예제 #1
 void PushBlockReferenceData(ref List <float> referenceData, RawTexContainer layer, uint tx, uint ty, uint xBlock, uint yBlock)
     for (uint j = 0; j < 4; j++)
         for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++)
             uint  px = (xBlock * 4 + i);
             uint  py = (yBlock * 4 + j);
             float v  = Convert.ToSingle(layer.tiles[Convert.ToInt32(tx + ty * layer._widthInTiles0)]._atlasUnCompressed[px + py * mlmask._atlasTileSize]) / 255.0f;
예제 #2
 private void PushBlockReferenceData(ref List <float> referenceData, RawTexContainer layer, uint tx, uint ty, uint xBlock, uint yBlock)
     for (uint j = 0; j < 4; j++)
         for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++)
             var px = (xBlock * 4) + i;
             var py = (yBlock * 4) + j;
             var v  = Convert.ToSingle(layer.Tiles[Convert.ToInt32(tx + (ty * layer.WidthInTiles0))].AtlasUnCompressed[px + (py * _mlmask.AtlasTileSize)]) / 255.0f;
예제 #3
        void CreateAtlasBuffer()
            if (mlmask._atlasWidth <= 0 || mlmask._atlasHeight <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Unable to generate MLmask atlas data");

            uint tileSizeInBlocks0 = mlmask._atlasTileSize / 4;
            uint WidthInBlocks0    = mlmask._atlasWidth / 4;
            uint HeightInBlocks0   = mlmask._atlasHeight / 4;
            uint WidthInTiles0     = mlmask._atlasWidth / mlmask._atlasTileSize;

            var Data = new UInt64[(WidthInBlocks0 * HeightInBlocks0)];

            foreach (var atlasTile in mlmask._atlasTiles.Values)
                RawTexContainer sourceLayer = mlmask.layers[atlasTile._layerIndex];
                Tile            tileSource  = sourceLayer.tiles[Convert.ToInt32(atlasTile._layerTileIndex)];

                uint position = atlasTile._atlasInPosition;
                uint tx       = position % WidthInTiles0;
                uint ty       = position / WidthInTiles0;
                uint bx       = tx * tileSizeInBlocks0;
                uint by       = ty * tileSizeInBlocks0;

                uint destinationIdx = bx + by * WidthInBlocks0;
                for (uint i = 0; i < tileSizeInBlocks0; i++)
                    Array.Copy(tileSource._atlasBlockCompressed, i * tileSizeInBlocks0, Data, destinationIdx, tileSizeInBlocks0);
                    destinationIdx += WidthInBlocks0;
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms);

            for (int i = 0; i < Data.Length; i++)
            mlmask._AtlasBuffer = ms.ToArray();
예제 #4
        void BlockCompressLocalTile(ref RawTexContainer layer, uint tileIdx)
            uint tileSizeInBlocks0 = mlmask._atlasTileSize / 4;

            uint tx = (tileIdx % layer._widthInTiles0);
            uint ty = (tileIdx / layer._widthInTiles0);

            var layerTile = layer.tiles[Convert.ToInt32(tileIdx)];

            layerTile._atlasBlockCompressed = new UInt64[(tileSizeInBlocks0 * tileSizeInBlocks0)];

            for (uint yBlock = 0; yBlock < tileSizeInBlocks0; yBlock++)
                for (uint xBlock = 0; xBlock < tileSizeInBlocks0; xBlock++)
                    List <float> referenceData = new List <float>();
                    float[]      toBBCValues   = new float[16];

                    for (uint j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                        for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            uint  px = xBlock * 4 + i;
                            uint  py = yBlock * 4 + j;
                            float v  = Convert.ToSingle(layerTile._atlasUnCompressed[px + py * mlmask._atlasTileSize]) / 255.0f;
                            toBBCValues[i + j * 4] = v;

                    if ((tx > 0) && (xBlock == 0))
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx - 1, ty, tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1, yBlock);
                    else if ((tx < layer._widthInTiles0 - 1) && (xBlock == tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1))
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx + 1, ty, 0, yBlock);

                    if ((ty > 0) && (yBlock == 0))
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx, ty - 1, xBlock, tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1);
                    else if ((ty < layer._heightInTiles0 - 1) && (yBlock == tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1))
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx, ty + 1, xBlock, 0);

                    if (((tx > 0) && (xBlock == 0)) && ((ty > 0) && (yBlock == 0)))
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx - 1, ty - 1, tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1, tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1);
                    else if (((tx < layer._widthInTiles0 - 1) && (xBlock == tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1)) && ((ty > 0) && (yBlock == 0)))
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx + 1, ty - 1, 0, tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1);
                    else if (((tx > 0) && (xBlock == 0)) && ((ty < layer._heightInTiles0 - 1) && (yBlock == tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1)))
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx - 1, ty + 1, tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1, 0);
                    else if (((tx < layer._widthInTiles0 - 1) && (xBlock == tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1)) && ((ty < layer._heightInTiles0 - 1) && (yBlock == tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1)))
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx + 1, ty + 1, 0, 0);

                    UInt64 blockCompressed = 0;
                    D3DX.D3DXEncodeBC4U(ref blockCompressed, toBBCValues, referenceData);

                    layerTile._atlasBlockCompressed[xBlock + yBlock * tileSizeInBlocks0] = blockCompressed;

            layer.tiles[Convert.ToInt32(tileIdx)] = layerTile;
예제 #5
        public void Import(FileInfo txtimageList, FileInfo outFile)
            var files = File.ReadAllLines(txtimageList.FullName);

            #region InitandVerify

            mlmask = new MLMaskContainer();
            List <RawTexContainer> textures = new List <RawTexContainer>();
            RawTexContainer        white    = new RawTexContainer();
            white._pixels = new Byte[16];
            Array.Fill <Byte>(white._pixels, 255);
            white._width  = 4;
            white._height = 4;

            int lineIdx = 1;
            foreach (var f in files)
                if (!File.Exists(f))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException($"Line{{lineIdx}}: \"{f}\" Make sure the file path is valid and exists (paths are specified line by line in ascending layer order in masklist)");

                var ms      = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(f));
                var s       = Path.GetExtension(f).ToLower();
                var euncook = Enum.Parse <EUncookExtension>(Path.GetExtension(f).ToLower().Replace(".", ""));
                if (euncook != EUncookExtension.dds)
                    ms = new MemoryStream(DDSUtils.ConvertToDdsMemory(ms, euncook, DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM));
                    // why dds to dds?, to make sure format is r8_unorm
                    ms = new MemoryStream(DDSUtils.ConvertToDdsMemory(new MemoryStream(DDSUtils.ConvertFromDdsMemory(ms, EUncookExtension.tga)), EUncookExtension.tga, DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM));
                ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                DDS_HEADER header;
                DDSUtils.TryReadDdsHeader(ms, out header);
                if (header.dwWidth != header.dwHeight)
                    throw new Exception($"Texture {f}: width={header.dwWidth},height={header.dwHeight} must have an aspect ratio of 1:1");

                // One bitset check
                if ((((header.dwWidth - 1) & header.dwHeight) != 0) || (header.dwWidth == 0))
                    throw new Exception($"Texture {f}: width={header.dwWidth},height={header.dwHeight} must have dimensions in powers of 2");

                //if (header.dwMipMapCount > 1)
                //    throw new Exception($"Texture {f}: Mipmaps={header.dwMipMapCount}, mimap count must be equal to 1");

                //if ((ms.Length - headerLength) != (header.dwWidth * header.dwHeight))
                //    throw new Exception("Not R8_UNORM 8bpp image format or more than 1mipmaps or rowstride is not equal to width or its a dx10 dds(unsupported)");

                var br = new BinaryReader(ms);
                ms.Seek(headerLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                Byte[] bytes      = br.ReadBytes((int)(header.dwWidth * header.dwHeight));
                bool   whiteCheck = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
                    if (bytes[i] != 255)
                        whiteCheck = false;
                if (whiteCheck)
                    throw new Exception("No need to provide the 1st/any blank white mask layer, tool will generate 1st blank white layer automatically");

                RawTexContainer tex = new RawTexContainer();
                tex._width  = header.dwWidth;
                tex._height = header.dwHeight;
                tex._pixels = bytes;
            mlmask.layers = textures.ToArray();

예제 #6
        private void BlockCompressLocalTile(ref RawTexContainer layer, uint tileIdx)
            var tileSizeInBlocks0 = _mlmask.AtlasTileSize / 4;

            var tx = tileIdx % layer.WidthInTiles0;
            var ty = tileIdx / layer.WidthInTiles0;

            var layerTile = layer.Tiles[Convert.ToInt32(tileIdx)];

            layerTile.AtlasBlockCompressed = new ulong[tileSizeInBlocks0 * tileSizeInBlocks0];

            for (uint yBlock = 0; yBlock < tileSizeInBlocks0; yBlock++)
                for (uint xBlock = 0; xBlock < tileSizeInBlocks0; xBlock++)
                    var referenceData = new List <float>();
                    var toBBCValues   = new float[16];

                    for (uint j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                        for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            var px = (xBlock * 4) + i;
                            var py = (yBlock * 4) + j;
                            var v  = Convert.ToSingle(layerTile.AtlasUnCompressed[px + (py * _mlmask.AtlasTileSize)]) / 255.0f;
                            toBBCValues[i + (j * 4)] = v;

                    if (tx > 0 && xBlock == 0)
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx - 1, ty, tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1, yBlock);
                    else if (tx < layer.WidthInTiles0 - 1 && xBlock == tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1)
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx + 1, ty, 0, yBlock);

                    if (ty > 0 && yBlock == 0)
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx, ty - 1, xBlock, tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1);
                    else if (ty < layer.HeightInTiles0 - 1 && yBlock == tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1)
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx, ty + 1, xBlock, 0);

                    if (tx > 0 && xBlock == 0 && ty > 0 && yBlock == 0)
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx - 1, ty - 1, tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1, tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1);
                    else if (tx < layer.WidthInTiles0 - 1 && xBlock == tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1 && ty > 0 && yBlock == 0)
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx + 1, ty - 1, 0, tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1);
                    else if (tx > 0 && xBlock == 0 && ty < layer.HeightInTiles0 - 1 && yBlock == tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1)
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx - 1, ty + 1, tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1, 0);
                    else if (tx < layer.WidthInTiles0 - 1 && xBlock == tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1 && ty < layer.HeightInTiles0 - 1 && yBlock == tileSizeInBlocks0 - 1)
                        PushBlockReferenceData(ref referenceData, layer, tx + 1, ty + 1, 0, 0);

                    ulong blockCompressed = 0;
                    D3DX.D3DXEncodeBC4U(ref blockCompressed, toBBCValues, referenceData);

                    layerTile.AtlasBlockCompressed[xBlock + (yBlock * tileSizeInBlocks0)] = blockCompressed;

            layer.Tiles[Convert.ToInt32(tileIdx)] = layerTile;