예제 #1
    public bool SendToPrinter(string printerName)
        var success = true;

        foreach (var page in Pages)
            success = RawPrinterHelper.SendManagedBytesToPrinter(printerName, page);
            if (!success)
        static private void Print(PackageComponent PrintComponent, string guid)
            //nugget: sending raw ESCape codes to dot matrix printer (Epson's "ESC/P" standard)
            //nugget: ESC/P reference manual: http://files.support.epson.com/pdf/general/escp2ref.pdf
            //ESC @   = reset
            //ESC x n = quality: 0 = Draft, 1 = NLQ
            //ESC k n = font: 0 = Roman, 1 = Sans serif font
            //ESC M   = 12 cpi

            //reinitialize the page every time by filling the array with spaces plus a line feed at the end of every line...
            Buffer.BlockCopy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pageinit), 0, pagebytes, 0, pageinit.Length);
            // "flattening a 2D array": http://www.dotnetperls.com/flatten-array
            // logicalrow = row * pagewidth
            byte[] rowbytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(new string(' ', pagewidth));
            rowbytes[pagewidth - 1]         = 0x0A; // linefeed (LF)
            pagebytes[pagebytes.Length - 1] = 0x0C; // form feed (FF)

            //apparently simple for-loop is the recommended best practice for this drudgery
            for (int row = 0; row < pageheight; row++)
                PrintBytesAtPos(rowbytes, 0, row);

            PrintStringAtPos(String.Format("{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}123456", "1234567890"), 0, 0);
            PrintStringAtPos(String.Format("2        1{0}2{0}3{0}4{0}5{0}6{0}7{0}8{0}9", "         "), 0, 1);
            for (int row = 2; row < pageheight; row++)
                //we need to leave FormField data definition 0-based to be consistent with v1...
                //but want to view in 1-based on the hardcopy
                PrintStringAtPos((row + 1).ToString(), 0, row);

            RawPrinterHelper.SendManagedBytesToPrinter(Setting.Local["POPrinter"], pagebytes);


            using (Proc TaxForm_print = new Proc("TaxForm_print"))
                TaxForm_print["@TaxFormGUID"]    = guid; //for testprint, pass Guid.Empty i.e. '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
                TaxForm_print["@PrintComponent"] = (int)PrintComponent;


                Printer POPrinter  = InitDotMatrix(Setting.Local["POPrinter"]);                                                                               //coding defensively, reset printer settings with every print... so agents can readily power cycle the printer with no ramifications, etc.
                Printer AbwPrinter = ((Setting.Local["POPrinter"] == Setting.Local["AbwPrinter"])) ?  POPrinter : InitDotMatrix(Setting.Local["AbwPrinter"]); //don't re-init the same printer

                if (guid == Guid.Empty.ToString())                                                                                                            //test mode...
                    SetCurrentXY(POPrinter, 0, 0);
                    POPrinter.Write(String.Format("{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}123456", "1234567890"));

                    SetCurrentXY(POPrinter, 0, 1);
                    POPrinter.Write(String.Format("2        1{0}2{0}3{0}4{0}5{0}6{0}7{0}8{0}9", "         "));

                    for (int i = 2; i <= 63; i++)
                        //we need to leave FormField data definition 0-based to be consistent with v1...
                        SetCurrentXY(POPrinter, 0, i);
                        //but want to view in 1-based on the hardcopy
                        POPrinter.Write((i + 1).ToString());

                PrintFields(POPrinter, TaxForm_print.dataSet.Tables[0].Rows);
                PrintFields(AbwPrinter, TaxForm_print.dataSet.Tables[1].Rows);