예제 #1
    public void sortDetectPoint(Vector3[] dp_3D, RealCamera camera, int[] sort_index)
        for (int i = 0; i < sort_index.Length; i++)
            sort_index [i] = i;

        float[] distance = new float[dp_3D.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < dp_3D.Length; i++)
            distance [i] = Vector3.Distance(dp_3D [i], camera.transform.position);

        for (int i = 0; i < dp_3D.Length; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < dp_3D.Length; j++)
                if (distance [i] > distance [j])
                    int temp;
                    temp           = sort_index [i];
                    sort_index [i] = sort_index [j];
                    sort_index[j]  = temp;

                    float tempf;
                    tempf        = distance [i];
                    distance [i] = distance [j];
                    distance [j] = tempf;

        Array.Clear(distance, 0, distance.Length);
예제 #2
     * 將normalized的點
     * 轉換成pixel座標
     * Input : normalize 後的點
    public Vector3[] transformNormalizeVerticeToTexture(Vector3[] input_vertice, RealCamera camera)
        Vector3[] result = new Vector3[input_vertice.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < input_vertice.Length; i++)
            Vector3 pos_on_texture;
            pos_on_texture.x = input_vertice[i].x * camera.pixel_width;
            pos_on_texture.y = input_vertice[i].y * camera.pixel_height;
            pos_on_texture.z = 0;

            result[i] = pos_on_texture;

예제 #3
    public Vector3[] projectVertice3DToProjectPlane(Vector3[] vertex3D, RealCamera camera)
        int vertex_num = vertex3D.Length;

        Vector3[] vertex2D = new Vector3[vertex_num];

        Vector3 camera_position  = camera.transform.position;
        Vector3 camera_direction = camera.transform.forward.normalized;
        Vector3 cameraToPlane    = camera_direction * camera.camera_distance;

        for (int i = 0; i < vertex_num; i++)
            Vector3 cameraToVertex = vertex3D[i] - camera_position;
            float   t = Vector3.Dot(cameraToPlane, camera_direction) / Vector3.Dot(cameraToVertex, camera_direction);
            vertex2D[i] = camera_position + cameraToVertex * t;

예제 #4
     * 將投影面上的點
     * 以左下角為原點
     * 投影面的長和寬為1單位
     * 做normalize
     * (0,1,0)_____________(1,1,0)
     *        |           |
     *        |   投影面   |
     * (0,0,0)|___________|(1,0,0)
    public Vector3[] normalizeVertice2D(Vector3[] input_vertice, RealCamera camera)
        Vector3[] result = new Vector3[input_vertice.Length];

        //origin 為 相機成像 左下角的點
        Vector3 origin = camera.transform.position + camera.transform.forward * camera.camera_distance
                         - camera.transform.right * camera.camera_width / 2
                         - camera.transform.up * camera.camera_height / 2;

        for (int i = 0; i < input_vertice.Length; i++)
            Vector3 normalized_pos;
            Vector3 diff = input_vertice[i] - origin;
            normalized_pos.x = Vector3.Project(diff, camera.transform.right).magnitude / camera.camera_width * (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Project(diff, camera.transform.right).normalized, camera.transform.right));
            normalized_pos.y = Vector3.Project(diff, camera.transform.up).magnitude / camera.camera_height * (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Project(diff, camera.transform.up).normalized, camera.transform.up));
            normalized_pos.z = 0;
            result[i]        = normalized_pos;

예제 #5
파일: Human.cs 프로젝트: p476476/UnityTCP
    public void updateHumanPose3D()
        int camera_count = Main.instance.cameras.Length;

        //score confidence for each 2d joint
        float[,] confidence = new float[camera_count, joint_count];

        //detect occlusiion
        for (int skele_i = 0; skele_i < skeleton2D.Length; skele_i++)
            RealCamera rcam = Main.instance.cameras[skele_i].GetComponent <RealCamera>();

            for (int limb_i = 0; limb_i < limbs_index.GetLength(0); limb_i++)
                for (int joint_i = 0; joint_i < skeleton2D[skele_i].joint_position.Length; joint_i++)
                    float   proj_limb_w     = limbs_width[limb_i] * rcam.proj_diatence / Vector3.Distance(joints3D_transform[joint_i].position, rcam.transform.position);
                    int     pixel_limb_w    = (int)((proj_limb_w / rcam.proj_width) * rcam.pixel_width);
                    Vector3 pixel_limb_0    = skeleton2D[skele_i].joint_position[limbs_index[limb_i, 0]];
                    Vector3 pixel_limb_1    = skeleton2D[skele_i].joint_position[limbs_index[limb_i, 1]];
                    Vector3 pixel_joint_i   = skeleton2D[skele_i].joint_position[joint_i];
                    Vector3 normal_limb_v   = Vector3.Normalize(pixel_limb_1 - pixel_limb_0);
                    Vector3 normal_limb_w_v = new Vector3(normal_limb_v[1], normal_limb_v[0], 0);
                    if (Vector3.Dot(normal_limb_v, pixel_joint_i - pixel_limb_0) < Vector3.Distance(pixel_limb_1, pixel_limb_0) &&
                        Vector3.Dot(normal_limb_v, pixel_joint_i - pixel_limb_0) > 0 &&
                        Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(normal_limb_w_v, pixel_joint_i - pixel_limb_0)) < pixel_limb_w &&
                        Vector3.Distance(joints3D_transform[joint_i].position, rcam.transform.position) > Vector3.Distance(joints3D_transform[limbs_index[limb_i, 0]].position, rcam.transform.position))

                        confidence[skele_i, joint_i] = 1;
                        confidence[skele_i, joint_i] = 0;

        Vector3[] final_position    = new Vector3[joint_count];
        float[]   totoal_confidence = new float[joint_count];
        //only use high confidence 2d joint to fuse the 3d human skeleton model
        for (int skele_i = 0; skele_i < skeleton2D.Length; skele_i++)
            RealCamera rcam = Main.instance.cameras[skele_i].GetComponent <RealCamera>();
            Vector3[]  nor_joints_position = skeleton2D[skele_i].getNormalizeJointsPosition();

            for (int joint_i = 0; joint_i < skeleton2D[skele_i].joint_position.Length; joint_i++)
                Vector3 proj_joint = rcam.transform.position + rcam.transform.forward * rcam.proj_diatence + rcam.transform.right * rcam.proj_width * (0.5f - nor_joints_position[joint_i].x) + rcam.transform.up * rcam.proj_height * (0.5f - nor_joints_position[joint_i].y);
                Vector3 vec1       = proj_joint - rcam.transform.position;
                Vector3 vec2       = joints3D_transform[joint_i].position - rcam.transform.position;

                Vector3 new_pos = rcam.transform.position + Vector3.Project(vec2, vec1);
                final_position[joint_i]    += new_pos * confidence[skele_i, joint_i];
                totoal_confidence[joint_i] += confidence[skele_i, joint_i];

                //joints3D_transform[i].localPosition = new Vector3(joints2D_transform0[i].localPosition.x, joints2D_transform1[i].localPosition.y, joints2D_transform1[i].localPosition.x);

        for (int joint_i = 0; joint_i < skeleton2D[0].joint_position.Length; joint_i++)
            joints3D_transform[joint_i].localPosition = final_position[joint_i] / totoal_confidence[joint_i];
        for (int i = 0; i < skeleton2D[0].joint_position.Length; i++)