public GroupedRadioButtonsPageCode() { fruitLabel = new Label { Text = "You have chosen:" }; colorLabel = new Label { Text = "You have chosen:" }; RadioButton redRadioButton = new RadioButton { Content = "Red", TextColor = Color.Red, GroupName = "colors" }; redRadioButton.CheckedChanged += OnColorsRadioButtonCheckedChanged; RadioButton greenRadioButton = new RadioButton { Content = "Green", TextColor = Color.Green, GroupName = "colors" }; greenRadioButton.CheckedChanged += OnColorsRadioButtonCheckedChanged; RadioButton blueRadioButton = new RadioButton { Content = "Blue", TextColor = Color.Blue, GroupName = "colors" }; blueRadioButton.CheckedChanged += OnColorsRadioButtonCheckedChanged; RadioButton otherColorRadioButton = new RadioButton { Content = "Other", GroupName = "colors" }; otherColorRadioButton.CheckedChanged += OnColorsRadioButtonCheckedChanged; RadioButton appleRadioButton = new RadioButton { Content = "Apple" }; appleRadioButton.CheckedChanged += OnFruitsRadioButtonCheckedChanged; RadioButton bananaRadioButton = new RadioButton { Content = "Banana" }; bananaRadioButton.CheckedChanged += OnFruitsRadioButtonCheckedChanged; RadioButton pineappleRadioButton = new RadioButton { Content = "Pineapple" }; pineappleRadioButton.CheckedChanged += OnFruitsRadioButtonCheckedChanged; RadioButton otherFruitRadioButton = new RadioButton { Content = "Other" }; otherFruitRadioButton.CheckedChanged += OnFruitsRadioButtonCheckedChanged; StackLayout fruitStackLayout = new StackLayout { Children = { appleRadioButton, bananaRadioButton, pineappleRadioButton, otherFruitRadioButton } }; // All of the RadioButtons in this StackLayout will automatically be given the GroupName 'fruits'. RadioButtonGroup.SetGroupName(fruitStackLayout, "fruits"); Title = "Grouped RadioButtons demo (code)"; Content = new StackLayout { Margin = new Thickness(10), Children = { new Label { Text = "What's your favourite color?" }, redRadioButton, greenRadioButton, blueRadioButton, otherColorRadioButton, colorLabel, new Label { Text = "What's your favorite fruit?" }, fruitStackLayout, fruitLabel } }; }