/// <summary>
        /// The SavePageData helper method is used to persist the
        /// current tab settings to the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int SavePageData()
            // Construct Authorized User Roles string
            string authorizedRoles = "";

            foreach (ListItem item in authRoles.Items)
                if (item.Selected == true)
                    authorizedRoles = authorizedRoles + item.Text + ";";

            // Add Page info in the database
            int NewPageID =
                new PagesDB().AddPage(portalSettings.PortalID, Int32.Parse(parentPage.SelectedItem.Value), tabName.Text,
                                      990000, authorizedRoles, showMobile.Checked, mobilePageName.Text);

            //Clear SiteMaps Cache

            // Update custom settings in the database
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// The OnUpdate on this page is used to save
        /// the current tab settings to the database and
        /// then redirect back to the main admin page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnUpdate(EventArgs e)
            // Only Update if Input Data is Valid
            if (Page.IsValid == true)

                    // Flush all tab navigation cache keys. Very important for recovery the changes
                    // made in all languages and not get a error if user change the tab parent.
                    // [email protected] (05/10/2004)
                    // Clear RainbowSiteMapCache

                    // redirect back to the admin page
                    // int adminIndex = portalSettings.DesktopPages.Count-1;
                    // 3_aug_2004 Cory Isakson use returntabid from QueryString
                    // Updated 6_Aug_2004 by Cory Isakson to accomodate addtional Page Management
                    string retPage = Request.QueryString["returnPageID"];
                    string returnPage;

                    if (retPage != null) // user is returned to the calling tab.
                        returnPage = HttpUrlBuilder.BuildUrl(int.Parse(retPage));
                    else // user is returned to updated tab
                        returnPage = HttpUrlBuilder.BuildUrl(PageID);
                    lblErrorNotAllowed.Visible = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// The AddPage_Click server event handler is used
        /// to add a new tab for this portal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void AddPage_Click(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Settings["TAB_VERSION"] != null)
                if (Settings["TAB_VERSION"].ToString() == "True")   // Use Old Version
                    // New tabs go to the end of the list
                    PageItem t = new PageItem();
                    t.Name  = General.GetString("TAB_NAME", "New Page Name");  //Just in case it comes to be empty
                    t.ID    = -1;
                    t.Order = 990000;

                    // write tab to database
                    PagesDB tabs = new PagesDB();
                    t.ID = tabs.AddPage(portalSettings.PortalID, t.Name, t.Order);

                    // Reset the order numbers for the tabs within the list

                    //Clear SiteMaps Cache

                    // Redirect to edit page
                    // 3_aug_2004 Cory Isakson added returntabid so that PageLayout could return to the tab it was called from.
                    // added mID by Mario Endara <*****@*****.**> to support security check (2004/11/09)
                        HttpUrlBuilder.BuildUrl("~/DesktopModules/CoreModules/Pages/PageLayout.aspx", t.ID,
                                                "mID=" + ModuleID.ToString() + "&returntabid=" + Page.PageID));
                    // Redirect to New Form - Mike Stone 19/12/2004
                                                "mID=" + ModuleID.ToString() + "&returntabid=" + Page.PageID));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the portal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="templateID">The template ID.</param>
        /// <param name="templateAlias">The template alias.</param>
        /// <param name="portalAlias">The portal alias.</param>
        /// <param name="portalName">Name of the portal.</param>
        /// <param name="portalPath">The portal path.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int CreatePortal(int templateID, string templateAlias, string portalAlias, string portalName,
                                 string portalPath)
            int newPortalID;

            PortalsDB portals = new PortalsDB();
            PagesDB   tabs    = new PagesDB();
            ModulesDB modules = new ModulesDB();
            UsersDB   users   = new UsersDB();

            // create an Array to stores modules ID and GUID for finding them later
            ArrayList      templateModules = new ArrayList();
            moduleTemplate module;
            // create an Array to stores tabs ID for finding them later
            ArrayList   templateTabs = new ArrayList();
            tabTemplate tab;

            // Create a new portal
            newPortalID = portals.AddPortal(portalAlias, portalName, portalPath);

            // Open the connection to the PortalTemplates Database
            SqlConnection myConnection    = GetConnection();
            SqlConnection my2ndConnection = GetConnection();
            SqlConnection my3rdConnection = GetConnection();


            // get module definitions and save them in the new portal
            SqlDataReader myReader = GetTemplateModuleDefinitions(templateID, myConnection);

            // Always call Read before accessing data.
            while (myReader.Read())
                module.id     = (int)myReader["ModuleDefID"];
                module.GuidID = GetGeneralModuleDefinitionByName(myReader["FriendlyName"].ToString(), my2ndConnection);
                    // save module definitions in the new portal
                    modules.UpdateModuleDefinitions(module.GuidID, newPortalID, true);
                    // Save the modules into a list for finding them later
                    // tried to add a Module thas doesn´t exists in this implementation of the portal


            // TODO: Is this still valid? Admin user will be created the first time the portal is accessed
            //if (!Config.UseSingleUserBase)
            //    // TODO: multiple portals still not supported
            //    Guid userID;

            //    // Create the "admin" User for the new portal
            //    string AdminEmail = "*****@*****.**";
            //    userID = users.AddUser("admin", AdminEmail, "admin", newPortalID);

            //    // Create a new row in a many to many table (userroles)
            //    // giving the "admins" role to the "admin" user
            //    users.AddUserRole("admin", userID);

            // Get all the Tabs in the Template Portal, store IDs in a list for finding them later
            // and create the Tabs in the new Portal
            myReader = GetTabsByPortal(templateID, myConnection);

            // Always call Read before accessing data.
            while (myReader.Read())
                // Save the tabs into a list for finding them later
                tab.oldID = (int)myReader["PageID"];
                tab.newID =
                    tabs.AddPage(newPortalID, myReader["PageName"].ToString(),

            //Clear SiteMaps Cache

            // now I have to get them again to set up the ParentID for each Tab
            myReader = GetTabsByPortal(templateID, myConnection);

            // Always call Read before accessing data.
            while (myReader.Read())
                // Find the news TabID and ParentTabID
                IEnumerator myEnumerator   = templateTabs.GetEnumerator();
                int         newTabID       = -1;
                int         newParentTabID = -1;

                while (myEnumerator.MoveNext() && (newTabID == -1 || newParentTabID == -1))
                    tab = (tabTemplate)myEnumerator.Current;
                    if (tab.oldID == (int)myReader["PageID"])
                        newTabID = tab.newID;
                    if (tab.oldID == Int32.Parse("0" + myReader["ParentPageID"]))
                        newParentTabID = tab.newID;

                if (newParentTabID == -1)
                    newParentTabID = 0;

                // Update the Tab in the new portal
                tabs.UpdatePage(newPortalID, newTabID, newParentTabID, myReader["PageName"].ToString(),
                                Int32.Parse(myReader["PageOrder"].ToString()), myReader["AuthorizedRoles"].ToString(),
                                myReader["MobilePageName"].ToString(), (bool)myReader["ShowMobile"]);

                // Finally use GetPortalSettings to access each Tab and its Modules in the Template Portal
                // and create them in the new Portal
                SqlDataReader result;

                    result = GetPageModules(Int32.Parse(myReader["PageID"].ToString()), my2ndConnection);

                    object myValue;

                    while (result.Read())
                        ModuleSettings m = new ModuleSettings();
                        m.ModuleID    = (int)result["ModuleID"];
                        m.ModuleDefID = (int)result["ModuleDefID"];
                        m.PageID      = newTabID;
                        m.PaneName    = (string)result["PaneName"];
                        m.ModuleTitle = (string)result["ModuleTitle"];

                        myValue = result["AuthorizedEditRoles"];
                        m.AuthorizedEditRoles = !Convert.IsDBNull(myValue) ? (string)myValue : string.Empty;

                        myValue = result["AuthorizedViewRoles"];
                        m.AuthorizedViewRoles = !Convert.IsDBNull(myValue) ? (string)myValue : string.Empty;

                        myValue = result["AuthorizedAddRoles"];
                        m.AuthorizedAddRoles = !Convert.IsDBNull(myValue) ? (string)myValue : string.Empty;

                        myValue = result["AuthorizedDeleteRoles"];
                        m.AuthorizedDeleteRoles = !Convert.IsDBNull(myValue) ? (string)myValue : string.Empty;

                        myValue = result["AuthorizedPropertiesRoles"];
                        m.AuthorizedPropertiesRoles = !Convert.IsDBNull(myValue) ? (string)myValue : string.Empty;

                        myValue = result["AuthorizedMoveModuleRoles"];
                        m.AuthorizedMoveModuleRoles = !Convert.IsDBNull(myValue) ? (string)myValue : string.Empty;

                        myValue = result["AuthorizedDeleteModuleRoles"];
                        m.AuthorizedDeleteModuleRoles = !Convert.IsDBNull(myValue) ? (string)myValue : string.Empty;

                        myValue = result["AuthorizedPublishingRoles"];
                        m.AuthorizedPublishingRoles = !Convert.IsDBNull(myValue) ? (string)myValue : string.Empty;

                        myValue           = result["SupportWorkflow"];
                        m.SupportWorkflow = !Convert.IsDBNull(myValue) ? (bool)myValue : false;

                        myValue = result["AuthorizedApproveRoles"];
                        m.AuthorizedApproveRoles = !Convert.IsDBNull(myValue) ? (string)myValue : string.Empty;

                        myValue          = result["WorkflowState"];
                        m.WorkflowStatus = !Convert.IsDBNull(myValue)
                                               ? (WorkflowState)(0 + (byte)myValue)
                                               : WorkflowState.Original;

                            myValue = result["SupportCollapsable"];
                            myValue = DBNull.Value;
                        m.SupportCollapsable = DBNull.Value != myValue ? (bool)myValue : false;

                            myValue = result["ShowEveryWhere"];
                            myValue = DBNull.Value;
                        m.ShowEveryWhere = DBNull.Value != myValue ? (bool)myValue : false;

                        m.CacheTime   = int.Parse(result["CacheTime"].ToString());
                        m.ModuleOrder = int.Parse(result["ModuleOrder"].ToString());

                        myValue      = result["ShowMobile"];
                        m.ShowMobile = !Convert.IsDBNull(myValue) ? (bool)myValue : false;

                        // Find the new ModuleDefID assigned to the module in the new portal
                        myEnumerator = templateModules.GetEnumerator();
                        int newModuleDefID = 0;

                        while (myEnumerator.MoveNext() && newModuleDefID == 0)
                            module = (moduleTemplate)myEnumerator.Current;
                            if (module.id == m.ModuleDefID)
                                newModuleDefID = modules.GetModuleDefinitionByGuid(newPortalID, module.GuidID);

                        if (newModuleDefID > 0)
                            // add the module to the new tab
                            int newModuleID = modules.AddModule(newTabID, m.ModuleOrder, m.PaneName, m.ModuleTitle,
                                                                newModuleDefID, m.CacheTime, m.AuthorizedEditRoles,
                                                                m.AuthorizedAddRoles, m.AuthorizedDeleteRoles,
                                                                m.ShowMobile, m.AuthorizedPublishingRoles,
                                                                m.ShowEveryWhere, m.SupportCollapsable);
                            // At the end, get all ModuleSettings and save them in the new module
                            SqlDataReader dr = GetModuleSettings(m.ModuleID, my3rdConnection);

                            while (dr.Read())
                                ModuleSettings.UpdateModuleSetting(newModuleID, dr["SettingName"].ToString(),

                    // Error? ignore Tab ...

            // Set the CustomSettings of the New Portal based in the Template Portal
            myReader = GetPortalCustomSettings(templateID, myConnection);

            // Always call Read before accessing data.
            while (myReader.Read())
                PortalSettings.UpdatePortalSetting(newPortalID, myReader["SettingName"].ToString(),


            // close the conections

            // Create paths

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// The AddTabButton_Click server event handler
        /// on this page is used to add a new portal module
        /// into the tab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void AddTabButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                // Hide error message in case there was a previous error.
                moduleError.Visible = false;

                // This allows the user to pick what type of people can view the module being added.
                // If Authorised Roles is selected from the dropdown then every role that has view permission for the
                // Add Role module will be added to the view permissions of the module being added.
                string viewPermissionRoles = PermissionDropDown.SelectedValue.ToString();
                if (viewPermissionRoles == "Authorised Roles")
                    viewPermissionRoles = PortalSecurity.GetViewPermissions(ModuleID);

                    // New tabs go to the end of the list
                    PageItem t = new PageItem();
                    t.Name  = TabTitleTextBox.Text;
                    t.ID    = -1;
                    t.Order = 990000;

                    // Get Parent Tab Id Convert only once used many times
                    int parentTabID = int.Parse(parentTabDropDown.SelectedValue);

                    // write tab to database
                    PagesDB tabs = new PagesDB();
                    //t.ID = tabs.AddTab(portalSettings.PortalID, t.Name, viewPermissionRoles, t.Order);

                    // Changed to use new method in TabsDB.cs now all parms are possible
                    // By Mike Stone ([email protected]) - 30/12/2004
                    t.ID =
                        tabs.AddPage(portalSettings.PortalID, parentTabID, t.Name, t.Order, viewPermissionRoles,
                                     cb_ShowMobile.Checked, tb_MobileTabName.Text);

                    //TODO.. the only way to update a parent id is throught update :S
                    // Changed to AddTab method now supports the parm
                    // Mike Stone - 30/12/2004
                    //tabs.UpdateTab(portalSettings.PortalID, t.ID, parentTabID, t.Name, t.Order, viewPermissionRoles, t.Name, false);

                    //Invalidate cache
                    // Changed to access form directly
                    // mike stone - 30/12/2004
                    //   Cache.Remove(Rainbow.Framework.Settings.Cache.Key.TabSettings(parentTabID));
                    // Copied to here 29/12/2004 by Mike Stone
                    //Debug.WriteLine("************* Remove " + Key.TabSettings(parentTabID));

                    //Clear SiteMaps Cache

                    //Jump to Page option
                    string returnTab = string.Empty;
                    if (rbl_JumpToTab.SelectedValue.ToString() == "Yes")
                        // Redirect to New Page/Tab - Mike Stone 30/12/2004
                        // modified by Hongwei Shen 9/25/2005
                        // returnTab = HttpUrlBuilder.BuildUrl("~/DesktopDefault.aspx", t.ID, "SelectedTabID=" + t.ID.ToString());
                        string newPage = "~/" + t.Name.Trim().Replace(" ", "_") + ".aspx";
                        returnTab = HttpUrlBuilder.BuildUrl(newPage, t.ID);
                        // Do NOT Redirect to New Form - Mike Stone 30/12/2004
                        // I guess every .aspx page needs to have a module tied to it.
                        // or you will get an error about edit access denied.

                        // Modified by Hongwei Shen 9/25/2005 to fix: QueryString["tabID"] maybe null.
                        // returnTab = HttpUrlBuilder.BuildUrl("~/DesktopDefault.aspx", int.Parse(Request.QueryString["tabID"]), "SelectedTabID=" + t.ID.ToString());
                        returnTab =
                            HttpUrlBuilder.BuildUrl("~/DesktopDefault.aspx", PageID, "SelectedTabID=" + t.ID.ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    moduleError.Visible = true;
                                         "There was an error with the Add Tab Module while trying to add a new tab.", ex);
                // Reload page to pick up changes
                Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl, false);