/// <summary> /// Metodo criado para Salvar os dados do cliente /// </summary> /// <param name="conex">ADODB.Connection</param> /// <returns>Boolean </returns> public Boolean salvar() { RSDados = new Recordset(); if (this.cnpj != null && this.razao != null) { if (this.ID == 0) { SQL = "SELECT loja_venda.* FROM loja_venda;"; RSDados.Open(SQL, new Conexao().getContas(), CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); RSDados.AddNew(); } else { SQL = "SELECT loja_venda.* FROM loja_venda WHERE(((loja_venda.CNPJ)='" + cnpj + "'));"; RSDados.Open(SQL, new Conexao().getContas(), CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); } RSDados.Fields["CNPJ"].Value = this.cnpj; RSDados.Fields["Razão"].Value = this.razao; RSDados.Update(); this.ID = Convert.ToInt16(RSDados.Fields["ID"].Value); RSDados.Close(); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Clone Job Validation Error Recordset /// </summary> /// <param name="rs"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Recordset CloneValidationRS(Recordset rs) { int cnt = 1; Recordset rsValidation = new Recordset(); rsValidation.CursorLocation = CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient; rs.MoveFirst(); foreach (Field fld in rs.Fields) { rsValidation.Fields.Append(fld.Name, fld.Type, fld.DefinedSize, (FieldAttributeEnum)fld.Attributes, null); } // Add column ID to recordset to access each row in record set with primary key rsValidation.Fields.Append("ID", DataTypeEnum.adInteger, 10, FieldAttributeEnum.adFldUpdatable); rsValidation.Fields.Append("OVERRIDE_COMMENTS", DataTypeEnum.adVarChar, 400, FieldAttributeEnum.adFldUpdatable); rsValidation.Open(); while (!rs.EOF) { rsValidation.AddNew(); foreach (Field fld in rs.Fields) { rsValidation.Fields[fld.Name].Value = fld.Value; } rsValidation.Fields["ID"].Value = cnt; cnt += 1; rs.MoveNext(); } return(rsValidation); }
public void AddNew() { Update(); Recordset.AddNew(); _isEdit = true; _isMove = true; }
//处理后的数据 存储在新建要素集 private void CopyToNewDataset(List <Vehicle> vehicleList) { this.MyLog(vehicleList.Count.ToString()); DatasetVector dataset = DatasetVectorInfoSample(this.currentDatasource, this.currentDataset.Name); if (!dataset.IsOpen) { dataset.Open(); this.MyLog(dataset.FieldCount.ToString()); } Recordset rd = dataset.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); foreach (Vehicle v in vehicleList) { Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dic.Add("ID", v.Id); dic.Add("NAME", v.Name); dic.Add("XBH", v.Xbh); dic.Add("X", v.X); dic.Add("Y", v.Y); GeoPoint point = new GeoPoint(v.X, v.Y); rd.AddNew(point, dic); rd.Update(); } rd.Close(); rd.Dispose(); }
private void SaveToCacheRs(string Key, string FullPathToSave) { CreateCacheFolder(); string FullPathCache = GetFullPathCacheRs(Key); if (!File.Exists(FullPathCache)) { CreateRs(FullPathCache, false); } Recordset Rs = new Recordset(); Rs.Open(FullPathCache, Missing.Value, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockPessimistic, -1); string Criteria = "Key = '" + Key.Replace("'", "''") + "'"; Rs.Find(Criteria, 0, SearchDirectionEnum.adSearchForward, Missing.Value); if (!Rs.EOF) { Rs.Fields["Content"].AppendChunk(CFile.GetByteFromFile(FullPathToSave)); } else { Rs.AddNew(Missing.Value, Missing.Value); Rs.Fields["Key"].Value = Key; Rs.Fields["Content"].AppendChunk(CFile.GetByteFromFile(FullPathToSave)); } Rs.Save(FullPathCache, PersistFormatEnum.adPersistXML); Rs.Close(); Rs = null; }
/// <summary> /// Show Dialog containing Job Validation Errors /// return recordset with user added justification comments for each error /// </summary> /// <param name="rsValidation"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Recordset ShowValidationComments(Recordset rsValidation) { List <WRValidationOverride> wrValidationUsrComments = null; Recordset rsJobValidation = CopyStructure(rsValidation); Recordset rsJobValidationErrs = CloneValidationRS(rsValidation); wrValidationUsrComments = FormatValidationErrors(rsJobValidationErrs); validationRuleOvr = new ValidationRuleOverrides(wrValidationUsrComments); if (validationRuleOvr.ShowDialog(gtApp.ApplicationWindow) == DialogResult.Cancel) { rsJobValidation = null; } else { wrValidationUsrComments = validationRuleOvr.WRValidationComments; rsJobValidationErrs.MoveFirst(); rsJobValidation.Open(); //Update Job Validation Recordset with justification comments while (!rsJobValidationErrs.EOF) { rsJobValidation.AddNew(); foreach (Field fld in rsJobValidation.Fields) { rsJobValidation.Fields[fld.Name].Value = rsJobValidationErrs.Fields[fld.Name].Value; } rsJobValidation.Fields["OVERRIDE_COMMENTS"].Value = wrValidationUsrComments.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ID == Convert.ToInt32(rsJobValidationErrs.Fields["ID"].Value)).Override_Comments; rsJobValidationErrs.MoveNext(); } } return(rsJobValidation); }
public Recordset ToRecordSet() { var recordSet = new Recordset(); foreach (var field in _metaData.Fields) { recordSet.Fields.Append(field.Name, field.AdodbDataType, field.DefinedSize, field.Attribute, null); } recordSet.Open(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenUnspecified, LockTypeEnum.adLockUnspecified, 0); for (var i = 0; i < _records.Count; i++) { recordSet.AddNew(Missing.Value, Missing.Value); for (var j = 0; j < _metaData.Fields.Length; j++) { recordSet.Fields[j].Value = _records[i][j]; } if (i == _records.Count - 1) recordSet.MoveFirst(); else recordSet.MoveNext(); } return recordSet; }
private Recordset CreateADODBRecordSet(object[] objs, string[] schema) { Recordset oRS = new Recordset(); try { //oDataTable = CreateDataTable(); //Loop through each column in the Dataset foreach (string memberName in schema) { MemberInfo[] infos = objs[0].GetType().GetMember(memberName); if (infos == null) { continue; } Attribute attr = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(infos[0], typeof(FieldMapAttribute)); oRS.Fields.Append(memberName , GetADOType(((FieldMapAttribute)attr).DataType.ToString()) //,oColumn.MaxLength , ((FieldMapAttribute)attr).Size // ,GetADOTypeSize(oColumn.DataType.ToString()) , ((FieldMapAttribute)attr).AllowNull ? FieldAttributeEnum.adFldMayBeNull : FieldAttributeEnum.adFldIsNullable , System.Reflection.Missing.Value); } //Open the recordset oRS.Open(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, 1); //Loop through the table and fill the ADO Recordset for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++) { oRS.AddNew(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); //Loop through each column for (int j = 0; j < schema.Length; j++) { oRS.Fields[j].Value = DomainObjectUtility.GetValue(objs[i], schema[j], null); } oRS.Update(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); } //Move to the first record oRS.MoveFirst(); } catch { return(null); } finally { } return(oRS); }
private string GetFullPathCacheRs(string Key) { string FullPathIndex = mCacheFolder + "\\CacheIndex.rs"; if (!File.Exists(FullPathIndex)) { CreateRs(FullPathIndex, true); } Recordset RsIndex = new Recordset(); RsIndex.Open(FullPathIndex, Missing.Value, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockPessimistic, -1); string FileName = ""; int Seq = 0; string Criteria = "Key = '" + Key.Replace("'", "''") + "'"; RsIndex.Find(Criteria, 0, SearchDirectionEnum.adSearchForward, Missing.Value); if (!RsIndex.EOF) { FileName = (string)RsIndex.Fields["FileName"].Value; } else { if (RsIndex.RecordCount > 0) { RsIndex.MoveLast(); Seq = ((int)RsIndex.Fields["Seq"].Value + 1); FileName = (string)RsIndex.Fields["FileName"].Value; if (((Seq - 1) % drUnitForFile100) == 0) { FileName = GetNextFileName(FileName); } } else { Seq = 1; FileName = "Cache.rs"; } RsIndex.AddNew(Missing.Value, Missing.Value); RsIndex.Fields["Seq"].Value = Seq; RsIndex.Fields["Key"].Value = Key; RsIndex.Fields["FileName"].Value = FileName; RsIndex.Save(FullPathIndex, PersistFormatEnum.adPersistXML); RsIndex.Close(); RsIndex = null; } return(mCacheFolder + "\\" + FileName); }
public void AddNew() { if (_isEdit) { _isEdit = false; Recordset.Update(); } Recordset.AddNew(); _isEdit = true; _isMove = true; }
/// <summary> /// Metodo para adição dos itens no orçamento do small /// </summary> /// <param name="ID_loja">ID da loja a ser vendida, paramentro 0 para todas as lojas</param> private void salvaSmall(Int32 ID_loja) { String pedidoZero = "0000000000"; String lancamentoZero = "0000000000"; bool gravado = false; Int32 pedido, lancamento; ///Processo do banco de dados Recordset rsdados = new Recordset(); Connection conex = new Conexao().getSmall(); String SQL = "SELECT ORCAMENT.* FROM ORCAMENT ORDER BY ORCAMENT.REGISTRO;"; rsdados.Open(SQL, conex, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); rsdados.MoveLast(); ///Processo de coleta de numeração de registro pedido = Convert.ToInt32(rsdados.Fields["PEDIDO"].Value.ToString()); pedido++; lancamento = Convert.ToInt32(rsdados.Fields["REGISTRO"].Value.ToString()); lancamento++; pedidoZero += pedido.ToString(); lancamentoZero += lancamento.ToString(); pedidoZero = new SIME.Class.Uteis().direita(pedidoZero, 9); lancamentoZero = new SIME.Class.Uteis().direita(lancamentoZero, 9); ///Adição de registro foreach (var item in itens) { if (item.getID_loja() == ID_loja || item.getID_loja() == 0) { rsdados.AddNew(); rsdados.Fields["CODIGO"].Value = item.getID_produto().ToString(); rsdados.Fields["DESCRICAO"].Value = ((item.getDescricao().Length > 45) ? new SIME.Class.Uteis().esquerda(item.getDescricao().ToString(), 44) : item.getDescricao()); rsdados.Fields["QUANTIDADE"].Value = item.getQuantidade().ToString(); rsdados.Fields["UNITARIO"].Value = item.getUnitario().ToString("N"); rsdados.Fields["TOTAL"].Value = (item.getQuantidade() * item.getUnitario()).ToString("N"); rsdados.Fields["DATA"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); rsdados.Fields["TIPO"].Value = "ORCAME"; rsdados.Fields["PEDIDO"].Value = pedidoZero; rsdados.Fields["CLIFOR"].Value = "MOVIMENTAÇÃO DIÁRIA";//Modificar futuramente para procurar o cliente em small rsdados.Fields["REGISTRO"].Value = lancamentoZero; rsdados.Update(); if (gravado == false) { this.orcamentoSmall = pedidoZero; this.Salvar(); gravado = true; } } rsdados.Close(); conex.Close(); } }
private DatasetVector DatasetConvertRegionToLine(DatasetVector dtVector2) { DatasetVector dtVector = null; if (dtVector2 != null) { DatasetVectorInfo dvi = new DatasetVectorInfo(); dvi.Name = m_selLayer.Dataset.Datasource.Datasets.GetAvailableDatasetName("C_geoLine"); dvi.Type = DatasetType.Line; //DatasetVector dtVector = m_selLayer.Dataset.Datasource.Datasets.Create(dvi); foreach (FieldInfo fi in dtVector2.FieldInfos) { if (dtVector.FieldInfos.IndexOf(fi.Name) < 0 && !fi.IsSystemField) { dtVector.FieldInfos.Add(fi.Clone()); } } Recordset recdst = dtVector.GetRecordset(true, CursorType.Dynamic); recdst.Batch.Begin(); try { Recordset recdst2 = dtVector2.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Static); while (!recdst2.IsEOF) { GeoRegion geoR = recdst2.GetGeometry() as GeoRegion; if (geoR != null) { GeoLine geoLine = geoR.ConvertToLine(); recdst.AddNew(geoLine); foreach (FieldInfo fi in dtVector2.FieldInfos) { if (dtVector.FieldInfos.IndexOf(fi.Name) > -1 && !fi.IsSystemField) { recdst.SetFieldValue(fi.Name, recdst2.GetFieldValue(fi.Name)); } } geoR.Dispose(); } recdst2.MoveNext(); } recdst2.Dispose(); } catch { } recdst.Batch.Update(); recdst.Dispose(); } return(dtVector); }
private void btn_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Recordset objRt = null; try { btn_Draw.Enabled = true; objRt = (m_Application.Workspace.Datasources["Resource"].Datasets["ArtCraftTable"] as DatasetVector).GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); switch (m_Type) { case WorkflowEditType.New: Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dic.Add("CraftName", txt_Name.Text.Trim()); dic.Add("Note", rtb_Description.Text.Equals(m_Tip) ? "" : rtb_Description.Text); dic.Add("CraftID", (objRt.RecordCount + 1).ToString()); dic.Add("PlaySpeed", txt_PlaySpeed.Text); dic.Add("Symbol", btn_SelectColor.Text + ',' + btn_SelectColor.Tag); objRt.AddNew(null, dic); objRt.Update(); break; case WorkflowEditType.Edit: objRt.Edit(); objRt.SetFieldValue("CraftName", txt_Name.Text.Trim()); objRt.SetFieldValue("Note", rtb_Description.Text.Equals(m_Tip) ? "" : rtb_Description.Text); objRt.SetFieldValue("CraftID", objRt.RecordCount + 1); objRt.SetFieldValue("PlaySpeed", txt_PlaySpeed.Text); objRt.SetFieldValue("Symbol", btn_SelectColor.Text + ',' + btn_SelectColor.Tag); objRt.Update(); break; } Layer3DDataset layer = m_SceneControl.Scene.Layers[txt_Name.Text + "@SpaceData"] as Layer3DDataset; for (int i = 0; i < (layer.Theme as Theme3DUnique).Count; i++) { Theme3DUniqueItem item = (layer.Theme as Theme3DUnique)[i]; item.IsVisible = false; } m_Application.MessageBox.Show("保存成功!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.OutputBox(ex); } finally { if (objRt != null) { objRt.Close(); objRt.Dispose(); } } }
//Add Data from the GridView to the recordset private void AddDataGridToRec(DataGridView db, Recordset myrec) { for (int i = 0; i < db.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { myrec.AddNew(); for (int j = 0; j < db.Rows[i].Cells.Count; j++) { myrec.Fields[j].Value = db.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString(); } myrec.Update(); } }
public void AddModel_Click(Point3D Point3D, int ModelIndex, string strID, string strNOID) { AddPointToDatasets(Point3D, ModelIndex, strID, strNOID); Datasource datasource = m_workspace.Datasources[0]; DatasetVector pointDataset = datasource.Datasets["Point3D"] as DatasetVector; Recordset recordset = pointDataset.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); GeoPoint3D geopoint3D = new GeoPoint3D(Point3D); GeoStyle3D geoStyle = new GeoStyle3D(); geoStyle.MarkerSymbolID = UserHelper.Marker3DSymbolID[ModelIndex]; geoStyle.IsMarkerSizeFixed = false; geoStyle.MarkerSize = 1; geoStyle.Marker3DScaleX = 0.03; geoStyle.Marker3DScaleY = 0.03; geoStyle.Marker3DScaleZ = 0.08; geoStyle.IsMarker3D = true; geoStyle.AltitudeMode = AltitudeMode.RelativeToGround; geopoint3D.Style3D = geoStyle; recordset.MoveLast(); recordset.AddNew(geopoint3D); recordset.SetFieldValue(m_filedName, strID); recordset.Update(); recordset.Dispose(); m_layer3DPoint.IsSelectable = false; m_layer3DPoint.UpdateData(); m_SceneControl.Scene.Refresh(); //AddKmlLayer(); //GeoPlacemark geoPlacemark = new GeoPlacemark(); //m_geoModel = new GeoModel(); //m_geoModel.FromFile(UserHelper.sModelName[ModelIndex]); ////人物模型朝向前进方向,如果原始方向一致则不需要旋转。 //m_geoModel.Style3D = m_style3D; //m_geoModel.RotationZ = 180; //m_geoModel.ScaleX = 0.3; //m_geoModel.ScaleY = 0.3; //m_geoModel.ScaleZ = 0.3; //m_geoModel.Position = new Point3D(Point3D.X, Point3D.Y, Point3D.Z); //geoPlacemark.Geometry = m_geoModel; //Feature3Ds feture3Ds = m_LayerKML.Features; //Feature3D feature = new Feature3D(); //feature.Geometry = geoPlacemark; //feature.Description = strID; //feature.Name = feature.Description; //feture3Ds.Add(feature); //feture3Ds.ToKMLFile(m_LayerKML.DataName); //m_LayerKML.UpdateData(); }
public static void InsertAccount(string username, string password) { _dbRs.Open("select * from players where login = '******'", _dbConn, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); _dbRs.AddNew(); _dbRs.Fields[1].Value = username; _dbRs.Fields[2].Value = password; _dbRs.Fields[3].Value = 0; _dbRs.Fields[4].Value = 0; _dbRs.Update(); _dbRs.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Method to Export the given plot window to PDF /// </summary> /// <param name="pw"></param> private void ExportToPDF(IGTPlotWindow pw) { IGTExportService svcExport = null; IGTPDFPrinterProperties printProps = null; try { // Construct printer properties PageOrientationType orientation = (pw.NamedPlot.PaperWidth > pw.NamedPlot.PaperHeight) ? PageOrientationType.Portrait : PageOrientationType.Landscape; printProps = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPDFPrinterProperties>(); printProps.PageWidth = pw.NamedPlot.PaperWidth; printProps.PageHeight = pw.NamedPlot.PaperHeight; printProps.Orientation = orientation; printProps.PageSize = PageSizeValue.Auto; printProps.Resolution = ResolutionValue.DPI600; // Perform export svcExport = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTExportService>(); svcExport.PDFLayersEnabled = false; svcExport.SaveAsPDF(m_strDoumentsPath, printProps, pw, true); m_oGTTransactionManager.Begin("Attach Street Light Supplemental Agreement Plot"); IGTKeyObject gTTempKeyObject = m_gTDataContext.OpenFeature(m_gTDesignAreaKeyObject.FNO, m_gTDesignAreaKeyObject.FID); Recordset rs = gTTempKeyObject.Components.GetComponent(8130).Recordset; rs.AddNew("G3E_FID", gTTempKeyObject.FID); rs.Fields["HYPERLINK_T"].Value = m_strDoumentsPath; rs.Fields["DESCRIPTION_T"].Value = "Street Supplemental Plot"; rs.Fields["TYPE_C"].Value = "SUPPLEPLOT"; rs.Fields["G3E_FNO"].Value = 8100; rs.Update(); if (m_oGTTransactionManager.TransactionInProgress) { m_oGTTransactionManager.Commit(); } } catch { throw; } finally { svcExport = null; printProps = null; pw = null; } }
/// <summary> /// 批量执行 /// </summary> /// <param name="batchSize"></param> /// <param name="timeout"></param> public override void Execute(int batchSize = 10000, int timeout = 10 * 1000) { DBEngine dbEngine = new DBEngine(); Database db = null; try { db = dbEngine.OpenDatabase(_database.DbProvider.ConnectionString); _dataTable = ToDataTable(_list); if (_dataTable == null || _dataTable.Rows.Count == 0) { return; } Recordset rs = db.OpenRecordset(_dataTable.TableName); var columns = _dataTable.Columns; Field[] myFields = new Field[columns.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++) { myFields[i] = rs.Fields[columns[i].ColumnName]; } for (int i = 0; i < _dataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { rs.AddNew(); for (int j = 0; j < columns.Count; j++) { myFields[0].Value = _dataTable.Rows[i][j]; } rs.Update(); } rs.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { db?.Close(); _list.Clear(); } }
/// <summary> /// Method to build the Work Point features Account Recordset. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_workPointRS">Workpoint Recordsets Contained by placed TreeTrimming feature</param> /// <returns></returns> public Recordset GetWorkPtAccountRecordset(Recordset p_workPointRS) { Recordset accountsRS = null; int wpFid = 0; try { p_workPointRS.MoveFirst(); accountsRS = new Recordset(); accountsRS.Fields.Append("Prime Account", DataTypeEnum.adInteger, 4, FieldAttributeEnum.adFldIsNullable); accountsRS.Fields.Append("Sub Account", DataTypeEnum.adInteger, 4, FieldAttributeEnum.adFldIsNullable); accountsRS.Open(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, -1); while (!p_workPointRS.EOF) { wpFid = Convert.ToInt32(p_workPointRS.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value.ToString()); Recordset workpointAttributeRS = m_oGTApp.DataContext.OpenRecordset(String.Format("SELECT DISTINCT PRIME_ACCT_ID,SUB_ACCT FROM WORKPOINT_CU_N CU,WORKPOINT_N WP,REFWMIS_FERC_ACCOUNT REF WHERE CU.G3E_FID=WP.G3E_FID AND WP.WR_NBR='{0}' AND REF.PRIME_ACCT=CU.PRIME_ACCT_ID AND REF.ACTIVITY_C=CU.ACTIVITY_C AND WP.G3E_FID={1}", m_oGTApp.DataContext.ActiveJob, wpFid), CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText); if (workpointAttributeRS != null && workpointAttributeRS.RecordCount > 0) { workpointAttributeRS.MoveFirst(); while (!workpointAttributeRS.EOF) { if (workpointAttributeRS.Fields["PRIME_ACCT_ID"].Value != DBNull.Value || workpointAttributeRS.Fields["SUB_ACCT"].Value != DBNull.Value) { accountsRS.AddNew(); accountsRS.Fields["Prime Account"].Value = workpointAttributeRS.Fields["PRIME_ACCT_ID"].Value; accountsRS.Fields["Sub Account"].Value = workpointAttributeRS.Fields["SUB_ACCT"].Value; accountsRS.Update(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); } workpointAttributeRS.MoveNext(); } } p_workPointRS.MoveNext(); } } catch { throw; } return accountsRS; }
private Recordset CreateADODBRecordSet(DataSet ds) { Recordset oRS = new Recordset(); try { //oDataTable = CreateDataTable(); //Loop through each column in the Dataset foreach (DataColumn oColumn in ds.Tables[0].Columns) { //Create the Field Types for the recordset oRS.Fields.Append(oColumn.ColumnName , GetADOType(oColumn.DataType.ToString()) //,oColumn.MaxLength , GetADOTypeSize(oColumn.DataType.ToString()) , FieldAttributeEnum.adFldIsNullable , System.Reflection.Missing.Value); } //Open the recordset oRS.Open(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, 1); //Loop through the table and fill the ADO Recordset for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { oRS.AddNew(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); //Loop through each column for (int j = 0; j < ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count; j++) { oRS.Fields[j].Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][j]; } oRS.Update(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); } //Move to the first record oRS.MoveFirst(); } catch { oRS.MoveFirst(); } finally { } return(oRS); }
private void AddPointToDatasets(Point3D Point3D, int ModelIndex, string strID, string strNOID) { CreateDatasets(); try { Datasource datasource = m_workspace.Datasources[0]; DatasetVector pointDataset = datasource.Datasets[UserHelper.sDeviceName[ModelIndex]] as DatasetVector; if (pointDataset != null) { GeoPoint geoPoint = new GeoPoint(Point3D.X, Point3D.Y); Recordset recordset = pointDataset.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); recordset.MoveLast(); recordset.AddNew(geoPoint); recordset.SetFieldValue(m_filedName, strID); recordset.Update(); recordset.Close(); recordset.Dispose(); } m_MapControl.Map.Refresh(); DatasetVector textDataset = datasource.Datasets[UserHelper.sTextName] as DatasetVector; if (textDataset != null) { Recordset textRecordset = textDataset.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); TextPart part = new TextPart(); part.Text = strNOID; Point2D point2D = new Point2D(Point3D.X, Point3D.Y); part.AnchorPoint = point2D; GeoText geoText = new GeoText(part); geoText.TextStyle.ForeColor = Color.Green; geoText.TextStyle.FontHeight = 8; textRecordset.MoveLast(); textRecordset.AddNew(geoText); textRecordset.Update(); textRecordset.Close(); textRecordset.Dispose(); } m_MapControl.Map.Refresh(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } }
public bool AddInvoice(Invoice invoice) { try { Recordset rs = DB.OpenTable("Invoices"); rs.AddNew(); rs.Fields["Name"].Value = invoice.Name; rs.Fields["Date"].Value = invoice.Date; rs.Fields["Address"].Value = invoice.Address; rs.Fields["OurReference"].Value = invoice.OurReference; rs.Fields["YourReference"].Value = invoice.YourReference; rs.Update(); foreach (InvoiceLine line in invoice.Lines) { rs = DB.OpenTable("Lines"); rs.AddNew(); int lineID = rs.Fields["ID"].Value; rs.Fields["Description"].Value = line.Description; rs.Fields["Date"].Value = line.Date; rs.Fields["Amount"].Value = line.Amount; rs.Update(); rs = DB.OpenTable("InvoiceLines"); rs.AddNew(); rs.Fields["InvoiceID"].Value = invoice.Number; rs.Fields["LineID"].Value = lineID; rs.Update(); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a Hyperlink component to each of the selected fids /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">The absolute path to the file</param> /// <returns>Boolean indicating status</returns> public bool AddHyperlinkComponent(string filePath) { bool returnValue = false; try { IGTKeyObject tmpKeyObj = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTKeyObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < m_SelectedFIDs.Count; i++) { tmpKeyObj = m_Application.DataContext.OpenFeature(m_SelectedFNO, m_SelectedFIDs[i]); Recordset tmpHypLnk = tmpKeyObj.Components["HYPERLINK_N"].Recordset; tmpHypLnk.AddNew(Type.Missing, Type.Missing); tmpHypLnk.Fields["G3E_FNO"].Value = m_SelectedFNO; tmpHypLnk.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value = m_SelectedFIDs[i]; switch (m_CommandName) { case ConstantsDT.COMMAND_NAME_GUYING: tmpHypLnk.Fields["TYPE_C"].Value = "Guying Scenario"; tmpHypLnk.Fields["DESCRIPTION_T"].Value = m_WrNumber + "-" + m_GuyScenarioCount.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); break; case ConstantsDT.COMMAND_NAME_SAG_CLEARANCE: tmpHypLnk.Fields["TYPE_C"].Value = "Sag Clearance"; break; default: tmpHypLnk.Fields["TYPE_C"].Value = ""; break; } tmpHypLnk.Fields["HYPERLINK_T"].Value = filePath; tmpHypLnk.Fields["FILENAME_T"].Value = filePath.Substring(filePath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); m_Application.DataContext.UpdateBatch(tmpHypLnk); tmpHypLnk.Update(); tmpKeyObj = null; } returnValue = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(m_Application.ApplicationWindow, ConstantsDT.ERROR_ADDING_HYPERLINK + ": " + ex.Message, ConstantsDT.APPLICATION_NAME, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); returnValue = false; } return(returnValue); }
/// <summary> /// Método salva o item da venda. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public Boolean Salvar() { String SQL; Recordset rs_dados = new Recordset(); Connection conex = new SIME.Conexao().getDb4(); try { //Processo de dedução do estoque SQL = "SELECT PRODUTOS.* FROM PRODUTOS WHERE (((PRODUTOS.Cod)=" + this.ID_produto + "));"; rs_dados.Open(SQL, conex, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); if (Convert.ToInt32(rs_dados.Fields["Estoque"].Value) < this.Quantidade) { throw new ArgumentException("Quantidade maior que a disponível em estoque."); } rs_dados.Fields["Estoque"].Value = Convert.ToInt32(rs_dados.Fields["Estoque"].Value) - this.Quantidade; rs_dados.Update(); rs_dados.Close(); SQL = (this.ID == 0) ? "SELECT Saída.* FROM Saída;" : "SELECT Saída.* FROM Saída WHERE (((Saída.cod_sai)=" + this.ID + "));"; rs_dados.Open(SQL, conex, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); if (this.ID == 0) { rs_dados.AddNew(); } rs_dados.Fields["Fornecedor"].Value = this.ID_fornecedor; rs_dados.Fields["Loja"].Value = this.ID_loja; rs_dados.Fields["cod do cd"].Value = this.ID_produto; rs_dados.Fields["NF"].Value = this.NF; rs_dados.Fields["Quantidade"].Value = this.Quantidade; rs_dados.Fields["Desconto"].Value = this.Unitario.ToString(); rs_dados.Fields["Custo"].Value = this.Custo.ToString(); rs_dados.Update(); Thread.Sleep(500); this.ID = Convert.ToInt32(rs_dados.Fields["cont"].Value); rs_dados.Close(); conex.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ArgumentException(e.Message); } return(true); }
//获取天际线 private void btn_GetSkyline_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (m_skyline != null) { GeoLine3D line3D = m_skyline.GetSkyline(); if (m_workspace.Datasources.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("请先打开一个数据源"); return; } Datasource datasource = m_workspace.Datasources[0]; Datasets datasets = datasource.Datasets; String datasetName = "NewLine3D"; if (datasource.Datasets.Contains(datasetName)) { datasource.Datasets.Delete(datasetName); } DatasetVectorInfo datasetInfo = new DatasetVectorInfo(); datasetInfo.Type = DatasetType.Line3D; datasetInfo.Name = datasetName; datasetInfo.EncodeType = EncodeType.None; DatasetVector newDataset = datasource.Datasets.Create(datasetInfo); if (newDataset == null) { MessageBox.Show("创建三维面数据集失败!"); } if (m_sceneControl.Scene.Type == SceneType.Globe) { newDataset.PrjCoordSys = new PrjCoordSys(PrjCoordSysType.EarthLongitudeLatitude); } Recordset recordset = newDataset.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); recordset.AddNew(line3D); recordset.Update(); recordset.Dispose(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a Hyperlink component to each of the selected fids /// </summary> /// <param name="fid">The G3E_FID to add a hyperlink component</param> /// <param name="fno">The G3E_FNO of the feature to add a hyperlink component</param> /// <param name="url">The url to the file</param> /// <param name="fileType">The file type</param> /// <param name="fileDescription">The file description</param> /// <returns>Boolean indicating status</returns> public bool AddHyperlinkComponent(int fid, short fno, string url, string fileType, string fileDescription) { bool returnValue = false; try { m_Application.SetStatusBarText(GTStatusPanelConstants.gtaspcMessage, ConstantsDT.MESSAGE_CREATING_HYPERLINK); m_Application.BeginWaitCursor(); IGTKeyObject tmpKeyObj = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTKeyObject>(); tmpKeyObj = m_Application.DataContext.OpenFeature(fno, fid); Recordset tmpHypLnk = null; if (fno == ConstantsDT.FNO_DESIGN_AREA) { tmpHypLnk = tmpKeyObj.Components["JOB_HYPERLINK_N"].Recordset; } else { tmpHypLnk = tmpKeyObj.Components["HYPERLINK_N"].Recordset; } tmpHypLnk.AddNew(Type.Missing, Type.Missing); tmpHypLnk.Fields["G3E_FNO"].Value = fno; tmpHypLnk.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value = fid; tmpHypLnk.Fields["TYPE_C"].Value = fileType; tmpHypLnk.Fields["DESCRIPTION_T"].Value = fileDescription; tmpHypLnk.Fields["HYPERLINK_T"].Value = url; tmpHypLnk.Fields["FILENAME_T"].Value = url.Substring(url.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); m_Application.DataContext.UpdateBatch(tmpHypLnk); tmpHypLnk.Update(); tmpKeyObj = null; returnValue = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(m_Application.ApplicationWindow, ConstantsDT.ERROR_ADDING_HYPERLINK + ": " + ex.Message, ConstantsDT.APPLICATION_NAME, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); returnValue = false; } m_Application.EndWaitCursor(); m_Application.SetStatusBarText(GTStatusPanelConstants.gtaspcMessage, ""); return(returnValue); }
/// <summary> /// 鼠标单击事件来实现画点的功能 /// </summary> /// <param routestopName="sender"></param> /// <param routestopName="e"></param> private void m_sceneControl_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && isDraw) { //画点 if (!flag) { Datasource datasource = m_workspace.Datasources[0]; DatasetVector pointDataset = datasource.Datasets["Point3D"] as DatasetVector; Recordset recordset = pointDataset.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); Point3D pt3d = new Point3D(); pt3d = m_sceneControl.Scene.PixelToGlobe(e.Location, PixelToGlobeMode.TerrainAndModel); GeoPoint3D geopoint3D = new GeoPoint3D(pt3d); GeoStyle3D geoStyle = new GeoStyle3D(); geoStyle.MarkerSymbolID = m_marker3DIndex; geoStyle.IsMarkerSizeFixed = false; geoStyle.MarkerSize = 1; geoStyle.Marker3DScaleX = 1; geoStyle.Marker3DScaleY = 1; geoStyle.Marker3DScaleZ = 1; geoStyle.IsMarker3D = true; geoStyle.AltitudeMode = AltitudeMode.RelativeToGround; geopoint3D.Style3D = geoStyle; recordset.MoveLast(); recordset.AddNew(geopoint3D); recordset.Update(); recordset.Dispose(); m_layer3DPoint.IsSelectable = false; m_layer3DPoint.UpdateData(); m_sceneControl.Scene.Refresh(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Attach html file to the active job. /// </summary> /// <param name="strJobDoumentsPath">Document Path</param> /// <param name="gTDesignAreaKeyObject">Document Path</param> /// <param name="strContent">Content of the html document</param> /// <param name="strFileName">File name of the html document</param> private void AttachFile(string strJobDoumentsPath, IGTKeyObject gTDesignAreaKeyObject, string strContent, string strFileName, bool overRide) { try { if (!Directory.Exists(strJobDoumentsPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(strJobDoumentsPath); } File.WriteAllText(strJobDoumentsPath + "\\" + strFileName, strContent); } catch { } string strDescription = ActiveWR + "-" + Customer + "-" + "HTML DOCUMENT"; if (overRide) { m_oGTTransactionManager.Begin("Supplemental Agreement Forms"); m_model.DeleteExistingAttachment(strJobDoumentsPath + "\\" + strFileName); if (m_oGTTransactionManager.TransactionInProgress) { m_oGTTransactionManager.Commit(); } } m_oGTTransactionManager.Begin("Supplemental Agreement Forms"); IGTKeyObject gTTempKeyObject = m_view.GTDataContext.OpenFeature(gTDesignAreaKeyObject.FNO, gTDesignAreaKeyObject.FID); Recordset rs = gTTempKeyObject.Components.GetComponent(8130).Recordset; rs.AddNew("G3E_FID", gTTempKeyObject.FID); rs.Fields["HYPERLINK_T"].Value = strJobDoumentsPath + "\\" + strFileName; rs.Fields["DESCRIPTION_T"].Value = strDescription; rs.Fields["TYPE_C"].Value = "SUPPLEMENT"; rs.Fields["G3E_FNO"].Value = 8100; rs.Update(); if (m_oGTTransactionManager.TransactionInProgress) { m_oGTTransactionManager.Commit(); } MessageBox.Show("The Street Light Supplemental Agreement Form was generated and attached to the WR.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
private void btnCommit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Recordset objRt = null; try { if (chkFlyRoute.CheckedItems.Count == 0) { m_Application.MessageBox.Show("请选择要提交的路线!"); return; } objRt = (m_Application.Workspace.Datasources["CommonData"].Datasets["FlyRouteTable"] as DatasetVector).GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); Recordset.BatchEditor editor = objRt.Batch; editor.MaxRecordCount = 10; editor.Begin(); int index = 1; foreach (object obj in chkFlyRoute.CheckedItems) { Label label = obj as Label; Route route = label.Tag as Route; Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dic.Add("RouteID", index++.ToString()); dic.Add("RouteName", route.Name); dic.Add("Content", Encoding.Default.GetBytes(route.ToXML())); objRt.AddNew(null, dic); } editor.Update(); m_Application.MessageBox.Show("路线入库成功!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.OutputBox(ex); m_Application.MessageBox.Show("路线入库失败!"); } finally { if (objRt != null) { objRt.Close(); objRt.Dispose(); } } }
//Registers a new character into the database under a username public void RegisterNewCharacter(string AccountName, string CharacterName, bool IsMale) { //Register this character into the database string Query = "SELECT * FROM characters WHERE 0=1"; recorder.Open(Query, connection, cursorType, lockType); recorder.AddNew(); recorder.Fields["OwnerAccountName"].Value = AccountName; recorder.Fields["XPosition"].Value = 0f; recorder.Fields["YPosition"].Value = 0f; recorder.Fields["ZPosition"].Value = 0f; recorder.Fields["CharacterName"].Value = CharacterName; recorder.Fields["ExperiencePoints"].Value = 0; recorder.Fields["ExperienceToLevel"].Value = 100; recorder.Fields["Level"].Value = 1; recorder.Fields["IsMale"].Value = (IsMale ? 1 : 0); recorder.Update(); recorder.Close(); //Update the users account to note that this character belongs to them, and they have used up on of their character slots Query = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE Username='******'"; recorder.Open(Query, connection, cursorType, lockType); int CharacterCount = recorder.Fields["CharactersCreated"].Value; switch (CharacterCount) { case (0): recorder.Fields["FirstCharacterName"].Value = CharacterName; break; case (1): recorder.Fields["SecondCharacterName"].Value = CharacterName; break; case (2): recorder.Fields["ThirdCharacterName"].Value = CharacterName; break; } CharacterCount++; recorder.Fields["CharactersCreated"].Value = CharacterCount; recorder.Update(); recorder.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Metódo que eferua a entrega do aparelho /// </summary> public void entregar(Int32 ID_op) { this.dataEntrega = DateTime.Now; this.id_OpEntregue = ID_op; if (RSdados.State != 0) { RSdados.Close(); } SQL = "SELECT OS_Entregas.* FROM OS_Entregas WHERE (((Entredas.OS) = " + ID + "));"; RSdados.Open(SQL, new Conexao().getContas(), CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); if (RSdados.RecordCount == 1) { RSdados.AddNew(); RSdados.Fields["OS"].Value = this.ID; RSdados.Fields["DATA"].Value = this.DataEntrega; RSdados.Fields["OP"].Value = this.Id_OpEntregue; RSdados.Update(); RSdados.Close(); } }
virtual public ADODB.Recordset ExecuteSql(string sql) { Recordset oRS = new Recordset(); OleDbConnection cn = null; OleDbDataReader reader = null; try { cn = new OleDbConnection(dbRoot.ConnectionString); cn.Open(); try { cn.ChangeDatabase(this.Name); } catch { } // some databases don't have the concept of catalogs. Catch this and throw it out OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sql, cn); command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); DataTable schema; string dataType, fieldname; int length; bool firstTime = true; while (reader.Read()) { if (firstTime) { schema = reader.GetSchemaTable(); foreach (DataRow row in schema.Rows) { fieldname = row["ColumnName"].ToString(); dataType = row["DataType"].ToString(); length = Convert.ToInt32(row["ColumnSize"]); oRS.Fields.Append(fieldname, GetADOType(dataType), length, FieldAttributeEnum.adFldIsNullable, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); } oRS.Open(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, 1); firstTime = false; } oRS.AddNew(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); for(int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { if (reader[i] is System.Guid) { oRS.Fields[i].Value = "{" + reader[i].ToString() + "}"; } else { oRS.Fields[i].Value = reader[i]; } } } cn.Close(); //Move to the first record if (!firstTime) { oRS.MoveFirst(); } else { oRS = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { if ((reader != null) && (!reader.IsClosed)) { reader.Close(); reader = null; } if ((cn != null) && (cn.State == ConnectionState.Open)) { cn.Close(); cn = null; } throw ex; } return oRS; }
protected ADODB.Recordset ExecuteIntoRecordset(string sql, IDbConnection cn) { Recordset oRS = new Recordset(); IDataReader reader = null; try { IDbCommand command = cn.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = sql; command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); DataTable schema; string dataType, fieldname; int length; bool firstTime = true; // Skip columns contains the index of any columns that we cannot handle, array types and such ... Hashtable skipColumns = null; while (reader.Read()) { if (firstTime) { skipColumns = new Hashtable(); schema = reader.GetSchemaTable(); int colID = 0; foreach (DataRow row in schema.Rows) { fieldname = row["ColumnName"].ToString(); dataType = row["DataType"].ToString(); length = Convert.ToInt32(row["ColumnSize"]); try { oRS.Fields.Append(fieldname, GetADOType(dataType), length, FieldAttributeEnum.adFldIsNullable, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); } catch { // We can't handle this column type, ie, Firebird array types skipColumns[colID] = colID; } colID++; } oRS.Open(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, 1); firstTime = false; } oRS.AddNew(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { // Skip columns that we cannot handle if(!skipColumns.ContainsKey(i)) { if (reader[j] is System.Guid) { oRS.Fields[j].Value = "{" + reader[j].ToString() + "}"; } else { try { oRS.Fields[j].Value = reader[j]; } catch { // For some reason it wouldn't accept this value? oRS.Fields[j].Value = DBNull.Value; } } j++; } } } cn.Close(); //Move to the first record if (!firstTime) { oRS.MoveFirst(); } else { oRS = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { if ((reader != null) && (!reader.IsClosed)) { reader.Close(); reader = null; } if ((cn != null) && (cn.State == ConnectionState.Open)) { cn.Close(); cn = null; } throw ex; } return oRS; }