/// <summary>
        /// Updates the state of the given profanity report in the database as either valid or not valid, dependingn on which reaction was added
        /// After this is executed once for a given message, and the votes cast are over a certain threshold (yes or no) this method will either delete the message
        /// or remove it only from the runtime data structure
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The <see cref="Discord.IUserMessage"> object containing the profanity report at which the reaction was added</param>
        /// <param name="channel">The <see cref="Discord.WebSocket.ISocketMessageChannel"> channel in which the profanity was reported to</param>
        /// <param name="reaction">The <see cref="Discord.WebSocket.SocketReaction"> object containing the added reaction</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task Execute(IUserMessage message, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction)
            var noEmote  = StoredEmote.GetEmote(Global.OnePlusEmote.OP_NO);
            var yesEmote = StoredEmote.GetEmote(Global.OnePlusEmote.OP_YES);

            using (var db = new Database())
                var profanityLq = db.Profanities.AsQueryable().Where(prof => prof.ReportMessageId == message.Id);
                if (profanityLq.Any())
                    if (reaction.Emote.Name == noEmote.Name || reaction.Emote.Name == yesEmote.Name)
                        var profanity = profanityLq.First();
                        ReactionMetadata yesReaction = message.Reactions.Where(re => re.Key.Name == yesEmote.Name).First().Value;
                        var yesCount = yesReaction.ReactionCount;
                        if (yesReaction.IsMe)
                            yesCount -= 1;

                        ReactionMetadata noReaction = message.Reactions.Where(re => re.Key.Name == noEmote.Name).First().Value;
                        var noCount = noReaction.ReactionCount;
                        if (noReaction.IsMe)
                            noCount -= 1;
                        if (yesCount >= Global.ProfanityVoteThreshold)
                            profanity.Valid = true;
                            var guild          = Global.Bot.GetGuild(Global.ServerID);
                            var profaneMessage = await guild.GetTextChannel(profanity.ChannelId).GetMessageAsync(profanity.MessageId);

                            if (profaneMessage != null)
                                if (profaneMessage is RestUserMessage)
                                    var castedProfaneMessage = profaneMessage as RestUserMessage;
                                    await castedProfaneMessage.DeleteAsync();
                                else if (profaneMessage is SocketUserMessage)
                                    var castedProfaneMessage = profaneMessage as SocketUserMessage;
                                    await castedProfaneMessage.DeleteAsync();
                            Global.ReportedProfanities.Remove(Global.ReportedProfanities.Where(g => g.ProfanityId == profanity.ProfanityId).FirstOrDefault());
                        if (noCount >= Global.ProfanityVoteThreshold)
                            Global.ReportedProfanities.Remove(Global.ReportedProfanities.Where(g => g.ProfanityId == profanity.ProfanityId).FirstOrDefault());
            await Task.CompletedTask;
예제 #2
        public async Task OnMessageUpdated(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> _, SocketMessage msg, ISocketMessageChannel __)
            if (!this.IsValidMessage(msg, false))

            if (msg.Embeds.Any(embed => IsValidUrl(embed.Url) || HasPlayableVideo(embed)) || msg.Attachments.Any(attachment => attachment.IsPlayableAttachment()))
                    SocketGuildChannel chan  = (SocketGuildChannel)msg.Channel;
                    SocketGuild        guild = chan.Guild;
                    if (guild.CurrentUser.GetPermissions(chan).AddReactions)
                        IUserMessage userMsg = (IUserMessage)msg;
                        if (userMsg.Reactions.ContainsKey(Emote))
                            ReactionMetadata metadata = userMsg.Reactions[Emote];
                            if (!metadata.IsMe)
                                await userMsg.AddReactionAsync(Emote);
                            await userMsg.AddReactionAsync(Emote);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.Logger.Nice("MusicPlayer", ConsoleColor.Yellow, $"Could not make a playable message usable: {ex.Message}");
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts an existing <see cref="ReactionMetadata"/> to an abstracted <see cref="IReactionMetadata"/> value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reactionMetadata">The existing <see cref="ReactionMetadata"/> to be abstracted.</param>
 /// <returns>An <see cref="IReactionMetadata"/> that abstracts <paramref name="reactionMetadata"/>.</returns>
 public static IReactionMetadata Abstract(this ReactionMetadata reactionMetadata)
 => new ReactionMetadataAbstraction(reactionMetadata);
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new <see cref="ReactionMetadataAbstraction"/> around an existing <see cref="ReactionMetadata"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reactionMetadata">The existing <see cref="ReactionMetadata"/> to be abstracted.</param>
 public ReactionMetadataAbstraction(ReactionMetadata reactionMetadata)
     _reactionMetadata = reactionMetadata;