예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepare for valuation.
        /// </summary>
        public override void PreValue(PriceFactorList factors)


            PreValueDeals(fItems, factors);

            CallableStructuredDeal deal = (CallableStructuredDeal)Deal;

            // Set volatility price factors if they have been registered by model or underlying deals
            InterestVol.TryGet <IInterestRateVol>(factors, deal.Forecast_Rate_Cap_Volatility, fForecastCurrency, out fInterestRateVol);
            InterestVol.TryGet <IInterestYieldVol>(factors, deal.Forecast_Rate_Swaption_Volatility, fForecastCurrency, out fInterestYieldVol);

            bool needRating   = Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Issuer);
            bool needSurvival = Use_Survival_Probability == YesNo.Yes && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Issuer);

            if (needRating)
                fCreditRating = factors.Get <CreditRating>(deal.Issuer);
                fRecoveryRate = factors.Get <RecoveryRate>(InterestRateUtils.GetRateId(deal.Recovery_Rate, deal.Issuer));

            if (needSurvival)
                fSurvivalProb = factors.GetInterface <ISurvivalProb>(string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Survival_Probability) ? deal.Issuer : deal.Survival_Probability);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepare for valuation anything that is dependent upon the scenario.
        /// </summary>
        public override void PreValue(PriceFactorList factors)

            CallableBondForward deal = (CallableBondForward)Deal;

            fInterestYieldVol = InterestVolBase.GetYieldVol(factors, deal.Yield_Volatility, fCurrency);

            fNeedsCreditRating = NeedCreditRating();
            fCreditRating      = NeedCreditRating() ? factors.Get <CreditRating>(deal.Issuer)                                                                               : null;
            fRecoveryRate      = NeedRecovery()     ? factors.Get <RecoveryRate>(string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Recovery_Rate) ? deal.Issuer : deal.Recovery_Rate)               : null;
            fSurvivalProb      = NeedSurvivalProb() ? factors.GetInterface <ISurvivalProb>(string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Survival_Probability) ? deal.Issuer : deal.Survival_Probability) : null;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepare for valuation anything that is dependent upon the scenario.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="factors">Price factors.</param>
        public override void PreValue(PriceFactorList factors)

            BondOptionDeal deal = (BondOptionDeal)Deal;

            bool needRating   = Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Issuer);
            bool needSurvival = Use_Survival_Probability == YesNo.Yes && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Issuer);
            bool needRecovery = needRating;

            fCreditRating = needRating ? factors.Get <CreditRating>(deal.Issuer) : null;
            fRecoveryRate = needRecovery ? factors.Get <RecoveryRate>(string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Recovery_Rate) ? deal.Issuer : deal.Recovery_Rate) : null;
            fSurvivalProb = needSurvival ? factors.GetInterface <ISurvivalProb>(string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Survival_Probability) ? deal.Issuer : deal.Survival_Probability) : null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepare for valuation anything that is dependent upon the scenario.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="factors">Price factors.</param>
        public override void PreValue(PriceFactorList factors)

            IInflationCashflowListDeal deal = (IInflationCashflowListDeal)Deal;

            fIsDefaultNever  = !NeedCreditRating();
            fCreditRating    = NeedCreditRating()                      ? factors.Get <CreditRating>(deal.Issuer)                       : null;
            fRecoveryRate    = NeedRecoveryRate()                      ? factors.Get <RecoveryRate>(GetRecoveryRateID())               : null;
            fSurvivalProb    = NeedSurvivalProb()                      ? factors.GetInterface <ISurvivalProb>(GetSurvivalProbID())     : null;
            fInflationRate   = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Index)       ? factors.GetInterface <IInflationRate>(deal.Index)             : null;
            fRepoRate        = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Repo_Rate)   ? factors.GetInterface <IInterestRate>(deal.Repo_Rate)          : fDiscountRate;
            fIndexVolatility = deal is InflationOptionCashflowListDeal?factors.GetInterface <IPriceIndexVolatility>(GetPriceIndexVolatility()) : null;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepare for valuation anything that is dependent upon the scenario.
        /// </summary>
        public override void PreValue(PriceFactorList factors)

            var deal = (BondRepoBase)fDeal;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Issuer))

            fSurvivalProb = factors.GetInterface <ISurvivalProb>(string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Survival_Probability) ? deal.Issuer : deal.Survival_Probability);

            fRecoveryRate = factors.Get <RecoveryRate>(string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.Recovery_Rate) ? deal.Issuer : deal.Recovery_Rate);
예제 #6
        public void OnGet()
            Deaths    = diagnosisService.Deaths();
            Recovered = diagnosisService.Recovered();
            Diagnoses = diagnosisService.GetDiagnosesWithCorona();
            var newDiagnosis = Diagnoses
                               .Where(x => (x.Death == true && x.Recovered == true) || (x.Death == true && x.Recovered == false) || (x.Death == false && x.Recovered == true))
                               .GroupBy(d => d.Recovered);

            foreach (var item in newDiagnosis)
                RecoveryRate.Add(new StatisticsCore
                    Recovered = item.Key == true ?
                                "Recovered " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", ((double)item.Count() / (Deaths.Count() + Recovered.Count())) * 100) + "%"
                    : "Deaths " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", ((double)item.Count() / (Deaths.Count() + Recovered.Count())) * 100) + "%",
                    TotalPatients = item.GroupBy(x => x.Patient.Name).Count()
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepare for valuation anything that is dependent upon the scenario.
        /// </summary>
        public override void PreValue(PriceFactorList factors)

            CFListBaseDeal <TCashflowList> deal = (CFListBaseDeal <TCashflowList>)fDeal;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fDeal.GetIssuer()))

            if (UseSurvivalProbability())
                fSurvivalProb = factors.GetInterface <ISurvivalProb>(string.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.GetSurvivalProbability()) ? deal.GetIssuer() : deal.GetSurvivalProbability());

            if (RespectDefault())
                fRecoveryRate = factors.Get <RecoveryRate>(InterestRateUtils.GetRateId(deal.GetRecoveryRate(), deal.GetIssuer()));
                fCreditRating = factors.Get <CreditRating>(deal.GetIssuer());
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method Adjusts the bond price vector by taking the default into account give the default time vector.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AdjustForDefault(double baseDate, double valueDate, Vector bondPrice, TDate expiryDate, bool respectDefault, Vector underlyingIsAlive, Vector historicalRecovery, Vector defaultTime, IInterestRate discountRate, RecoveryRate recoveryRate)
            // Adjust the bond price for default: check scenario by scenario for defaults, overwriting bondPrice as necessary
            if (!respectDefault)

            double currentTime = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(valueDate - baseDate);
            double tExpiry     = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(expiryDate - baseDate);

            BondOptionValuation.AdjustBondValueForDefault(1.0, tExpiry, bondPrice, underlyingIsAlive,
                                                          historicalRecovery, defaultTime, currentTime, discountRate,
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Modify the pv and cash taking the date of default into account.
        /// </summary>
        public override void GetDefaultValue(double baseDate, double valueDate, Vector defaultDate, RecoveryRate recoveryRate, Vector pv, Vector cash)
            CFFixedInterestListDeal deal = (CFFixedInterestListDeal)fDeal;

            double principal      = GetPrincipal(deal.Cashflows, valueDate);
            double settlementDate = deal.Settlement_Date;
            double t = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(valueDate - baseDate);

            using (var cache = Vector.CacheLike(pv))
                // Approximation: recover only principal, neglecting accrued interest
                Vector recovery = cache.Get(fBuySellSign * principal * recoveryRate.Get(t));

                if (valueDate <= settlementDate)
                    // Set the pv to (recovery - settlementAmount) * df when defaultDate <= valueDate <= settlementDate.
                    // Set cash to (recovery - settlementAmount) when defaultDate <= valueDate = settlementDate (cash is always zero before settlementDate).
                    double tSettle          = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(settlementDate - baseDate);
                    double settlementAmount = fBuySellSign * fSettlementAmount;

                    Vector hasDefaulted = cache.Get(defaultDate <= valueDate);

                    pv.AssignConditional(hasDefaulted, fRepoRate.Get(t, tSettle) * (recovery - settlementAmount), pv);

                    if (cash != null && valueDate == settlementDate)
                        cash.AssignConditional(hasDefaulted, pv, cash);
                    // after settlement date
                    recovery.MultiplyBy(defaultDate >= valueDate); // set to zero if already defaulted
                    Vector notDefaulted = cache.Get(defaultDate > valueDate);
                    pv.AssignConditional(notDefaulted, pv, recovery);
                    if (cash != null)
                        cash.AssignConditional(notDefaulted, cash, recovery);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// This method check scenario by scenario for defaults, overwriting bondValue as necessary
        /// </summary>
        public static void AdjustBondValueForDefault(double notional, double expiryTime, Vector bondValue, Vector bondIsAlive,
                                                     Vector historicalRecovery, Vector defaultTime, double currentTime, IInterestRate discountRate, RecoveryRate recoveryRate)
            using (var cache = Vector.CacheLike(bondValue))
                Vector recoveryValue = cache.Get();
                Vector expiryDf      = cache.Get();

                discountRate.GetValue(expiryDf, currentTime, expiryTime);
                recoveryRate.GetValue(recoveryValue, currentTime);

                // If this is the period when the bond defaults fill in the historical recovery amount.
                historicalRecovery.AssignConditional((defaultTime <= currentTime).And(bondIsAlive), recoveryValue * notional, historicalRecovery);

                bondValue.AssignConditional((defaultTime <= currentTime), expiryDf * historicalRecovery, bondValue);

                bondIsAlive.AssignConditional((defaultTime <= currentTime), 0.0, bondIsAlive);
예제 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the recovery rate to be used for realized default.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void RealizedRecoveryRate(Vector vout, RecoveryRate RR, double t)
     RR.GetValue(vout, t);
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the recovery rate to be used for realized default.
 /// </summary>
 protected abstract void RealizedRecoveryRate(Vector vout, RecoveryRate RR, double t);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Vector valuation function.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Value(ValuationResults valuationResults, PriceFactorList factors, BaseTimeGrid baseTimes)

            TimeGridIterator         tgi         = new TimeGridIterator(fT);
            PVProfiles               result      = valuationResults.Profile;
            CashAccumulators         accumulator = valuationResults.Cash;
            DealCreditLinkedNoteBase deal        = (DealCreditLinkedNoteBase)fDeal;

            ISurvivalProb SP = GetSurvivalProbability(factors);
            RecoveryRate  RR = GetRecoveryRate(factors);
            CreditRating  CR = GetCreditRating(factors);

            double tEffective    = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(deal.Effective_Date - factors.BaseDate);
            double scale         = (deal.Buy_Sell == BuySell.Buy) ? +deal.Notional_Amount : -deal.Notional_Amount;
            double purchasePrice = Percentage.PercentagePoint * deal.Price;
            double couponRate    = (deal.Coupon_Type == InterestRateType.Fixed) ? Percentage.PercentagePoint * deal.Coupon_Rate : 0.0;
            double couponSpread  = (deal.Coupon_Type == InterestRateType.Fixed) ? 0.0 : BasisPoint.BasisPointValue * deal.Coupon_Spread;
            double indexTenor    = (deal.Index_Tenor > 0.0) ? deal.Index_Tenor : deal.Coupon_Interval;

            using (var cache = Vector.Cache(factors.NumScenarios))
                bool[] hasDefaulted       = (Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes) ? new bool[factors.NumScenarios] : null;
                Vector defaultTime        = (Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes) ? cache.Get() : null;
                Vector historicalRecovery = (Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes) ? cache.GetClear() : null;

                if (hasDefaulted != null && CR != null)
                    DefaultTime(defaultTime, CR);

                Vector npv      = cache.Get();
                Vector cash     = cache.Get();
                Vector pStart   = cache.Get();
                Vector pEnd     = cache.Get();
                Vector amount   = cache.Get();
                Vector recovery = cache.Get();
                Vector dfLast   = cache.Get();
                Vector df       = cache.Get();

                var defaultedBeforeTheBaseDate = Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes &&
                                                 CreditRating.DefaultedBeforeBaseDate(CR, factors.BaseDate);
                while (tgi.Next())
                    if (defaultedBeforeTheBaseDate)
                        result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, npv);

                    if (!deal.Principal_Guaranteed && Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes)
                        RealizedRecoveryRate(recovery, RR, tgi.T);

                    // Assume defaults are rare and start by valuing under all scenarios without realized defaults

                    // Value of principal repayment
                    SurvivalProbability(pEnd, factors, SP, tgi.T, fT.fLast);
                    fDiscountRate.GetValue(dfLast, tgi.T, fT.fLast);
                    if (deal.Principal_Guaranteed)
                        npv.Assign(dfLast * pEnd);
                    if (accumulator != null && tgi.T == fT.fLast)

                    // Value of coupons
                    for (int i = PayDates.Count - 1; i >= 0 && tgi.Date <= PayDates[i]; --i)
                        double tPay      = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(PayDates[i] - factors.BaseDate);
                        double tReset    = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(ResetDates[i] - factors.BaseDate);
                        double tPrevious = Math.Max(tgi.T, tReset);
                        SurvivalProbability(pStart, factors, SP, tgi.T, tPrevious);

                        if (deal.Coupon_Type == InterestRateType.Floating)
                            // Forecast a coupon, add the spread
                            InterestRateUtils.LiborRate(amount, fForecastRate, tgi.T, tReset, tReset, tReset + indexTenor, deal.Index_Day_Count);
                            // Fixed coupon
                            amount.Assign(couponRate * Accruals[i]);

                        // The value of the coupon if no default
                        npv.Add(amount * fDiscountRate.Get(tgi.T, tPay) * pEnd);
                        if (accumulator != null && tgi.T == tPay)

                        // The recovery value on default - assume guaranteed principal paid at end, recovery paid immediately
                        if (!deal.Principal_Guaranteed)
                            npv.Add(fDiscountRate.Get(tgi.T, 0.5 * (tPay + tPrevious)) * (pStart - pEnd) * PricingRecoveryRate(SP));


                    // Now check for realized default scenario by scenario, overwriting NPV and cash as appropriate
                    if (Respect_Default == YesNo.Yes && defaultTime != null)
                        if (tgi.T < tEffective)
                            fDiscountRate.GetValue(df, tgi.T, tEffective);

                        for (int i = 0; i < npv.Count; ++i)
                            if (defaultTime[i] > tgi.T)

                            if (deal.Principal_Guaranteed)
                                npv[i] = dfLast[i];   // full principal paid at maturity
                                if (!hasDefaulted[i])
                                    historicalRecovery[i] = recovery[i];   // record the historical recovery rate
                                if (tgi.T < tEffective)
                                    npv[i] = df[i] * historicalRecovery[i];   // The discounted recovery value of the principal will be paid out on the effective date
                                else if (tgi.T == tEffective || !hasDefaulted[i])
                                    npv[i] = historicalRecovery[i];           // The full recovery amount is paid out
                                    npv[i] = 0.0;                             // default is in the past but we are after effective date; settlement has already occurred.

                            hasDefaulted[i] = true;

                    // Value of purchase price
                    if (tgi.T < tEffective)
                        npv.Add(-purchasePrice * fDiscountRate.Get(tgi.T, tEffective));
                    else if (tgi.T == tEffective)
                        if (accumulator != null)

                    result.AppendVector(tgi.Date, scale * npv * fFxRate.Get(tgi.T));
                    if (accumulator != null)
                        accumulator.Accumulate(fFxRate, tgi.Date, scale * cash);

                // After maturity
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Modify the pv and cash taking the date of default into account.
        /// </summary>
        public override void GetDefaultValue(double baseDate, double valueDate, Vector defaultDate, RecoveryRate recoveryRate, Vector pv, Vector cash)
            var deal = (CFFloatingInterestListDeal)Deal;

            double principal      = GetPrincipal(fCashflows, valueDate);
            double settlementDate = deal.Settlement_Date;
            double t = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(valueDate - baseDate);

            using (var cache = Vector.CacheLike(pv))
                // Approximation: recover only principal, neglecting accrued interest
                Vector recovery = cache.Get(fBuySellSign * principal * recoveryRate.Get(t));

                if (valueDate <= settlementDate)
                    // Set the pv to (recovery - settlementAmount) * df when defaultDate <= valueDate <= settlementDate.
                    // Set cash to (recovery - settlementAmount) when defaultDate <= valueDate = settlementDate (cash is always zero before settlementDate).
                    double tSettle = CalcUtils.DaysToYears(settlementDate - baseDate);

                    Vector settlementAmount = cache.GetClear();
                    if (deal.Settlement_Amount_Is_Clean == YesNo.Yes)
                        fCashflows.CalculateAccrual(settlementAmount, baseDate, settlementDate, false, deal.AccrualHolidayCalendar(), fForecastRate);

                    Vector hasDefaulted = cache.Get(defaultDate <= valueDate);

                    pv.AssignConditional(hasDefaulted, fRepoRate.Get(t, tSettle) * (recovery - fBuySellSign * settlementAmount), pv);

                    if (cash != null && valueDate == settlementDate)
                        cash.AssignConditional(hasDefaulted, pv, cash);
                    // after settlement date
                    recovery.MultiplyBy(defaultDate >= valueDate); // set to zero if already defaulted
                    Vector notDefaulted = cache.Get(defaultDate > valueDate);
                    pv.AssignConditional(notDefaulted, pv, recovery);
                    if (cash != null)
                        cash.AssignConditional(notDefaulted, cash, recovery);