예제 #1
    private void GetUserResumeInfo()
        BLL.JobBLL bll             = new BLL.JobBLL();
        string     ResumeId        = ReStr("ResumeId");
        DataSet    ds              = bll.GetResumeInfoByResumeId(ResumeId);
        string     resumeJson      = JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(ds.Tables[0]);
        string     resumeVsJobType = JsonHelper.ToJson(ds.Tables[1]);
        string     Education       = JsonHelper.ToJson(ds.Tables[2]);

        ReDict.Add("resumeJson", resumeJson);               //简历主体
        ReDict.Add("resumeVsJobTypeList", resumeVsJobType); //意向职位列表
        ReDict.Add("EducationList", Education);             //教育工作经历列表
예제 #2
파일: Ad.cs 프로젝트: snoopy83101/Uzor001
        private void GetAdInfo()
            string       _id       = ReStr("_id", "");
            string       Client    = ReStr("Client", "");
            string       WinName   = ReStr("WinName", "");
            string       FrameName = ReStr("FrameName", "");
            string       Loction   = ReStr("Loction", "");
            BsonDocument b         = new BsonDocument();

            if (_id != "")
                b["_id"] = MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId.Parse(_id);
            if (Client != "")
                b["Client"] = Client;

            if (WinName != "")
                b["WinName"] = WinName;
            if (FrameName != "")
                b["FrameName"] = FrameName;
            if (Loction != "")
                b["Loction"] = Loction;

            JObject j = new JObject();

            JArray ja = DAL.Mongo.Find(b, "Ad");

            if (ja.Count > 0)
                j = (JObject)ja[0];

            ReDict.Add("info", j);

예제 #3
파일: Ad.cs 프로젝트: snoopy83101/Uzor001
        private void GetAdList()
            BsonDocument b = new BsonDocument();

            b = ReBson("b", new BsonDocument());

            JArray ja = DAL.Mongo.Find(b, "Ad", "uzor");

            ReDict.Add("list", ja);

예제 #4
    private void GetHouse()
        string HouseId = ReStr("HouseId");

        BLL.HouseBLL bll          = new BLL.HouseBLL();
        DataSet      ds           = bll.GetHouseByHouseId(HouseId);
        DataTable    dt           = ds.Tables[0];
        string       HouseJson    = JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(dt);
        DataTable    dtImg        = ds.Tables[1];
        string       ImgJsonArray = JsonHelper.ToJson(dtImg);

        ReDict.Add("HouseJson", HouseJson);
        ReDict.Add("ImgJsonArray", ImgJsonArray);
예제 #5
    private void GetQyWxPtInfo()
        BLL.WxBLL wbll     = new BLL.WxBLL();
        decimal   QyWxPtId = ReDecimal("QyWxPtId", 0);
        DataSet   ds       = wbll.GetQyWxPtInfo(QyWxPtId);
        DataTable dt       = ds.Tables[0];

        if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
            throw new Exception("企业微信号不存在!");

        ReDict.Add("QyWxPt", JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(dt));
예제 #6
    private void GetQyWxPtGroupList()
        StringBuilder s        = new StringBuilder();
        decimal       QyWxPtId = ReDecimal("QyWxPtId", 0);

        if (QyWxPtId != 0)
            s.Append(" QyWxPtId=" + QyWxPtId + "  ");

        DAL.QyWxPtGroupDAL dal = new DAL.QyWxPtGroupDAL();
        DataSet            ds  = dal.GetList(s.ToString());
        DataTable          dt  = ds.Tables[0];

        ReDict.Add("list", JsonHelper.ToJson(dt));
예제 #7
        private void GetAboutInfo()
                decimal AboutId = ReDecimal("AboutId");

                BLL.AboutBLL bll  = new BLL.AboutBLL();
                DataTable    dt   = bll.GetAbout(AboutId);
                string       json = Common.JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(dt);
                ReDict.Add("info", json);
            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #8
    private void GetWxPtInfo()
        BLL.WxBLL bll    = new BLL.WxBLL();
        decimal   WxPtId = ReDecimal("WxPtId", 0);

        if (WxPtId == 0)
            throw new Exception("没传ID啊!");
        DataSet ds = bll.GetWxPtInfoData(WxPtId);

        string jr = JsonHelper.ToJson(ds);

        ReDict.Add("da", jr);

예제 #9
파일: User.cs 프로젝트: snoopy83101/Uzor001
        private void GetUserData()
            BLL.UserBLL bll = new BLL.UserBLL();

                DataTable dt   = bll.GetUserData(ReStr("uid")).Tables[0];
                string    json = Common.JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(dt);

                ReDict.Add("UserInfo", json);
            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #10
    private void GetSendInfo()
        decimal WxSendId = ReDecimal("WxSendId", 0);

        if (WxSendId == 0)
            throw new Exception("WxSendId不能为空");
        BLL.WxBLL bll = new BLL.WxBLL();

        DataSet ds = bll.GetWxSendInfo(WxSendId);

        DataTable dtSendInfo = ds.Tables[0];
        DataTable dtKeyList  = ds.Tables[1];

        ReDict.Add("SendInfo", JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(dtSendInfo));
        ReDict.Add("KeyList", JsonHelper.ToJson(dtKeyList));
예제 #11
파일: Map.cs 프로젝트: snoopy83101/Uzor001
        private void GetMerData()
                BLL.TownBLL     bll         = new BLL.TownBLL();
                BLL.MerchantBLL bllMer      = new BLL.MerchantBLL();
                DataTable       dt          = bll.GetTownList();
                string          json        = Common.JsonHelper.ToJson(dt);
                DataTable       dtMerType   = bllMer.GetMerTypeList("");
                string          jsonMerType = Common.JsonHelper.ToJson(dtMerType);
                ReDict.Add("TownList", json);           //乡镇类别
                ReDict.Add("jsonMerType", jsonMerType); //商家类别

            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #12
    private void BindSuCaiInfo()
        decimal WxSuCaiInfoId = ReDecimal("WxSuCaiInfoId", 0);

        if (WxSuCaiInfoId == 0)
            throw new Exception("没有确定WxSuCaiInfoId的值!");
        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

        s.Append(" select * from dbo.WxSuCaiInfo where WxSuCaiInfoId='" + WxSuCaiInfoId + "' ");

        s.Append(" select * from dbo.WxSuCaiDetailView where WxSuCaiInfoId='" + WxSuCaiInfoId + "' ");

        DataSet ds = DAL.DalComm.BackData(s.ToString());

        ReDict.Add("Info", JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(ds.Tables[0]));
        ReDict.Add("Detail", JsonHelper.ToJson(ds.Tables[1]));
예제 #13
    private void GetQyWxPtAppList()   //取得应用列表
        StringBuilder s        = new StringBuilder();
        decimal       QyWxPtId = ReDecimal("QyWxPtId", 0);

        if (QyWxPtId != 0)
            s.Append(" QyWxPtId=" + QyWxPtId + "  ");
            throw new Exception("必须明确一个企业微信平台!");

        DAL.QyWxPtAppDAL dal = new DAL.QyWxPtAppDAL();
        DataSet          ds  = dal.GetList(" QyWxPtId='" + QyWxPtId + "' ");
        DataTable        dt  = ds.Tables[0];

        ReDict.Add("list", JsonHelper.ToJson(dt));
예제 #14
        private void GetPaiSongCount()
            StringBuilder s        = new StringBuilder();
            string        BranchId = ReStr("BranchId", "");

            DateTime dtm1 = ReTime("dtm1");

            DateTime dtm2 = ReTime("dtm2");

            s.Append("    SELECT PaiSongUserId,       u.RealName, SUM(Amount) AS Amount ,COUNT(0) AS DingDanNum FROM dbo.DingDanView  dd");

            s.Append("  LEFT JOIN dbo.UserView u ON dd.PaiSongUserId=u.UserId ");
            s.Append("   WHERE Status>=110 AND BranchId='" + BranchId + "' and dd.CreateTime BETWEEN '" + dtm1 + "' and '" + dtm2 + "'  GROUP BY PaiSongUserId ,u.RealName ");

            DataSet   ds = DAL.DalComm.BackData(s.ToString());
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            ReDict.Add("list", JsonHelper.ToJson(dt));
예제 #15
        private void GetProClass()
            decimal  MerId = ReDecimal("MerId", 0);
            DateTime dtm1  = ReTime("dtm1");
            DateTime dtm2  = ReTime("dtm2");
            decimal  ParentProductClassId = ReDecimal("ParentProductClassId", 0);
            int      CurrentPage          = ReInt("CurrentPage", 1);
            string   Order    = ReStr("Order", " 销售金额 DESC ");
            int      PageSize = ReInt("PageSize", 20);
            string   BranchId = ReStr("BranchId", "");

            if (BranchId == "")
                throw new Exception("BranchId不能为空!");
            StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

            s.Append(" SELECT  ProductClassId ,");
            s.Append(" ProductClassName ,");
            s.Append(" ISNULL(( SELECT SUM(Quantity * Price) AS 类别销售额 ");
            s.Append(" FROM   dbo.DingDanDetailView WITH ( NOLOCK ) ");
            s.Append(" WHERE  Status >= 110 ");
            s.Append("  and BranchId='" + BranchId + "' ");
            s.Append(" AND EnTime BETWEEN '" + dtm1 + "' AND '" + dtm2 + "' ");
            s.Append(" AND ProClassId IN ( ");
            s.Append(" SELECT  ProductClassId ");
            s.Append(" FROM    [YYO2O].[dbo].[AllProClassId2](currentProClass.ProductClassId) ) ");
            s.Append(" ), 0) AS 类别销售额 ");
            s.Append(" FROM    dbo.ProductClass currentProClass WITH ( NOLOCK ) ");
            s.Append(" WHERE   MerchantId = " + MerId + " ");
            s.Append(" AND Invalid = 0 ");
            s.Append(" AND ParentProductClassId = " + ParentProductClassId + " ");
            s.Append("    ORDER BY 类别销售额 desc ");

            DataSet   ds         = DAL.DalComm.BackData(s.ToString());
            DataTable dtProClass = ds.Tables[0];

            ReDict.Add("jProClass", JsonHelper.ToJson(dtProClass));
예제 #16
    private void GetMyResumeInfo()
        BLL.UserBLL ubll   = new BLL.UserBLL();
        string      UserId = ubll.CurrentUserId();

        BLL.JobBLL bll = new BLL.JobBLL();

        DataSet ds = bll.GetResumeListByUserId(UserId);

        string resumeJson      = JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(ds.Tables[0]);
        string resumeVsJobType = JsonHelper.ToJson(ds.Tables[1]);
        string Education       = JsonHelper.ToJson(ds.Tables[2]);

        ReDict.Add("resumeJson", resumeJson);               //简历主体
        ReDict.Add("resumeVsJobTypeList", resumeVsJobType); //意向职位列表
        ReDict.Add("EducationList", Education);             //教育工作经历列表
예제 #17
        private void CountMsg()
            string DeviceId = ReStr("DeviceId", "");

            if (DeviceId == "")
                throw new Exception("编号不能为空!");

            BLL.MsgBLL bll = new BLL.MsgBLL();
            DataSet    ds  = bll.CountMsg(DeviceId);
            DataTable  dt  = ds.Tables[0];

            ReDict.Add("Count", JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(dt));
            ReDict.Add("ClassCount", JsonHelper.ToJson(ds.Tables[1]));

예제 #18
        private void GetXiaoShou()
            decimal MerId = ReDecimal("MerId", 0);

            DateTime dtm1 = ReTime("dtm1");
            DateTime dtm2 = ReTime("dtm2");

            string BranchId = ReStr("BranchId", "");

            if (BranchId == "")
                throw new Exception("BranchId不能为空!");
            StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

            s.Append(@" SELECT  SUM(PayAmount) AS 支付金额 ,
        SUM(Amount) AS 订单总金额 ,
        SUM(UseJiFen) AS 消耗积分 ,
        COUNT(DingDanId) AS 订单数量 ,
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), CreateTime, 126) AS 月份
FROM    dbo.DingDanView
WHERE   Status >= 100");
            s.Append(" and BranchId='" + BranchId + "' ");
            s.Append(" AND EnTime BETWEEN '" + dtm1 + "' AND '" + dtm2 + "' ");

            s.Append(" AND MerchantId='" + MerId + "' ");

            s.Append(" GROUP BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), CreateTime, 126) ");

            DataSet ds = DAL.DalComm.BackData(s.ToString());

            DataTable dtAmount = ds.Tables[0];

            ReDict.Add("jAmount", JsonHelper.ToJson(dtAmount));
예제 #19
        private void GetJiFen()
            decimal  MerId = ReDecimal("MerId", 0);
            DateTime dtm1  = ReTime("dtm1");
            DateTime dtm2  = ReTime("dtm2");

            string BranchId = ReStr("BranchId", "");

            if (BranchId == "")
                throw new Exception("BranchId不能为空!");

            StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

            s.Append(@" SELECT SUM(JiFenChangeNum) as 增加积分 , CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), CreateTime, 126) AS 月份 FROM dbo.JiFenChangeView with(nolock) ");   //统计增加积分
            s.Append(" WHERE CreateTime BETWEEN '" + dtm1 + "' AND '" + dtm2 + "' ");
            s.Append(" AND MerId='" + MerId + "' ");
            s.Append(" AND JiFenChangeNum>0 ");
            s.Append(" GROUP BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), CreateTime, 126)");

            s.Append(@" SELECT SUM(JiFenChangeNum)*-1 as 减少积分, CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), CreateTime, 126) AS 月份 FROM dbo.JiFenChangeView with(nolock) ");   //统计减少积分
            s.Append(" WHERE CreateTime BETWEEN '" + dtm1 + "' AND '" + dtm2 + "' ");
            s.Append(" AND MerId='" + MerId + "' ");
            s.Append(" AND JiFenChangeNum<0 ");

            s.Append(" GROUP BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), CreateTime, 126)");
            DataSet   ds    = DAL.DalComm.BackData(s.ToString());
            DataTable dtAdd = ds.Tables[0];
            DataTable dtCut = ds.Tables[1];

            ReDict.Add("jAdd", JsonHelper.ToJson(dtAdd));
            ReDict.Add("jCut", JsonHelper.ToJson(dtCut));
예제 #20
    private void SaveSendInfo()
        #region 事务开启

        TransactionOptions transactionOption = new TransactionOptions();
        transactionOption.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
        using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOption))

            Model.WxSendInfoModel model = new WxSendInfoModel();
            BLL.WxBLL             bll   = new BLL.WxBLL();
            model.WxSendId = ReDecimal("WxSendId", 0);

            if (model.WxSendId == 0)
                model.WxPtId = ReDecimal("WxPtId");
                //如果是修改, 选取出原来的数据
                model = bll.GetWxSendModel(model.WxSendId);
            model.WxSendTitle   = ReStr("WxSendTitle");
            model.WxSendType    = ReStr("WxSendType");
            model.WxSendClassId = ReInt("WxSendClassId");
            model.Memo          = ReStr("Memo");
            model.FmImgId       = ReStr("FmImgId");
            model.WxSuCaiId     = ReDecimal("WxSuCaiId", 0);
            model.SendContent   = ReStrDeCode("SendContent");

            DataTable dtKeys = ReTable("KeysAreray");

            if (dtKeys.Rows.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("没有添加激发时间, 这个回应没有触发将没有意义!");

            DAL.WxKeyDAL keyDal = new DAL.WxKeyDAL();
            keyDal.DeleteList(" WxSendId='" + model.WxSendId + "' ");  //首先删除所有的key关联关系

            foreach (DataRow drKeys in dtKeys.Rows)
                if (model.WxSendId == 0)
                    throw new Exception("在执行插入之后,WxSendId不能为0!");

                Model.WxKeyModel KeyModel = new WxKeyModel();
                KeyModel.WxSendId        = model.WxSendId;
                KeyModel.KeyTitle        = drKeys["KeyTitle"].ToString();
                KeyModel.KeyTypeId       = drKeys["KeyTypeId"].ToString();
                KeyModel.KeyTypeDetailId = drKeys["KeyTypeDetailId"].ToString();
                keyDal.Add(KeyModel);   //逐个添加新的关联关系

            ReDict.Add("WxSendId", model.WxSendId);
            #region 事务关闭


예제 #21
        private void GetMyExtCount()
            decimal MemberId = ReDecimal("MemberId", 0);

            var SetpNum = 3;

            StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = SetpNum - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                DateTime d  = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-i);
                DateTime d2 = DateTime.Parse("" + d.Year + "-" + d.Month + "-01 00:00:00");
                DateTime d3 = d2.AddMonths(1);

                s.Append(" SELECT  Isnull( SUM(JiFenChangeNum),0) AS SumJiFenChangeNum," + d2.Month + " AS MM ");
                s.Append(" FROM    dbo.JiFenChange ");
                s.Append(" where MemberId=" + MemberId + " ");
                s.Append(" and  CreateTime >='" + d2 + "' and CreateTime<='" + d3 + "' ");
                s.Append(" and  JifenChangeTypeId=50 ");

                if (i != 0)
                    s.Append(" UNION ALL ");

            //  s.Append(" ORDER BY MONTH(CreateTime) ");

            DataSet ds = DAL.DalComm.BackData(s.ToString());

            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            decimal Max  = 0;
            decimal Step = 0;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                decimal SumJiFenChangeNum = decimal.Parse(dr["SumJiFenChangeNum"].ToString());

                if (Max == 0)
                    Max = SumJiFenChangeNum;
                    if (Max < SumJiFenChangeNum)
                        Max = SumJiFenChangeNum;

            if (Max < 3)
                Step = 1;

                Step = Math.Ceiling(Max / 3);

            Max = Max + Step;

            ReDict.Add("list", JsonHelper.ToJson(dt));

            ReDict2.Add("Max", Max.ToString());
            ReDict2.Add("Step", Step.ToString());
예제 #22
    private void SendPeiHuoRemind()  //配货人员提醒
        BLL.WxBLL wbll        = new BLL.WxBLL();
        string    DingDanId   = ReStr("DingDanId", "");
        DataTable dtUser      = ReTable("UserList");
        string    SendMemo    = ReStr("SendMemo", "");
        decimal   QyWxPtAppId = ReDecimal("QyWxPtAppId", 0);

        StringBuilder w          = new StringBuilder();
        StringBuilder s          = new StringBuilder();
        List <string> ToUserList = new List <string>();

        #region 事务开启

        TransactionOptions transactionOption = new TransactionOptions();
        transactionOption.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
        using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOption))

            BLL.MerchantBLL mbll = new BLL.MerchantBLL();
            mbll.ShenHeDingdan(DingDanId, 1, "通过审核");
            s.Append("SELECT * FROM dbo.DingDanDetailView WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE DingDanId='" + DingDanId + "' ORDER BY DingDanDetailTypeId ");
            s.Append(" SELECT *  FROM dbo.DingDanView  WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE DingDanId='" + DingDanId + "' ");

            DataSet   ds       = DAL.DalComm.BackData(s.ToString());
            DataTable dtDetail = ds.Tables[0];
            DataTable dtInfo   = ds.Tables[1];
            if (dtInfo.Rows.Count != 1)
                throw new Exception("这是个什么订单?");
            DataRow  drInfo       = dtInfo.Rows[0];
            decimal  MerId        = decimal.Parse(drInfo["MerchantId"].ToString());
            decimal  amount       = decimal.Parse(drInfo["Amount"].ToString());
            DateTime PeiSongTime1 = DateTime.Parse(drInfo["PeiSongTime1"].ToString());
            DateTime PeiSongTime2 = DateTime.Parse(drInfo["PeiSongTime2"].ToString());
            amount = Math.Round(amount, 2);
            w.Append("编号:\n " + DingDanId + " \n");

            if (SendMemo.Trim() != "")
                w.Append("调度备注:" + SendMemo + " \n");

            w.Append("总金额:" + amount + " \n");
            w.Append("物流:" + PeiSongTime1.ToString("yy年MM月dd日 hh时mm分") + "-" + PeiSongTime2.ToString("yy年MM月dd日 hh时mm分") + "");
            w.Append("(" + drInfo["PeiSongTypeName"] + ") \n");
            var url = "http://www.sjdfcs.com/App/AppDingDanList_PeiHuo.aspx?DingDanId=" + DingDanId + "";

            w.Append("<a href='" + wbll.QyWxUrl(url, MerId) + "' >查看详细</a> \n");
            if (dtDetail.Rows.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("这个订单[" + DingDanId + "]没有明细吗?");
            foreach (DataRow drUser in dtUser.Rows)
                s.Append(" UPDATE dbo.DingDanInfo SET PeiHuoUserId='" + drUser["UserId"].ToString() + "',Status=20 WHERE DingDanId='" + DingDanId + "' ");

            #region 暂时无用

            //foreach (DataRow drDetail in dtDetail.Rows)

            //    decimal Price = decimal.Parse(drDetail["Price"].ToString());
            //    Price = Math.Round(Price, 2);
            //    decimal Quantity = decimal.Parse(drDetail["Quantity"].ToString());
            //    Quantity = Math.Round(Quantity);

            //    string 规格 = drDetail["规格"].ToString().Trim();

            //    int DingDanDetailTypeId = int.Parse(drDetail["DingDanDetailTypeId"].ToString());
            //    if (DingDanDetailTypeId == 10)
            //    {

            //        w.Append("配送费:" + Price + "元 \n");

            //    }
            //    else
            //    {

            //        //如果是产品
            //        w.Append("[" + drDetail["产品编号"] + "]");
            //        w.Append("" + drDetail["产品名称"] + ",");
            //        if (规格 != "")
            //        {
            //            w.Append("规格:" + drDetail["规格"] + ",");

            //        }

            //        w.Append("单价:" + Price + "元,");
            //        w.Append("数量:" + Quantity + "" + drDetail["计量单位"] + "");
            //        w.Append(" \n ");
            //    }

            #region 事务关闭

        string jsonStr = wbll.SendQyTextMsg(ToUserList, w.ToString(), QyWxPtAppId);

        ReDict.Add("ReJson", jsonStr);