public void TearDown() { _realm.Close(); Realm.DeleteRealm(_realm.Config); }
protected override void CustomTearDown() { base.CustomTearDown(); Realm.DeleteRealm(_configuration); }
public void Setup() { Realm.DeleteRealm(RealmConfiguration.DefaultConfiguration); _realm = Realm.GetInstance(); }
public void TestClientResync() { SyncTestHelpers.RunRosTestAsync(async() => { var config = await GetClientResyncConfig(); // Let's delete anything local. Realm.DeleteRealm(config); Exception ex = null; Session.Error += (s, e) => { if (e.Exception.Message != "End of input") { Debugger.Break(); ex = e.Exception; } }; using (var realm = await Realm.GetInstanceAsync(config)) { realm.Write(() => { realm.Add(new IntPrimaryKeyWithValueObject { Id = 1, StringValue = "1" }); }); await WaitForUploadAsync(realm); } // Stop ROS and backup the file. Then restart Debugger.Break(); using (var realm = await GetRealmAsync(config)) { realm.Write(() => { realm.Add(new IntPrimaryKeyWithValueObject { Id = 2, StringValue = "2" }); }); await WaitForUploadAsync(realm); // Stop ROS Debugger.Break(); realm.Write(() => { realm.Add(new IntPrimaryKeyWithValueObject { Id = 3, StringValue = "3" }); }); } // Replace the file from backup. Restart ROS and run TestClientResync2 Debugger.Break(); Assert.That(ex, Is.Null); }, (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10).TotalMilliseconds); }