public ActionResult Beta(Subscription sub) { // Validate the email address try { MailAddress validateEmail = new MailAddress(sub.Email); } catch (Exception) { return PartialView("AlertMessage", new AlertMessage("Oops!", "That isn't a valid email address.", AlertType.Error)); } // Make sure this isn't a duplicate entry and add it to the database using (RaveRadarContext _db = new RaveRadarContext()) { if (_db.Subscriptions.Any(s => String.Compare(s.Email, sub.Email, true) == 0)) { return PartialView("AlertMessage", new AlertMessage("Uh Oh!", "The email you entered is already signed up for updates.", AlertType.Error)); } else { _db.Subscriptions.Add(sub); _db.SaveChanges(); return PartialView("AlertMessage", new AlertMessage("Done!", "Thank you for your interest in Rave Radar. We'll let you know when it's ready for you.", AlertType.Success)); } } }
// GET api/Sync public int Get() { IList<RaveDetails> uncachedEvents = new List<RaveDetails>(); using (RaveRadarContext _db = new RaveRadarContext()) { List<Owner> owners = GetTrustedOwners(_db).ToList(); IDictionary<Int64, DateTime> cachedEventsDictionary = _db.Raves.Where(r => r.StartTime >= DateTime.Now).ToDictionary(r => r.RaveID, r => r.UpdateTime); IDictionary<Int64, DateTime> fbActiveEvents = FQLToObjectsHelper.GetActiveEventIDsByOwner(owners); // Add submitted events to this collection // Decide which of the active events need to be cached IList<Int64> uncachedIds = new List<Int64>(); IList<Int64> cachedIds = new List<Int64>(); foreach (Int64 Id in fbActiveEvents.Keys) { if (!cachedEventsDictionary.ContainsKey(Id) || (fbActiveEvents[Id] > cachedEventsDictionary[Id])) { uncachedIds.Add(Id); } else { cachedIds.Add(Id); } } // TODO: Don't forget to eventually integrate events without trusted owners // - Query DB raves for all submitted raves // Get uncached events uncachedEvents = FQLToObjectsHelper.GetRaveDetailsFromEventIDs(uncachedIds); // Cache the events _db.UpsertRaveDetails(uncachedEvents, _db); } return uncachedEvents.Count; }
private static IList<Owner> GetTrustedOwners() { IList<Owner> owners; using (RaveRadarContext _db = new RaveRadarContext()) { owners = GetTrustedOwners(_db).ToList(); } return owners; }
private IList<RavePin> GetRavePins(FacetCollection<Rave> facets) { IList<RavePin> results = new List<RavePin>(); using (RaveRadarContext _db = new RaveRadarContext()) { IQueryable<Rave> filteredRaves = _db.Raves.AsQueryable(); if (facets != null) { filteredRaves = facets.Filter(filteredRaves); } results = (from r in filteredRaves join v in _db.Venues on r.VenueID equals v.VenueID orderby r.StartTime select new RavePin { ID = r.ID, PicURL = r.PicURL ?? string.Empty, Location = r.Location, Latitude = v.Latitude, Longitude = v.Longitude, }).ToList(); } return results; }
private IList<RavePinInfo> GetRavePinInfo(IList<Int64> ids) { IList<RavePinInfo> results = new List<RavePinInfo>(); using (RaveRadarContext _db = new RaveRadarContext()) { results = (from r in _db.Raves where ids.Contains(r.ID) join o in _db.Owners on r.OwnerID equals o.OwnerID select new RavePinInfo { ID = r.ID, Name = r.Name.Length > 41 ? String.Concat(r.Name.Substring(0, 38).TrimEnd(), "...") : r.Name, RaveID = r.RaveID, VenueID = r.VenueID, OwnerID = r.OwnerID, Location = r.Location, OwnerName = o.Name, PicURL = r.PicURL, StartTime = r.StartTime, EndTime = r.EndTime, IsDateOnly = r.IsDateOnly }).OrderBy(r => r.Location).ThenBy(r => r.StartTime).ToList(); } for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++) { string dateText, timeText; GetEventDateText(results[i].StartTime, results[i].EndTime, results[i].IsDateOnly, out dateText, out timeText); results[i].DateText = dateText; results[i].TimeText = timeText; } return results; }
private IList<ClusterPinInfo> GetClusterPinInfo(IList<Int64> ids) { IList<ClusterPinInfo> results = new List<ClusterPinInfo>(); using (RaveRadarContext _db = new RaveRadarContext()) { results = (from r in _db.Raves join v in _db.Venues on r.VenueID equals v.VenueID where r.VenueID != null && ids.Contains(r.ID) select new ClusterPinInfo { VenueID = v.VenueID, PicURL = v.PicURL, }).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (ClusterPinInfo cluster in results) { cluster.Raves = _db.Raves.Where(r => r.VenueID == cluster.VenueID && ids.Contains(r.ID)).Distinct().OrderBy(r => r.StartTime).Select(r => new RaveMeta { ID = r.ID, RaveID = r.RaveID, PicURL = r.PicURL }).ToList(); cluster.Location = _db.Raves.Where(r => r.VenueID == cluster.VenueID && ids.Contains(r.ID)).Select(r => r.Location).FirstOrDefault(); } } return results; }
public ActionResult Popover(string ids) { IList<Int64> parsedIds = ParseIDsFromString(ids); if (parsedIds.Count > 1) { bool multipleVenues = false; using (RaveRadarContext _db = new RaveRadarContext()) { multipleVenues = _db.Raves.Where(r => parsedIds.Contains(r.ID)).Select(r => r.Location).Distinct().Count() > 1; } if (multipleVenues) { // TODO: Return exact data to be consumed IList<ClusterPinInfo> results = GetClusterPinInfo(parsedIds); return PartialView("ClusterPopover", results); } else { // TODO: Return exact data to be consumed IList<RavePinInfo> results = GetRavePinInfo(parsedIds); return PartialView("VenuePopover", results); } } else if (parsedIds.Count > 0) { // TODO: Return exact data to be consumed RavePinInfo result = GetRavePinInfo(parsedIds).First(); return PartialView("EventPopover", result); } AlertMessage error = new AlertMessage("Uh oh!", "We couldn't find the event.", AlertType.Error, false); return PartialView("AlertMessage", error); }
public static IList<RaveDetails> GetRaveDetailsFromEventIDs(IEnumerable<Int64> eventIds) { _fb.AccessToken = _GenericAccessToken; string fields = "eid, name, pic_square, start_time, end_time, is_date_only, creator, update_time, location, venue"; string eidList = string.Join(",", eventIds.ToArray()); dynamic fqlResult = _fb.Get("fql", new { q = String.Format("SELECT {0} FROM event WHERE eid IN ({1})", fields, eidList) }); JsonArray fqlEventResults =; IList<RaveDetails> eventResults = new List<RaveDetails>(); HashSet<Venue> venueResults = new HashSet<Venue>(); HashSet<Rave> raveResults = new HashSet<Rave>(); foreach (dynamic fqlEvent in fqlEventResults) { Int64? creatorId = fqlEvent.creator ?? 0; Int64? eventId = fqlEvent.eid; Int64? venueId = 0; if (fqlEvent.venue.Count > 0) { dynamic jsonVenue = (JsonObject)fqlEvent.venue; venueId = ?? 0; } Rave aRave = null; Venue aVenue = null; Owner aOwner = null; if (eventId != null) { // Get the owner; no chance for duplications aOwner = GetRaveOwnerFromUserID(creatorId); // Before querying for the Venue, make sure we haven't already queried it if (venueResults.Any(v => v.VenueID == venueId)) { aVenue = venueResults.First(v => v.VenueID == venueId); } else if (fqlEvent.venue.Count > 0) { aVenue = GetVenueFromJsonObject((JsonObject)fqlEvent.venue); if (aVenue == null) { // If no facebook page exists for this Venue, create a new negative ID // All negative ID's therefore show that the Venue does not exist on Facebook aVenue = new Venue(); using (RaveRadarContext _db = new RaveRadarContext()) { long dbMin = _db.Venues.Min(v => v.VenueID).GetValueOrDefault(0); long syncMin = venueResults.Min(v => v.VenueID).GetValueOrDefault(0); aVenue.VenueID = (dbMin <= syncMin ? dbMin : syncMin) - 1; aVenue.Name = fqlEvent.location ?? string.Empty; aVenue.GetLocationFromGoogle(fqlEvent.location ?? string.Empty); // If no location found, reset venue to null if (aVenue.GetLocation() == null) { aVenue = null; } } } if (aVenue != null) { venueResults.Add(aVenue); } } // Before querying for the Rave, make sure we haven't already queried it if (raveResults.Any(r => r.RaveID == eventId)) { aRave = raveResults.First(r => r.RaveID == eventId); } else { aRave = new Rave(); aRave.RaveID = eventId ?? 0; // Should never happen aRave.OwnerID = aOwner.OwnerID; if (aVenue == null) { aRave.VenueID = null; } else { aRave.VenueID = aVenue.VenueID; } aRave.Name = ?? string.Empty; aRave.PicURL = fqlEvent.pic_square ?? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultRaveIcon"].ToString(); aRave.StartTime = ConvertFacebookDateToLocal(fqlEvent.start_time, fqlEvent.is_date_only); if (fqlEvent.end_time == null) { aRave.EndTime = null; } else { aRave.EndTime = ConvertFacebookDateToLocal(fqlEvent.end_time, fqlEvent.is_date_only); } aRave.IsDateOnly = fqlEvent.is_date_only; aRave.Location = fqlEvent.location ?? string.Empty; aRave.IsApproved = (aOwner == null ? false : aOwner.IsTrusted); aRave.SubmitterID = null; aRave.UpdateTime = DateTimeConvertor.FromUnixTime((double)fqlEvent.update_time); raveResults.Add(aRave); } } // Put all the details together to create one object eventResults.Add(new RaveDetails(aRave, aOwner, aVenue)); } return eventResults; }
public static Owner GetRaveOwnerFromUserID(Int64? userId) { Owner ownerResult = null; using (RaveRadarContext _db = new RaveRadarContext()) { ownerResult = _db.Owners.Single(o => o.OwnerID == userId); } return ownerResult; }
private static IQueryable<Owner> GetTrustedOwners(RaveRadarContext _db) { return _db.Owners.Where(o => o.IsTrusted).Distinct(); }