public void RunCommand(string[] Command) { string ReadCommand; GPlayer P; if (Command.Length > 1) { ReadCommand = Command[1]; } else { ReadCommand = ""; } switch (Command[0]) { case "cls": case "limpar": case "clear": { Console.Clear(); } break; case "kickuid": { P = (GPlayer)GetPlayerByUID(uint.Parse(ReadCommand.ToString())); if (P == null) { WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: THIS UID IS NOT ONLINE!", ConsoleColor.Red); break; } DisconnectPlayer(P); } break; case "kickname": { P = (GPlayer)GetPlayerByNickname(ReadCommand); if (P == null) { WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: THIS NICKNAME IS NOT ONLINE!", ConsoleColor.Red); return; } DisconnectPlayer(P); } break; case "kickuser": { P = (GPlayer)GetPlayerByUsername(ReadCommand); if (P == null) { WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: THIS USERNAME IS NOT ONLINE!", ConsoleColor.Red); return; } DisconnectPlayer(P); } break; case "topnotice": { if (ReadCommand.Length > 0) { Notice(ReadCommand); } } break; case "lobby": case "listalobby": case "canais": case "listacanais": case "showlobby": case "showchannel": { LobbyList.ShowChannel(); } break; case "comandos": case "commands": case "ajuda": case "help": { ShowHelp(); } break; default: { WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: Sorry Unknown Command, type 'help' to get the list of commands", ConsoleColor.Red); } break; } }
public override void RunCommand(string[] Command) { string ReadCommand; GPlayer P; if (Command.Length > 1) { ReadCommand = Command[1]; } else { ReadCommand = ""; } switch (Command[0]) { case "cls": case "limpar": case "clear": { Console.Clear(); } break; case "kickuid": { P = (GPlayer)GetPlayerByUID(uint.Parse(ReadCommand.ToString())); if (P == null) { WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: THIS UID IS NOT ONLINE!", ConsoleColor.Red); break; } DisconnectPlayer(P); } break; case "kickname": { P = (GPlayer)GetPlayerByNickname(ReadCommand); if (P == null) { WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: THIS NICKNAME IS NOT ONLINE!", ConsoleColor.Red); return; } DisconnectPlayer(P); } break; case "kickuser": { P = (GPlayer)GetPlayerByUsername(ReadCommand); if (P == null) { WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: THIS USERNAME IS NOT ONLINE!", ConsoleColor.Red); return; } DisconnectPlayer(P); } break; case "topnotice": { if (ReadCommand.Length > 0) { Notice(ReadCommand); } } break; case "lobby": case "listalobby": case "canais": case "listacanais": case "showlobby": case "showchannel": { LobbyList.ShowChannel(); } break; case "comandos": case "commands": case "ajuda": case "help": { ShowHelp(); } break; case "reload": case "reconfigurar": case "reconfig": { Ini = new IniFile(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServerConfig"]); Data = new ServerSettings { Name = Ini.ReadString("Config", "Name", "Pippin"), Version = Ini.ReadString("Config", "Version", "SV_GS_Release_2.0"), UID = Ini.ReadUInt32("Config", "UID", 20201), MaxPlayers = Ini.ReadUInt32("Config", "MaxPlayers", 3000), Port = Ini.ReadUInt32("Config", "Port", 20201), IP = Ini.ReadString("Config", "IP", ""), Property = Ini.ReadUInt32("Config", "Property", 2048), BlockFunc = Ini.ReadInt64("Config", "BlockFuncSystem", 0), EventFlag = Ini.ReadInt16("Config", "EventFlag", 0), ImgNo = Ini.ReadInt16("Config", "Icon", 1), GameVersion = "824.00", Type = AuthClientTypeEnum.GameServer, AuthServer_Ip = Ini.ReadString("Config", "AuthServer_IP", ""), AuthServer_Port = Ini.ReadInt32("Config", "AuthServer_Port", 7997), Key = "3493ef7ca4d69f54de682bee58be4f93" }; ShowLog = Ini.ReadBool("Config", "PacketLog", false); Messenger_Active = Ini.ReadBool("Config", "Messenger_Server", false); var packet = new AuthPacket() { ID = AuthPacketEnum.SERVER_UPDATE, Message = new { _data = Data } }; this.AuthServer.Send(packet); } break; default: { WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: Sorry Unknown Command, type 'help' to get the list of commands", ConsoleColor.Red); } break; } }
public override void RunCommand(string[] Command) { string ReadCommand; LPlayer P; if (Command.Length > 1) { ReadCommand = Command[1]; } else { ReadCommand = ""; } switch (Command[0]) { case "cls": case "limpar": case "clear": { Console.Clear(); } break; case "kickuid": { P = (LPlayer)GetPlayerByUID(uint.Parse(ReadCommand.ToString())); if (P == null) { WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: THIS UID IS NOT ONLINE!", ConsoleColor.Red); break; } DisconnectPlayer(P); } break; case "kickname": { P = (LPlayer)GetPlayerByNickname(ReadCommand); if (P == null) { WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: THIS NICKNAME IS NOT ONLINE!", ConsoleColor.Red); return; } DisconnectPlayer(P); } break; case "kickuser": { P = (LPlayer)GetPlayerByUsername(ReadCommand); if (P == null) { WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: THIS USERNAME IS NOT ONLINE!", ConsoleColor.Red); return; } DisconnectPlayer(P); } break; case "topnotice": { if (ReadCommand.Length > 0) { Notice(ReadCommand); } } break; case "stop": OpenServer = false; WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: Server is Close"); break; case "start": OpenServer = true; WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: Server is Open"); break; case "comandos": case "commands": case "ajuda": case "help": { ShowHelp(); } break; case "quit": case "exit": case "close": case "sair": case "fechar": { Console.WriteLine("The server was stopped!"); Environment.Exit(1); } break; default: { WriteConsole.WriteLine("[SYSTEM_COMMAND]: Sorry Unknown Command, type 'help' to get the list of commands", ConsoleColor.Red); } break; } }