelableValue <DeviceBitmap>(), whiteBrush, OpacityMaskContent.Graphics, new RectDouble?(num9), srcRect);
                    DisposableUtil.Free <IDrawingContext>(ref dc);
            tileData.CurrencyToken = newCurrencyToken;
예제 #11
        private static void ParkObstacle(SnapObstacle avoider, SnapDescription snapDescription)
            PointInt32 location  = avoider.Bounds.Location;
            PointInt32 num2      = AdjustNewLocation(avoider, location, snapDescription);
            RectInt32  newBounds = new RectInt32(num2, avoider.Bounds.Size);

예제 #12
 public unsafe BaseMaskSampler(MoveToolContentRenderer owner, RectInt32 sourceRect)
     this.owner          = owner;
     this.sourceRect     = sourceRect;
     this.baseMaskWindow = null;
     this.isInitialized  = false;
     this.ptr            = null;
     this.margin         = -1;
예제 #13
 public ApplyRendererToBitmapLayerHistoryFunction(string historyMementoName, ImageResource historyMementoImage, int layerIndex, IRenderer <ColorBgra> renderer, RectInt32 rendererClipRect, int rendererTileEdgeLog2 = 4, int delayUntilProgressDialogMs = 0x7d0, ActionFlags actionFlags = 0) : base(actionFlags)
     this.historyMementoName         = historyMementoName;
     this.historyMementoImage        = historyMementoImage;
     this.layerIndex                 = layerIndex;
     this.renderer                   = renderer;
     this.rendererClipRect           = rendererClipRect;
     this.rendererTileEdgeLog2       = rendererTileEdgeLog2;
     this.delayUntilProgressDialogMs = delayUntilProgressDialogMs;
        public RectInt32 GetDefaultDifferentialMaxBounds(TChanges oldChanges, TChanges newChanges)
            if (oldChanges.Equals((ReferenceValue)newChanges))
                return(new RectInt32(newChanges.GetMaxRenderBounds().Location, SizeInt32.Zero));
            RectInt32 maxRenderBounds = oldChanges.GetMaxRenderBounds();
            RectInt32 b = newChanges.GetMaxRenderBounds();

            return(RectInt32.Union(maxRenderBounds, b));
예제 #15
 protected override void OnBoundsChangeRequested(RectInt32 newBounds, ref bool handled)
     if (this.BoundsChangeRequested != null)
         HandledEventArgs <RectInt32> e = new HandledEventArgs <RectInt32>(handled, newBounds);
         this.BoundsChangeRequested(this, e);
         handled = e.Handled;
     base.OnBoundsChangeRequested(newBounds, ref handled);
예제 #16
        private static unsafe void RenderWithClipMask(
            Effect effect,
            EffectConfigToken token,
            RenderArgs dstArgs,
            RenderArgs srcArgs,
            Rectangle[] rois,
            IRenderer <ColorAlpha8> clipMaskRenderer)
            // Render the effect
            effect.Render(token, dstArgs, srcArgs, rois);

            if (effect.IsCancelRequested)

            if (clipMaskRenderer != null)
                RectInt32 bounds = RectangleUtil.Bounds(rois).ToRectInt32();

                if (bounds.HasPositiveArea)
                    // dstArgs = (srcArgs * (1 - clipMask)) + (dstArgs * clipMask)
                    // TODO: optimize, or at least refactor into its own method
                    using (ISurface <ColorAlpha8> clipMask = clipMaskRenderer.UseTileOrToSurface(bounds))
                        int width  = bounds.Width;
                        int height = bounds.Height;
                        int left   = bounds.Left;
                        int top    = bounds.Top;
                        int bottom = bounds.Bottom;

                        int dstStride      = dstArgs.Surface.Stride;
                        int srcStride      = srcArgs.Surface.Stride;
                        int clipMaskStride = clipMask.Stride;

                        ColorBgra *dstNextRowPtr      = dstArgs.Surface.GetPointAddress(left, top);
                        ColorBgra *srcNextRowPtr      = srcArgs.Surface.GetPointAddress(left, top);
                        byte *     clipMaskNextRowPtr = (byte *)clipMask.Scan0;

                        int rows = height;
                        while (rows > 0)
                            ColorBgra.Underwrite(srcNextRowPtr, dstNextRowPtr, clipMaskNextRowPtr, width);

                            dstNextRowPtr      = (ColorBgra *)((byte *)dstNextRowPtr + dstStride);
                            srcNextRowPtr      = (ColorBgra *)((byte *)srcNextRowPtr + srcStride);
                            clipMaskNextRowPtr = clipMaskNextRowPtr + clipMaskStride;
예제 #17
 public void SetBounds(RectInt32 bounds)
     if (base.bounds != bounds)
         base.previousBounds = base.bounds;
         base.bounds         = bounds;
예제 #18
 private void RenderOutput(Surface dst, Rectangle[] rects, RectInt32 bounds, bool isForwards)
     if (isForwards)
         this.RenderOutputForwards(dst, rects, bounds);
         this.RenderOutputBackwards(dst, rects, bounds);
예제 #19
 private void SetInput(Surface src, Rectangle[] rects, RectInt32 bounds, bool isForwards)
     if (isForwards)
         this.SetInputForwards(src, rects, bounds);
         this.SetInputBackwards(src, rects, bounds);
예제 #20
        private void OnSnapObstacleBoundsChanged(object sender, ValueChangedEventArgs <RectInt32> e)
            SnapObstacle senderSO = (SnapObstacle)sender;

            RectInt32 oldValue = e.OldValue;
            RectInt32 bounds   = senderSO.Bounds;

            this.UpdateDependentObstacles(senderSO, oldValue, bounds);
예제 #21
        private static unsafe void LoadOrSaveSurfaceRegion(Stream stream, Surface surface, RectInt32[] scans, bool trueForSave)
            int length = scans.Length;

            if (length != 0)
                void *[]  voidPtrArray;
                ulong[]   numArray;
                RectInt32 b      = surface.Bounds <ColorBgra>();
                RectInt32 bounds = RectInt32.Intersect(scans.Bounds(), b);
                int       num5   = 0;
                long      num6   = (bounds.Width * bounds.Height) * 4L;
                if (((length == 1) && (num6 <= 0xffffffffL)) && surface.IsContiguousMemoryRegion(bounds))
                    voidPtrArray = new void *[] { surface.GetPointAddressUnchecked(bounds.Location.ToGdipPoint()) };
                    numArray     = new ulong[] { num6 };
                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        RectInt32 num9 = RectInt32.Intersect(scans[i], b);
                        if ((num9.Width != 0) && (num9.Height != 0))
                            num5 += num9.Height;
                    int index = 0;
                    voidPtrArray = new void *[num5];
                    numArray     = new ulong[num5];
                    for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
                        RectInt32 num11 = RectInt32.Intersect(scans[j], b);
                        if ((num11.Width != 0) && (num11.Height != 0))
                            for (int k = num11.Y; k < (num11.Y + num11.Height); k++)
                                voidPtrArray[index] = (void *)surface.GetPointAddress(num11.X, k);
                                numArray[index]     = (ulong)(num11.Width * 4L);
                if (trueForSave)
                    WriteToStreamGather(stream, voidPtrArray, numArray);
                    ReadFromStreamScatter(stream, voidPtrArray, numArray);
예제 #22
        protected override void OnRender(ISurface <ColorBgra> dstCropped, PointInt32 renderOffset)
            RectInt32 num = this.Bounds <ColorBgra>();

            using (RenderArgs args = new RenderArgs(dstCropped))
                this.sourceOutset.Render(dstCropped, renderOffset);
                args.Graphics.TranslateTransform((float)-renderOffset.X, (float)-renderOffset.Y, MatrixOrder.Append);
                DropShadow.DrawInside(args.Graphics, new Rectangle(0, 0, base.Width, base.Height), this.shadowExtent);
예제 #23
        public void CopyPixels(RectInt32?srcRect, int bufferStride, int bufferSize, IntPtr buffer)
            RectInt32?nullable = srcRect;
            RectInt32 rect     = nullable.HasValue ? nullable.GetValueOrDefault() : this.sourceRect;
            RectInt32 num2     = RectInt32.Offset(rect, this.sourceRect.Location);

            if (!this.source.Bounds().Contains(num2))
            this.source.CopyPixels(new RectInt32?(num2), bufferStride, bufferSize, buffer);
예제 #24
        public override HistoryMemento OnExecute(IHistoryWorkspace historyWorkspace)
            GeometryList cachedClippingMask = historyWorkspace.Selection.GetCachedClippingMask();

            if (historyWorkspace.Selection.IsEmpty || (cachedClippingMask.Bounds.Area < 1.0))
            Document document = historyWorkspace.Document;
            List <HistoryMemento> mementos   = new List <HistoryMemento>(document.Layers.Count);
            RectInt32             b          = cachedClippingMask.Bounds.GetInt32Bound(1E-05);
            RectInt32             sourceRect = RectInt32.Intersect(document.Bounds(), b);
            Document document2 = new Document(sourceRect.Width, sourceRect.Height);

            RectInt32 rect = new RectInt32(0, 0, sourceRect.Width, sourceRect.Height);
            IRenderer <ColorAlpha8> cachedClippingMaskRenderer = historyWorkspace.Selection.GetCachedClippingMaskRenderer(historyWorkspace.ToolSettings.Selection.RenderingQuality.Value);
            IRenderer <ColorAlpha8> newClipMaskRenderer        = new ClippedRenderer <ColorAlpha8>(cachedClippingMaskRenderer, sourceRect);
            SelectionHistoryMemento item = new SelectionHistoryMemento(null, null, historyWorkspace);

            int count = document.Layers.Count;

            while (document.Layers.Count > 0)
                BitmapLayer layer          = (BitmapLayer)document.Layers[0];
                Surface     croppedSurface = layer.Surface.CreateWindow(sourceRect);
                BitmapLayer newLayer       = RetryManager.RunMemorySensitiveOperation <BitmapLayer>(() => new BitmapLayer(croppedSurface));
                HistoryMemento deleteLayerMemento = new DeleteLayerFunction(0).Execute(historyWorkspace);
                Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate {
                }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
                Parallel.ForEach <RectInt32>(rect.GetTiles(TilingStrategy.Tiles, 7), delegate(RectInt32 newTileRect) {
                    ISurface <ColorBgra> surface = newLayer.Surface.CreateWindow(newTileRect);
                    IRenderer <ColorAlpha8> mask = new ClippedRenderer <ColorAlpha8>(newClipMaskRenderer, newTileRect);
                if (document2.Layers.Count > count)
                    ExceptionUtil.ThrowInternalErrorException("newDocument.Layers.Count > oldLayerCount");
            ReplaceDocumentHistoryMemento memento2 = new ReplaceDocumentHistoryMemento(null, null, historyWorkspace);

            historyWorkspace.Document = document2;
            return(HistoryMemento.Combine(HistoryMementoName, HistoryMementoImage, mementos));
예제 #25
 private void InvalidateCancelledTiles(IEnumerable <PointInt32> tileOffsets)
     if (!this.IsDisposed)
         foreach (PointInt32 num in tileOffsets)
             RectInt32 tileSourceRect = this.tileMathHelper.GetTileSourceRect(num);
예제 #26
 internal SnapObstacle(string name, RectInt32 bounds, PaintDotNet.Snap.SnapRegion snapRegion, bool stickyEdges, int snapProximity, int snapDistance, ISnapObstaclePersist persistenceHandler)
     this.name               = name;
     this.bounds             = bounds;
     this.previousBounds     = bounds;
     this.snapRegion         = snapRegion;
     this.stickyEdges        = stickyEdges;
     this.snapProximity      = snapProximity;
     this.snapDistance       = snapDistance;
     this.enabled            = true;
     this.persistenceHandler = persistenceHandler;
 public bool IsRegionCurrent(RectInt32 canvasRect)
     foreach (PointInt32 num in this.tileMathHelper.EnumerateTileOffsets(canvasRect))
         if ((!this.isDeviceBitmapCurrent[num.Y][num.X] || (this.deviceBitmaps[num.Y][num.X] == null)) || !this.tileCache.IsTileValid(num))
예제 #28
 public static RectInt32[] ToRectInt32Array(this Rectangle[] array)
     if (array.Length == 0)
         return(Array.Empty <RectInt32>());
     RectInt32[] numArray = new RectInt32[array.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < numArray.Length; i++)
         numArray[i] = array[i].ToRectInt32();
        public void BeforeRender(RectFloat clipRect)
            if ((!this.afterRenderCalled || this.beforeRenderCalled) || this.renderCalled)
                throw new PaintDotNet.InternalErrorException();
            this.afterRenderCalled  = false;
            this.beforeRenderCalled = true;
            bool flag = this.canvasView.RenderTarget.IsSupported(RenderTargetType.Software, null, null, null);

            if (flag || this.IsActive)
                RectInt32 num2  = RectInt32.Intersect(clipRect.Int32Bound, this.owner.Document.Bounds());
                bool      flag2 = false;
                if (num2.HasPositiveArea)
                    PointInt32   num7;
                    PointInt32[] array = this.nonCurrentTileOffsets.ToArrayEx <PointInt32>();
                    PointInt32 sourcePt  = PointDouble.Round(this.owner.Owner.MouseLocation, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    PointInt32 comparand = this.tileMathHelper.ConvertSourcePointToTileOffset(sourcePt);
                    CompareTileOffsetsByDistance comparer = new CompareTileOffsetsByDistance(comparand);
                    ListUtil.Sort <PointInt32, ArrayStruct <PointInt32>, CompareTileOffsetsByDistance>(array.AsStruct <PointInt32>(), comparer);
                    DequeSet <PointInt32> set = new DequeSet <PointInt32>(array);
                    int count = set.Count;
                    while (set.TryDequeue(out num7))
                        if (!this.isDeviceBitmapCurrent[num7.Y][num7.X])
                            if (flag2)
                                if (!this.TryUpdateDeviceBitmap(num7))
                                    flag2 = true;
                                if ((!flag2 && !flag) && (this.renderStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 0x7fffffffffffffffL))
                                    flag2 = true;
        internal void NotifyTileCacheInvalidated(DocumentCanvasTileCache tileCache, RectInt32 sourceRect)
            int mipLevel = tileCache.MipLevel;

            if (this.mipLayers[mipLevel].IsActive)
                RectInt32 num4 = RectInt32.Intersect(this.canvasView.GetVisibleCanvasBounds().Int32Bound, sourceRect);
                if (num4.HasPositiveArea)
                    this.tileCaches[mipLevel].QueueInvalidTilesForRendering(num4, true);
예제 #31
		public MazeGenerator(int Width, int Height, IFeedback Handler)
			// port from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Maze.png

			this.Width = Width;
			this.Height = Height;

			clip = new RectInt32 { Width = Width, Height = Height };

			int x, y, n, d;
			int[] dx = { 0, 0, -1, 1 };
			//int[] dy = { -1, 1, Convert.ToInt32(0), Convert.ToInt32(0) };
			int[] dy = { -1, 1, 0, 0 };
			int[] todo = new int[Width * Height];
			int todonum = 0;

			/* We want to create a maze on a grid. */
			maze = new int[Width][];

			/* We start with a grid full of walls. */
			for (x = 0; x < Width; x++)
				maze[x] = new int[Height];
				for (y = 0; y < Height; y++)
					var p = new PointInt32 { X = x, Y = y };

					if (clip.IsBorder(p))
						maze[x][y] = 32;
						maze[x][y] = 63;

			/* Select any square of the grid, to start with. */
			x = ToInt32(1 + random() * (Width - 2));
			y = ToInt32(1 + random() * (Height - 2));

			/* Mark this square as connected to the maze. */
			maze[x][y] &= ~48;

			/* Remember the surrounding squares, as we will */
			for (d = 0; d < 4; d++)
				if ((maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] & 16) != 0)
					/* want to connect them to the maze. */

					/* alternately, you could use a struct to store the two integers
					 * this would result in easier to read code, though not as speedy
					 * of course, if you were worried about speed, you wouldn't be using Java
					 * you could also use a single integer which represents (x + y * width)
					 * this would actually be faster than the current approach
					 * - quin/10-24-06
					 *    Actually, the former wouldn't work in Java- there's no such thing as a
					 *    struct. It's a class or nothing, I'm afraid.
					 *    - Jae Armstrong/23-03-07

					todo[todonum++] = ((x + dx[d]) << 16) | (y + dy[d]);
					maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] &= ~16;

			/* We won't be finished until all is connected. */
			while (todonum > 0)
				if (Handler != null)
					Handler.Invoke("todonum = " + todonum);

				/* We select one of the squares next to the maze. */
				n = ToInt32(random() * todonum);
				x = todo[n] >> 16; /* the top 2 bytes of the data */
				y = todo[n] & 65535; /* the bottom 2 bytes of the data */

				/* We will connect it, so remove it from the queue. */

				todo[n] = todo[todonum];

				/* Select a direction, which leads to the maze. */
				d = ToInt32(random() * 4);

				if ((maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] & 32) != 0)
					d = (d + 1) % dx.Length;

				if ((maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] & 32) != 0)
					d = (d + 1) % dx.Length;

				if ((maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] & 32) != 0)
					d = (d + 1) % dx.Length;

				/* Connect this square to the maze. */
				maze[x][y] &= ~((1 << d) | 32);
				maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] &= ~(1 << (d ^ 1));

				/* Remember the surrounding squares, which aren't */
				for (d = 0; d < 4; d++)
					if ((maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] & 16) != 0)

						/* connected to the maze, and aren't yet queued to be. */
						todo[todonum++] = ((x + dx[d]) << 16) | (y + dy[d]);
						maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] &= ~16;
				/* Repeat until finished. */

			/* One may want to add an entrance and exit. */
			maze[1][1] &= ~1;
			maze[Width - 2][Height - 2] &= ~2;
