예제 #1
        public override void RowSelected(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
            //[Take Row]
            RecipeTWCell cell = tableView.CellAt(indexPath) as RecipeTWCell;

            if (cell != null)
                if (cell.m_bWasChanged)
                    RecipeRecord rec = RecipeManager.GetRecipeRecord(m_tableItems[indexPath.Row].ID);
                    rec.isFavourite = cell.m_bChecked ? 1 : 0;
                    cell.m_bWasChanged = false;
                    // add pages
                    DukappPagedDataSource qsrc = new DukappPagedDataSource(2);
                    DukappPagedVC         mp   = new DukappPagedVC(qsrc);
                    MealsVC     rec_meals      = new MealsVC(m_tableItems[indexPath.Row], m_parent_vc);
                    HowToCookVC cook_vc        = new HowToCookVC(m_tableItems[indexPath.Row]);
                    mp.SetViewControllers(new UIViewController[] { rec_meals }, UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirection.Forward, true, null);
                    m_parent_vc.NavigationController.PushViewController(mp, true);
예제 #2
파일: CraftDialog.cs 프로젝트: Mixi59/Stump
        public bool ChangeRecipe(CraftingActor actor, RecipeRecord recipe)
            if (recipe.JobId != Job.Id)

            if (recipe.ResultLevel > Job.Level && Job.Id != (int)JobEnum.BASE)

            bool valid = true;

            for (int i = 0; valid && i < recipe.Ingredients.Length; i++)
                var item = actor.Character.Inventory.TryGetItem(recipe.Ingredients[i]);

                valid = item != null && actor.MoveItemToPanel(item, (int)recipe.Quantities[i]);

            if (!valid)

        public void PerformCraft(RecipeRecord currentRecipe)
            var obj = new ObjectItem((byte)CharacterInventoryPositionEnum.INVENTORY_POSITION_NOT_EQUIPED, currentRecipe.ResultId, ItemRecord.GetItem(currentRecipe.ResultId).GenerateRandomEffect(), CharacterItemRecord.PopNextUID(), 1);

            Client.Character.Inventory.Add(new CharacterItemRecord(obj, Client.Character.Id));
            Client.Send(new ExchangeCraftResultWithObjectDescMessage(2, new ObjectItemNotInContainer(currentRecipe.ResultId, obj.effects, obj.objectUID, 1)));
            Client.Character.AddJobXp(JobId, (ulong)(currentRecipe.ResultLevel * XpRatio));
예제 #4
 public HowToCookVC(RecipeRecord recipe)
     : base(UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone ? "HowToCookVC_iPhone" : "HowToCookVC_iPad", null)
     m_recipe    = recipe;
     m_PageIndex = 1;
     m_d_p       = RecipeManager.GetPhaseForRecipe(m_recipe.ID);
예제 #5
        public static void AddRecipeCommand(string value, WorldClient client)
            var recipe = RecipeRecord.GetRecipe(ushort.Parse(value));

            foreach (var item in recipe.IngredientsWithQuantities)
                client.Character.Inventory.Add(item.Key, item.Value);
        public void SetCraftRecipe(ushort resultid)
            var recipe = RecipeRecord.GetRecipe(resultid);

            foreach (var item in recipe.IngredientsWithQuantities)
                var obj = Client.Character.Inventory.Items.Find(x => x.GID == item.Key);
                AddItemToPanel(obj, item.Value);
예제 #7
        public static void RecipeCommand(string value, WorldClient client)
            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                RecipeRecord recipe = RecipeRecord.GetRecipe(ushort.Parse(value));

                foreach (var item in recipe.Ingredients)
                    client.Character.Inventory.AddItem(item.Key, item.Value);
예제 #8
        public MealsVC(RecipeRecord recipe, UIViewController parent = null)
            : base(UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone ? "MealsVC_iPhone" : "MealsVC_iPad", null)
            List <RecipeMealsRecord> rmr = RecipeManager.GetMealsForRecipe(recipe.ID);

            m_table_source = new MealTableSrc(rmr.ToArray());
            this.Title     = "Meals";
            m_d_p          = RecipeManager.GetPhaseForRecipe(recipe.ID);
            //m_stage = "Stages: ";
            m_recipe    = recipe;
            this.Title  = recipe.RecipeName;
            m_PageIndex = 0;
            m_parent    = parent;
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// FAILLE WPE
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gid"></param>
        public void SetRecipe(ushort gid)
            var recipe = RecipeRecord.GetRecipe(gid);

            if (recipe != null && recipe.ResultLevel <= Character.GetJob(JobType).Level)
                foreach (var ingredient in recipe.Ingredients)
                    CharacterItemRecord item = Character.Inventory.GetFirstItem(ingredient.Key, ingredient.Value);
                    if (item != null)
                        CraftedItems.AddItem(item, ingredient.Value);
        public override void Ready(bool ready, ushort step)
            var crafterLevel  = CharacterJobRecord.GetJob(Client.Character.Id, JobId).JobLevel;
            var currentRecipe = RecipeRecord.GetRecipe(CraftedItems, (ushort)SkillId);

            if (currentRecipe.IsNull())
                Client.Send(new ExchangeCraftResultMessage((sbyte)CraftResultEnum.CRAFT_IMPOSSIBLE));
            else if (currentRecipe.ResultLevel > crafterLevel)
                Client.Character.Reply("Vous n'avez pas le niveau pour effectuer ce craft!");
            ReplayEngine = new CraftReplayEngine(this, currentRecipe);
예제 #11
파일: Job.cs 프로젝트: Mixi59/Stump
        public int GetCraftXp(RecipeRecord recipe, int amount)
            if (Id == (int)JobEnum.BASE)

            var level = Level;

            if (level == 200)
                return(GetXpPerLevel(recipe, Level) * amount);

            double upperBoundXp = UpperBoundExperience;
            double currentXp    = Experience;
            double xp           = 0;

            while (amount > 0)
                if (level - JobManager.MAX_JOB_LEVEL_GAP > recipe.ItemTemplate.Level)

                var xpPerLevel = GetXpPerLevel(recipe, level);

                var amountBeforeLevelUp = (int)Math.Min(amount, Math.Ceiling((upperBoundXp - currentXp) / xpPerLevel));
                amount    -= amountBeforeLevelUp;
                xp        += xpPerLevel * amountBeforeLevelUp;
                currentXp += xpPerLevel * amountBeforeLevelUp;

                if (currentXp >= upperBoundXp)
                    upperBoundXp = ExperienceManager.Instance.GetCharacterNextLevelExperience((byte)level);

예제 #12
파일: Job.cs 프로젝트: Mixi59/Stump
        private int GetXpPerLevel(RecipeRecord recipe, int level)
            if (level - JobManager.MAX_JOB_LEVEL_GAP > recipe.ItemTemplate.Level)

            var xpPerLevel = 20d * recipe.ItemTemplate.Level / (Math.Pow((level - recipe.ItemTemplate.Level), 1.1) / 10 + 1);

            if (recipe.ItemTemplate.CraftXpRatio > -1)
                xpPerLevel *= recipe.ItemTemplate.CraftXpRatio / 100d;
            else if (recipe.ItemTemplate.Type.CraftXpRatio > -1)
                xpPerLevel *= recipe.ItemTemplate.Type.CraftXpRatio / 100d;

            xpPerLevel *= Rates.JobXpRate;
            xpPerLevel  = Math.Floor(xpPerLevel);

예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows creation of a new volume
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">
        /// Configuration definition for the new volume
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The created volume</returns>
        public Volume CreateVolume(CreateVolumeInput input)
            // setup parameters
            GraphQLParameters parameters = new GraphQLParameters();

            parameters.Add("input", input);

            TokenResponse tokenResponse = RunMutation <TokenResponse>(
                @"createVolumeV3", parameters);

            RecipeRecordIdentifier identifier = DeliverTokenV2(tokenResponse);

            if (identifier == null)
                throw new Exception("Uncomprehensive information returned from server");

            // wait for recipe completion
            DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // recipe filter
            NPodRecipeFilter filter = new NPodRecipeFilter();

            filter.NPodGuid   = identifier.NPodGuid;
            filter.RecipeGuid = identifier.RecipeGuid;

            while (true)

                // query for recipes
                RecipeRecordList recipes = GetNPodRecipes(filter);

                // if there is no record in the cloud wait a few more seconds
                // this case should not exist. TODO: Remove in next version.
                if (recipes.Items.Length == 0)

                // based on the query there should be exactly one
                RecipeRecord recipe = recipes.Items[0];

                // execution failed
                if (recipe.State == RecipeState.Failed)
                    string error = string.Concat("volume creation failed", recipe.Status);
                    throw new Exception(error);

                // execution completed
                if (recipe.State == RecipeState.Completed)
                    VolumeFilter volumeFilter = new VolumeFilter();
                    volumeFilter.Guid           = new GuidFilter();
                    volumeFilter.Guid.MustEqual = tokenResponse.WaitOn;

                    VolumeList list = GetVolumes(null, volumeFilter, null);

                    if (list.FilteredCount >= 0)

                // still ongoing
                double duration      = (DateTime.UtcNow - start).TotalSeconds;
                double timeRemaining = NPOD_CREATE_WAITTIME_SEC - duration;

                if (timeRemaining <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("Snapshot creation timed out");
예제 #14
 public CraftReplayEngine(CraftExchange craftinstance, RecipeRecord recipe)
     Instance = craftinstance;
     Recipe   = recipe;
     ActualReplayCountLeft = craftinstance.ReplayCount;
예제 #15
 public void Dispose()
     Instance.ReplayEngine = null;
     Instance = null;
     Recipe   = null;
예제 #16
 public static int SaveRecipeRecord(RecipeRecord item)
예제 #17
 public static int SaveRecipeRecord(RecipeRecord item)
     return(instance.db.SaveItem <RecipeRecord>(item));
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows creation of a new nPod
        /// <para>
        /// A nPod is a collection of network-connected application servers
        /// with SPUs installed that form an application cluster. Together, the
        /// SPUs in a nPod serve shared or local storage to the servers in the
        /// application cluster, e.g.a hypervisor cluster, container platform,
        /// or clustered bare metal application.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">
        /// Name of the new nPod
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nPodGroupGuid">
        /// The unique identifier of the nPod group this nPod will be added to
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nPodSpuInputs">
        /// List of SPU configuration information that will be used in the new
        /// nPod
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="templateGuid">
        /// The unique identifier of the nPod template to use for the new nPod
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="note">
        /// An optional note for the new nPod
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timezone">
        /// The timezone to be configured for all SPUs in the nPod
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ignoreWarnings">
        /// If specified and set to <c>true</c> the nPod creation will proceed
        /// even if nebulon ON reports warnings. It is advised to not ignore
        /// warnings. Consequently, the default behavior is that the nPod
        /// creation will fail when nebulon ON reports validation errors.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The new nPod</returns>
        public NPod CreateNPod(
            string name,
            Guid nPodGroupGuid,
            NPodSpuInput[] nPodSpuInputs,
            Guid templateGuid,
            string note,
            string timezone,
            bool ignoreWarnings)
            // check for potential issues that nebulon ON predicts
            Issues issues = GetNewNPodIssues(nPodSpuInputs);


            CreateNPodInput input = new CreateNPodInput();

            input.Name             = name;
            input.NPodGroupGuid    = nPodGroupGuid;
            input.Spus             = nPodSpuInputs;
            input.NPodTemplateGuid = templateGuid;
            input.Note             = note;
            input.Timezone         = timezone;

            // setup parameters for nPod creation
            GraphQLParameters parameters = new GraphQLParameters();

            parameters.Add("input", input, true);

            // make the request and deliver token
            TokenResponse tokenResponse = RunMutation <TokenResponse>(

            RecipeRecordIdentifier identifier = DeliverTokenV2(tokenResponse);

            if (identifier == null)
                throw new Exception("Uncomprehensive information returned from server");

            // wait for recipe completion
            DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // recipe filter
            NPodRecipeFilter filter = new NPodRecipeFilter();

            filter.NPodGuid   = identifier.NPodGuid;
            filter.RecipeGuid = identifier.RecipeGuid;

            while (true)

                // query for recipes
                RecipeRecordList recipes = GetNPodRecipes(filter);

                // if there is no record in the cloud wait a few more seconds
                // this case should not exist. TODO: Remove in next version.
                if (recipes.Items.Length == 0)

                // based on the query there should be exactly one
                RecipeRecord recipe = recipes.Items[0];

                // execution failed
                if (recipe.State == RecipeState.Failed)
                    string error = string.Concat("nPod creation failed", recipe.Status);
                    throw new Exception(error);

                // execution completed
                if (recipe.State == RecipeState.Completed)
                    NPodFilter nPodFilter = new NPodFilter();
                    nPodFilter.NPodGuid           = new GuidFilter();
                    nPodFilter.NPodGuid.MustEqual = identifier.NPodGuid;

                    NPodList nPods = GetNebNPods(


                // still ongoing
                double duration      = (DateTime.UtcNow - start).TotalSeconds;
                double timeRemaining = NPOD_CREATE_WAITTIME_SEC - duration;

                if (timeRemaining <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("nPod creation timed out");