private void CreateNodeRelationships()
            RelationshipStore relationshipStore = _neoStores.RelationshipStore;

            if (Dense)
                RecordStore <RelationshipGroupRecord> relationshipGroupStore = _neoStores.RelationshipGroupStore;
                relationshipGroupStore.UpdateRecord(CreateRelationshipGroup(1, 1));
                relationshipGroupStore.UpdateRecord(CreateRelationshipGroup(2, 2));
                relationshipGroupStore.UpdateRecord(CreateRelationshipGroup(3, 3));

            relationshipStore.UpdateRecord(CreateRelationship(1, NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue()));
            relationshipStore.UpdateRecord(CreateRelationship(2, NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue()));
            relationshipStore.UpdateRecord(CreateRelationship(3, NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue()));
        private void CreateRelationshipChain(int recordsInChain)
            RelationshipStore relationshipStore = _neoStores.RelationshipStore;

            for (int i = 1; i < recordsInChain; i++)
                relationshipStore.UpdateRecord(CreateRelationship(i, i + 1));
            relationshipStore.UpdateRecord(CreateRelationship(recordsInChain, NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue()));
            if (Dense)
                RecordStore <RelationshipGroupRecord> relationshipGroupStore = _neoStores.RelationshipGroupStore;
                for (int i = 1; i < recordsInChain; i++)
                    relationshipGroupStore.UpdateRecord(CreateRelationshipGroup(i, i));
                relationshipGroupStore.UpdateRecord(CreateRelationshipGroup(recordsInChain, NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue()));
예제 #3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void shouldProcessAllTheRecordsInAStore() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldProcessAllTheRecordsInAStore()
            // given
            RecordStore <NodeRecord> nodeStore = Stores.builder().build().NodeStore;

   reporter = mock(typeof(;
            StoreProcessor processor = new StoreProcessor(Org.Neo4j.Consistency.checking.CheckDecorator_Fields.None, reporter, Stage_Fields.SequentialForward, CacheAccess.EMPTY);

            nodeStore.UpdateRecord(Node(0, false, 0, 0));
            nodeStore.UpdateRecord(Node(1, false, 0, 0));
            nodeStore.UpdateRecord(Node(2, false, 0, 0));
            nodeStore.HighestPossibleIdInUse = 2;

            // when

            // then
            verify(reporter, times(3)).forNode(any(typeof(NodeRecord)), any(typeof(RecordCheck)));
예제 #4
        private static void Migrate <RECORD>(RecordStore <RECORD> from, RecordStore <RECORD> to) where RECORD :
            to.HighestPossibleIdInUse = from.HighestPossibleIdInUse;

            from.ScanAllRecords(record =>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldAbortLoadingGroupChainIfComeTooFar()
        public virtual void ShouldAbortLoadingGroupChainIfComeTooFar()
            // GIVEN a node with relationship group chain 2-->4-->10-->23
            LogProvider  logProvider  = NullLogProvider.Instance;
            StoreFactory storeFactory = new StoreFactory(_testDirectory.databaseLayout(), Config.defaults(), new DefaultIdGeneratorFactory(_fs.get()), _pageCache.getPageCache(_fs.get()), _fs.get(), logProvider, EmptyVersionContextSupplier.EMPTY);

            using (NeoStores stores = storeFactory.OpenNeoStores(true, StoreType.RELATIONSHIP_GROUP))
                RecordStore <RelationshipGroupRecord> store = spy(stores.RelationshipGroupStore);

                RelationshipGroupRecord group2  = Group(0, 2);
                RelationshipGroupRecord group4  = Group(1, 4);
                RelationshipGroupRecord group10 = Group(2, 10);
                RelationshipGroupRecord group23 = Group(3, 23);
                Link(group2, group4, group10, group23);
                RelationshipGroupGetter groupGetter = new RelationshipGroupGetter(store);
                NodeRecord node = new NodeRecord(0, true, group2.Id, -1);

                // WHEN trying to find relationship group 7
                RecordAccess <RelationshipGroupRecord, int>       access = new DirectRecordAccess <RelationshipGroupRecord, int>(store, Loaders.relationshipGroupLoader(store));
                RelationshipGroupGetter.RelationshipGroupPosition result = groupGetter.GetRelationshipGroup(node, 7, access);

                // THEN only groups 2, 4 and 10 should have been loaded
                InOrder verification = inOrder(store);
                verification.verify(store).getRecord(eq(group2.Id), any(typeof(RelationshipGroupRecord)), any(typeof(RecordLoad)));
                verification.verify(store).getRecord(eq(group4.Id), any(typeof(RelationshipGroupRecord)), any(typeof(RecordLoad)));
                verification.verify(store).getRecord(eq(group10.Id), any(typeof(RelationshipGroupRecord)), any(typeof(RecordLoad)));
                verification.verify(store, never()).getRecord(eq(group23.Id), any(typeof(RelationshipGroupRecord)), any(typeof(RecordLoad)));

                // it should also be reported as not found
                // with group 4 as closes previous one
                assertEquals(group4, result.ClosestPrevious().forReadingData());
        private static void BreakTheChain(RecordStore <RelationshipRecord> relationshipStore)
            RelationshipRecord record          = relationshipStore.GetRecord(10, relationshipStore.NewRecord(), NORMAL);
            long relationshipTowardsEndOfChain = record.FirstNode;

            while (record.InUse() && !record.FirstInFirstChain)
                record = relationshipStore.GetRecord(relationshipTowardsEndOfChain, relationshipStore.NewRecord(), FORCE);
                relationshipTowardsEndOfChain = record.FirstPrevRel;

            relationshipStore.UpdateRecord(new RelationshipRecord(relationshipTowardsEndOfChain, 0, 0, 0));
예제 #7
        private void CreateRecordIn <RECORD>(RecordStore <RECORD> store) where RECORD :
            RECORD record = store.NewRecord();

            record.Id    = store.nextId();
            record.InUse = true;
            if (record is PropertyRecord)
                // Special hack for property store, since it's not enough to simply set a record as in use there
                PropertyBlock block = new PropertyBlock();
                (( PropertyStore )store).encodeValue(block, 0, Values.of(10));
                (( PropertyRecord )record).addPropertyBlock(block);
예제 #8
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldDefragmentRelationshipGroupsWhenSomeDense()
        public virtual void ShouldDefragmentRelationshipGroupsWhenSomeDense()
            // GIVEN some nodes which has their groups scattered
            int nodeCount             = 100;
            int relationshipTypeCount = 50;
            RecordStore <RelationshipGroupRecord> groupStore = _stores.TemporaryRelationshipGroupStore;
            RelationshipGroupRecord  groupRecord             = groupStore.NewRecord();
            RecordStore <NodeRecord> nodeStore = _stores.NodeStore;
            NodeRecord nodeRecord       = nodeStore.NewRecord();
            long       cursor           = 0;
            BitArray   initializedNodes = new BitArray();

            for (int typeId = relationshipTypeCount - 1; typeId >= 0; typeId--)
                for (int nodeId = 0; nodeId < nodeCount; nodeId++, cursor++)
                    // Reasoning behind this thing is that we want to have roughly 10% of the nodes dense
                    // right from the beginning and then some stray dense nodes coming into this in the
                    // middle of the type range somewhere
                    double comparison = typeId == 0 || initializedNodes.Get(nodeId) ? 0.1 : 0.001;

                    if (_random.NextDouble() < comparison)
                        // next doesn't matter at all, as we're rewriting it anyway
                        // firstOut/In/Loop we could use in verification phase later
                        groupRecord.Initialize(true, typeId, cursor, cursor + 1, cursor + 2, nodeId, 4);
                        groupRecord.Id = groupStore.nextId();

                        if (!initializedNodes.Get(nodeId))
                            nodeRecord.Initialize(true, -1, true, groupRecord.Id, 0);
                            nodeRecord.Id = nodeId;
                            nodeStore.HighestPossibleIdInUse = nodeId;
                            initializedNodes.Set(nodeId, true);

            // WHEN
            Defrag(nodeCount, groupStore);

            // THEN all groups should sit sequentially in the store
예제 #9
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldDefragmentRelationshipGroupsWhenAllDense()
        public virtual void ShouldDefragmentRelationshipGroupsWhenAllDense()
            // GIVEN some nodes which has their groups scattered
            int nodeCount             = 100;
            int relationshipTypeCount = 50;
            RecordStore <RelationshipGroupRecord> groupStore = _stores.TemporaryRelationshipGroupStore;
            RelationshipGroupRecord  groupRecord             = groupStore.NewRecord();
            RecordStore <NodeRecord> nodeStore = _stores.NodeStore;
            NodeRecord nodeRecord = nodeStore.NewRecord();
            long       cursor     = 0;

            for (int typeId = relationshipTypeCount - 1; typeId >= 0; typeId--)
                for (long nodeId = 0; nodeId < nodeCount; nodeId++, cursor++)
                    // next doesn't matter at all, as we're rewriting it anyway
                    // firstOut/In/Loop we could use in verification phase later
                    groupRecord.Initialize(true, typeId, cursor, cursor + 1, cursor + 2, nodeId, 4);
                    groupRecord.Id = groupStore.nextId();

                    if (typeId == 0)
                        // first round also create the nodes
                        nodeRecord.Initialize(true, -1, true, groupRecord.Id, 0);
                        nodeRecord.Id = nodeId;
                        nodeStore.HighestPossibleIdInUse = nodeId;

            // WHEN
            Defrag(nodeCount, groupStore);

            // THEN all groups should sit sequentially in the store
예제 #10
 private void UpdateStore <RECORD>(RecordStore <RECORD> store, BaseCommand <RECORD> command) where RECORD :