static void Postfix(RecipeWorkerCounter __instance, ref int __result, Bill_Production bill)
            if (bill.includeFromZone == null)
                int              i         = 0;
                ThingDef         targetDef = __instance.recipe.products[0].thingDef;
                PRFGameComponent gamecomp  = Current.Game.GetComponent <PRFGameComponent>();

                for (i = 0; i < gamecomp.AssemblerQueue.Count; i++)
                    //Don't count Recorces of other maps
                    if (bill.Map != gamecomp.AssemblerQueue[i].Map)
                    foreach (Thing heldThing in gamecomp.AssemblerQueue[i].GetThingQueue())
                        Thing innerIfMinified = heldThing.GetInnerIfMinified();
                        if (innerIfMinified.def == targetDef)
                            __result += innerIfMinified.stackCount;
        private static int CountPawnThings(Pawn pawn, RecipeWorkerCounter counter, Bill_Production bill, ThingDef productThingDef, bool onlyCarry = false)
            int count = 0;

            if (pawn.apparel != null && !onlyCarry)
                count += CountMatchingThingsIn(pawn.apparel.WornApparel.Cast <Thing>(), counter, bill, productThingDef);

            if ( != null && !onlyCarry)
                count += CountMatchingThingsIn( <Thing>(), counter, bill, productThingDef);

            if (pawn.inventory != null && !onlyCarry)
                count += CountMatchingThingsIn(pawn.inventory.innerContainer, counter, bill, productThingDef);

            if (pawn.carryTracker != null) //Bill product immediately carried to stockpile should be counted
                count += CountMatchingThingsIn(pawn.carryTracker.innerContainer, counter, bill, productThingDef);

        public static bool GetCarriedCount(RecipeWorkerCounter __instance, ref int __result, Bill_Production bill, ThingDef prodDef)
            int num = 0;

            //foreach (Pawn item in bill.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned)
            if (!RimThreaded.billFreeColonistsSpawned.TryGetValue(bill, out List <Pawn> freeColonistsSpawned))
                freeColonistsSpawned = bill.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned;
                RimThreaded.billFreeColonistsSpawned[bill] = freeColonistsSpawned;
            for (int i = 0; i < freeColonistsSpawned.Count; i++)
                Thing carriedThing = freeColonistsSpawned[i]?.carryTracker?.CarriedThing;
                if (carriedThing == null)
                int stackCount = carriedThing.stackCount;
                carriedThing = carriedThing.GetInnerIfMinified();
                if (__instance.CountValidThing(carriedThing, bill, prodDef))
                    num += stackCount;

            __result = num;
예제 #4
    public static bool GetCarriedCount(RecipeWorkerCounter __instance, ref int __result, Bill_Production bill, ThingDef prodDef)
        int num = 0;

        //foreach (Pawn item in bill.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned)
        for (int i = 0; i < bill.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned.Count; i++)
            Pawn item;
                item = bill.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned[i];
            } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
            Thing carriedThing = item.carryTracker.CarriedThing;
            if (carriedThing != null)
                int stackCount = carriedThing.stackCount;
                carriedThing = carriedThing.GetInnerIfMinified();
                if (__instance.CountValidThing(carriedThing, bill, prodDef))
                    num += stackCount;

        __result = num;
        private static int CountAway(Map billMap, RecipeWorkerCounter counter, Bill_Production bill, ThingDef productThingDef)
            int count = 0;

            // Look for matching items in colonists and animals away from base
            foreach (var pawn in PawnsFinder.AllMapsCaravansAndTravelingTransportPods_Alive_OfPlayerFaction)
                if (pawn.GetOriginMap() == billMap)
                    // OriginMap is only set on our pawns who are away from base
                    count += CountPawnThings(pawn, counter, bill, productThingDef);
        // Helper function to count matching items in inventory lists
        private static int CountMatchingThingsIn(IEnumerable <Thing> things, RecipeWorkerCounter counterClass,
                                                 Bill_Production bill, ThingDef productThingDef)
            var count = 0;

            foreach (var thing in things)
                Thing item = thing.GetInnerIfMinified();
                if (counterClass.CountValidThing(thing, bill, productThingDef))
                    count += item.stackCount;

        static void Postfix(ref int __result, RecipeWorkerCounter __instance, Bill_Production bill)
            List <ThingDefCountClass> products = __instance.recipe.products;

            if (WorldComp.HasInfiniteStorages(bill.Map) && products != null)
                foreach (ThingDefCountClass product in products)
                    ThingDef def = product.thingDef;
                    foreach (Building_InfiniteStorage s in WorldComp.GetInfiniteStorages(bill.Map))
                        __result += s.StoredThingCount(def, bill.ingredientFilter);
        public static void Postfix(ref RecipeWorkerCounter __instance, ref int __result, ref Bill_Production bill)
            var extendedBillData = Main.Instance.GetExtendedBillDataStorage().GetExtendedDataFor(bill);

            if (extendedBillData == null)

            if (extendedBillData.ProductAdditionalFilter != null)
                __result += CountAdditionalProducts(__instance, bill, extendedBillData);

            if (!ExtendedBillDataStorage.CanOutputBeFiltered(bill))

            var productThingDef = bill.recipe.products.First().thingDef;

            // Count resource items not in stockpiles
            if (Main.Instance.ShouldCountOutsideStockpiles() &&
                productThingDef.CountAsResource &&
                !bill.includeEquipped &&
                (bill.includeTainted || !productThingDef.IsApparel || !productThingDef.apparel.careIfWornByCorpse) &&
                bill.includeFromZone == null &&
                bill.hpRange.min == 0f &&
                bill.hpRange.max == 1f &&
                bill.qualityRange.min == QualityCategory.Awful &&
                bill.qualityRange.max == QualityCategory.Legendary &&
                __result += GetMatchingItemCountOutsideStockpiles(bill, productThingDef);

            if (!bill.includeEquipped)

            if (extendedBillData.CountAway)
                __result += CountAway(bill.Map, __instance, bill, productThingDef);
예제 #9
        static void Postfix(ref int __result, RecipeWorkerCounter __instance, Bill_Production bill)
            List <ThingDefCountClass> products = __instance.recipe.products;

            if (WorldComp.DressersToUse.Count > 0 && products != null)
                foreach (ThingDefCountClass product in products)
                    ThingDef def = product.thingDef;
                    foreach (Building_Dresser d in WorldComp.DressersToUse)
                        if (bill.Map == d.Map)
                            __result += d.GetApparelCount(def, bill.qualityRange, bill.hpRange, (bill.limitToAllowedStuff) ? bill.ingredientFilter : null);
예제 #10
        static void Postfix(ref int __result, RecipeWorkerCounter __instance, Bill_Production bill)
            List <ThingDefCountClass> products = __instance.recipe.products;
            var storages = WorldComp.GetWeaponStorages(bill?.Map);

            if (storages.Count() > 0 && products != null)
                foreach (ThingDefCountClass product in products)
                    ThingDef def = product.thingDef;
                    if (def.IsWeapon)
                        foreach (Building_WeaponStorage ws in WorldComp.GetWeaponStorages(bill.Map))
                            __result += ws.GetWeaponCount(def, bill.qualityRange, bill.hpRange, (bill.limitToAllowedStuff) ? bill.ingredientFilter : null);
예제 #11
        static void Postfix(RecipeWorkerCounter __instance, ref int __result, Bill_Production bill)
            if (bill.includeFromZone == null)
                int      i         = 0;
                ThingDef targetDef = __instance.recipe.products[0].thingDef;

                for (i = 0; i < PRFGameComponent.AssemblerQueue.Count; i++)
                    foreach (Thing heldThing in PRFGameComponent.AssemblerQueue[i].GetThingQueue())
                        Thing innerIfMinified = heldThing.GetInnerIfMinified();
                        if (innerIfMinified.def == targetDef)
                            __result += innerIfMinified.stackCount;
예제 #12
        internal static int CountProductsWithEquivalency(Bill_Production bill, RecipeWorkerCounter counter)
            HashSet <string> eqNames = QOLTweaksPack.MealSelection.Value.InnerList;

            ThingCountClass thingCountClass = counter.recipe.products[0];

            //Log.Message("Looking for equivalencies to " + thingCountClass.thingDef);
            if (thingCountClass.thingDef.CountAsResource)
                int total = 0;
                foreach (string eqName in eqNames)
                    ThingDef def = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed(eqName);

                    int local = bill.Map.resourceCounter.GetCount(def);
                    total += local;
                    //Log.Message("Counted " + local + " of " + def.defName);
            int num = bill.Map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(thingCountClass.thingDef).Count;

            if (thingCountClass.thingDef.Minifiable)
                List <Thing> list = bill.Map.listerThings.ThingsInGroup(ThingRequestGroup.MinifiedThing);
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    MinifiedThing minifiedThing = (MinifiedThing)list[i];
                    if (eqNames.Contains(minifiedThing.InnerThing.def.defName))
        // Count other things on map for ProductAdditionalFilter
        // This is sadly most of CountProducts re-written with a for loop for the additional defs
        public static int CountAdditionalProducts(RecipeWorkerCounter counter, Bill_Production bill, ExtendedBillData extendedBillData)
            ThingFilter filter    = extendedBillData.ProductAdditionalFilter;
            bool        countAway = extendedBillData.CountAway;

            Map      map = bill.Map;
            ThingDef defaultProductDef = counter.recipe.products[0].thingDef;
            int      count             = 0;

            foreach (ThingDef def in filter.AllowedThingDefs)
                //Obviously skip the default product, it was already counted
                if (def == defaultProductDef)

                //Same as CountProducts but now with other products
                if (def.CountAsResource && !bill.includeEquipped && (bill.includeTainted || !def.IsApparel || !def.apparel.careIfWornByCorpse) && bill.includeFromZone == null && bill.hpRange.min == 0f && bill.hpRange.max == 1f && bill.qualityRange.min == QualityCategory.Awful && bill.qualityRange.max == QualityCategory.Legendary && !bill.limitToAllowedStuff)
                    count += map.resourceCounter.GetCount(def);
                    foreach (Pawn pawn in map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned)
                        count += CountPawnThings(pawn, counter, bill, def, true);
                else if (bill.includeFromZone == null)
                    count += counter.CountValidThings(map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(def), bill, def);
                    if (def.Minifiable)
                        List <Thing> list = map.listerThings.ThingsInGroup(ThingRequestGroup.MinifiedThing);
                        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                            MinifiedThing minifiedThing = (MinifiedThing)list[i];
                            if (counter.CountValidThing(minifiedThing.InnerThing, bill, def))
                                count += minifiedThing.stackCount * minifiedThing.InnerThing.stackCount;

                    if (!bill.includeEquipped)
                        //Still count Carried Things
                        foreach (Pawn pawn in map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned)
                            count += CountPawnThings(pawn, counter, bill, def, true);
                    foreach (Thing current in bill.includeFromZone.AllContainedThings)
                        Thing innerIfMinified = current.GetInnerIfMinified();
                        if (counter.CountValidThing(innerIfMinified, bill, def))
                            count += innerIfMinified.stackCount;

                if (bill.includeEquipped)
                    foreach (Pawn pawn in map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned)
                        count += CountPawnThings(pawn, counter, bill, def);
                if (countAway)
                    count += CountAway(map, counter, bill, def);
 //public int CountValidThings(List<Thing> things, Bill_Production bill, ThingDef def)
 public static bool Prefix(ref int __result, RecipeWorkerCounter __instance, List <Thing> things, Bill_Production bill, ThingDef def)
     //Vital fix being stackCount, not just # of things.
     __result = things.Where(t => __instance.CountValidThing(t, bill, def)).Sum(t => t.stackCount);
예제 #15
        public static void Postfix(ref RecipeWorkerCounter __instance, ref int __result, ref Bill_Production bill)
            if (!bill.includeEquipped)

            if (!ExtendedBillDataStorage.CanOutputBeFiltered(bill))

            var billMap = bill.Map;

            var productThingDef = bill.recipe.products.First().thingDef;

            // Fix for vanilla not counting items being hauled by colonists or animals
            foreach (var pawn in billMap.mapPawns.SpawnedPawnsInFaction(Faction.OfPlayer))
                // Ignore prisoners, include animals
                if (!(pawn.IsFreeColonist || !pawn.IsColonist))

                if (pawn.carryTracker != null)
                    __result += CountMatchingThingsIn(
                        pawn.carryTracker.innerContainer, __instance, bill, productThingDef);

            var extendedBillData = Main.Instance.GetExtendedBillDataStorage().GetExtendedDataFor(bill);

            if (extendedBillData == null || !extendedBillData.CountAway)

            // Look for matching items in colonists and animals away from base
            foreach (var pawn in Find.WorldPawns.AllPawnsAlive)
                if (pawn.GetOriginMap() != billMap)
                    // OriginMap is only set on our pawns who are away from base

                if (pawn.apparel != null)
                    __result += CountMatchingThingsIn(pawn.apparel.WornApparel.Cast <Thing>(), __instance, bill, productThingDef);

                if ( != null)
                    __result += CountMatchingThingsIn( <Thing>(), __instance, bill, productThingDef);

                if (pawn.inventory != null)
                    __result += CountMatchingThingsIn(pawn.inventory.innerContainer, __instance, bill, productThingDef);

                if (pawn.carryTracker != null)
                    __result += CountMatchingThingsIn(pawn.carryTracker.innerContainer, __instance, bill, productThingDef);