public ActionResult Edit(Recipe recipe, HttpPostedFileBase Image) { if (recipe.Image != null) { Recipe image = repo.Get(recipe.RecipeId); string tmp = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(image.Image.ToString())).ToString(); System.IO.File.Delete(tmp); int UserId = Int32.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()); recipe.UserId = UserId; String sExt = Path.GetExtension(Image.FileName).ToLower(); String imagePath = "/Content/images/recipe/" + recipe.RecipeName + " " + recipe.UserId + sExt; string temp = recipe.RecipeName + " " + recipe.UserId + sExt; //var fileName = Path.GetFileName(Image.FileName); var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/recipe/"), temp); Image.SaveAs(path); recipe.Image = imagePath; this.repo.Update(recipe); return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Recipe", new { id = recipe.RecipeId })); } else { Recipe image = repo.Get(recipe.RecipeId); string tmp = image.Image.ToString(); recipe.Image = tmp; this.repo.Update(recipe); return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Recipe", new { id = recipe.RecipeId })); } }
public async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <Recipe> > Search(string criteria, string category) { var resolvedCriteria = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(criteria) ? null : criteria; var resolvedCategory = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(category) ? null : category; var data = _repository.Get(resolvedCriteria, resolvedCategory); return(data); }
public async Task <List <RecipeModel> > GetRecipeByKeyword(string keyword) { RecipeRepository repo = new RecipeRepository(_config, _loggerFactory); var response = await repo.Get(keyword); return(response.ToList()); }
public ActionResult Details(int id) { var repo = new RecipeRepository(); var recipe = repo.Get(id); return(View(recipe)); }
public void ChangeDescription(int idRecipe) { Console.Write("\n Enter recipe description: "); string description = Validation.NullOrEmptyText(Console.ReadLine()); var recipe = RecipeRepository.Get(idRecipe); recipe.Description = description; RecipeRepository.Update(recipe); UnitOfWork.SaveAllData(); }
public void Edit(int id) { Console.Write("\n Enter the name of the recipe: "); string nameRecipe = RecipeRepository.IsNameMustNotExist(Console.ReadLine()); var recipe = RecipeRepository.Get(id); recipe.Name = nameRecipe; RecipeRepository.Update(recipe); UnitOfWork.SaveAllData(); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { var repo = new RecipeRepository(); RecipeDto recipe = repo.Get(id); if (recipe == null) { return(HttpNotFound("The recipe you requested does not exist")); } return(View(recipe)); }
public async Task <string> GenerateShoppingCart(string words, string stores, Prj4databaseContext context) { string initString = "" + "<html>"; string endString = "</html>"; string bodystring = ""; string[] storeSplit = new string[8]; if (stores != null) { storeSplit = stores.Split(';', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } RecipeQuery query = new RecipeQuery { LoadIngredientList = true, LoadRecipeCategory = true, SearchRecipe = words, NumberOfRecipes = 1, Stores = storeSplit }; RecipeRepository recipeRepository = new RecipeRepository(context); var result = await recipeRepository.Get(query); foreach (var recipe in result) { bodystring = ""; string ingrediensstring = ""; bodystring += "<h3><strong>Indkøbsliste</strong></h3>"; bodystring += "<ul>"; foreach (var ingredient in recipe.IngredientList.Ingredient) { ingrediensstring += "<li class='p6'>" + ingredient.Name + " - " + " Købes i " + ingredient.Product.RetailChain.Name + " for " + ingredient.Product.Price + " kr. " + "</li>"; } bodystring += ingrediensstring; bodystring += "</ul>" + "</div>" + "<br style='clear:both' />" + "<ul>" + "</div>"; } return(initString + bodystring + endString); }
public IHttpActionResult GenShoppingList(int[] recipeIdArray) { RecipeRepository repository = new RecipeRepository(); StringBuilder IngredientNames = new StringBuilder(); Recipe recipe; foreach (var id in recipeIdArray) { recipe = repository.Get(id); IngredientNames.Append(recipe.Ingredients.Replace("\n", "")); IngredientNames.Append("\n"); } return(Ok(IngredientNames.ToString())); }
private void ButtonSave_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var result = repository.Get(recipe.Id); if (result != null) { DisplayAlert("Info", "Recipes already registered :)", "OK"); return; } if (repository.Save(recipe)) { DisplayAlert("Info", "Recipe save success :)", "OK"); Navigation.PushAsync(new MainPage()); } else { DisplayAlert("Info", "Something wrong :(", "OK"); return; } }
public void View(int idRecipe) { var recipe = RecipeRepository.Get(idRecipe); Console.WriteLine($"{new string('\n', 5)} ________{recipe.Name}________\n\n"); Console.WriteLine($" {Validation.WrapText(10, recipe.Description, "\n ")}"); Console.WriteLine("\n Required ingredients:\n"); //ingredients recipe foreach (var a in AamountIngredientRepository.Items.Where(x => x.IdRecipe == recipe.Id)) { foreach (var i in ingredientRepository.Items.Where(x => x.Id == a.IdIngredient)) { Console.WriteLine($" {i.Name} - {a.Amount} {a.Unit}"); } } //steps recipe Console.WriteLine("\n Сooking steps:\n"); foreach (var s in CookingStepRepository.Items.Where(x => x.IdRecipe == recipe.Id).OrderBy(x => x.Step)) { Console.WriteLine($" {s.Step}. {Validation.WrapText(10, s.Name, "\n ")}"); } }
public int GetIdCategory(int idRecipe) { return(RecipeRepository.Get(idRecipe).IdCategory); }
public async Task <string> ShowRecipeSmallViewSearchAsync(string word, string stores, Prj4databaseContext context) { string initString = "" + "<html>"; string style = "<head>" + "<style>" + ".viewOfRecipe{" + "width: 60%;" + "height: 200px;" + "border: 2px solid;" + "padding: 2px;" + "margin: 20px;}" + ".img1{" + "display: block;" + "position: absolute;" + "width: 350px;" + "height: 200px;}" + ".textForPrice{" + "display: block;" + "position: relative;" + "float: left;" + "margin-left: 355px;" + "font-size: 20px;}" + "</style>" + "</head> "; string endString = "</html>"; string bodystring = ""; HtmlCalculator calculator = new HtmlCalculator(); string[] storeSplit = new string[8]; string[] storeSplitfake = new string[8]; if (stores != null) { storeSplit = stores.Split(';', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } RecipeQuery query = new RecipeQuery { SearchRecipe = word, NumberOfRecipes = 5, LoadIngredientList = true, }; RecipeRepository recipeRepository = new RecipeRepository(context); var recipeQuery = await recipeRepository.Get(query); if (recipeQuery.Count() == 0) { return("Ingen opskrift fundet"); } foreach (var recipe in recipeQuery) { double originalPrice = 0; double salePrice = 0; double lowestPrice = 0; if (stores == null) { if (recipe.Price != null) { originalPrice = (double)recipe.Price; } if (recipe.SavingsAbsolute != null) { salePrice = (double)recipe.SavingsAbsolute; lowestPrice = (double)recipe.SavingsAbsolute; } } else { originalPrice = await calculator.NormalPrice(recipe, recipe.Name, storeSplit, context); salePrice = await calculator.TotalPrice(recipe, recipe.Name, storeSplit, context); lowestPrice = await calculator.TotalPrice(recipe, recipe.Name, storeSplitfake, context); } bodystring += "<div class='viewOfRecipe'>" + "<div class='imageOfRecipe'>" + "<a href='/#/Recipe/" + recipe.Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace("æ", string.Empty).Replace("ø", string.Empty).Replace("å", string.Empty) + "'>" + "<img class='img1' src='" + recipe.ImgSrc + "' alt='recpieImg'></a>" + "</div>" + "<div class='textForPrice'>" + "<div style='font-size: 25px;'>" + "<a href='/#/Recipe/" + recipe.Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace("æ", string.Empty).Replace("ø", string.Empty).Replace("å", string.Empty) + "'>" + recipe.Name + "</a>" + "<br />" + "</div>" + "Original pris: " + originalPrice + "kr." + " <br />" + "Pris med rabat: " + salePrice + "kr." + "<br />" + "Laveste mulige pris: " + lowestPrice + "kr." + "<br />" + "</div>" + "</div>"; } return(initString + style + bodystring + endString); }
public async Task <string> ShowRecipeFullView(string words, double antal, Prj4databaseContext context) { string initString = "" + "<html>"; string endString = "</html>"; string bodystring = ""; antal /= 4; RecipeQuery query = new RecipeQuery { LoadIngredientList = true, LoadRecipeCategory = true, SearchRecipe = words, NumberOfRecipes = 1, }; RecipeRepository recipeRepository = new RecipeRepository(context); var result = await recipeRepository.Get(query); foreach (var recipe in result) { bodystring = ""; string ingrediensstring = ""; string directionsstring = ""; bodystring += "<h1>" + recipe.Name + "</h1>" + "<div class='recipe'>" + "<div class='ingredienser'>" + "<p class='p2'><span class='s1'>" + recipe.CookTime + " min tilberednings tid" + "<div class='image'>" + "<img src = '" + recipe.ImgSrc + "' height='400' width='700'/>" + "</div>" + "<br style='clear: both' />" + "<h3 class='p3'><strong>Fremgangsmåde</strong></h3>" + "<div class='i1'>" + "<ul>"; foreach (var direction in recipe.Directions) { directionsstring += "<li class='p5'>" + direction.Description + "</li>"; } bodystring += directionsstring; bodystring += "</ul>" + "<h3><strong>Ingredienser</strong></h3>" + "<ul>"; foreach (var ingredient in recipe.IngredientList.Ingredient) { ingrediensstring += "<li class='p6'>" + (ingredient.Amount * antal) + ingredient.AmountUnit + " " + ingredient.Name + "</li>"; } bodystring += ingrediensstring; bodystring += "</ul>" + "</div>" + "<br style='clear:both' />" + "<ul>" + "</div>"; } return(initString + bodystring + endString); }