private async Task <MoneyDTO> GetShippingResponseRatesAsync(RateShipmentResponse shipmentResponse, string shippingMethod, CommercePipelineExecutionContext context) { // Func<Rate, bool> shippingMethodMatchDelegate = rate => rate.ServiceCode?.IndexOf(shippingMethod, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0; var shipmentDetail = shipmentResponse .RateResponse .Rates .FirstOrDefault(r => r.ServiceCode?.IndexOf(shippingMethod, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0); if (shipmentDetail == null) { if (shipmentResponse.RateResponse.Errors.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < shipmentResponse.RateResponse.Errors.Count; i++) { context.Abort(await context.CommerceContext.AddMessage( context.GetPolicy <KnownResultCodes>().Error, "UnavailableServiceType", new object[1] { shipmentResponse.RateResponse.Errors[i].Message } ).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false), context); } } return(null); } return(shipmentDetail.ShippingAmount); }
public IActionResult CalculateRates(Request model) { HttpContext.Session.Clear(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { //create dimensions object Dimensions.UnitEnum dimensionsUnit = new Dimensions.UnitEnum(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dimensions.UnitEnum> item in DimensionUnitsConfig.DimensionsUnitsList) { if (item.Key == model.shipment.package.dimensions.unit) { dimensionsUnit = item.Value; } } Dimensions dimensions = new Dimensions { Length = model.shipment.package.dimensions.length, Width = model.shipment.package.dimensions.width, Height = model.shipment.package.dimensions.height, Unit = dimensionsUnit }; //create weight object Weight.UnitEnum weightUnit = new Weight.UnitEnum(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Weight.UnitEnum> item in WeightUnitsConfig.WeightUnitsList) { if (item.Key == model.shipment.package.weight.unit) { weightUnit = item.Value; } } Weight weight = new Weight { Value = model.shipment.package.weight.value, Unit = weightUnit }; //create package list List <ShipmentPackage> packageList = new List <ShipmentPackage>(); //create package and push to package list ShipmentPackage package = new ShipmentPackage { Weight = weight, Dimensions = dimensions }; packageList.Add(package); // create ship to address AddressDTO ship_to = new AddressDTO { Name =, Phone =, PostalCode = model.shipment.ship_to.postal_code, StateProvince = model.shipment.ship_to.state_province, CityLocality = model.shipment.ship_to.city_locality, AddressLine1 = model.shipment.ship_to.address_line1, AddressLine2 = model.shipment.ship_to.address_line2, CompanyName = model.shipment.ship_to.company_name, CountryCode = model.shipment.ship_to.country_code }; // create ship from address AddressDTO ship_from = new AddressDTO { Name =, Phone =, PostalCode = model.shipment.ship_from.postal_code, StateProvince = model.shipment.ship_from.state_province, CityLocality = model.shipment.ship_from.city_locality, AddressLine1 = model.shipment.ship_from.address_line1, AddressLine2 = model.shipment.ship_from.address_line2, CompanyName = model.shipment.ship_from.company_name, CountryCode = model.shipment.ship_from.country_code }; // create shipment AddressValidatingShipment shipment = new AddressValidatingShipment { Packages = packageList, ShipFrom = ship_from, ShipTo = ship_to }; // create rateoptions var apiKey = "2zWOj6zfmwc98DLwos4B9U5Jg9wOxkAjlX20vgEYtDs"; var carrierApi = new CarriersApi(); List <string> carrierIds = new List <string>(); try { List <Carrier> carrierList = carrierApi.CarriersList(apiKey).Carriers; foreach (Carrier carrier in carrierList) { carrierIds.Add(carrier.CarrierId); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Print("Exception when calling CarriersApi.CarriersList: " + e.Message); } RateRequest rateOptions = new RateRequest { CarrierIds = carrierIds }; // create request RateShipmentRequest request = new RateShipmentRequest { Shipment = shipment, RateOptions = rateOptions }; //send rate results to action through tempdata var rateApi = new RatesApi(); try { RateShipmentResponse result = rateApi.RatesRateShipment(request, apiKey); RateResponse rates = result.RateResponse; HttpContext.Session.SetString("rates", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rates)); return(RedirectToAction("RateResults")); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Print("Exception when calling RatesApi.RatesRateShipment: " + e.Message); } } return(RedirectToAction("Rates")); }