public static MonoBehaviour SetupForLocalization(RawImage target)
            var comp             = Undo.AddComponent(target.gameObject, typeof(LocalizeTextureEvent)) as LocalizeTextureEvent;
            var setTextureMethod = target.GetType().GetProperty("texture").GetSetMethod();
            var methodDelegate   = System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(UnityAction <Texture>), target, setTextureMethod) as UnityAction <Texture>;

            Events.UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(comp.OnUpdateAsset, methodDelegate);
예제 #2
    /// <summary>On start, make sure Minimap is properly setup.</summary>
    private void Awake()
        // Make sure this Minimap Camera is not tagged as the scene's Main Camera. Calling the static
        // variable Camera.main actually just searches the current scene for all Camera's tagged
        // "MainCamera", returning the first result. Thus if we have multiple Camera's tagged as
        // "MainCamera", using Camera.main can give unexpected results. This is why we make sure this
        // secondary, Minimap Camera is not tagged as the scene's Main Camera.
        Camera minimapCamera = GetComponent <Camera>();

        minimapCamera.tag = "Untagged";

        // Make sure a Render Texture is connected to the Minimap Camera (as its "Target Texture"). We
        // use this Render Texture to save the Camera's rendered view each frame, storing it in a
        // Render Texture that can be displayed in a UI element on screen.
        if (minimapCamera.targetTexture == null)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("No {0} defined for {1}.{2}.Target Texture. {1}.{3} needs a {0} in "
                                 + "order to be able to display its texture in a UI element.",
                                 typeof(RenderTexture), name, typeof(Camera), GetType());

        // Make sure an Image component has been given to display the Minimap in the on-screen UI.
        if (Image == null)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("No {0} defined for {1}.{2}.Image. {2} needs a {0} in order to "
                                 + "be able to display its texture in a UI element.",
                                 typeof(RawImage), name, GetType());

        // Make sure our Image's texture is set to the Minimap's Render Texture, so that the Minimap
        // Camera's output will be displayed in this Image.
        if (Image.texture == null || Image.texture != minimapCamera.targetTexture)
            Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0}.{1}.Target Texture was not connected to {2}.{3}.Texture. {0}.{4} "
                                   + "needs these two to be connected to display the minimap in {2}'s {3}.\n"
                                   + "Making connection now, but to avoid this warning, drag the {5} set as {0}.{1}."
                                   + "Target Texture into {2}.{3}.Texture.",
                                   name, typeof(Camera), Image, Image.GetType(), GetType(), typeof(RenderTexture));
            Image.texture = minimapCamera.targetTexture;