예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates and computes signatures for a given stream and stores the signature
        /// files in the provided working directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Source stream to process</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of signature objects</returns>
        public SignatureCollection GenerateSignatures(Stream source, string BaseName)
            int hr = 0;

            // Compute the appropriate recursion depth for
            // this stream if the depth is not provided.
            if (recursionDepth < MSRDC.MINIMUM_DEPTH)
                hr = rdcLibrary.ComputeDefaultRecursionDepth(source.Length, out this.recursionDepth);
                if (hr != 0)
                    throw new RdcException("Failed to compute the recursion depth.", hr);

                if (recursionDepth < MSRDC.MINIMUM_DEPTH)
                    recursionDepth = (int)MSRDC.MINIMUM_DEPTH;

            // Initalize our signature collection.  For this
            // sample we will create a unique file in the
            // working directory for each recursion level.
            SignatureCollection signatures = InitializeAndPrepareSignatures(BaseName);

            // Array of pointers to generation parameters
            IRdcGeneratorParameters[] generatorParameters = new IRdcGeneratorParameters[recursionDepth];

            for (int i = 0; i < recursionDepth; i++)
                hr = rdcLibrary.CreateGeneratorParameters(
                    (uint)i + 1,
                    out generatorParameters[i]);

                if (hr != 0)
                    throw new RdcException("Failed to create the generator parameters.", hr);

                IRdcGeneratorFilterMaxParameters maxParams = (IRdcGeneratorFilterMaxParameters)generatorParameters[i];

                // Set the default properties
                maxParams.SetHashWindowSize(i == 0 ? MSRDC.DEFAULT_HASHWINDOWSIZE_1 : MSRDC.DEFAULT_HASHWINDOWSIZE_N);
                maxParams.SetHorizonSize(i == 0 ? MSRDC.DEFAULT_HORIZONSIZE_1 : MSRDC.DEFAULT_HORIZONSIZE_N);

            // Create our RdcGenerator
            IRdcGenerator rdcGenerator = null;

            hr = rdcLibrary.CreateGenerator((uint)recursionDepth, generatorParameters, out rdcGenerator);
            if (hr != 0)
                throw new RdcException("Failed to create the RdcGenerator.", hr);

            // Enable similarity
            rdcSimGenerator = (IRdcSimilarityGenerator)rdcGenerator;

            // Create our output buffers
            IntPtr[]           outputBuffers  = new IntPtr[recursionDepth];
            RdcBufferPointer[] outputPointer  = new RdcBufferPointer[recursionDepth];
            IntPtr[]           outputPointers = new IntPtr[recursionDepth];

            for (int i = 0; i < recursionDepth; i++)
                outputBuffers[i]      = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem((int)outputBufferSize);
                outputPointer[i].size = outputBufferSize;
                outputPointer[i].data = outputBuffers[i];
                outputPointer[i].used = 0;

                // Marshal the managed structure to a native
                // pointer and add it to our array.
                outputPointers[i] = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(outputPointer[i]));
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(outputPointer[i], outputPointers[i], false);

            // Create and allocate memory for our input buffer.
            IntPtr           inputBuffer  = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem((int)inputBufferSize + 16);
            RdcBufferPointer inputPointer = new RdcBufferPointer();

            inputPointer.size = 0;
            inputPointer.used = 0;
            inputPointer.data = inputBuffer;

            long totalBytesRead = 0;
            bool eof            = false;
            bool eofOutput      = false;

            while (hr == 0 && !eofOutput)
                if (inputPointer.size == inputPointer.used && !eof)
                    if (eof)
                        inputPointer.size = 0;
                        inputPointer.used = 0;
                        // When the input buffer is completely empty
                        // refill it.
                        int bytesRead = 0;
                            bytesRead = IntPtrCopy(source, inputBuffer, 0, (int)inputBufferSize);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // TODO: Cleanup
                            throw new RdcException("Failed to read from the source stream.", ex);

                        totalBytesRead   += bytesRead;
                        inputPointer.size = (uint)bytesRead;
                        inputPointer.used = 0;

                        if (bytesRead < inputBufferSize)
                            eof = true;

                RdcError rdcErrorCode = RdcError.NoError;

                //Force garbage collection.

                // Wait for all finalizers to complete before continuing.
                // Without this call to GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers,
                // the worker loop below might execute at the same time
                // as the finalizers.
                // With this call, the worker loop executes only after
                // all finalizers have been called.

                hr = rdcGenerator.Process(
                    ref eofOutput,
                    ref inputPointer,
                    out rdcErrorCode);

                if (hr != 0 || rdcErrorCode != RdcError.NoError)
                    throw new RdcException("RdcGenerator failed to process the signature block.", rdcErrorCode);

                RdcBufferTranslate(outputPointers, outputPointer);

                for (int i = 0; i < recursionDepth; i++)
                    int bytesWritten = 0;

                    // Write the signature block to the file.
                    bytesWritten = IntPtrCopy(

                    signatures[i].Length += bytesWritten;

                    if (outputPointer[i].used != bytesWritten)
                        throw new RdcException("Failed to write to the signature file.");

                    outputPointer[i].used = 0;

                RdcBufferTranslate(outputPointer, outputPointers);

            rdcGenerator = null;

            if (inputBuffer != IntPtr.Zero)

            // To make it easier on the consuming application,
            // reverse the order of the signatures in our collection.

예제 #2
 public RdcException(string message, int hr, RdcError? rdcError = null) :
     base(String.Format("{0} hr: {1} rdcError: {2}", message, hr, rdcError))
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a comparator and perform the RDC comparison logic against the provided signatures to generate a needs list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seedSignature">Seed signature to compare</param>
        /// <param name="sourceSignature">Source signature to compare</param>
        /// <returns>RDC Needs list</returns>
        public ArrayList CreateNeedsList(SignatureInfo seedSignature, SignatureInfo sourceSignature)
            int hr = 0;

            IRdcFileReader fileReader = (IRdcFileReader) new RdcFileReader(seedSignature.InnerStream);
            IRdcComparator comparator;


            hr = rdcLibrary.CreateComparator(fileReader, 1000000, out comparator);

            // Create and allocate memory for our input buffer.
            IntPtr           inputBuffer  = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem((int)inputBufferSize + 16);
            RdcBufferPointer inputPointer = new RdcBufferPointer();

            inputPointer.size = 0;
            inputPointer.used = 0;
            inputPointer.data = inputBuffer;

            ArrayList needsList = new ArrayList();

            IntPtr outputBuffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RdcNeed)) * 256);

            RdcNeedPointer outputPointer = new RdcNeedPointer();

            long totalBytesRead = 0;
            bool eof            = false;
            bool eofOutput      = false;

            while (hr == 0 && !eofOutput)
                if (inputPointer.size == inputPointer.used && !eof)
                    // Fill our input buffer with the signature
                    // data from the source.
                    // When the input buffer is completely empty
                    // refill it.
                    int bytesRead = 0;
                        bytesRead = IntPtrCopy(sourceSignature.InnerStream, inputBuffer, 0, (int)inputBufferSize);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // TODO: Cleanup
                        throw new RdcException("Failed to read from the source stream.", ex);

                    totalBytesRead   += bytesRead;
                    inputPointer.size = (uint)bytesRead;
                    inputPointer.used = 0;

                    if (bytesRead < inputBufferSize)
                        eof = true;

                // Initialize our output needs array
                outputPointer.size = 256;
                outputPointer.used = 0;
                outputPointer.data = outputBuffer;

                RdcError error = RdcError.NoError;

                // Perform the signature comparison.
                // This function may not produce needs output every time.
                // Also, it may not use all available input each time either.
                // You may call it with any number of input bytes
                // and output needs array entries. Obviously, it is more
                // efficient to give it reasonably sized buffers for each.
                // This sample waits until Process() consumes an entire input
                // buffer before reading more data from the source signatures file.
                // Continue calling this function until it sets "eofOutput" to true.
                hr = comparator.Process(
                    ref eofOutput,
                    ref inputPointer,
                    ref outputPointer,
                    out error);

                if (hr != 0)
                    throw new RdcException("Failed to process the signature block!");

                if (error != RdcError.NoError)
                    throw new RdcException("Failed!");

                // Convert the stream to a Needs array.
                RdcNeed[] needs = GetRdcNeedList(outputPointer);

                foreach (RdcNeed need in needs)
                    // assign the needs to our arraylist.

            if (hr != 0)
                throw new RdcException("Failed!");

            // Free our resources
            if (outputBuffer != IntPtr.Zero)

            if (inputBuffer != IntPtr.Zero)
