예제 #1
 public static bool Raycast(Ray ray, out RaycastHit raycastHit, RaycastData raycastData) => Physics.Raycast(
     ray: ray,
     hitInfo: out raycastHit,
     maxDistance: raycastData._MaxDistance,
     layerMask: raycastData._LayerMask,
     queryTriggerInteraction: raycastData._QueryTriggerInteraction
예제 #2
    private RaycastData GetDominantCornerAxis(Vector2 rayOrigin, Vector2 rayXDirection, Vector2 rayYDirection, float rayLength)
        float rayXOverlapFraction = GetRayOverlapFraction(rayOrigin, rayXDirection, rayLength);
        float rayYOverlapFraction = GetRayOverlapFraction(rayOrigin, rayYDirection, rayLength);

        if (rayXOverlapFraction == 0 && rayYOverlapFraction == 0)
            return(new RaycastData());

        RaycastData raycastData    = new RaycastData();
        float       distance       = 0;
        bool        rayXIsDominant = rayXOverlapFraction > rayYOverlapFraction;

        if (rayXIsDominant)
            CheckRaycastOther(rayOrigin, rayXDirection, rayLength, layers, out distance);
            raycastData.Distance  = new Vector2(distance, 0);
            raycastData.Direction = Vector2.right;
            CheckRaycastOther(rayOrigin, rayXDirection, rayLength, layers, out distance);
            raycastData.Distance  = new Vector2(0, distance);
            raycastData.Direction = Vector2.up;

        protected override void OnUpdate()
            foreach (CollisionEntityFilter entity in GetEntities <CollisionEntityFilter>())
                Velocity      velocity      = entity.VelocityComponent;
                CollisionData collisionData = entity.CollisionComponent;
                BoxCollider2D collider      = entity.ColliderComponent;

                collisionData.previousSlopeAngle = collisionData.slopeAngle;

                float2 delta = velocity.Delta;

                RaycastData raycastData = CalculateRaycastData(collider, collisionData);

                if (delta.y < 0)
                    HandleSlopeDecend(ref delta, collider.edgeRadius, collisionData, raycastData);

                if (delta.x != 0)
                    HandleHorizontalCollisions(ref delta, collider.edgeRadius, collisionData, raycastData);

                if (delta.y != 0)
                    HandleVerticalCollision(ref delta, collider.edgeRadius, collisionData, raycastData);

                NeutralizeVelocity(ref velocity, collisionData);

                velocity.Delta = delta;
예제 #4
 private void Initialize()
     if (!character)
         character = GameObject.Find("Character");
     if (!boxCollider)
         boxCollider = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     if (SettingsIsNull)
         settings = CreateInstance <RaycastSettings>();
     if (InitializePlatformerController)
         platformerController = GetComponent <PlatformerController>();
     if (InitializeLayerMaskController)
         layerMaskController = GetComponent <LayerMaskController>();
     if (InitializePhysicsController)
         physicsController = GetComponent <PhysicsController>();
     if (DataIsNull)
         Data = CreateInstance <RaycastData>();
     Data.OnInitialize(ref boxCollider, ref character, settings);
        MeshEdgePosition FindMeshEdgePosition(RaycastData minimumViewCast, RaycastData maximumViewCast)
            float   minAngle = minimumViewCast.Angle;
            float   maxAngle = maximumViewCast.Angle;
            Vector3 minPoint = minimumViewCast.Point;
            Vector3 maxPoint = maximumViewCast.Point;

            for (int i = 0; i < EdgePrecision; i++)
                float       angle       = (minAngle + maxAngle) / 2;
                RaycastData newViewCast = RaycastAtAngle(angle);

                bool thresholdExceeded = Mathf.Abs(minimumViewCast.Distance - newViewCast.Distance) > EdgeThreshold;
                if (newViewCast.Hit = minimumViewCast.Hit && !thresholdExceeded)
                    minAngle = angle;
                    minPoint = newViewCast.Point;
                    maxAngle = angle;
                    maxPoint = newViewCast.Point;

            return(new MeshEdgePosition(minPoint, maxPoint));
        private RaycastData CalculateRaycastData(BoxCollider2D collider, CollisionData collisionData)
            RaycastData data = new RaycastData();

            float  skinWidth = collider.edgeRadius;
            Bounds bounds    = collider.bounds;

            bounds.Expand(skinWidth * -2f);

            data.TopLeft     = new Vector2(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.y);
            data.TopRight    = bounds.max;
            data.BottomLeft  = bounds.min;
            data.BottomRight = new Vector2(bounds.max.x, bounds.min.y);

            int horizontalRayCount = collisionData.HorizontalRayCount;
            int verticalRayCount   = collisionData.VerticalRayCount;

            float horizontalSpacing = bounds.size.y / (horizontalRayCount - 1);
            float verticalSpacing   = bounds.size.x / (verticalRayCount - 1);

            data.HorizontalRayCount   = horizontalRayCount;
            data.VerticalRayCount     = verticalRayCount;
            data.HorizontalRaySpacing = horizontalSpacing;
            data.VerticalRaySpacing   = verticalSpacing;

        protected virtual void DrawMesh()
            int   steps      = Mathf.RoundToInt(MeshDensity * VisionAngle);
            float stepsAngle = VisionAngle / steps;

            List <Vector3> viewPoints  = new List <Vector3>();
            RaycastData    oldViewCast = new RaycastData();

            for (int i = 0; i <= steps; i++)
                float       angle    = stepsAngle * i + EulerAngles.y - VisionAngle / 2f;
                RaycastData viewCast = RaycastAtAngle(angle);

                if (i > 0)
                    bool thresholdExceeded = Mathf.Abs(oldViewCast.Distance - viewCast.Distance) > EdgeThreshold;

                    if ((oldViewCast.Hit != viewCast.Hit) ||
                        (oldViewCast.Hit && viewCast.Hit && thresholdExceeded))
                        MeshEdgePosition edge = FindMeshEdgePosition(oldViewCast, viewCast);
                        if (edge.PointA != Vector3.zero)
                        if (edge.PointB != Vector3.zero)

                oldViewCast = viewCast;

            int numberOfVertices = viewPoints.Count + 1;

            Vector3[] vertices  = new Vector3[numberOfVertices];
            int[]     triangles = new int[(numberOfVertices - 2) * 3];

            vertices[0] = Vector3.zero + Offset;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices - 1; i++)
                vertices[i + 1] = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(viewPoints[i]);

                if (i < numberOfVertices - 2)
                    triangles[i * 3]     = 0;
                    triangles[i * 3 + 1] = i + 1;
                    triangles[i * 3 + 2] = i + 2;

            _visionMesh.vertices  = vertices;
            _visionMesh.triangles = triangles;
예제 #8
    private RaycastData GetCornerBottomLeftRaycastData()
        RaycastData bottomLeftCornerRaycastData = GetDominantCornerAxis(bottomLeftCornerPoint.position, leftUpDirection, rightDownDirection, cornerRayLength);

        Vector2 bottomLeftCornerDirection = new Vector2(bottomLeftCornerRaycastData.Direction.x * -1, bottomLeftCornerRaycastData.Direction.y * -1);

        return(new RaycastData()
            Direction = bottomLeftCornerDirection,
            Distance = bottomLeftCornerRaycastData.Distance
예제 #9
    private RaycastData GetCornerTopLeftRaycastData()
        RaycastData topLeftCornerRaycastData = GetDominantCornerAxis(topLeftCornerPoint.position, leftDownDirection, rightUpDirection, cornerRayLength);

        Vector2 topLeftCornerDirection = new Vector2(topLeftCornerRaycastData.Direction.x * -1, topLeftCornerRaycastData.Direction.y);

        return(new RaycastData()
            Direction = topLeftCornerDirection,
            Distance = topLeftCornerRaycastData.Distance
예제 #10
    public RaycastData GetCombinedDirectionAndCenterDistances()
        RaycastData centerRaycastData = GetCenterRaycastData();
        Vector2     cornersDirection  = GetCornersDirection();

        Vector2 combinedDirection = centerRaycastData.Direction + cornersDirection;

        Vector2 raycastDataDirection = VectorHelper.Clamp(combinedDirection, -1, 1);

        return(new RaycastData()
            Direction = raycastDataDirection,
            Distance = centerRaycastData.Distance
예제 #11
    public RaycastData GetCornersRaycastData()
        RaycastData topRightRaycastData    = GetCornerTopRightRaycastData();
        RaycastData topLeftRaycastData     = GetCornerTopLeftRaycastData();
        RaycastData bottomRightRaycastData = GetCornerBottomRightRaycastData();
        RaycastData bottomLeftRaycastData  = GetCornerBottomLeftRaycastData();

        Vector2 combinedCornerDirection = topRightRaycastData.Direction +
                                          topLeftRaycastData.Direction +
                                          bottomRightRaycastData.Direction +

        Vector2 raycastDataDirection = VectorHelper.Clamp(combinedCornerDirection, -1, 1);

        List <Vector2> distances = new List <Vector2>()

        Vector2 raycastDataDistance = new Vector2();

        foreach (Vector2 distance in distances)
            if (distance.x != 0)
                raycastDataDistance = new Vector2(distance.x, raycastDataDistance.y);
            else if (distance.y != 0)
                raycastDataDistance = new Vector2(raycastDataDistance.x, distance.y);

        return(new RaycastData()
            Direction = raycastDataDirection,
            Distance = raycastDataDistance
    protected override void Execute()
        Vector2 moveDirection;

        if (playerVelocityRef.Get().IsMovingStandard)
            moveDirection = playerVelocityRef.Get().MoveDirection;
            moveDirection = playerVelocityRef.Get().GetPreviousVelocityDirection();

        Vector2     collisionDirection  = playerCollisionDirectionRef.Get().CollisionDirection;
        RaycastData combinedRaycastData = playerRaycastDirectionRef.Get().GetCombinedDirectionAndCenterDistances();

        Vector2 surroundingsDirection = SurroundingDirectionHelper.GetSurroundingsDirection(collisionDirection, combinedRaycastData.Direction);

        playerMoveDirectionRef.Get().TurnToNextDirection(moveDirection, surroundingsDirection, collisionDirection, combinedRaycastData.Distance);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the slope direction between the closest point to a surface and the hit point in the raycast direction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="raycastData"></param>
        /// <param name="surfaceGradient"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool tryFindSurfaceGradient(ref RaycastData raycastData, out Vector3 surfaceGradient)
            bool success = false;

            surfaceGradient = Vector3.zero;

            RaycastHit hit;

            if (Physics.Raycast(raycastData.sourceTransform.position, raycastData.direction, out hit, raycastData.checkDistance, raycastData.surfaceLayerMask))
                RaycastHit closestSurfacePointHit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(raycastData.sourceTransform.position, hit.normal * -1, out closestSurfacePointHit, raycastData.checkDistance, raycastData.surfaceLayerMask))
                    //Vector3 hitDirection = hit.point - raycastData.sourceTransform.position;
                    surfaceGradient = hit.point - closestSurfacePointHit.point;

                    success = true;
예제 #14
    private IEnumerator OnShowExtra()
        foreach (var data in ExtraRatios)
            List <GroundController> org = new List <GroundController> ();
            recJobRatios [data.extraJob] += data.upRatio;
            for (int i = 0; i < recAllRatioData.Count; i++)
                if (recAllRatioData [i].start.name == data.linkData.ElementAt(0).Key.name&& recAllRatioData [i].end.name == data.linkData.ElementAt(0).Value.name)
                    RaycastData raycastdata = new RaycastData();
                    raycastdata         = recAllRatioData [i];
                    raycastdata.ratio  += data.upRatio;
                    recAllRatioData [i] = raycastdata;
            for (int i = 0; i < fightController.players.Length; i++)
                if (fightController.GetJob("P", i) == data.extraJob)
                    GroundSEController gse = SEPool.Dequeue();
                    gse.SetExtraSE(org, playerButtonPos [i], i, data.upRatio);
                    gse.onRecycle = RecycleExtraItem;
                    gse.onExtraUp = ExtraRatioUp;

        unShowed = SEingPool.Count;
        while (SEingPool.Count > 0)
            GroundSEController gse = SEingPool.Dequeue();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f));
        private void HandleVerticalCollision(ref float2 movementDelta, float skinWidth, CollisionData collisionData, RaycastData raycastData)
            float        verticalDirection = math.sign(movementDelta.y);
            float        raycastDistance   = math.abs(movementDelta.y) + skinWidth;
            Vector2      raycastOrigin     = (verticalDirection == 1) ? raycastData.TopLeft : raycastData.BottomLeft;
            RaycastHit2D hit;

            for (int i = 0; i < raycastData.VerticalRayCount; i++)
                Vector2 ray = raycastOrigin + (Vector2.right * (raycastData.VerticalRaySpacing * i + movementDelta.x));

                Debug.DrawRay(ray, Vector2.up * verticalDirection * raycastDistance, Color.red, 0.1f);

                hit = Physics2D.Raycast(ray, Vector2.up * verticalDirection, raycastDistance, collisionData.Mask);

                if (hit)
                    // ToDo one way playforms / moving platforms

                    movementDelta.y = (hit.distance - skinWidth) * verticalDirection;
                    raycastDistance = hit.distance;

                    if (collisionData.ascendingSlope)
                        movementDelta.x = movementDelta.y / math.tan(math.radians(collisionData.slopeAngle)) * math.sign(movementDelta.x);

                    collisionData.Above = (verticalDirection == 1);
                    collisionData.Below = (verticalDirection == -1);

            if (collisionData.ascendingSlope)
                float horizontalDirection = math.sign(movementDelta.x);
                raycastDistance = math.abs(movementDelta.x) + skinWidth;
                Vector2 ray = ((horizontalDirection == 1) ? raycastData.BottomRight : raycastData.BottomLeft) + (Vector2.up * movementDelta.y);
                hit = Physics2D.Raycast(ray, Vector2.right * horizontalDirection, raycastDistance, collisionData.Mask);

                if (hit)
                    float slopeAngle = Vector2.Angle(hit.normal, Vector2.up);

                    if (slopeAngle != collisionData.slopeAngle)
                        movementDelta.x          = (hit.distance - skinWidth) * horizontalDirection;
                        collisionData.slopeAngle = slopeAngle;
예제 #16
    /// <summary>
    /// 向六方向射出射線進行偵測.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The round.</returns>
    /// <param name="isPrev">是否還原狀態 <c>true</c> is previous.</param>
    /// <param name="isTouchUp">是否屏幕碰觸結束<c>true</c> is touch up.</param>
    /// <param name="isEnd">是否結束此回合<c>true</c> is end.</param>
    private List <RaycastData> RaycastRound(bool isPrev, bool isTouchUp, bool isEnd, bool isTest = false)
        RaycastHit2D[]     hits;
        List <RaycastData> dataList = new List <RaycastData>();
        bool hasActived             = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            hits = transform.parent.GetComponent <GroundRaycastController>().GetRaycastHits(transform.position, new Vector2(Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (constAngle + constAngle + i * 60)), Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (constAngle + constAngle + i * 60))), 116f * 8);

            if (hits.Length == 0)

            bool hitNone               = false;
            bool hasOcclusion          = false;
            List <RaycastHit2D> hitGcs = new List <RaycastHit2D>();

            for (int j = 0; j < hits.Length; j++)
                if ((int)hits[j].transform.GetComponent <GroundController>()._groundType > 0 && (int)hits[j].transform.GetComponent <GroundController>()._groundType < 10)
                    hasOcclusion = true;
                if ((int)hits[j].transform.GetComponent <GroundController>()._groundType == 0 || (int)hits[j].transform.GetComponent <GroundController>()._groundType == 99)
                    hitNone = true;
                else if ((int)hits[j].transform.GetComponent <GroundController>()._groundType == 10)
                    if (hits[j].transform.GetComponent <GroundController>().charaJob != charaJob)
                        if (onProtection != null && !hasOcclusion)
                            onProtection.Invoke(hits[j].transform.GetComponent <GroundController>().charaJob);
                        if (!hitNone)
                            if (isPrev)
                                OnPrevType(hitGcs.ToArray(), isEnd);
                                int ratio = CalculateRatio(hitGcs.ToArray(), charaJob, isTouchUp, isEnd, isTest);

                                if (ratio > 0)
                                    RaycastData data = new RaycastData();

                                    data.start = GetComponent <GroundController>();
                                    data.end   = hits[j].transform.GetComponent <GroundController>();
                                    data.ratio = ratio;
                                    data.hits  = new List <GroundController>();
                                    if (charaJob != 0)
                                        data.CharaJob = charaJob;
                                    for (int h = 0; h < hitGcs.Count - 1; h++)
                                        data.hits.Add(hitGcs[h].collider.GetComponent <GroundController>());

                                    hasActived = true;

                                if (j > 0)
                                    if (hits[j].collider.GetComponent <GroundController>().isActived)
                                        hasActived = true;


        if (!isPrev)
            OnRaycasted(hasActived, isTouchUp);

예제 #17
 private void SetDependencies()
     raycastData   = raycastController.Data;
     physicsData   = physicsController.Data;
     layerMaskData = layerMaskController.Data;
        private void HandleHorizontalCollisions(ref float2 movementDelta, float skinWidth, CollisionData collisionData, RaycastData raycastData)
            float   horizontalDirection = math.sign(movementDelta.x);
            float   raycastDistance     = math.max(math.abs(movementDelta.x) + skinWidth, 2 * skinWidth);
            Vector2 raycastOrigin       = (horizontalDirection == 1) ? raycastData.BottomRight : raycastData.BottomLeft;

            for (int i = 0; i < raycastData.HorizontalRayCount; i++)
                Vector2 ray = raycastOrigin + (Vector2.up * (raycastData.HorizontalRaySpacing * i));

                Debug.DrawRay(ray, Vector2.right * horizontalDirection * raycastDistance, Color.red, 0.1f);

                RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(ray, Vector2.right * horizontalDirection, raycastDistance, collisionData.Mask);

                if (hit)
                    if (hit.distance == 0)

                    float slopeAngle = Vector2.Angle(hit.normal, Vector2.up);

                    if (i == 0 && slopeAngle <= collisionData.MaxSlopeAngle)
                        if (collisionData.decendingSlope)
                            collisionData.decendingSlope = false;

                        float distanceToSlope = 0;

                        if (slopeAngle != collisionData.previousSlopeAngle)
                            distanceToSlope  = hit.distance - skinWidth;
                            movementDelta.x -= distanceToSlope * horizontalDirection;

                        HandleSlopeAscend(ref movementDelta, slopeAngle, collisionData);

                        movementDelta.x += distanceToSlope * horizontalDirection;

                    if (!collisionData.ascendingSlope || slopeAngle > collisionData.MaxSlopeAngle)
                        movementDelta.x = (hit.distance - skinWidth) * horizontalDirection;
                        raycastDistance = hit.distance;

                        if (collisionData.ascendingSlope)
                            movementDelta.y = math.tan(math.radians(collisionData.slopeAngle)) * math.abs(movementDelta.x);

                        collisionData.Right = (horizontalDirection == 1);
                        collisionData.Left  = (horizontalDirection == -1);
예제 #19
        protected virtual void DrawMesh()
            if (!ShouldDrawMesh)

            int   steps      = Mathf.RoundToInt(MeshDensity * VisionAngle);
            float stepsAngle = VisionAngle / steps;


            for (int i = 0; i <= steps; i++)
                float angle = stepsAngle * i + EulerAngles.y - VisionAngle / 2f;
                _viewCast = RaycastAtAngle(angle);

                if (i > 0)
                    bool thresholdExceeded = Mathf.Abs(_oldViewCast.Distance - _viewCast.Distance) > EdgeThreshold;

                    if ((_oldViewCast.Hit != _viewCast.Hit) || (_oldViewCast.Hit && _viewCast.Hit && thresholdExceeded))
                        MeshEdgePosition edge = FindMeshEdgePosition(_oldViewCast, _viewCast);
                        if (edge.PointA != Vector3.zero)
                        if (edge.PointB != Vector3.zero)

                _oldViewCast = _viewCast;

            int numberOfVertices = _viewPoints.Count + 1;

            if (numberOfVertices != _numberOfVerticesLastTime)
                Array.Resize(ref _vertices, numberOfVertices);
                Array.Resize(ref _triangles, (numberOfVertices - 2) * 3);

            _vertices[0].x = 0;
            _vertices[0].y = 0;
            _vertices[0].z = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices - 1; i++)
                _vertices[i + 1] = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(_viewPoints[i]);

                if (i < numberOfVertices - 2)
                    _triangles[i * 3]     = 0;
                    _triangles[i * 3 + 1] = i + 1;
                    _triangles[i * 3 + 2] = i + 2;

            _visionMesh.vertices  = _vertices;
            _visionMesh.triangles = _triangles;

            _numberOfVerticesLastTime = numberOfVertices;
예제 #20
 public void setRaycastData(RaycastData raycastData)
     m_raycastData = raycastData;
예제 #21
    private List <MaskMeshData> RayCast(MaskMeshData.TYPE _type)
        LayerMask mask;

        switch (_type)
        case MaskMeshData.TYPE.FULL:
            mask = m_fullCoverLayerMask;

        case MaskMeshData.TYPE.SEMI:
            mask = m_semiCoverLayerMask;

            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(_type), _type, null);
        var meshDataCollection = new List <MaskMeshData>();
        var currentMeshData    = new MaskMeshData(_type);

        var step = m_lineOfSight.m_amplitudeOfSightInDegrees / (m_lineOfSight.m_numberOfRaycast - 1);

        for (var i = 0; i < m_lineOfSight.m_numberOfRaycast; i++)
            var angle            = (-m_lineOfSight.m_amplitudeOfSightInDegrees * .5f) + (i * step);
            var rayCastDirection = Quaternion.Euler(0, angle, 0) * transform.forward;
            var ray = new UnityEngine.Ray(transform.position, rayCastDirection);

            var currentRayCastResult = new RaycastData()
                m_angle     = angle,
                m_direction = rayCastDirection
            if (!Physics.Raycast(ray, out var hit, m_lineOfSight.m_maxDistance, mask))
                currentRayCastResult.m_hit   = false;
                currentRayCastResult.m_start = transform.position;
                currentRayCastResult.m_end   = ray.GetPoint(m_lineOfSight.m_maxDistance);

                if (m_previousRaycastData.m_hit)
                    if (currentMeshData.m_datas.Count > 0)

                m_previousRaycastData = currentRayCastResult;
            currentRayCastResult.m_hit   = true;
            currentRayCastResult.m_start = hit.point;
            currentRayCastResult.m_end   = ray.GetPoint(m_lineOfSight.m_maxDistance);

            if (m_previousRaycastData.m_hit)
                if (i == m_lineOfSight.m_numberOfRaycast - 1)
                    if (currentMeshData.m_datas.Count > 0)
                currentMeshData = new MaskMeshData(_type);
                if (i > 0)
            m_previousRaycastData = currentRayCastResult;

예제 #22
    //private NativeArray<RaycastHit> m_result;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        m_previousRaycastData = new RaycastData();
        m_meshDataCollection  = new List <MaskMeshData>();
예제 #23
 private void AddRaycastResult(RaycastData _data)
예제 #24
 private void Dependencies()
     raycastData    = GetComponent <RaycastController>().Data;
     platformerData = GetComponent <PlatformerController>().Data;
        private void HandleSlopeDecend(ref float2 movementDelta, float skinWidth, CollisionData collisionData, RaycastData raycastData)
            float   horizontalDirection = math.sign(movementDelta.x);
            Vector2 raycastOrigin       = (horizontalDirection == 1) ? raycastData.BottomLeft : raycastData.BottomRight;

            RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(raycastOrigin, Vector2.down, Mathf.Infinity, collisionData.Mask);

            if (hit)
                float slopeAngle       = Vector2.Angle(hit.normal, Vector2.up);
                float radianSlopeAngle = math.radians(slopeAngle);

                if (slopeAngle != 0 && slopeAngle <= collisionData.MaxSlopeAngle)
                    if (math.sign(hit.normal.x) == horizontalDirection)
                        float moveDistance = math.abs(movementDelta.x);
                        if (hit.distance - skinWidth <= math.tan(radianSlopeAngle) * moveDistance)
                            movementDelta.x  = math.cos(radianSlopeAngle) * moveDistance * horizontalDirection;
                            movementDelta.y -= math.sin(radianSlopeAngle) * moveDistance;

                            collisionData.slopeAngle     = slopeAngle;
                            collisionData.decendingSlope = true;
                            collisionData.Below          = true;
예제 #26
 public static bool Raycast(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, out RaycastHit raycastHit, RaycastData raycastData) => Physics.Raycast(
     origin: origin,
     direction: direction,
     hitInfo: out raycastHit,
     maxDistance: raycastData._MaxDistance,
     layerMask: raycastData._LayerMask,
     queryTriggerInteraction: raycastData._QueryTriggerInteraction
예제 #27
    private RaycastData GetCornerTopRightRaycastData()
        RaycastData topRightCornerRaycastData = GetDominantCornerAxis(topRightCornerPoint.position, rightDownDirection, leftUpDirection, cornerRayLength);
