예제 #1
 public static Battle.RelayVar ParOnBeforeMove(Battle battle, Battle.RelayVar relayVar, TargetableElement target = null, BattleElement source = null, EffectData effect = null)
     if (RandomScript.RandomChance(1, 4))
예제 #2
 public int ComparePokeSpeed(PokemonCharacter a, PokemonCharacter b)
     if (a.pokemonData.speed != b.pokemonData.speed)
         return(b.pokemonData.speed - a.pokemonData.speed);
     return(Mathf.FloorToInt(RandomScript.GetRandomValue() - .5f));
예제 #3
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        DrawDefaultInspector(); // for other non-HideInInspector fields

        RandomScript script = (RandomScript)target;

        script.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Bool Value", script.boolValue, typeof(BoolValue), false) as BoolValue;
        if (script.boolValue != null)
            // draw checkbox for the bool
            script.boolValue.initialValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Bool Value Initial Value", script.boolValue.initialValue);
            if (script.boolValue.initialValue) // if bool is true, show other fields
                script.iField   = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("I Field", script.iField, typeof(InputField), true) as InputField;
                script.Template = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Template", script.Template, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject;
예제 #4
    public static Battle.RelayVar ConfusionOnBeforeMove(Battle battle, Battle.RelayVar relayVar, TargetableElement target = null, BattleElement source = null, EffectData effect = null)
        Pokemon poke = ((PokemonCharacter)target.sourceElement).pokemonData;

        //Discount time not here anymore

        if (!RandomScript.RandomChance(1, 3))
        battle.Damage(battle.GetDamage(poke, poke, null, 40), poke.targetData, poke.myPokemon,
                      new MoveData(id: "confused",
                                   effectType: Globals.EffectTypes.Move,
                                   type: Globals.Type.Unknown));

예제 #5
    public int ComparePriority(EventStatus a, EventStatus b)
        if (a.order != b.order)
            return(-(b.order - a.order));
        if (a.priority != b.priority)
            return(b.priority - a.priority);
        if (a.speed != b.speed)
            return(b.speed - a.speed);
        if (a.suborder != b.suborder)
            return(-(b.suborder - a.suborder));

        return(Mathf.FloorToInt(RandomScript.GetRandomValue() - .5f));
예제 #6
    void Start()
        BUTTON1.enabled = false;
        BUTTON2.enabled = false;
        BUTTON3.enabled = false;
        BUTTON4.enabled = false;
        BUTTON5.enabled = false;
        BUTTON6.enabled = false;

        index          = Random.Range(0, 3);
        grow           = false;
        start          = true;
        wait           = 0.5f;
        count          = 0f;
        sound          = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        image          = GetComponent <Image>();
        AS             = GameObject.Find("Info").GetComponent <AddScript>();
        RS             = GameObject.Find("Buttons").GetComponent <RandomScript>();
        BG1            = GameObject.Find("BG1").GetComponent <BackgroundScript>();
        BG2            = GameObject.Find("BG2").GetComponent <BackgroundScript>();
        BG3            = GameObject.Find("BG3").GetComponent <BackgroundScript>();
        BG4            = GameObject.Find("BG4").GetComponent <BackgroundScript>();
        image1         = GameObject.Find("Button1").GetComponent <Image>();
        image2         = GameObject.Find("Button2").GetComponent <Image>();
        image3         = GameObject.Find("Button3").GetComponent <Image>();
        image4         = GameObject.Find("Button4").GetComponent <Image>();
        image5         = GameObject.Find("Button5").GetComponent <Image>();
        image6         = GameObject.Find("Button6").GetComponent <Image>();
        image7         = GameObject.Find("Button7").GetComponent <Image>();
        monster        = GameObject.Find("MonsterHB").GetComponent <MonsterScript>();
        HS             = GameObject.Find("Score").GetComponent <HighscoreScript>();
        playerMoveRend = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        playerMoveAnim = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <Animator>();
        playerFallRend = GameObject.Find("player").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        PlayerFallAnim = GameObject.Find("player").GetComponent <Animator>();
예제 #7
    protected int MoveHit(TargetableElement target, EffectData moveData = null, bool isSecondary = false, bool isSelf = false)
        int damage = -1;

        if (moveData == null)
            moveData = activeData.moveData;

         * TryHitField (singleevent)
         * TryHitSide (singleevent)
         * TryHit (singleevent)
         * TryPrimaryHit (runevent)

        if (target.sourceElement is PokemonCharacter)
            int     didSomething = -1;
            Pokemon pokeTarget   = ((PokemonCharacter)target.sourceElement).pokemonData;
            damage = GetDamage(pokeTarget);

             * selfdestruct stuff
            if (damage >= 0 && !pokeTarget.fainted)
                if (activeData.moveData.noFaint && damage >= pokeTarget.hp)
                    damage = pokeTarget.hp - 1;
                damage = battle.Damage(damage, target, source, activeData.moveData);
                //Damage interrumped
                if (damage <= 0)
                didSomething = 1;

             * boosts stuff
             * heal stuff
             * status stuff
             * forceStatus stuff
             * volatileStatus stuff
             * sideCondition stuff
             * weather stuff
             * terrain stuff
             * pseudoWeather stuff
             * forceSwitch stuff
             * selfSwitch stuff
             * //HIT EVENTS
             * HitField (singleevent)
             * HitSide (singleevent)
             * Hit (singleevent)
             * Hit (runevent)
             * AfterHit (singleevent)
            //if the move didnt do someting return false
            if (didSomething < 0)
                didSomething = 1;

            if (didSomething == 0 && moveData.self == null &&
                (moveData is MoveData) && ((MoveData)moveData).selfdestruct == "")

        //Move has self && !selfdropped
        //move has secondaries
        if (moveData.secondaries != null)
            Globals.SecondaryEffect[] secondaries = new Globals.SecondaryEffect[moveData.secondaries.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < secondaries.Length; ++i)
                secondaries[i] = moveData.secondaries[i].DeepCopy();

            Battle.RelayVar relayVar = new Battle.RelayVar(secondaries: secondaries);
            secondaries = battle.RunEvent("ModifySecondaries", target, source, activeData.moveData, relayVar).secondaries;

            foreach (Globals.SecondaryEffect secondary in secondaries)
                int secondaryRoll = RandomScript.RandomBetween(0, 100);
                if (secondary.chance < 0 || secondaryRoll < secondary.chance)
                    TreatSecondaries(target, secondary, isSelf);
예제 #8
    //This has to be called after immunities, setting zbroke protect and all of the tryhit and movehit things
    int GetDamage(Pokemon target)
        MoveData moveData = activeData.moveData;

        Battle.RelayVar relayVar;

        if (moveData.ohko != Globals.OHKO.Null)
            return(target.maxhp);                         //Fissure, Sheer cold
        if (moveData.eventMethods.damageCallback != null) //mirro coat, naturesmaddnes, hyper fang...
            relayVar = new Battle.RelayVar();
            moveData.eventMethods.StartCallback("damageCallback", battle, relayVar, target.targetData, source, null);
        if (moveData.damageByLevel)
            return(activeData.pokemonLevel);                        //nightshade, seismic toss
        if (moveData.damage != -1)
            return(moveData.damage);                       //Dragon rage, sonic boom
        /*USING BASE POWER*/
        Globals.MoveCategory category = (moveData.category == Globals.MoveCategory.Null) ? Globals.MoveCategory.Physical : moveData.category;
        if (moveData.defensiveCategory == Globals.MoveCategory.Null)
            category = moveData.defensiveCategory;

        int basePower = activeData.basePower;

        if (moveData.eventMethods.basePowerCallback != null)
            relayVar = new Battle.RelayVar();
            moveData.eventMethods.StartCallback("basePowerCallback", battle, relayVar, target.targetData, source, moveData);
            basePower = relayVar.integerValue;
        if (basePower < 0)
            return(-1);                      //Return -1 means no dealing damage
        basePower = Mathf.Max(1, basePower); //Min value will be 1

        int[] critMultiplier = { 0, 24, 8, 2, 1 };
        relayVar = new Battle.RelayVar(integerValue: moveData.critRatio);
        relayVar = battle.RunEvent("ModifyCritRatio", source.targetScript, target.myPokemon, moveData, relayVar);
        int critRatio = Mathf.Clamp(relayVar.integerValue, 0, 4);

        //Set crit
        activeData.crit = moveData.willCrit;
        if (!activeData.crit)
            activeData.crit = RandomScript.RandomChance(1, critMultiplier[critRatio]);
        if (activeData.crit)
            relayVar        = new Battle.RelayVar(booleanValue: activeData.crit);
            relayVar        = battle.RunEvent("CriticalHit", target.targetData, null, moveData);
            activeData.crit = relayVar.booleanValue;

        //Happens after crit calculation
        relayVar = new Battle.RelayVar(integerValue: basePower);
        relayVar = battle.RunEvent("BasePower", source.targetScript, target.myPokemon, moveData, relayVar, true);
        if (relayVar.getEndEvent() && relayVar.integerValue != -1)
        basePower = Mathf.Max(1, relayVar.integerValue);

        int     level       = activeData.pokemonLevel;
        Pokemon defender    = target;
        string  attackStat  = (category == Globals.MoveCategory.Physical) ? "Atk" : "SpA";
        string  defenseStat = (category == Globals.MoveCategory.Physical) ? "Def" : "SpD";

        int attack;
        int defense;

        int atkBoosts = (moveData.useTargetOffensive) ? defender.boosts.GetBoostValue(attackStat) : activeData.pokemonBoosts.GetBoostValue(attackStat);
        int defBoosts = (moveData.useSourceDefensive) ? activeData.pokemonBoosts.GetBoostValue(defenseStat) : defender.boosts.GetBoostValue(defenseStat);

        bool ignoreNegativeOffensive = moveData.ignoreNegativeOffensive;
        bool ignorePositiveDefensive = moveData.ignorePositiveDefensive;

        if (activeData.crit)
            ignoreNegativeOffensive = true;
            ignorePositiveDefensive = true;

        bool ignoreOffensive = moveData.ignoreOffensive || (ignoreNegativeOffensive && atkBoosts < 0);
        bool ignoreDefensive = moveData.ignoreDefensive || (ignorePositiveDefensive && defBoosts > 0);

        if (ignoreOffensive)
            //this.debug('Negating (sp)atk boost/penalty.');
            atkBoosts = 0;

        if (ignoreDefensive)
            //this.debug('Negating (sp)def boost/penalty.');
            defBoosts = 0;

        if (moveData.useTargetOffensive)
            attack = defender.CalculateStat(attackStat, atkBoosts);
            attack = CalculateMoveStat(attackStat, atkBoosts);

        if (moveData.useSourceDefensive)
            defense = CalculateMoveStat(defenseStat, defBoosts);
            defense = defender.CalculateStat(defenseStat, defBoosts);

        //Apply stat modifiers
        relayVar = new Battle.RelayVar(integerValue: attack);
        relayVar = battle.RunEvent("Modify" + attackStat, source.targetScript, defender.myPokemon, moveData, relayVar);
        attack   = relayVar.integerValue;

        relayVar = new Battle.RelayVar(integerValue: defense);
        relayVar = battle.RunEvent("Modify" + defenseStat, defender.targetData, source, moveData, relayVar);
        defense  = relayVar.integerValue;

        //int(int(int(2 * L / 5 + 2) * A * P / D) / 50);
        int baseDamage = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.FloorToInt(2f * level / 5f + 2f) * basePower * attack / defense) / 50f);

        return(ModifyDamage(baseDamage, target));
예제 #9
 public static Battle.RelayVar ConfusionOnStart(Battle battle, Battle.RelayVar relayVar, TargetableElement target = null, BattleElement source = null, EffectData effect = null)
     battle.effectDataInEvent.time = RandomScript.RandomBetween(2, 6);
예제 #10
    public int ModifyDamage(int baseDamage, Pokemon pokemon, Pokemon target, ActiveMove activeMove)
        Globals.Type type = activeMove.activeData.moveData.type;
        baseDamage += 2;

        RelayVar relayVar;

        //MultiTarget should go here but not needed

        //Weather modifier
        relayVar   = new RelayVar(integerValue: baseDamage);
        relayVar   = RunEvent("WeatherModifyDamage", pokemon.targetData, target.myPokemon, activeMove.activeData.moveData, relayVar);
        baseDamage = relayVar.integerValue;

        Debug.Log("Weather modifier: " + baseDamage);

        if (activeMove.activeData.crit)
            baseDamage = Mathf.FloorToInt(baseDamage * 1.5f);

        Debug.Log("Crit modifier: " + baseDamage);

        //Not a modifier
        baseDamage = RandomScript.Randomizer(baseDamage);
        Debug.Log("Random modifier: " + baseDamage);

        if (pokemon.HasType(type))
            baseDamage = Mathf.FloorToInt(baseDamage * ((activeMove.activeData.stab != -1) ? activeMove.activeData.stab : 1.5f));

        Debug.Log("STAB modifier: " + baseDamage);

        activeMove.activeData.typeMod = Mathf.Clamp(target.RunEffectiveness(activeMove), -6, 6);
        if (activeMove.activeData.typeMod > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < activeMove.activeData.typeMod; i++)
                baseDamage *= 2;

        if (activeMove.activeData.typeMod < 0)
            for (int i = 0; i > activeMove.activeData.typeMod; i--)
                baseDamage = Mathf.FloorToInt(baseDamage / 2f);

        Debug.Log("Types modifier: " + baseDamage);

        //Burn Status
        if (pokemon.statusId == "brn" && activeMove.activeData.moveData.category == Globals.MoveCategory.Physical && !pokemon.HasAbilityActive(new string[] { "guts" }))
            if (activeMove.id != "facade")
                baseDamage = Mathf.FloorToInt(baseDamage * 0.5f);

        Debug.Log("Burn modifier: " + baseDamage);

        // Final modifier. Modifiers that modify damage after min damage check, such as Life Orb.
        relayVar   = new RelayVar(integerValue: baseDamage);
        relayVar   = RunEvent("ModifyDamage", pokemon.targetData, target.myPokemon, activeMove.activeData.moveData, relayVar);
        baseDamage = relayVar.integerValue;

        Debug.Log("other modifier: " + baseDamage);

        //Z breaking protect
        if (activeMove.activeData.zPowered && activeMove.activeData.zBrokeProtect)
            baseDamage = Mathf.FloorToInt(baseDamage * 0.25f);

        Debug.Log("z break protect modifier: " + baseDamage);

        if (baseDamage < 1)
            baseDamage = 1;

예제 #11
    //I think it will be used for direct damages
    public int GetDamage(Pokemon pokemon, Pokemon target, ActiveMove activeMove, int directDamage = -1)//movedata comes from active move?? //DirectDamage for confusion and stuff
        MoveData moveData = activeMove.activeData.moveData;
        RelayVar relayVar;

        if (moveData == null && directDamage == -1)
            return(-1);                                        //No moveData and no directDamage
        if (directDamage != -1)
            moveData = new MoveData(basePower: directDamage,
                                    type: Globals.Type.Unknown,
                                    category: Globals.MoveCategory.Physical,
                                    willCrit: false);

        //if not ignoreImmunity return false (do it before?

        if (moveData.ohko != Globals.OHKO.Null)
            return(target.maxhp);                         //Fissure, Sheer cold
        if (moveData.eventMethods.damageCallback != null) //mirro coat, naturesmaddnes, hyper fang...
            relayVar = new RelayVar();
            moveData.eventMethods.StartCallback("damageCallback", this, relayVar, target.targetData, pokemon.myPokemon, null);
        if (moveData.damageByLevel)
            return(pokemon.level);                        //nightshade, seismic toss
        if (moveData.damage != -1)
            return(moveData.damage);                       //Dragon rage, sonic boom
        /*USING BASE POWER*/
        Globals.MoveCategory category = (moveData.category == Globals.MoveCategory.Null) ? Globals.MoveCategory.Physical : moveData.category;
        if (moveData.defensiveCategory != Globals.MoveCategory.Null)
            category = moveData.defensiveCategory;

        int basePower = moveData.basePower;

        if (moveData.eventMethods.basePowerCallback != null)
            relayVar = new RelayVar();
            moveData.eventMethods.StartCallback("basePowerCallback", this, relayVar, target.targetData, pokemon.myPokemon, moveData);
            basePower = relayVar.integerValue;
        if (basePower < 0)
            return(-1);                      //Return -1 means no dealing damage
        basePower = Mathf.Max(1, basePower); //Min value will be 1
        Debug.Log("Power after basePowerCallback: " + basePower);

        int[] critMultiplier = { 0, 24, 8, 2, 1 };
        relayVar = new RelayVar(integerValue: moveData.critRatio);
        relayVar = RunEvent("ModifyCritRatio", pokemon.targetData, target.myPokemon, moveData, relayVar);
        int critRatio = Mathf.Clamp(relayVar.integerValue, 0, 4);

        //Set crit
        activeMove.activeData.crit = moveData.willCrit;
        if (!activeMove.activeData.crit)
            activeMove.activeData.crit = RandomScript.RandomChance(1, critMultiplier[critRatio]);
        if (activeMove.activeData.crit)
            relayVar = new RelayVar(booleanValue: activeMove.activeData.crit);
            relayVar = RunEvent("CriticalHit", target.targetData, null, moveData);
            activeMove.activeData.crit = relayVar.booleanValue;

        //Happens after crit calculation
        relayVar = new RelayVar(integerValue: basePower);
        relayVar = RunEvent("BasePower", pokemon.targetData, target.myPokemon, moveData, relayVar, true);
        if (relayVar.getEndEvent() && relayVar.integerValue != -1)
        basePower = Mathf.Max(1, relayVar.integerValue);

        Debug.Log("Power after basepower: " + basePower);

        int     level       = pokemon.level;
        Pokemon attacker    = pokemon;
        Pokemon defender    = target;
        string  attackStat  = (category == Globals.MoveCategory.Physical) ? "Atk" : "SpA";
        string  defenseStat = (category == Globals.MoveCategory.Physical) ? "Def" : "SpD";
        int attack;
        int defense;

        int atkBoosts = (moveData.useTargetOffensive) ? defender.boosts.GetBoostValue(attackStat) : attacker.boosts.GetBoostValue(attackStat);
        int defBoosts = (moveData.useSourceDefensive) ? attacker.boosts.GetBoostValue(defenseStat) : defender.boosts.GetBoostValue(defenseStat);

        bool ignoreNegativeOffensive = moveData.ignoreNegativeOffensive;
        bool ignorePositiveDefensive = moveData.ignorePositiveDefensive;

        if (activeMove.activeData.crit)
            ignoreNegativeOffensive = true;
            ignorePositiveDefensive = true;

        bool ignoreOffensive = moveData.ignoreOffensive || (ignoreNegativeOffensive && atkBoosts < 0);
        bool ignoreDefensive = moveData.ignoreDefensive || (ignorePositiveDefensive && defBoosts > 0);

        if (ignoreOffensive)
            //this.debug('Negating (sp)atk boost/penalty.');
            atkBoosts = 0;

        if (ignoreDefensive)
            //this.debug('Negating (sp)def boost/penalty.');
            defBoosts = 0;

        if (moveData.useTargetOffensive)
            attack = defender.CalculateStat(attackStat, atkBoosts);
            attack = attacker.CalculateStat(attackStat, atkBoosts);

        if (moveData.useSourceDefensive)
            defense = attacker.CalculateStat(defenseStat, defBoosts);
            defense = defender.CalculateStat(defenseStat, defBoosts);

        Debug.Log("attack: " + attack + " defense: " + defense);

        //Apply stat modifiers
        relayVar = new RelayVar(integerValue: attack);
        relayVar = RunEvent("Modify" + attackStat, attacker.targetData, defender.myPokemon, moveData, relayVar);
        attack   = relayVar.integerValue;

        relayVar = new RelayVar(integerValue: defense);
        relayVar = RunEvent("Modify" + defenseStat, defender.targetData, attacker.myPokemon, moveData, relayVar);
        defense  = relayVar.integerValue;

        Debug.Log("After modifiers attack: " + attack + " defense: " + defense);

        //int(int(int(2 * L / 5 + 2) * A * P / D) / 50);
        int baseDamage = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.FloorToInt(2f * level / 5f + 2f) * basePower * attack / defense) / 50f);

        Debug.Log("baseDamage: " + baseDamage);

        // Calculate damage modifiers separately (order differs between generations)
        return(ModifyDamage(baseDamage, pokemon, target, activeMove));