/// <summary>Performs user-wise fold-in evaluation, but instead of folding in perform a complete re-training with the new data</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method can be quite slow.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>the evaluation results</returns>
        /// <param name='recommender'>a rating predictor capable of performing a user fold-in</param>
        /// <param name='update_data'>the rating data used to represent the users</param>
        /// <param name='eval_data'>the evaluation data</param>
        static public RatingPredictionEvaluationResults EvaluateFoldInCompleteRetraining(this RatingPredictor recommender, IRatings update_data, IRatings eval_data)
            double rmse = 0;
            double mae  = 0;
            double cbd  = 0;

            int rating_count = 0;

            foreach (int user_id in update_data.AllUsers)
                if (eval_data.AllUsers.Contains(user_id))
                    var local_recommender = (RatingPredictor)recommender.Clone();

                    var known_ratings = new RatingsProxy(update_data, update_data.ByUser[user_id]);
                    local_recommender.Ratings = new CombinedRatings(recommender.Ratings, known_ratings);

                    var items_to_rate     = (from index in eval_data.ByUser[user_id] select eval_data.Items[index]).ToArray();
                    var predicted_ratings = recommender.Recommend(user_id, candidate_items: items_to_rate);

                    foreach (var pred in predicted_ratings)
                        float prediction    = pred.Item2;
                        float actual_rating = eval_data.Get(user_id, pred.Item1, eval_data.ByUser[user_id]);
                        float error         = prediction - actual_rating;

                        rmse += error * error;
                        mae  += Math.Abs(error);
                        cbd  += Eval.Ratings.ComputeCBD(actual_rating, prediction, recommender.MinRating, recommender.MaxRating);

            mae  = mae / rating_count;
            rmse = Math.Sqrt(rmse / rating_count);
            cbd  = cbd / rating_count;

            var result = new RatingPredictionEvaluationResults();

            result["RMSE"] = (float)rmse;
            result["MAE"]  = (float)mae;
            result["NMAE"] = (float)mae / (recommender.MaxRating - recommender.MinRating);
            result["CBD"]  = (float)cbd;