예제 #1
        internal static void SavePendingRating(RatingInputModel input)
            using (var ctx = new DIHMTEntities())
                var pendingRatingObject = new PendingSubmission
                    GameId            = input.Id,
                    RatingExplanation = input.RatingExplanation,
                    Basically         = input.Basically,
                    TimeOfSubmission  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    SubmitterIp       = input.SubmitterIp,
                    Comment           = input.Comment



                ctx.PendingDbGameRatings.AddRange(input.Flags?.Select(x => new PendingDbGameRating {
                    PendingSubmissionId = pendingRatingObject.Id, RatingId = x
                }) ?? new List <PendingDbGameRating>());

                ctx.PendingGameLinks.AddRange(input.Links?.Select(x => new PendingGameLink {
                    PendingSubmissionId = pendingRatingObject.Id, Link = x
                }) ?? new List <PendingGameLink>());

        public async Task <ActionResult <RatingResponseModel> > Post(RatingInputModel input)
            var userId = this.userManager.GetUserId(this.User);
            var ratingResponseModel = new RatingResponseModel();

            if (userId == null)
                ratingResponseModel.AuthenticationErrorMessage = "Please log in in order to vote.";
                ratingResponseModel.Rating = this.ratingsService.GetRating(input.ProjectId);


            if (input.Rate < 1 || input.Rate > 5)
                ratingResponseModel.Rating = this.ratingsService.GetRating(input.ProjectId);


            await this.ratingsService.RateAsync(input.ProjectId, userId, input.Rate);

            ratingResponseModel.Rating = this.ratingsService.GetRating(input.ProjectId);

예제 #3
        public async Task <ActionResult <StarRatingResponseModel> > Post(RatingInputModel input)
            var userId = this.userManager.GetUserId(this.User);
            var starRatingResponseModel = new StarRatingResponseModel();

            if (userId == null)
                starRatingResponseModel.AuthenticateErrorMessage = ExceptionMessages.AuthenticatedErrorMessage;
                starRatingResponseModel.StarRatingsSum           = await this.ratingsService.GetStarRatingsAsync(input.ProductId);


                await this.ratingsService.VoteAsync(input.ProductId, userId, input.Rating);
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                starRatingResponseModel.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
                starRatingResponseModel.StarRatingsSum = await this.ratingsService.GetStarRatingsAsync(input.ProductId);

                starRatingResponseModel.NextVoteDate = await this.ratingsService.GetNextVoteDateAsync(input.ProductId, userId);

예제 #4
 public static RatingEntity ToBllRating(this RatingInputModel rating)
     return(new RatingEntity
         Value = rating.Value
예제 #5
        public async Task CreateRatingChangesRatingsIfItAlreadyExists()
            // Arrange
            var ratingList = this.GetRatings();
            var reviewList = this.GetReviews();
            var ratingMock = this.GetRatingMock(ratingList);
            var reviewMock = this.GetReviewMock(reviewList);

            var creatorId           = "2";
            var expectedRatingCount = ratingList.Count();

            var reviewService = new ReviewsService(reviewMock.Object, ratingMock.Object, this.mediaRepo);

            var inputModel = new RatingInputModel()
                MediaId = "3",
                Value   = 5,

            // Act
            await reviewService.CreateRating(inputModel.MediaId, creatorId, inputModel.Value);

            var newValue = ratingMock.Object.All().Where(x => x.MediaId == inputModel.MediaId && x.CreatorId == creatorId).FirstOrDefault().Score;

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedRatingCount, ratingMock.Object.All().Count());
            Assert.Equal(inputModel.Value, newValue);
예제 #6
        public async Task CreateRatingAddsNewIfItDoesNotExist()
            // Arrange
            var ratingList = this.GetRatings();
            var reviewList = this.GetReviews();
            var ratingMock = this.GetRatingMock(ratingList);
            var reviewMock = this.GetReviewMock(reviewList);

            var expectedRatingCount = ratingList.Count() + 1;

            var reviewService = new ReviewsService(reviewMock.Object, ratingMock.Object, this.mediaRepo);

            var inputModel = new RatingInputModel()
                MediaId = "4",
                Value   = 5,

            // Act
            await reviewService.CreateRating(inputModel.MediaId, "2", inputModel.Value);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedRatingCount, ratingMock.Object.All().Count());
            Assert.Contains(ratingMock.Object.All(), x => x.MediaId == inputModel.MediaId && x.Score == inputModel.Value);
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddRating(int score, string comment, int bookID)
            //Gets current User.
            var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            var userID = user.Id;

            //Sees if user filled in comment. Avoids null reference error when doing comment.Length.
            if (comment != null)
                //Comment can not exceed 500.
                if (comment.Length > 500)
                    //Returns user to the Rating Site to write again.
                    return(RedirectToAction("Rating", "Book", new { id = bookID }));

            //Creates a new Review model.
            var newReview = new RatingInputModel()
                Score   = score,
                Comment = comment,
                BookID  = bookID,
                UserID  = userID,

            //Adds the rating itself. The comment which is at the bottom of the page.
            //Updates the book star rating.

            //Redirects User to Details.
            return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Book", new { id = bookID }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> RateProduct(RatingInputModel inputModel)
            var userId = this.userManager.GetUserId(this.User);

            await this.ratingsService.RateProductAsync(inputModel.ProductId, userId, inputModel.Value);

            return(this.Ok(new { response = "200 OK" }));
예제 #9
        public async Task <ActionResult <RatingResponseModel> > Vote(RatingInputModel input)
            var userId = this.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;

            await this.ratingsService.VoteAsync(userId, input.TripId, input.Value);

            var averageRating = this.ratingsService.GetAverageRating(input.TripId);

            return(new RatingResponseModel {
                AverageRating = averageRating, UserVoteValue = input.Value
예제 #10
        public async Task <ActionResult <RatingResponseModel> > Post(RatingInputModel input)
            var userId = this.userManager.GetUserId(this.User);

            await this.ratingsService.RatingAsync(input.RecipeId, userId, input.Stars);

            var ratings = this.ratingsService.GetRatings(input.RecipeId);

            return(new RatingResponseModel {
                Ratings = ratings
        public ActionResult SubmitRating(RatingInputModel input)
            if (ModelState.Keys.Contains("ReCaptcha") && ModelState["ReCaptcha"].Errors.Any())
                Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
                Response.StatusCode             = 400;
                return(Json("Captcha error - please complete the captcha and try again."));

            if (input.Valid && Request.UserHostAddress != null)
                if (!input.Flags.Contains((int)EnumTag.Spotless) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Basically) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.RatingExplanation)))
                    Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
                    Response.StatusCode             = 400;
                    return(Json(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Unescape("When submitting a game without the 'Spotless'-tag, we require that you fill out the 'Basically' and 'Rating Explanation'-fields explaining the game's purchases in some detail. Please fill out those fields and submit again.")));

                input.SubmitterIp = string.Empty;

                if (!Request.IsAuthenticated)
                    input.SubmitterIp = CryptHelper.Hash(Request.UserHostAddress);

                    var blockStatus = BlockHelpers.GetBlockStatus(input.SubmitterIp);

                    if (blockStatus == BlockType.ExplicitBlocked)
                        Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
                        Response.StatusCode             = 400;
                        return(Json("We have temporarily stopped your ability to send in submissions - come back tomorrow and you can submit ratings again."));

                    if (blockStatus == BlockType.HiddenBlocked)
                        return(Json("Your submission has been accepted. It will go live as soon as it's been verified. Thank you for helping out!"));

                GameHelpers.SubmitRating(input, Request.IsAuthenticated);

                if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                    return(Json("All clear."));

                return(Json("Your submission has been accepted. It will go live as soon as it's been verified. Thank you for helping out!"));

            Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
            Response.StatusCode             = 400; // Bad Request
            return(Json("Something went wrong with your submission - most likely, you have a malformed URL in the \"Links\"-section. Please try again or contact one of the site administrators."));
예제 #12
        public IActionResult RateAppointment(int id)
            var appointment = this._appointmentService

            var ratingInputModel = new RatingInputModel
                DentistId     = appointment.DentistID,
                PatientId     = appointment.PatientId,
                AppointmentId = id,

예제 #13
        public static void SubmitRating(RatingInputModel input, bool isAuthenticated)
            input.Flags = input.Flags ?? new List <int>();


            if (isAuthenticated)
예제 #14
        public async Task <ActionResult <RatingResponseModel> > Post(RatingInputModel input)
            var userId = this.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;

            await this.reviewService.CreateRating(input.MediaId, userId, input.Value);

            var ratingService = await this.reviewService.GetRatingAverageCount(input.MediaId);

            var average = ratingService.Item1;
            var count   = ratingService.Item2;

            var response = new RatingResponseModel()
                TotalVotes = count, AverageVote = average,

예제 #15
        //Updates rating value for the book.
        public void AddRating(RatingInputModel model)
            //Finds the book.
            var book = (from b in _db.Books
                        where b.ID == model.BookID
                        select b).First();

            if (book != null)
                //Creates a new rating based on the average of all ratings.
                double newRating = (((book.Rating * book.NumberOfRatings) + model.Score) / (book.NumberOfRatings + 1));
                book.Rating = newRating;
                //Updates the book.
예제 #16
        //Adds new ratings.
        public void AddRating(RatingInputModel model)
            var rating = (from r in _db.Ratings
                          where r.UserID == model.UserID && r.BookID == model.BookID
                          select r).FirstOrDefault();

            if (rating == null)
                var newRating = new RatingEntityModel()
                    Score   = model.Score,
                    Comment = model.Comment,
                    UserID  = model.UserID,
                    BookID  = model.BookID,
                    Votes   = 1,

예제 #17
        public static void SaveGameRating(RatingInputModel input)
            lock (Lock)
                using (var ctx = new DIHMTEntities())
                    var game = ctx.DbGames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == input.Id);

                    if (game != null)
                        // Set IsRated + RatingLastUpdated & update explanation
                        game.IsRated           = true;
                        game.RatingLastUpdated = input.QuietUpdate ? game.RatingLastUpdated : DateTime.UtcNow;
                        game.Basically         = input.Basically;
                        game.RatingExplanation = input.RatingExplanation;

                        // Remove current ratings
                        ctx.DbGameRatings.RemoveRange(ctx.DbGameRatings.Where(x => x.GameId == input.Id));

                        // Add ratings from input
                        ctx.DbGameRatings.AddRange(input.Flags?.Select(x => new DbGameRating {
                            GameId = input.Id, RatingId = x
                        }) ?? new List <DbGameRating>());

                        // Remove current links
                        ctx.DbGameLinks.RemoveRange(ctx.DbGameLinks.Where(x => x.GameId == input.Id));

                        // Add links from input
                        ctx.DbGameLinks.AddRange(input.Links?.Select(x => new DbGameLink {
                            GameId = input.Id, Link = x
                        }) ?? new List <DbGameLink>());

 public KnowledgeSkillViewModel()
     ParentFields = new List <FieldViewModel>();
     RatingInput  = new RatingInputModel();
예제 #19
 public void AddRating(RatingInputModel model)
예제 #20
 public RatingModel AddRating(RatingInputModel ratingInputModel)
     return(Post <RatingModel, RatingInputModel>("core_rating_add_rating", ratingInputModel));