예제 #1
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();


            String sourceFile = dataDir + @"sample.psd";
            string destName   = dataDir + @"BinarizationWithOtsuThreshold_out.jpg";

            // Load an image
            using (Image image = Image.Load(sourceFile))
                // Cast the image to RasterCachedImage and Check if image is cached
                RasterCachedImage rasterCachedImage = (RasterCachedImage)image;
                if (!rasterCachedImage.IsCached)
                    // Cache image if not already cached

                // Binarize image with Otsu Thresholding and Save the resultant image

                rasterCachedImage.Save(destName, new JpegOptions());

예제 #2
        public static void Run()
            // To get proper output please apply a valid Aspose.Imaging License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from http:// Www.aspose.com/purchase/default.aspx.");
            // ExStart:BinarizationWithOtsuThreshold
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image in an instance of Image
            using (Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg"))
                // Cast the image to RasterCachedImage
                RasterCachedImage rasterCachedImage = (RasterCachedImage)image;
                // Check if image is cached
                if (!rasterCachedImage.IsCached)
                    // Cache image if not already cached
                // Binarize image with Otsu Thresholding
                // Save the resultant image
                rasterCachedImage.Save(dataDir + "BinarizationWithOtsuThreshold_out.jpg");
            // ExEnd:BinarizationWithOtsuThreshold
예제 #3
        public static void Run()
            // To get proper output please apply a valid Aspose.Imaging License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from http:// Www.aspose.com/purchase/default.aspx.");

            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image in an instance of Image
            using (Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg"))
                // Cast the image to RasterCachedImage and Check if image is cached
                RasterCachedImage rasterCachedImage = (RasterCachedImage)image;
                if (!rasterCachedImage.IsCached)
                    // Cache image if not already cached

                // Transform image to its grayscale representation and Save the resultant image
                rasterCachedImage.Save(dataDir + "Grayscaling_out.jpg");
예제 #4
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir      = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();
            string outputFolder = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Output();


            //The following example demonstrates that reading and saving the Grayscale 16 bit PSD files to 16bit per channel RGB works correctly and without an exception.

            string     sourceFilePath = Path.Combine(dataDir, "grayscale5x5.psd");
            string     exportFilePath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "rgb16bit5x5.psd");
            PsdOptions psdOptions     = new PsdOptions()
                ColorMode        = ColorModes.Rgb,
                ChannelBitsCount = 16,
                ChannelsCount    = 4

            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
                RasterCachedImage raster   = image.Layers[0];
                Graphics          graphics = new Graphics(raster);
                int       width            = raster.Width;
                int       height           = raster.Height;
                Rectangle rect             = new Rectangle(width / 3, height / 3, width - (2 * (width / 3)) - 1, height - (2 * (height / 3)) - 1);
                graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.DarkGray, 1), rect);
                image.Save(exportFilePath, psdOptions);

            string pngExportPath = Path.ChangeExtension(exportFilePath, "png");

            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(exportFilePath))
                // Here should be no exception.
                image.Save(pngExportPath, new PngOptions()
                    ColorType = PngColorType.GrayscaleWithAlpha


            Console.WriteLine("Saving16BitGrayscalePsdTo8BitRgb executed successfully");
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image in an instance of Image
            using (Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg"))
                // Cast the image to RasterCachedImage and Check if image is cached
                RasterCachedImage rasterCachedImage = (RasterCachedImage)image;
                if (!rasterCachedImage.IsCached)
                    // Cache image if not already cached

                // Binarize image with predefined fixed threshold and Save the resultant image
                rasterCachedImage.Save(dataDir + "BinarizationWithFixedThreshold_out.jpg");
예제 #6
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();


            string sourceFile = dataDir + @"sample.psd";
            string destName   = dataDir + @"AdjustBrightness_out.tiff";

            using (var image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile))
                RasterCachedImage rasterImage = image;

                // Set the brightness value. The accepted values of brightness are in the range [-255, 255].

                TiffOptions tiffOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);
                rasterImage.Save(destName, tiffOptions);

예제 #7
        public static void Run()
            string baseFolder = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();
            string output     = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Output();

            //ExSummary:The following code demonstrates the support of the CMYK ColorMode 16 bit and the ability to drawing by using Aspose.PSD.Graphics class.

            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(baseFolder + "cub16bit_cmyk.psd"))
                RasterCachedImage raster   = image.Layers[0];
                Graphics          graphics = new Graphics(raster);
                int       width            = raster.Width;
                int       height           = raster.Height;
                Rectangle rect             = new Rectangle(width / 3, height / 3, width - (2 * (width / 3)) - 1, height - (2 * (height / 3)) - 1);
                graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.DarkGray, 1), rect);
                image.Save(output + "output.psd");
                image.Save(output + "output.png", new PngOptions());


            Console.WriteLine("SupportOfCMYKColorMode16bit executed successfully");
예제 #8
        public static void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("Running example BinarizationWithOtsuThreshold");
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            // Load an image in an instance of Image
            using (Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg"))
                // Cast the image to RasterCachedImage and Check if image is cached
                RasterCachedImage rasterCachedImage = (RasterCachedImage)image;
                if (!rasterCachedImage.IsCached)
                    // Cache image if not already cached

                // Binarize image with Otsu Thresholding and Save the resultant image
                rasterCachedImage.Save(dataDir + "BinarizationWithOtsuThreshold_out.jpg");

            Console.WriteLine("Finished example BinarizationWithOtsuThreshold");
예제 #9
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir      = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();
            string outputFolder = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Output();

            Stack <string> outputFilePathStack = new Stack <string>();

            //The following example demonstrates that reading and saving the Grayscale 16 bit PSD files works correctly and without an exception.
            void SaveToPsdThenLoadAndSaveToPng(
                string file,
                ColorModes colorMode,
                short channelBitsCount,
                short channelsCount,
                CompressionMethod compression,
                int layerNumber)
                string     filePath   = Path.Combine(dataDir, file + ".psd");
                string     postfix    = colorMode.ToString() + channelBitsCount + "_" + channelsCount + "_" + compression;
                string     exportPath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, file + postfix + ".psd");
                PsdOptions psdOptions = new PsdOptions()
                    ColorMode         = colorMode,
                    ChannelBitsCount  = channelBitsCount,
                    ChannelsCount     = channelsCount,
                    CompressionMethod = compression

                using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(filePath))
                    RasterCachedImage raster = layerNumber >= 0 ? (RasterCachedImage)image.Layers[layerNumber] : image;

                    Graphics  graphics = new Graphics(raster);
                    int       width    = raster.Width;
                    int       height   = raster.Height;
                    Rectangle rect     = new Rectangle(
                        width / 3,
                        height / 3,
                        width - (2 * (width / 3)) - 1,
                        height - (2 * (height / 3)) - 1);
                    graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.DarkGray, 1), rect);

                    image.Save(exportPath, psdOptions);

                string pngExportPath = Path.ChangeExtension(exportPath, "png");

                using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(exportPath))
                    // Here should be no exception.
                    image.Save(pngExportPath, new PngOptions()
                        ColorType = PngColorType.GrayscaleWithAlpha


            SaveToPsdThenLoadAndSaveToPng("grayscale5x5", ColorModes.Cmyk, 16, 5, CompressionMethod.RLE, 0);
            SaveToPsdThenLoadAndSaveToPng("argb16bit_5x5", ColorModes.Grayscale, 16, 2, CompressionMethod.RLE, 0);
            SaveToPsdThenLoadAndSaveToPng("argb16bit_5x5_no_layers", ColorModes.Grayscale, 16, 2, CompressionMethod.RLE, -1);
            SaveToPsdThenLoadAndSaveToPng("argb8bit_5x5", ColorModes.Grayscale, 16, 2, CompressionMethod.RLE, 0);
            SaveToPsdThenLoadAndSaveToPng("argb8bit_5x5_no_layers", ColorModes.Grayscale, 16, 2, CompressionMethod.RLE, -1);
            SaveToPsdThenLoadAndSaveToPng("cmyk16bit_5x5_no_layers", ColorModes.Grayscale, 16, 2, CompressionMethod.RLE, -1);
            SaveToPsdThenLoadAndSaveToPng("index8bit_5x5", ColorModes.Grayscale, 16, 2, CompressionMethod.RLE, -1);


            Console.WriteLine("Saving16BitGrayscalePsdImage executed successfully");
예제 #10
        public static void Run()
            string baseFolder = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();
            string output     = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Output();

            //ExSummary:These examples demonstrate conversion of the PSD image format to other Color Modes/BitDepth.

            string dataDir   = baseFolder;
            string outputDir = output;

            // These examples demonstrate conversion of the PSD image format to other Color Modes/BitDepth.
            ImageConversion(ColorModes.Grayscale, 16, 2);
            ImageConversion(ColorModes.Grayscale, 8, 2);
            ImageConversion(ColorModes.Grayscale, 8, 1);
            ImageConversion(ColorModes.Rgb, 8, 4);
            ImageConversion(ColorModes.Rgb, 16, 4);
            ImageConversion(ColorModes.Cmyk, 8, 5);
            ImageConversion(ColorModes.Cmyk, 16, 5);

            void ImageConversion(ColorModes colorMode, short channelBitsCount, short channelsCount)
                var compression = channelBitsCount > 8 ? CompressionMethod.Raw : CompressionMethod.RLE;


            // Saves to PSD then loads the saved file and saves to PNG.
            void SaveToPsdThenLoadAndSaveToPng(
                string file,
                ColorModes colorMode,
                short channelBitsCount,
                short channelsCount,
                CompressionMethod compression,
                int layerNumber)
                string srcFile = dataDir + file + ".psd";
                string postfix = colorMode.ToString() + channelBitsCount + "bits" + channelsCount + "channels" +
                string     fileName   = file + "_" + postfix + ".psd";
                string     exportPath = outputDir + fileName;
                PsdOptions psdOptions = new PsdOptions()
                    ColorMode         = colorMode,
                    ChannelBitsCount  = channelBitsCount,
                    ChannelsCount     = channelsCount,
                    CompressionMethod = compression

                using (var image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(srcFile))

                    RasterCachedImage raster = image.Layers.Length > 0 && layerNumber >= 0
                        ? (RasterCachedImage)image.Layers[layerNumber]
                        : image;
                    Graphics  graphics = new Graphics(raster);
                    int       width    = raster.Width;
                    int       height   = raster.Height;
                    Rectangle rect     = new Rectangle(
                        width / 3,
                        height / 3,
                        width - (2 * (width / 3)) - 1,
                        height - (2 * (height / 3)) - 1);
                    graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.DarkGray, 1), rect);


                string pngExportPath = Path.ChangeExtension(exportPath, "png");

                using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(exportPath))
                    image.Save(pngExportPath, new PngOptions()
                        ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha


            Console.WriteLine("ConversionPSDToGrayscaleRgbCmyk executed successfully");