private void Start() { _vehicleInput = GetComponent <VehicleInput>(); //InvokeRepeating("healthCooldown", 0, healFreq); healthCurrent = healthMax; gradient = new Gradient(); // Populate the color keys at the relative time 0 and 1 (0 and 100%) colorKey = new GradientColorKey[1]; colorKey[0].color = vignetteColor; colorKey[0].time = 0.0f; // Populate the alpha keys at relative time 0 and 1 (0 and 100%) alphaKey = new GradientAlphaKey[2]; alphaKey[0].alpha = 1.0f; alphaKey[0].time = 0.0f; alphaKey[1].alpha = 0.0f; alphaKey[1].time = 1.0f; gradient.SetKeys(colorKey, alphaKey); _carBodyHolder = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); raycastCarHolder = GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); _carCollider = raycastCarHolder.GetComponent <Collider>(); _objectPooler = ObjectPooler.instance; }
void spawnPlayer(PlayerInfo player, int playerCount) { // spawns the car on the map in the right spot GameObject car = Instantiate(carPool[player.carID * 4 + player.playerID - 1], spawnLocations[player.playerID - 1].position, spawnLocations[player.playerID - 1].rotation); RaycastCar raycastCar = car.GetComponentInChildren <RaycastCar>(); cars[player.playerID - 1] = raycastCar; playerCars.Add(raycastCar); raycastCar.playerID = player.playerID; VehicleInput v = car.GetComponentInChildren <VehicleInput>(); v.setPlayerNum(player.controllerID); if (raycastCar != null) { Camera c = raycastCar.gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren <Camera>(); if (playerCount == 2) { setUp_2(player.playerID, c); } else if (playerCount > 2) { setUp_3_4(player.playerID, c); } } setUpCarUI(raycastCar, player.playerID, playerCount); if (playerCount == 1) { rt.offsetMin = new Vector2(0, 150); rt.offsetMax = new Vector2(0, 150); } }
// The time sequence for setting when to move the vehicle and when the vehicle runs its respawn function private IEnumerator RespawnSequence() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); // _carMesh.SetActive(false); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(respawnSeconds / 2f)); VehicleInput vi = _playerObject.GetComponent <VehicleInput>(); if (vi != null) { vi.setStatus(false); } _movingCar = true; // _carMesh.SetActive(true); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(respawnSeconds / 5f)); _playerObject.GetComponent <CarHealthBehavior>().Respawn(); RaycastCar car = _playerObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); car.ignoreGravityDirection = true; _movingCar = false; if (vi != null) { vi.setStatus(true); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { _inArena = false; /*if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene() == SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(MineMap)) * { * nodesToLookAhead = MineNodes; * offsetAngle = MineOffset; * } * else if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene() == SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(Interstellar)) * { * nodesToLookAhead = InterstellarNodes; * offsetAngle = InterstellarOffset; * }*/ nodesToLookAhead = InterstellarNodes; offsetAngle = InterstellarOffset; avo = GetComponentInChildren <AIObstacleAvoidance>(); thisCar = GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); // //thisCar.drift = true; }
public IEnumerator ResetBoost(float timeToReset, RaycastCar carToReset) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(timeToReset)); carToReset.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>().ResetBoostPadSpeed(); _boostedCars.Remove(carToReset); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { players = FindObjectOfType <DataManager>(); carInputs = FindObjectOfType <RaycastCar>(); abilityInputs = FindObjectOfType <VehicleAbilityBehavior>(); playerNum = FindObjectOfType <VehicleInput>(); }
public void SetImmunePlayer(GameObject immunePlayer) { _immunePlayer = immunePlayer; if (_immunePlayer.GetComponent <RaycastCar>() != null) { _immunePlayerScript = _immunePlayer.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); } }
private void Start() { carInfo = gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); carHeatInfo = gameObject.GetComponent <CarHealthBehavior>(); if (carInfo != null) { originalMaxTurnAngle = carInfo.maxTurnAngle; } }
void setUpCarUI(RaycastCar car, int playerID, int playerCount) { // Setup car dependent on # of players and car # if (playerCount == 2) { if (playerID == 2) { car.UIPanel.anchorMin = new Vector2(0, 0); car.UIPanel.anchorMax = new Vector2(1, .5f); } else { car.UIPanel.anchorMin = new Vector2(0, .5f); car.UIPanel.anchorMax = new Vector2(1, 1); } for (int i = 0; i < car.secondaryUIPanel.childCount; i++) { car.secondaryUIPanel.GetChild(i).localScale = car.secondaryUIPanel.GetChild(i).localScale *twoPlayerUIScalingFactor; } } else if (playerCount >= 3) { if (playerCount == 3) { fourthPlayerPanel.SetActive(true); } if (playerID == 1) { car.UIPanel.anchorMin = new Vector2(0, .5f); car.UIPanel.anchorMax = new Vector2(.5f, 1); car.UIPanel.pivot = new Vector2(1, 1); } else if (playerID == 2) { car.UIPanel.anchorMin = new Vector2(.5f, .5f); car.UIPanel.anchorMax = new Vector2(1, 1); car.UIPanel.pivot = new Vector2(1, 1); } else if (playerID == 3) { car.UIPanel.anchorMin = new Vector2(0, 0); car.UIPanel.anchorMax = new Vector2(.5f, .5f); car.UIPanel.pivot = new Vector2(0, 0); } else if (playerID == 4) { car.UIPanel.anchorMin = new Vector2(.5f, 0); car.UIPanel.anchorMax = new Vector2(1, .5f); car.UIPanel.pivot = new Vector2(1, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < car.secondaryUIPanel.childCount; i++) { car.secondaryUIPanel.GetChild(i).localScale = car.secondaryUIPanel.GetChild(i).localScale *threePlusPlayerUIScalingFactor; } } }
// If there is no HotSpotBot, spawn the vehicle at the nearest point on the spline from its death location private void SpawnOnNearestSplinePoint() { RaycastCar car = _playerObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); Vector3 nearestPointOnSpline = car.GetNearestPointOnSpline(0); Vector3 pointOnSplineForward = car.GetNearestPointOnSpline(lookDistanceForward); LocalUp = FindNormal(nearestPointOnSpline, _raceManager.orderedSplines[car.activeSpline]).normalized; transform.position = new Vector3(nearestPointOnSpline.x, nearestPointOnSpline.y, nearestPointOnSpline.z) + (spawnHeight * LocalUp); transform.LookAt(pointOnSplineForward, LocalUp); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { _boostFieldScript = boostField.GetComponent <PainTrain_BoostShock>(); _boostFieldScript.GiveInfo(gameObject, boostDamage, boostDamageRate); carInfo = gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); AbilityOffOfCooldown(); if (carInfo != null) { originalMaxTurnAngle = carInfo.maxTurnAngle; } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.GetComponent <VehicleAbilityBehavior>()) { _ability.Invoke(other.gameObject); if (other.GetComponent <VehicleInput>() != null) {//if it's a player _carToAdd = other.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); _carToAdd.playerUIManagerScript.weaponsActivatedText.SetActive(true); _carToAdd.playerUIManagerScript.ResetWeaponText(4); } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // Move the vehicle logic object to the platform position which includes the camera if (_movingCar) { _carMesh.transform.rotation = transform.rotation; _playerObject.transform.position = new Vector3 (transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z) + (2 * LocalUp); _playerObject.transform.rotation = transform.rotation; RaycastCar car = _playerObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); car.ignoreGravityDirection = true; car.setGravityFlag(true); } }
public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (isActive) { if (other.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>() != null) { _carToAdd = other.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); if (!_boostedCars.Contains(_carToAdd)) { _boostedCars.Add(_carToAdd); other.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>().SetBoostPadSpeed(speedBoostPercentage / 100); // StartCoroutine(ResetBoost(boostTime, _carToAdd)); } } } }
IEnumerator distanceKill() { while (true) { yield return(null); if (_raceManager != null) { rearPlayer =[0]; foreach (RaycastCar i in _raceManager.playerCars) { if (i.activeSpline == rearPlayer.activeSpline) { if (i.closestIndex < rearPlayer.closestIndex) { rearPlayer = i.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); } } else if (i.activeSpline < rearPlayer.activeSpline) { rearPlayer = i.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); } } if (rearPlayer.activeSpline == GetComponent <RaycastCar>().activeSpline) { if (rearPlayer.closestIndex - GetComponent <AIBehaviour>().closestIndex > killDist) { GetComponent <CarHealthBehavior>().AICheatKill(); } } else if (rearPlayer.activeSpline > GetComponent <RaycastCar>().activeSpline) { if (rearPlayer.closestIndex > killDist - 20) { GetComponent <RaycastCar>().activeSpline++; _raceManager.aiMan.updateAI(GetComponent <AIBehaviour>()); GetComponent <CarHealthBehavior>().AICheatKill(); } } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.0f)); } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>() != null) { foreach (ParticleSystem vfx in vfxToActivate) { vfx.Play(); } _carToAdd = other.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); if (!_boostedCars.Contains(_carToAdd)) { _boostedCars.Add(_carToAdd); other.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>().SetBoostPadSpeed(speedBoostPercentage / 100); StartCoroutine(ResetBoost(boostTime, _carToAdd)); AudioManager.instance.Play("BoostPad", other.gameObject.transform); } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { RaceManager.tokens = 3; fourthPlayerPanel.SetActive(false); eventPanel = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("EventPanel"); AIindex = Random.Range(0, AICar.Length); rt = eventPanel.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rt.offsetMin = new Vector2(0, 0); rt.offsetMax = new Vector2(0, 0); time = 0; playerCars = new List <RaycastCar>(); spawnAI = DataManager.instance.CheckAISpawning(); dm = DataManager.instance; if (dm == null) { Debug.LogError("Cannot find DataManager"); } else { AudioManager.instance.SetRaceManager(this); int playerCount = dm.getNumActivePlayers(); if (spawnAI) { cars = new RaycastCar[dm.playerInfo.Length]; } else { cars = new RaycastCar[playerCount]; } int playerNum = 1; int AINum = 0; foreach (PlayerInfo player in dm.playerInfo) { if (player.isActive) { spawnPlayer(player, playerCount); playerNum++; } else { if (spawnAI == true) { RaycastCar aiCar = Instantiate(AICar[AIindex], spawnLocations[playerNum + AINum - 1].position, spawnLocations[playerNum + AINum - 1].rotation).GetComponentInChildren <RaycastCar>(); cars[playerNum + AINum - 1] = aiCar; aiMan.aiCars.Add(aiCar); aiCar.playerID = player.playerID; AINum++; AIindex++; if (AIindex >= AICar.Length) { AIindex = 0; } } } } } eventPanel.SetActive(false); foreach (RaycastCar i in aiMan.aiCars) { aiMan.updateAI(i.GetComponent <AIBehaviour>()); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { arenaStatus.SetActive(false); if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager") != null) { _hypeManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <HypeManager>(); _rm = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <RaceManager>(); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Game Manager Can Not be Found"); } int numPlayers = 1; if (DataManager.instance != null) { numPlayers = DataManager.instance.getNumActivePlayers(); _dm = DataManager.instance; } else { Debug.LogWarning("Data Manager Can Not be Found"); } int playerNum = vehicleInputScript.getPlayerNum(); _chb = vehicleInputScript.GetComponent <CarHealthBehavior>(); _raycastCarHolder = vehicleInputScript.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); _dm.playerUIDictionary.Add(_raycastCarHolder.playerID, this); //Old Attack Indicator Setup /* * if (numPlayers > 1) * { * _heightOffset = 0.057f; * for (int i = 0; i < attackIndicators.Count; i++) * { * attackIndicators[i].transform.localScale = multiplePlayerScale; * } * } * else * { * for (int i = 0; i < attackIndicators.Count; i++) * { * attackIndicators[i].transform.localScale = onePlayerScale; * } * } */ switch (playerNum) { case 1: //is player 1 if (numPlayers == 2) { offSetVector = new Vector3(0, localCam.pixelHeight, 0); } else if (numPlayers >= 3) { offSetVector = new Vector3(0, localCam.pixelHeight, 0); } break; case 2: //is player 2 if (numPlayers >= 3) { offSetVector = new Vector3(localCam.pixelWidth, localCam.pixelHeight, 0); } break; case 3: //is player 3 offSetVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); break; case 4: //is player 4 offSetVector = new Vector3(localCam.pixelWidth, 0, 0); break; } //Legacy Hype and Pole position Setters, Assigned per player //hypeText.color = Color.cyan; //hypeDisplay.sprite = hypeDisplayColors[playerNum - 1]; //poleBean.sprite = beanSprites[playerNum - 1]; }
protected void Initialize() { car = gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); }
private void Awake() { car = parent.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { RaycastCar temp = other.GetComponent <RaycastCar>(); if (isSecondTrigger == false) { if (temp != null) { if ((DataManager.instance.playerInfo[temp.playerID - 1].placeRace1 > previousPlace)) { DataManager.instance.playerInfo[temp.playerID - 1].placeRace1 = place; previousPlace++; place++; } if (DataManager.instance.playerInfo[temp.playerID - 1].isActive) { humansFinish++; } if (humansFinish >= numHumans) { // give all AI that havent finshed yet a time float previousTime = rm.time; for (int i = 0; i < DataManager.instance.playerInfo.Length; i++) { //If they haven't finished the race yet if (DataManager.instance.playerInfo[i].placeRace1 == 3 && DataManager.instance.playerInfo[i].timerRace1 == 0f) { previousTime = supplyTime(i, previousTime, true); place++; } } } } } else if (isSecondTrigger == true) { if (temp != null) { temp.finished = true; if (place == 0) { if (temp.GetComponent <VehicleInput>()) { if (numHumans > 1) { hm.setNumNodes(temp.GetComponent <RaycastCar>().closestIndex); StartCoroutine(hm.EndGameCountDown(hm.countdownLength)); } } else { StartCoroutine(hm.EndGameCountDown(hm.countdownLength)); } } if ((DataManager.instance.playerInfo[temp.playerID - 1].placeRace2 > previousPlace)) { DataManager.instance.playerInfo[temp.playerID - 1].placeRace2 = place; DataManager.instance.playerInfo[temp.playerID - 1].timerRace2 = rm.time; previousPlace++; place++; if (DataManager.instance.playerInfo[temp.playerID - 1].isActive) { humansFinish++; hm.incrementHumansFinished(); } if (humansFinish >= numHumans) { // give all AI that havent finshed yet a time float previousTime = rm.time; for (int i = 0; i < DataManager.instance.playerInfo.Length; i++) { //If they haven't finished the race yet if (DataManager.instance.playerInfo[i].placeRace2 == 3 && DataManager.instance.playerInfo[i].timerRace2 == 0f) { previousTime = supplyTime(i, previousTime, false); place++; } } hm.EndGame(); } } } } }