private void CreateAlert(string header, string content) { this.Alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); this.Alert.Header = header; this.Alert.Content = content; this.Alert.ShowDuration = 2500; }
private void ActivateDesktopAlert(Shipment shipment) { RadDesktopAlert alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); var closedEventBinding = new EventBinding() { EventName = "Closed", RaiseOnHandledEvents = true}; BindingOperations.SetBinding( closedEventBinding, EventBinding.CommandProperty, new Binding() { Source = (this.DataContext as ViewModel).AlertClosedCommand }); var eventBindings = EventToCommandBehavior.GetEventBindings(alert); eventBindings.Add(closedEventBinding); alert.CanMove = false; switch (shipment.DeliveryType) { case DeliveryType.Truck: alert.Style = this.Resources["TruckStyle"] as Style; break; case DeliveryType.Train: alert.Style = this.Resources["TrainStyle"] as Style; break; case DeliveryType.Ship: alert.Style = this.Resources["ShipStyle"] as Style; break; } alert.DataContext = shipment; this.manager.ShowAlert(alert); }
private void tspControl2_DropDownClosed(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { TimeSpan? totalTime = tspControl2.Value; var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.Header = "Triggered Alert!"; alert.Content = $"Hello, this message will self-destruct in {totalTime.Value.Seconds} seconds."; alert.ShowDuration = (int)totalTime.Value.TotalMilliseconds; //Add Icon from Theme alert.Icon = new Image { Source = Application.Current.FindResource("DesktopAlertIcon") as ImageSource, Width = 48, Height = 48 }; alert.IconColumnWidth = 75; alert.IconMargin = new Thickness(0, 0, 10, 10); RadDesktopAlertManager manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(); manager.ShowAlert(alert); }
public static void Init(RadDesktopAlert ctrl) { _ctrl = ctrl; }
private void ShowMessageMethod(string content, string caption) { RadDesktopAlert radDesktopAlert; radDesktopAlert = new RadDesktopAlert(this.components); radDesktopAlert.FixedSize = new System.Drawing.Size(329, 120); radDesktopAlert.ContentImage = Properties.Resources.waiter; radDesktopAlert.ContentText = content; radDesktopAlert.CaptionText = caption ; radDesktopAlert.Show(); }
private void CheckApplicationUpdate() { if ((bool)Configuration.Updates["checkProgramUpdate"]) { WriteLog("Checking for update..."); try { var dver = new WebClient { Headers = new WebHeaderCollection { { "user-agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.0.3705;)" } } }.DownloadString(new Uri("")); if (dver == ProductVersion) WriteLog("No update found."); else if (dver != ProductVersion) { WriteLog("Update avaible: " + dver); var mi2 = new MethodInvoker(() => { var alert = new RadDesktopAlert { CaptionText = @"Найдено обновление", ContentText = "<html>Найдено обновление лаунчера: <b>" + dver + "</b>\nТекущая версия: <b>" + ProductVersion + "</b>\n Хотите ли вы пройти на страницу загрузки данного обновления?\n\nP.S. В противном случае, это уведомление будет появляться при каждом запуске лаунчера >:3", ShowCloseButton = false, ShowOptionsButton = false, ShowPinButton = false, AutoClose = false, CanMove = false, AutoCloseDelay = 5, FixedSize = new Size(329, 235), ThemeName = "VisualStudio2012Dark" }; var openUrlButton = new RadButtonElement("Получить обновление"); openUrlButton.Click += delegate { Process.Start(@""); alert.Hide(); Application.Exit(); }; var ignoreButton = new RadButtonElement("Игнорировать"); ignoreButton.Click += delegate { alert.Hide(); }; alert.ButtonItems.Add(openUrlButton); alert.ButtonItems.Add(ignoreButton); alert.Show(); }); Invoke(mi2); } CheckVersions(); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteLog("Во время проверки обновлений возникла ошибка:\n" + ex.Message + "\nPlease, head to for actual news"); CheckVersions(); } } else { WriteLog("Проверка наличия обновлений отлючена пользователем"); CheckVersions(); } }
public void btnClickMe(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.Header = "NEW EMAIL"; alert.Content = "Hello, Here are the resources to the Q2 DevTools Webinar."; alert.ShowDuration = 5000; //Add Icon from Theme alert.Icon = new Image { Source = Application.Current.FindResource("DesktopAlertIcon") as ImageSource, Width = 48, Height = 48 }; alert.IconColumnWidth = 75; alert.IconMargin = new Thickness(0, 0, 10, 10); RadDesktopAlertManager manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(); manager.ShowAlert(alert); }
private void ProductBrandDataForm_DeletedItem(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.Data.DataForm.ItemDeletedEventArgs e) { var r = _viewModel.DeleteProductBrand((ProductBrand)e.DeletedItem); if (r > 0) { var manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(AlertScreenPosition.TopCenter, new Point(0, 0), 100); var alert = new RadDesktopAlert { FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft, Header = "اطلاعات", Content = ".حذف با موفقیت انجام شد", ShowDuration = 5000, }; manager.ShowAlert(alert); } }
public static Boolean initdatabase() { RadDesktopAlertManager alertmanager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(); var r = loaddatabseconnectionfile(); if (!r) { var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.Header = "Database Configuration File Error"; alert.Content = "Please update " + System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/data/databaseconnection.json"; alert.ShowDuration = 10000; System.Media.SystemSounds.Hand.Play(); alertmanager.ShowAlert(alert); return(false); } var r1 = checkdatabaseserverconnection(); if (!r1) { var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.Header = "Database server not running"; alert.Content = "Please update " + System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/data/databaseconnection.json"; alert.ShowDuration = 10000; System.Media.SystemSounds.Hand.Play(); alertmanager.ShowAlert(alert); return(false); } var r2 = checkdatabase(); if (!r2) { var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.Header = "Database " + databaseconnection.database + " does not exists."; alert.Content = "Trying to create database. Please restart software"; alert.ShowDuration = 10000; System.Media.SystemSounds.Hand.Play(); alertmanager.ShowAlert(alert); createdatabase(); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// ShowAlert /// </summary> public void ShowAlert(String content, String header = "", Int32 showDuration = 3000, Boolean canMove = false, Boolean canAutoClose = true, Boolean showMenuButton = false, Boolean showInTaskSwitcher = false ) { var alert = new RadDesktopAlert() { Header = header, Content = content, CanMove = canMove, CanAutoClose = canAutoClose, ShowDuration = showDuration, ShowMenuButton = showMenuButton, //ShowInTaskSwitcher = showInTaskSwitcher, }; _manager.ShowAlert(alert); adjustAlertNum(); }
private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ValidateProductModel()) { RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); NavStateTrue(); CommitAndBeginEdit(); var manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(AlertScreenPosition.TopCenter); var alert = new RadDesktopAlert { FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft, Header = "اطلاعات", Content = "اطلاعات با موفقیت ثبت شد", ShowDuration = 2000, }; manager.ShowAlert(alert); }// _viewModel.SaveCommand }
private void PermanentButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ValidateDocumetHeader()) { // StcDocumentHeader.Status = StatusEnum.Permanent; CommitAndBeginEdit(); RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); var manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(AlertScreenPosition.TopCenter); var alert = new RadDesktopAlert { FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft, Header = "اطلاعات", Content = ".صند قطعی شد", ShowDuration = 2000, }; manager.ShowAlert(alert); } }
private void BackFromEndButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ValidateDocumetHeader()) { // StcDocumentHeader.Status = StatusEnum.Temporary; CommitAndBeginEdit(); isModified = true; RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); var manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(AlertScreenPosition.TopCenter); var alert = new RadDesktopAlert { FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft, Header = "اطلاعات", Content = ". برگشت از خاتمه انجام شد", ShowDuration = 2000, }; manager.ShowAlert(alert); } }
private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (_accessUtility.HasAccess(66)) { ObservableCollection <object> tLDocHeaders = RadGridView1.SelectedItems; if (tLDocHeaders.Count > 0) { Deleting(); if (_dialogResult == true) { var list = RadGridView1.SelectedItems; _viewModel.DeleteTLDocumentHeader((tLDocHeaders)); _viewModel.LoadTLDocumentHeaders(); var manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(AlertScreenPosition.TopCenter); var alert = new RadDesktopAlert { FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft, Header = "اطلاعات", Content = ".حذف با موفقیت انجام شد", ShowDuration = 1200, }; manager.ShowAlert(alert); } else { var manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(AlertScreenPosition.TopCenter); var alert = new RadDesktopAlert { FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft, Header = "اطلاعات", Content = "سند برای حذف وجود ندارد.", ShowDuration = 1200, }; manager.ShowAlert(alert); } } } }
internal void ShowAlertError(string content, string detail) { var sp = new StackPanel(); sp.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = content }); sp.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = detail }); var radDesktopAlert = new RadDesktopAlert { Header = "Error", Content = sp, Width = 400, ShowDuration = 3000 }; radDesktopAlertManager.ShowAlert(radDesktopAlert); }
public static async void changeaccount(dynamic obj) { try { softwaresettingrepo ssr = new softwaresettingrepo(); var ravicosoftuser = ssr.getbyname(commonsettingfields.ravicosoftuserid); if (ravicosoftuser == null) { return; } var apiendpoint = apiendpointdefault; if (userutils.apiendpoint != null) { apiendpoint = userutils.apiendpoint.stringvalue; } RestClient client = new RestClient(apiendpoint); var request = new RestRequest("changeaccount"); obj.userid = ravicosoftuser.stringvalue; request.AddJsonBody(obj); var response = await client.PostAsync <apiresponsetype>(request); if (response.status == "success") { var user = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <apiresponseuserclass>(; userutils.updateusersetting(user); RadDesktopAlertManager manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(); var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.Header = "Information"; alert.Content = "User account changed. Please restart software to apply update"; alert.ShowDuration = 5000; System.Media.SystemSounds.Hand.Play(); manager.ShowAlert(alert); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private Boolean checksystemdate() { RadDesktopAlertManager manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(); var currentdate = DateTime.Now; var lastsaveddate = Settings.Default.lastsavedate; if (currentdate < lastsaveddate) { var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.Header = "Business Book Alert"; alert.Content = "Please correct your system date first"; alert.ShowDuration = 30000; System.Media.SystemSounds.Hand.Play(); manager.ShowAlert(alert); return(false); } else { Settings.Default.lastsavedate = DateTime.Now; Settings.Default.Save(); return(true); } }
/// <summary> /// 右下角顯示警告提示 /// </summary> /// <param name="Title">標題</param> /// <param name="Content">內容</param> /// <param name="CloseDelayTime">自動消失秒數(預設6秒)</param> /// <param name="ScreenDisplayPosition">提示顯示位置(Enum AlertScreenPosition)</param> /// <param name="PopupLocation">提示位置手動設定(new Point())</param> private void ShowDesktopAlert(string Title, string Content, int CloseDelayTime = 6, AlertScreenPosition ScreenDisplayPosition = AlertScreenPosition.BottomRight, Point PopupLocation = new Point()) { try { Font LabelFont = new Font("微軟正黑體", 12f, FontStyle.Regular); Font DesktopAlertTextBtnFont = new Font("微軟正黑體", 16f, FontStyle.Bold); RadDesktopAlert radDesktopAlert = new RadDesktopAlert(); radDesktopAlert.ScreenPosition = ScreenDisplayPosition; if (ScreenDisplayPosition == AlertScreenPosition.Manual) { DesktopAlertPopup alertpopup = radDesktopAlert.Popup as DesktopAlertPopup; if (alertpopup != null) { alertpopup.Location = PopupLocation; } } radDesktopAlert.AutoClose = true; radDesktopAlert.AutoCloseDelay = CloseDelayTime; radDesktopAlert.CaptionText = Title; radDesktopAlert.ContentText = Content; //radDesktopAlert.ThemeName = "FluentDatk"; radDesktopAlert.AutoSize = true; //radDesktopAlert.ScreenPosition = AlertScreenPosition.BottomRight; radDesktopAlert.ShowCloseButton = true; radDesktopAlert.ShowOptionsButton = false; radDesktopAlert.ShowPinButton = false; radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.ContentElement.Font = LabelFont; radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.CaptionElement.TextAndButtonsElement.Font = DesktopAlertTextBtnFont; radDesktopAlert.Show(); } catch { throw; } }
private void RadButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { Datos datos = new DAL.Datos(); DataTable dt = datos.ObtenerAñosPOM(Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content)).Tables[0]; decimal FechaInicio = 0; decimal FechaFin = 0; string sNombre = ""; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { sNombre = row["Nombre"].ToString(); FechaInicio = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Fecha_Inicio"]); FechaFin = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Fecha_Fin"]); } IList lista = lstScripts.SelectedItems; //INSERTA SI NO EXISTE EJECUTOR CALENDARIZADO DataTable dtEjecutor = datos.VerificaEjecutorCalendarizado(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), sNombre).Tables[0]; if (dtEjecutor.Rows.Count != 0) { //ACTUALIZA EJECUTOR foreach (ListBoxItem item in lstScripts.SelectedItems) { var valor = item.Content.ToString(); if (valor == "Script 1") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor1(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 2") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor2(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 3") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor3(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 4") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor4(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 5") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor5(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 6") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor6(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 7") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor7(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 8") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor8(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 9") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor9(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 10") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor10(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 11") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor11(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 12") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor12(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 13") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor13(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 14") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor14(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 15") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor15(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 16") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor16(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 17") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor17(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Politicas de pago") { //Politicas de Pago datos.CalendarizarPolitica180(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); datos.CalendarizarPolitica120(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); datos.CalendarizarPolitica90(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); datos.CalendarizarPolitica60(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); datos.CalendarizarPolitica45(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); datos.CalendarizarPolitica2030(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 18") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor18(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 19") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor19(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 20") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor20(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 21") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor21(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 22") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor22(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 23") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor23(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 24") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor24(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 25") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor25(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 26") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor26(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } } } else { //INSERTA EJECUTOR datos.CalendarizarEjecutor(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); foreach (ListBoxItem item in lstScripts.SelectedItems) { var valor = item.Content.ToString(); if (valor == "Script 1") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor1(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 2") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor2(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 3") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor3(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 4") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor4(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 5") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor5(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 6") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor6(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 7") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor7(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 8") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor8(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 9") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor9(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 10") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor10(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 11") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor11(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 12") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor12(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 13") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor13(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 14") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor14(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 15") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor15(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 16") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor16(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 17") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor17(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Politicas de pago") { //Politicas de Pago datos.CalendarizarPolitica180(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); datos.CalendarizarPolitica120(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); datos.CalendarizarPolitica90(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); datos.CalendarizarPolitica60(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); datos.CalendarizarPolitica45(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); datos.CalendarizarPolitica2030(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 18") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor18(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 19") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor19(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 20") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor20(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 21") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor21(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 22") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor22(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 23") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor23(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 24") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor24(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 25") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor25(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } if (valor == "Script 26") { datos.CalendarizarEjecutor26(Convert.ToDecimal(lblTitulo.Content), Convert.ToDecimal(lblPOM.Content), FechaInicio, FechaFin, sNombre); } } } this.Close(); var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.Header = "NOTIFICACIÓN"; alert.Content = "El Ejecutor se calendarizó."; RadDesktopAlertManager manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(); manager.ShowAlert(alert); } catch (Exception ex) { var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.Header = "NOTIFICACIÓN"; alert.Content = ex.Message; RadDesktopAlertManager manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(); manager.ShowAlert(alert); } }
private void btnSendEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { btnSendEmail.Enabled = false; string error = string.Empty; string msg = txtMessage.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTo.Text.Trim())) { error += "Required : To" + Environment.NewLine; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) { error += "Cannot send empty message.."; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { ENUtils.ShowMessage(error); return; } EuroSMS sms = new EuroSMS(); string[] toNumbers = txtTo.Text.Split(',').Where(c => c != string.Empty).Distinct().ToArray <string>(); Thread smsThread = new Thread(delegate() { SendSMS(sms, toNumbers, msg); if (SMSBunchMessages == true) { SendSMSBunch(); SMSBunchMessages = false; //txtMessage.ReadOnly = false; } }); smsThread.Start(); General.SaveSentSMS(msg, txtTo.Text.ToStr()); if (AppVars.objPolicyConfiguration.DisablePopupNotifications.ToBool() == false) { RadDesktopAlert alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.CaptionText = "message sent successfully"; alert.ContentText = msg; alert.ContentImage =; alert.Show(); } this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ENUtils.ShowMessage(ex.Message); } finally { btnSendEmail.Enabled = true; } }
private void EmailInvoices(long TransId) { bool IsSuccess = false; try { string subject = txtSubject.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subject)) { ENUtils.ShowMessage("Required : Email Subject"); return; } if (txtBody.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { subject += "||" + txtBody.Text; } List <GridViewRowInfo> rows = null; if (TransId == 0) { rows = grdLister.Rows.Where(c => c.Cells["Check"].Value.ToBool() == true).ToList(); } else { rows = grdLister.Rows.Where(c => c.Cells["RentId"].Value.ToLong() == TransId).ToList(); } //List<long> invoiceIds = rows.Select(c => c.Cells["RentId"].Value.ToLong()).ToList<long>(); List <long> invoiceIds = new List <long>(); if (TransId == 0) { invoiceIds = rows.Select(c => c.Cells["RentId"].Value.ToLong()).ToList <long>(); } else { invoiceIds = new List <long>(); invoiceIds.Add(TransId); } if (invoiceIds.Count > 0) { frmDriverRentTransactionExpensesReport3 frm = new frmDriverRentTransactionExpensesReport3(1); frm.reportViewer1.Tag = "invoice"; var list = General.GetQueryable <vu_DriverRentExpense>(a => invoiceIds.Contains(a.Id)).ToList(); var list2 = General.GetQueryable <vu_FleetDriverRentExpense>(a => invoiceIds.Contains(a.Id)).ToList(); List <Fleet_Driver> driversList = General.GetQueryable <Fleet_Driver>(c => c.DriverTypeId == 1).ToList(); frmEmail frmEmail = new frmEmail(null, "", ""); Fleet_Driver objDriver = null; foreach (var item in rows.Where(c => c.Cells["Check"].Value.ToBool())) { if (optFullDetail.ToggleState == Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.On) { frm.optFullDetail.ToggleState = Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.On; } else if (optAccountJobs.ToggleState == Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.On) { frm.optAccountJobs.ToggleState = Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.On; } else if (optSummaryDetails.ToggleState == Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.On) { frm.optSummaryDetails.ToggleState = Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.On; } frm.DataSource = list.Where(c => c.Id == item.Cells["RentId"].Value.ToLong()).OrderBy(c => c.PickupDate).ToList(); frm.DataSource2 = list2.Where(c => c.RentId == item.Cells["RentId"].Value.ToLong()).OrderBy(c => c.Date).ToList(); // frm.objSubcompany = objSubcompany; frm.objSubcompany = driversList.FirstOrDefault(C => C.Id == item.Cells["DriverId"].Value.ToInt()).DefaultIfEmpty().Gen_SubCompany.DefaultIfEmpty(); frm.GenerateReport(item.Cells["VAT"].Value.ToDecimal()); objDriver = driversList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == item.Cells["DriverId"].Value.ToInt()); //string email = driversList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == item.Cells[COLS.Id].Value.ToInt()).DefaultIfEmpty().Email.ToStr().Trim(); string email = ""; if (objDriver != null) { email = objDriver.Email.ToStr().Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { IsSuccess = frm.SendEmailInternally(frmEmail, subject, objDriver.DriverNo.ToStr().Trim(), email); } } if (frmEmail != null && frmEmail.IsDisposed == false) { frmEmail.Close(); GC.Collect(); } if (IsSuccess) { RadDesktopAlert alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.ContentText = "Email has been sent successfully"; alert.Show(); } // ENUtils.ShowMessage("Email has been sent successfully"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ENUtils.ShowMessage(ex.Message); } }
public void ShowAlert(RadDesktopAlert radDesktopAlert) { radDesktopAlert.Background = Brushes.Black; radDesktopAlert.Foreground = Brushes.White; radDesktopAlertManager.ShowAlert(radDesktopAlert); }
public ExchangeView() { InitializeComponent(); this.WhenActivated(disposables => { //d(this.OneWayBind(this.ViewModel, vm => vm.RefreshMarketSummariesElapsed, v => v.lblRefreshMarketSummariesElapsed.Content)); //d(this.OneWayBind(this.ViewModel, vm => vm.RefreshTradesElapsed, v => v.lblRefreshTradesElapsed.Content)); //d(this.OneWayBind(this.ViewModel, vm => vm.RefreshDepositsElapsed, v => v.lblRefreshDepositsElapsed.Content)); //d(this.OneWayBind(this.ViewModel, x => x.Markets, x => x.cmbMarkets.ItemsSource)); //d(this.Bind(this.ViewModel, x => x.CurrentSymbol, x => x.cmbMarkets.SelectedValue)); //d(this.OneWayBind(this.ViewModel, x => x.MarketsByAsset, x => x.pnlMarkets.ItemsSource)); //d(this.OneWayBind(this.ViewModel, x => x.MarketsByAsset, x => x.pnlTickers.ItemsSource)); //d(this.BindCommand(this.ViewModel, x => x.GetRecentTradesCommand, x => x.btnGetTrades)); //d(this.OneWayBind(this.ViewModel, x => x.RecentTrades, x => x.grdTrades.ItemsSource)); //d(this.OneWayBind(this.ViewModel, vm => vm.OrderBook, x => x.grdOrderBook.ItemsSource)); //d(this.OneWayBind(this.ViewModel, x => x.PriceTicker, x => x.grdOrderBook.ItemsSource)); //d(this.OneWayBind(this.ViewModel, vm => vm.Deposits, v => v.grdDeposits.ItemsSource)); //d(this.OneWayBind(this.ViewModel, vm => vm.Withdrawals, v => v.grdWithdrawals.ItemsSource)); //d(this.Bind(this.ViewModel, vm => vm.MarketFilter, v => v.txtMarketFilter.Text)); //d(this.OneWayBind(this.ViewModel, vm => vm, v => v.brdFunds.DataContext)); this.OneWayBind(this.ViewModel, x => x, x => x.priceTicker.DataContext).DisposeWith(disposables); this.ViewModel .CreateTask .RegisterHandler( interaction => { var wnd = new Window { Content = interaction.Input, ContentTemplate = Application.Current.Resources["rxuiViewModelHostTemplate"] as DataTemplate, Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow, ShowInTaskbar = false, ShowActivated = true, SizeToContent = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight, Title = "Новый трейд", WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner, WindowStyle = WindowStyle.ToolWindow }; return(Observable.Start(() => { var result = wnd.ShowDialog(); interaction.SetOutput(result.GetValueOrDefault()); }, RxApp.MainThreadScheduler)); }).DisposeWith(disposables); this.ViewModel .Confirm .RegisterHandler( interaction => { var result = MessageBox.Show(Application.Current.MainWindow, interaction.Input, "Подтверждение", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); interaction.SetOutput(result == MessageBoxResult.Yes); }).DisposeWith(disposables); this.ViewModel .ShowException .RegisterHandler( interaction => { MessageBox.Show(Application.Current.MainWindow, interaction.Input.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); interaction.SetOutput(Unit.Default); }).DisposeWith(disposables); this.ViewModel .Alert .RegisterHandler( interaction => { var alert = new RadDesktopAlert() { CanAutoClose = false, Content = interaction.Input, Header = "Trading Bot Alert" }; //Dispatcher.Invoke(() => alertManager.ShowAlert(alert)); MessageBox.Show(Application.Current.MainWindow, interaction.Input, ViewModel.ExchangeName, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); interaction.SetOutput(Unit.Default); }).DisposeWith(disposables); }); }
public void importa() { try { OpenFileDialog openfile = new OpenFileDialog(); openfile.DefaultExt = ".xlsx"; openfile.Filter = "(.xlsx)|*.xlsx"; //openfile.ShowDialog(); var browsefile = openfile.ShowDialog(); if (browsefile == true) { txtFilePath.Text = openfile.FileName; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excelApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); //Static File From Base Path........... //Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook excelBook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TestExcel.xlsx", 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0); //Dynamic File Using Uploader........... Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook excelBook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(txtFilePath.Text.ToString(), 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet excelSheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)excelBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range excelRange = excelSheet.UsedRange; //string strCellData = ""; //double douCellData; int rowCnt = 0; int colCnt = 0; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("es-MX"); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); for (colCnt = 1; colCnt <= excelRange.Columns.Count; colCnt++) { string strColumn = ""; strColumn = (string)(excelRange.Cells[1, colCnt] as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range).Value2; dt.Columns.Add(strColumn, typeof(string)); } int columns_count = excelRange.Columns.Count; int rows_count = excelRange.Rows.Count; for (rowCnt = 2; rowCnt <= rows_count; rowCnt++) { object[] strData = new object[columns_count]; for (int clm = 0; clm < columns_count; clm++) { strData[clm] = ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)excelSheet.Cells[rowCnt, clm + 1]).Value2; } dt.Rows.Add(strData); //dt.Rows.Add( // ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)excelSheet.Cells[rowCnt, 1]).Value2, // ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)excelSheet.Cells[rowCnt, 2]).Value2, // ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)excelSheet.Cells[rowCnt, 3]).Value2, // ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)excelSheet.Cells[rowCnt, 4]).Value2, // ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)excelSheet.Cells[rowCnt, 5]).Value2, // ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)excelSheet.Cells[rowCnt, 6]).Value2, // ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)excelSheet.Cells[rowCnt, 7]).Value2, // ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)excelSheet.Cells[rowCnt, 8]).Value2, // ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)excelSheet.Cells[rowCnt, 9]).Value2 //); } gvData.ItemsSource = dt.DefaultView; excelBook.Close(true, null, null); excelApp.Quit(); var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.Header = "NOTIFICACIÓN"; alert.Content = "El archivo se cargó exitosamente."; alert.ShowDuration = 3000; RadDesktopAlertManager manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(); manager.ShowAlert(alert); } else { btGuardar.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; btCancelar.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error"); } }
public void DespatchJob() { List <string> listofErrors = new List <string>(); bool IsDespatched = OnDespatching(ref listofErrors); if (IsDespatched) { try { (new TaxiDataContext()).stp_DespatchedJob(this.JobId, ObjDriver.Id, false, false, false, false, AppVars.LoginObj.LoginName.ToStr(), Enums.BOOKINGSTATUS.DISPATCHED); if (chkCompleteJob.Checked == false) { bool autoDespatch = objBooking.AutoDespatch.ToBool(); if ((!this.IsAutoDespatchActivity || !autoDespatch)) { int?driverId = ObjDriver.Id.ToIntorNull(); Fleet_DriverQueueList driverCurrent = General.GetQueryable <Fleet_DriverQueueList>(c => c.Status == true && c.DriverId == driverId) .OrderByDescending(c => c.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (driverCurrent != null) { General.OnDespatchUpdateDriverQueue(driverCurrent.Id, objBooking.Id, General.GetPostCodeMatch(objBooking.ToAddress.ToStr().Trim())); RefreshBookingList(); } SuccessDespatched = true; RadDesktopAlert alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.AutoCloseDelay = 5; alert.FadeAnimationType = FadeAnimationType.None; alert.CaptionText = "Job No : " + objBooking.BookingNo.ToStr() + " Despatch Successfully"; alert.ContentText = "Driver : " + ObjDriver.DriverName; alert.ContentText += Environment.NewLine + "Pickup Date-Time : " + string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt}", objBooking.PickupDateTime); alert.Show(); } } if (!this.IsAutoDespatchActivity) { new BroadcasterData().BroadCastToAll(RefreshTypes.REFRESH_ONLY_DASHBOARD); } this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ENUtils.ShowMessage(ex.Message); } } else { lblNocMessage.Text = "Job Despatch Failed.."; lblNocMessage.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblNocMessage.Visible = true; int cnt = listofErrors.Count; if (cnt == 1) { lblSmsError1.Visible = true; lblSmsError1.Text = listofErrors[0].ToStr(); } if (cnt == 2) { lblSmsError1.Visible = true; lblSmsError1.Text = listofErrors[0].ToStr(); lblSMSError2.Visible = true; lblSMSError2.Text = listofErrors[1].ToStr(); } } }
/// <summary> /// ShowAlert /// </summary> public void ShowAlert(RadDesktopAlert alert) { _manager.ShowAlert(alert); adjustAlertNum(); }
private void bLogar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ValidaLogin(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUsuario.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbSenha.Text)) { using (var db = new DataBaseDataContext()) { var usuarios = db.Usuarios.Where(u => u.NM_LOGIN == tbUsuario.Text.Trim() && u.NM_SENHA == senha.Trim() && u.FL_HABILITA == 1); if (usuarios.Count() == 0) { var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.ContentText = "\"Usuário\" e/ou \"Senha\" inválido(s)"; alert.Show(); } else { var usuario = usuarios.Single(u => u.ID_USUARIO == usuarios.First().ID_USUARIO); if (usuario.ID_PERFIL != 3) { usuario.DT_ULTIMO_ACESSO = DateTime.Now; usuario.NR_ULTIMO_ACESSO += 1; db.SubmitChanges(); var usuarioLogado = db.UsuarioLogados.FirstOrDefault(); if (usuarioLogado == null) { var uL = new UsuarioLogado(); uL.ID_USUARIO = usuario.ID_USUARIO; db.UsuarioLogados.InsertOnSubmit(uL); } else { usuarioLogado.ID_USUARIO = usuario.ID_USUARIO; } db.SubmitChanges(); tbUsuario.Text = string.Empty; tbSenha.Text = string.Empty; var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.ContentText = $"Bem-vindo {usuario.NM_LOGIN}!"; alert.Show(); Default telaInicial = new Default(); telaInicial.Show(); this.Visible = false; } else { var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.ContentText = "Perfil \"Cliente\" por favor, acesse o sistema via web"; alert.Show(); } } } } }
void btnExportExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (grdLister.Rows.Count == 0) { return; } try { saveFileDialog1.Filter = "Excel File (*.xls)|*.xls|AdvExcel File (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx"; saveFileDialog1.Title = "Save File"; saveFileDialog1.FileName = "Drivers Weekly Rent Sheet"; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { grdLister.Columns["IsPaid"].IsVisible = false; grdLister.Columns["Paid"].IsVisible = true; grdLister.Columns["btnUpdate"].IsVisible = false; grdLister.Columns["Active"].Width = 35; grdLister.Columns["Active"].HeaderText = "Active"; grdLister.Columns["DriverNo"].Width = 38; grdLister.Columns["DriverNo"].HeaderText = "Driver"; grdLister.Columns["AccountBookings"].Width = 70; grdLister.Columns["AccountBookings"].HeaderText = "A/C Bookings"; grdLister.Columns["TotalRentCommission"].Width = 60; grdLister.Columns["OfficeToPay"].Width = 70; grdLister.Columns["PreviousBalance"].Width = 65; // grdLister.Columns["Total"].Width = 80; grdLister.Columns["DriverToPay"].Width = 70; grdLister.Columns["Paid"].Width = 30; var row = grdLister.Rows.OrderByDescending(c => c.Cells["ToDate"].Value.ToDate()).FirstOrDefault(); DateTime?dtCurrent = row.Cells["FromDate"].Value.ToDate(); DateTime dtEnd = row.Cells["ToDate"].Value.ToDate(); Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter[] param = new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter[1]; string heading = string.Empty; heading = "Drivers Weekly Rent Sheet - " + string.Format("from {0:dd/MM/yyyy}", dtCurrent) + " until " + string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", dtEnd); ClsExportGridView obj = new ClsExportGridView(grdLister, saveFileDialog1.FileName); obj.ApplyCellFormatting = true; obj.ConditionalFormattingObject = new StyleDataRowConditionalFormattingObject(); obj.ConditionalFormattingObject.ConditionFormattingColumnName = "Paid"; obj.ConditionalFormattingObject.RowBackColor = Color.LightGreen; obj.ConditionalFormattingObject.RowForeColor = Color.Black; obj.ConditionalFormattingObject.TValue = "Paid"; obj.Heading = heading; if (obj.ExportExcel()) { RadDesktopAlert alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.CaptionText = "Export"; alert.ContentText = "<html> <b><span style=font-size:medium><color=Blue>Export Successfully</span></b></html>"; alert.Show(); } SetDefaultColumnSettings(); } } catch (Exception ex) { SetDefaultColumnSettings(); ENUtils.ShowMessage(ex.Message); } }
private void radButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int affected = 0, rowsAffected = -1; if (radCheckBox1.Checked) { bool validNumber = true; foreach (char c in radTextBox1.Text) { validNumber = (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); if (!validNumber) { break; } } if (validNumber) { affected = HANO.SqlNonQueryExec("DELETE FROM passenger WHERE passengerID = " + radTextBox1.Text); if (affected > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Deleted passenger from " + affected + " places successfully."); } if (affected == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Passenger not found"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("This is not a number...", "Error!"); } } else if (radCheckBox2.Checked) { DataTable dt = HANO.SqlQueryExec("SELECT personID FROM person WHERE First_Name='" + radTextBox2.Text + "' and Last_Name='" + radTextBox3.Text + "'"); rowsAffected = dt.Rows.Count; switch (rowsAffected) { case 0: MessageBox.Show("No matching passengers found!"); break; case 1: HANO.SqlNonQueryExec("DELETE FROM passenger WHERE passenger.personID '" + dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() + "'"); MessageBox.Show("Removed the passenger successfully.", "Success"); break; default: RadDesktopAlert ra = new RadDesktopAlert(); ra.CaptionText = "Error Executing!"; ra.ContentText = "More than one passenger were found with the given first and last names!"; ra.Show(); break; } } else { RadDesktopAlert ra = new RadDesktopAlert(); ra.CaptionText = "Select at least one method!"; ra.ContentText = "You must select between the ID method or the First/Last Name method."; ra.Show(); } }
public NotificationService(RadDesktopAlert rda) { this.rda = rda; }
private void EmailInvoices(long TransId) { bool IsSuccess = false; try { string subject = txtSubject.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subject)) { ENUtils.ShowMessage("Required : Email Subject"); return; } List <GridViewRowInfo> rows = null; if (TransId == 0) { rows = grdDriverCommission.Rows.Where(c => c.Cells["Check"].Value.ToBool() == true).ToList(); } else { rows = grdDriverCommission.Rows.Where(c => c.Cells["CommissionId"].Value.ToLong() == TransId).ToList(); } //List<long> invoiceIds = rows.Select(c => c.Cells["CommissionId"].Value.ToLong()).ToList<long>(); List <long> invoiceIds = new List <long>(); if (TransId == 0) { invoiceIds = rows.Select(c => c.Cells["CommissionId"].Value.ToLong()).ToList <long>(); } else { invoiceIds = new List <long>(); invoiceIds.Add(TransId); } if (invoiceIds.Count > 0) { frmDriverCommisionTransactionExpensesReport3 frm = new frmDriverCommisionTransactionExpensesReport3(1); var list = General.GetQueryable <vu_DriverCommisionExpenses2>(a => invoiceIds.Contains(a.Id)).ToList(); var list2 = General.GetQueryable <vu_FleetDriverCommissionExpense>(a => invoiceIds.Contains(a.Id)).ToList(); List <Fleet_Driver> driversList = General.GetQueryable <Fleet_Driver>(c => c.DriverTypeId == 2).ToList(); frmEmail frmEmail = new frmEmail(null, "", ""); Fleet_Driver objDriver = null; foreach (var item in rows.Where(c => c.Cells["Check"].Value.ToBool())) { frm.DataSource = list.Where(c => c.Id == item.Cells["CommissionId"].Value.ToLong()).OrderBy(c => c.PickupDate).ToList(); frm.DataSource2 = list2.Where(c => c.CommissionId == item.Cells["CommissionId"].Value.ToLong()).OrderBy(c => c.Date).ToList(); frm.GenerateReport(); objDriver = driversList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == item.Cells["DriverId"].Value.ToInt()); //string email = driversList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == item.Cells[COLS.Id].Value.ToInt()).DefaultIfEmpty().Email.ToStr().Trim(); string email = objDriver.Email.ToStr().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { IsSuccess = frm.SendEmailInternally(frmEmail, subject, objDriver.DriverNo.ToStr().Trim(), email); } } if (frmEmail != null && frmEmail.IsDisposed == false) { frmEmail.Close(); GC.Collect(); } if (IsSuccess) { RadDesktopAlert alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.ContentText = "Email has been sent successfully"; alert.Show(); } // ENUtils.ShowMessage("Email has been sent successfully"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ENUtils.ShowMessage(ex.Message); } }
private void ContextMenuClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //GL gl = ClickedTreeViewItem.DataContext as GL; //TL tl = ClickedTreeViewItem.DataContext as TL; var SystemAccountingSettingModel = _systemAccountingSettingsService.GetSystemAccountingSettingModel(); int.TryParse(SystemAccountingSettingModel.GLLength, out int SystemAccountingSettingModelGLLength); // var SystemAccountingSettingModelGLLength = int.Parse(SystemAccountingSettingModel.GLLength); long lastGLCode = _gLsService.GetLastGLCode() + 1; var lastGLLenght = (lastGLCode.ToString()).Length; string tag = (e.OriginalSource as RadMenuItem).Tag as string; if (ClickedTreeViewItem == null) { if (lastGLLenght == SystemAccountingSettingModelGLLength) { AddGLTreeItemWindow addGLTreeItemWindow0 = SmObjectFactory.Container.GetInstance <AddGLTreeItemWindow>(); var treeGL = addGLTreeItemWindow0.DataContext as AddGLTreeItemWindowViewModel; // treeGL.GL = gl; treeGL.SaveClicked += (g) => { //addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataItem.GL = gl; g.ImageUrl = "../../Resources/cian.png"; _vm.AddGL(g); g.GLId = _vm.GetGLId(g.GLCode); _vm.Items.Add(g); //_vm.Save(); addGLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); // gl.TLs.Add(addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataItem); // gl.IsExpanded = true; // Ensure that the new child is visible //using (var uow = new SainaDbContext()) //{ // uow.GLs.Add(g); // uow.SaveChanges(); // addGLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); //} }; addGLTreeItemWindow0.Width = 1000; addGLTreeItemWindow0.Height = 500; addGLTreeItemWindow0.CanClose = true; addGLTreeItemWindow0.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); addGLTreeItemWindow0.Show(); } else { DialogParameters parameters = new DialogParameters(); parameters.OkButtonContent = "بستن"; parameters.Header = "اخطار"; parameters.Content = " شماره گذاری این حساب به پایان رسیده است"; RadWindow.Alert(parameters); } } else if (ClickedTreeViewItem.DataContext is GL gl) { if (tag == "newGL") { if (_accessUtility.HasAccess(70)) { if (lastGLLenght == SystemAccountingSettingModelGLLength) { AddGLTreeItemWindow addGLTreeItemWindow0 = SmObjectFactory.Container.GetInstance <AddGLTreeItemWindow>(); var treeGL = addGLTreeItemWindow0.DataContext as AddGLTreeItemWindowViewModel; // treeGL.GL = gl; treeGL.SaveClicked += (g) => { //addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataItem.GL = gl; g.ImageUrl = "../../Resources/cian.png"; _vm.AddGL(g); g.GLId = _vm.GetGLId(g.GLCode); _vm.Items.Add(g); //_vm.Save(); addGLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); // gl.TLs.Add(addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataItem); gl.IsExpanded = true; // Ensure that the new child is visible //using (var uow = new SainaDbContext()) //{ // uow.GLs.Add(g); // uow.SaveChanges(); // addGLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); //} }; addGLTreeItemWindow0.Width = 1000; addGLTreeItemWindow0.Height = 500; addGLTreeItemWindow0.CanClose = true; addGLTreeItemWindow0.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); addGLTreeItemWindow0.Show(); } else { DialogParameters parameters = new DialogParameters(); parameters.OkButtonContent = "بستن"; parameters.Header = "اخطار"; parameters.Content = " شماره گذاری این حساب به پایان رسیده است"; RadWindow.Alert(parameters); } } // break; } else if (tag == "newTL") { if (_accessUtility.HasAccess(70)) { AddTLTreeItemWindow addTLTreeItemWindow0 = SmObjectFactory.Container.GetInstance <AddTLTreeItemWindow>(); var treeTL = addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataContext as AddTLTreeItemWindowViewModel; treeTL.TL = new TL(); treeTL.TL.GLId = gl.GLId; treeTL.TL.GL = gl; treeTL.SaveClicked += (t) => { //addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataItem.GL = gl; //t.GLId = gl.GLId; t.ImageUrl = "../../Resources/cian.png"; _vm.AddTL(t); t.GLId = _vm.GetTLId(t.TLCode); gl.TLs.Add(t); //_vm.Save(); addTLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); gl.IsExpanded = true; // Ensure that the new child is visible //using (var uow = new SainaDbContext()) //{ // uow.TLs.Add(t); // //uow.Entry(gl).State = EntityState.Modified; // var vv = uow.SaveChanges(); // addTLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); //} }; addTLTreeItemWindow0.Width = 1000; addTLTreeItemWindow0.Height = 500; addTLTreeItemWindow0.CanClose = true; addTLTreeItemWindow0.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); addTLTreeItemWindow0.Show(); } } else if (tag == "edit") { if (_accessUtility.HasAccess(71)) { AddGLTreeItemWindow addGLTreeItemWindow0 = SmObjectFactory.Container.GetInstance <AddGLTreeItemWindow>(); var treeGL = addGLTreeItemWindow0.DataContext as AddGLTreeItemWindowViewModel; treeGL.GL = gl; using (var uow = new SainaDbContext()) { var hasGL = uow.GLs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GLId == gl.GLId)?.TLs?.Any() == true; if (hasGL == true) { addGLTreeItemWindow0.gLCodeTextbox.IsEnabled = false; } treeGL.SaveClicked += (g) => { //addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataItem.GL = gl; g.GLId = gl.GLId; g.ImageUrl = "../../Resources/cian.png"; // gl.TLs.Add(addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataItem); gl.IsExpanded = true; // Ensure that the new child is visible // _vm.Save(); uow.GLs.Attach(g); uow.Entry <GL>(g).State = EntityState.Modified; // uow.GLs(g); var x = uow.SaveChanges(); addGLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); }; } addGLTreeItemWindow0.Width = 1000; addGLTreeItemWindow0.Height = 500; addGLTreeItemWindow0.CanClose = true; addGLTreeItemWindow0.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); addGLTreeItemWindow0.Show(); } // break; } else if (tag == "delete") { if (_accessUtility.HasAccess(72)) { using (var uow = new SainaDbContext()) { var hasGL = uow.GLs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GLId == gl.GLId)?.TLs?.Any() == true; if (hasGL == false) { DialogParameters parameters = new DialogParameters(); parameters.OkButtonContent = "بله، مطمئنم"; parameters.CancelButtonContent = "خیر"; parameters.Header = "اخطار"; parameters.Content = "آیا برای حذف مطمئن هستید؟"; parameters.Closed = OnClosed; RadWindow.Confirm(parameters); _dialogResult = _dialogResult == true; // _dialogResult == true; } else { DialogParameters parameters = new DialogParameters(); parameters.OkButtonContent = "بستن"; parameters.Header = "اخطار"; parameters.Content = ".امکان حذف وجود ندارد"; // parameters.Closed = OnClosed; RadWindow.Alert(parameters); _dialogResult = false; } if (_dialogResult == true) { // uow.GLs.Attach(gl); var test = uow.GLs.ToList().Select(x => x.GLId); _vm.Items.Remove(gl); uow.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"Delete Info.GLs where GLId={gl.GLId} "); // uow.RejectChanges(); // uow.GLs.Attach(new GL { GLId = gl.GLId }); //uow.Entry<GL>(gl).State = EntityState.Deleted; //// uow.GLs.Remove(new GL { GLId=gl.GLId}); uow.SaveChanges(); var manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(AlertScreenPosition.TopCenter, new Point(0, 0), 100); var alert = new RadDesktopAlert { FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft, Header = "اطلاعات", Content = ".حذف با موفقیت انجام شد", ShowDuration = 5000, }; manager.ShowAlert(alert); } } } } } else if (ClickedTreeViewItem.DataContext is TL tl) { if (tag == "newTL") { if (_accessUtility.HasAccess(70)) { AddTLTreeItemWindow addTLTreeItemWindow0 = SmObjectFactory.Container.GetInstance <AddTLTreeItemWindow>(); gl = tl.GL; var treeTL = addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataContext as AddTLTreeItemWindowViewModel; treeTL.TL = new TL(); treeTL.TL.GLId = gl.GLId; treeTL.TL.GL = gl; //treeTL.SelectedGL = gl; //treeTL.TL = new TL { GL = gl, GLId = gl.GLId }; treeTL.SaveClicked += (t) => { // t.GLId = gl.GLId; t.ImageUrl = "../../Resources/cian.png"; _vm.AddTL(t); t.GLId = _vm.GetTLId(t.TLCode); gl.TLs.Add(t); addTLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); gl.IsExpanded = true; // Ensure that the new child is visible //using (var uow = new SainaDbContext()) //{ // uow.TLs.Add(t); // // uow.Entry(gl).State = EntityState.Modified; // uow.SaveChanges(); // addTLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); //} }; addTLTreeItemWindow0.Width = 1000; addTLTreeItemWindow0.Height = 500; addTLTreeItemWindow0.CanClose = true; addTLTreeItemWindow0.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); addTLTreeItemWindow0.Show(); } } else if (tag == "newSL") { if (_accessUtility.HasAccess(70)) { AddSLTreeItemWindow addSLTreeItemWindow0 = SmObjectFactory.Container.GetInstance <AddSLTreeItemWindow>(); var treeSL = addSLTreeItemWindow0.DataContext as AddSLTreeItemWindowViewModel; treeSL.SL = new SL(); treeSL.SL.TLId = tl.TLId; treeSL.SL.TL = tl; //treeSL.SelectedTL = tl; //treeSL.SL = new SL { TL = tl, TLId = tl.TLId }; treeSL.SaveClicked += (s) => { //addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataItem.GL = gl; // s.TLId = tl.TLId; s.ImageUrl = "../../Resources/cian.png"; _vm.AddSL(s); s.TLId = _vm.GetSLId(s.SLCode); tl.SLs.Add(s); // _vm.Save(); addSLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); tl.IsExpanded = true; // Ensure that the new child is visible //using (var uow = new SainaDbContext()) //{ // uow.SLs.Add(s); // uow.Entry(tl).State = EntityState.Modified; // uow.SaveChanges(); // addSLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); //} }; addSLTreeItemWindow0.Width = 1000; addSLTreeItemWindow0.Height = 500; addSLTreeItemWindow0.CanClose = true; addSLTreeItemWindow0.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); addSLTreeItemWindow0.Show(); } } else if (tag == "edit") { if (_accessUtility.HasAccess(71)) { AddTLTreeItemWindow addTLTreeItemWindow0 = SmObjectFactory.Container.GetInstance <AddTLTreeItemWindow>(); var treeTL = addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataContext as AddTLTreeItemWindowViewModel; treeTL.TL = tl; using (var uow = new SainaDbContext()) { var hasTL = uow.TLs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TLId == tl.TLId)?.SLs?.Any() == true; if (hasTL == true) { addTLTreeItemWindow0.tLCodeTextbox.IsEnabled = false; } treeTL.SaveClicked += (t) => { //addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataItem.GL = gl; t.TLId = tl.TLId; t.ImageUrl = "../../Resources/cian.png"; // gl.TLs.Add(addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataItem); tl.IsExpanded = true; // Ensure that the new child is visible uow.TLs.Attach(t); uow.Entry <TL>(t).State = EntityState.Modified; // uow.GLs(g); // uow.GLs(g); uow.SaveChanges(); addTLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); }; } addTLTreeItemWindow0.Width = 1000; addTLTreeItemWindow0.Height = 500; addTLTreeItemWindow0.CanClose = true; addTLTreeItemWindow0.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); addTLTreeItemWindow0.Show(); } } else if (tag == "delete") { if (_accessUtility.HasAccess(72)) { using (var uow = new SainaDbContext()) { var hasTL = uow.TLs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TLId == tl.TLId)?.SLs?.Any() == true; if (hasTL == false) { DialogParameters parameters = new DialogParameters(); parameters.OkButtonContent = "بله، مطمئنم"; parameters.CancelButtonContent = "خیر"; parameters.Header = "اخطار"; parameters.Content = "آیا برای حذف مطمئن هستید؟"; parameters.Closed = OnClosed; RadWindow.Confirm(parameters); _dialogResult = _dialogResult == true; // _dialogResult == true; } else { DialogParameters parameters = new DialogParameters(); parameters.OkButtonContent = "بستن"; parameters.Header = "اخطار"; parameters.Content = ".امکان حذف وجود ندارد"; // parameters.Closed = OnClosed; RadWindow.Alert(parameters); _dialogResult = false; } if (_dialogResult == true) { // uow.GLs.Attach(gl); // var test = uow.TLs.ToList().Select(x => x.TLId); foreach (var item in _vm.Items) { item.TLs.Remove(tl); } uow.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"Delete Info.TLs where TLId={tl.TLId} "); // uow.RejectChanges(); // uow.GLs.Attach(new GL { GLId = gl.GLId }); //uow.Entry<GL>(gl).State = EntityState.Deleted; //// uow.GLs.Remove(new GL { GLId=gl.GLId}); uow.SaveChanges(); var manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(AlertScreenPosition.TopCenter, new Point(0, 0), 100); var alert = new RadDesktopAlert { FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft, Header = "اطلاعات", Content = ".حذف با موفقیت انجام شد", ShowDuration = 5000, }; manager.ShowAlert(alert); } } } } } else if (ClickedTreeViewItem.DataContext is SL) { SL sl = ClickedTreeViewItem.DataContext as SL; if (tag == "newSL") { if (_accessUtility.HasAccess(70)) { AddSLTreeItemWindow addSLTreeItemWindow0 = SmObjectFactory.Container.GetInstance <AddSLTreeItemWindow>(); tl = sl.TL; var treeSL = addSLTreeItemWindow0.DataContext as AddSLTreeItemWindowViewModel; treeSL.SL = new SL(); treeSL.SL.TLId = tl.TLId; treeSL.SL.TL = tl; treeSL.SaveClicked += (s) => { s.TLId = tl.TLId; s.ImageUrl = "../../Resources/cian.png"; tl.SLs.Add(s); _vm.AddSL(s); // _vm.Save(); addSLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); tl.IsExpanded = true; // Ensure that the new child is visible //using (var uow = new SainaDbContext()) //{ // uow.SLs.Add(s); //// uow.Entry(tl).State = EntityState.Modified; // uow.SaveChanges(); // addSLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); //} }; addSLTreeItemWindow0.Width = 1000; addSLTreeItemWindow0.Height = 500; addSLTreeItemWindow0.CanClose = true; addSLTreeItemWindow0.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); addSLTreeItemWindow0.Show(); } } else if (tag == "edit") { if (_accessUtility.HasAccess(71)) { AddSLTreeItemWindow addSLTreeItemWindow0 = SmObjectFactory.Container.GetInstance <AddSLTreeItemWindow>(); var treeSL = addSLTreeItemWindow0.DataContext as AddSLTreeItemWindowViewModel; treeSL.SL = sl; using (var uow = new SainaDbContext()) { var hasItem = uow.AccDocumentItems.Any(x => x.SLId == sl.SLId); if (hasItem == true) { addSLTreeItemWindow0.sLCodeTextbox.IsEnabled = false; addSLTreeItemWindow0.DL1.IsEnabled = false; addSLTreeItemWindow0.DL2.IsEnabled = false; } treeSL.SaveClicked += (s) => { //addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataItem.GL = gl; s.SLId = sl.SLId; s.ImageUrl = "../../Resources/cian.png"; // gl.TLs.Add(addTLTreeItemWindow0.DataItem); sl.IsExpanded = true; // Ensure that the new child is visible uow.SLs.Attach(s); uow.Entry <SL>(s).State = EntityState.Modified; // uow.GLs(g); uow.SaveChanges(); addSLTreeItemWindow0.Close(); }; } addSLTreeItemWindow0.Width = 1000; addSLTreeItemWindow0.Height = 500; addSLTreeItemWindow0.CanClose = true; addSLTreeItemWindow0.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); addSLTreeItemWindow0.Show(); } } else if (tag == "delete") { if (_accessUtility.HasAccess(72)) { using (var uow = new SainaDbContext()) { var hasItem = uow.AccDocumentItems.Any(x => x.SLId == sl.SLId); if (hasItem == false) { DialogParameters parameters = new DialogParameters(); parameters.OkButtonContent = "بله، مطمئنم"; parameters.CancelButtonContent = "خیر"; parameters.Header = "اخطار"; parameters.Content = "آیا برای حذف مطمئن هستید؟"; parameters.Closed = OnClosed; RadWindow.Confirm(parameters); _dialogResult = _dialogResult == true; // _dialogResult == true; } else { DialogParameters parameters = new DialogParameters(); parameters.OkButtonContent = "بستن"; parameters.Header = "اخطار"; parameters.Content = ".امکان حذف وجود ندارد"; // parameters.Closed = OnClosed; RadWindow.Alert(parameters); _dialogResult = false; } if (_dialogResult == true) { // uow.GLs.Attach(gl); // var test = uow.TLs.ToList().Select(x => x.TLId); foreach (var item in _vm.Items) { foreach (var x in item.TLs) { if (x.SLs.Remove(sl)) { break; } } } uow.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"Delete Info.SLs where SLId={sl.SLId} "); // uow.RejectChanges(); // uow.GLs.Attach(new GL { GLId = gl.GLId }); //uow.Entry<GL>(gl).State = EntityState.Deleted; //// uow.GLs.Remove(new GL { GLId=gl.GLId}); uow.SaveChanges(); var manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(AlertScreenPosition.TopCenter, new Point(0, 0), 100); var alert = new RadDesktopAlert { FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft, Header = "اطلاعات", Content = ".حذف با موفقیت انجام شد", ShowDuration = 5000, }; manager.ShowAlert(alert); } } } } } }
void btnExportExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (grdLister.Rows.Count == 0) { return; } try { saveFileDialog1.Filter = "Excel File (*.xls)|*.xls|AdvExcel File (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx"; saveFileDialog1.Title = "Save File"; saveFileDialog1.FileName = "Driver Collection History"; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { grdLister.Columns["IsPaid"].IsVisible = false; grdLister.Columns["Paid"].IsVisible = true; //grdLister.Columns["btnUpdate"].IsVisible = false; grdLister.Columns[COLS.Active].HeaderText = "Active"; grdLister.Columns[COLS.Active].Width = 30; grdLister.Columns[COLS.Rent].Width = 60; grdLister.Columns[COLS.DriverNo].Width = 35; grdLister.Columns[COLS.PreviousBalance].Width = 85; grdLister.Columns[COLS.Adjustment].Width = 60; grdLister.Columns[COLS.Collection].Width = 50; grdLister.Columns[COLS.OldCollection].Width = 70; grdLister.Columns[COLS.AgentCommission].Width = 60; grdLister.Columns[COLS.OldAgentBalance].Width = 90; grdLister.Columns[COLS.Total].Width = 45; grdLister.Columns[COLS.Paid].Width = 35; var row = grdLister.Rows.OrderByDescending(c => c.Cells["ToDate"].Value.ToDate()).FirstOrDefault(); DateTime?dtCurrent = row.Cells["FromDate"].Value.ToDate(); DateTime dtEnd = row.Cells["ToDate"].Value.ToDate(); Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter[] param = new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter[1]; string heading = string.Empty; heading = "Driver Collection History - " + string.Format("from {0:dd/MM/yyyy}", dtCurrent) + " until " + string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", dtEnd); ClsExportGridView obj = new ClsExportGridView(grdLister, saveFileDialog1.FileName); obj.ApplyCellFormatting = true; obj.ConditionalFormattingObject = new StyleDataRowConditionalFormattingObject(); obj.ConditionalFormattingObject.ConditionFormattingColumnName = "Paid"; obj.ConditionalFormattingObject.RowBackColor = Color.LightGreen; obj.ConditionalFormattingObject.RowForeColor = Color.Black; obj.ConditionalFormattingObject.TValue = "Paid"; obj.Heading = heading; if (obj.ExportExcel()) { RadDesktopAlert alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.CaptionText = "Export"; alert.ContentText = "<html> <b><span style=font-size:medium><color=Blue>Export Successfully</span></b></html>"; alert.Show(); } //grdLister.Columns["IsPaid"].IsVisible = true; //grdLister.Columns["Paid"].IsVisible = false; grdLister.Columns["IsPaid"].IsVisible = false; grdLister.Columns["Paid"].IsVisible = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { ENUtils.ShowMessage(ex.Message); } finally { SetDefaultColumnSettings(); } //rptfrmDriverPaymentCollection frm = new rptfrmDriverPaymentCollection(); //frm.LoadReport(); //frm.ExportReportToExcel("excel"); }
public void importa() { try { OpenFileDialog openfile = new OpenFileDialog(); openfile.DefaultExt = ".xlsx"; openfile.Filter = "(.xlsx)|*.xlsx"; //openfile.ShowDialog(); var browsefile = openfile.ShowDialog(); if (browsefile == true) { txtFilePath.Text = openfile.FileName; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excelApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); //Static File From Base Path........... //Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook excelBook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TestExcel.xlsx", 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0); //Dynamic File Using Uploader........... Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook excelBook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(txtFilePath.Text.ToString(), 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet excelSheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)excelBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range excelRange = excelSheet.UsedRange; string strCellData = ""; double douCellData; int rowCnt = 0; int colCnt = 0; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); for (colCnt = 1; colCnt <= excelRange.Columns.Count; colCnt++) { string strColumn = ""; strColumn = (string)(excelRange.Cells[1, colCnt] as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range).Value2; dt.Columns.Add(strColumn, typeof(string)); } for (rowCnt = 2; rowCnt <= excelRange.Rows.Count; rowCnt++) { string strData = ""; for (colCnt = 1; colCnt <= excelRange.Columns.Count; colCnt++) { try { strCellData = (string)(excelRange.Cells[rowCnt, colCnt] as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range).Value2; strData += strCellData + "|"; } catch (Exception ex) { douCellData = (excelRange.Cells[rowCnt, colCnt] as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range).Value2; strData += douCellData.ToString() + "|"; } } strData = strData.Remove(strData.Length - 1, 1); dt.Rows.Add(strData.Split('|')); } gvData.ItemsSource = dt; excelBook.Close(true, null, null); excelApp.Quit(); var alert = new RadDesktopAlert(); alert.Header = "NOTIFICACIÓN"; alert.Content = "El archivo se cargó exitosamente."; alert.ShowDuration = 3000; RadDesktopAlertManager manager = new RadDesktopAlertManager(); manager.ShowAlert(alert); } else { btGuardar.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; btCancelar.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error"); } }
/// <summary> /// 客製化顯示Alert /// </summary> /// <param name="alertType">Alert類別</param> /// <param name="Content">內容</param> /// <param name="Title">標題</param> /// <param name="AlertSecond">顯示秒數(-1為使用預設)</param> /// <param name="CustomScreenPosition">傳入AlertScreenPosition Type則指定位置,否則使用預設</param> /// <param name="ScreenPositionLocation">如果CustomScreenPosition = AlertScreenPosition.Manual,則使用傳入座標</param> /// <param name="ShowMessageOnScreenCenter">是否顯示在螢幕中間(目前已知多個訊息會導致訊息重疊)(預設False,會覆寫顯示位置設定)</param> public void ShowAlert_Custom(Alert alertType, string Content, string Title, int AlertSecond = -1, object CustomScreenPosition = null, Point ScreenPositionLocation = new Point(), bool ShowMessageOnScreenCenter = false) { // TODO 下次是不是要補一下圖示 Font ContentFont = new Font("微軟正黑體", 12f, FontStyle.Regular); Font CaptionFont = new Font("微軟正黑體", 16f, FontStyle.Bold); RadDesktopAlert radDesktopAlert = new RadDesktopAlert(); DesktopAlertPopup alertpopup = radDesktopAlert.Popup; // 取得呼叫的應用程式位置 var apps = Application.OpenForms; var app = apps.Count > 0 ? apps[apps.Count - 1] : null; // app.InvokeRequired 為True時,代表跨執行緒執行 // 應用程式所在作用的螢幕 var ActiveScreen = (app == null || app.InvokeRequired) ? Screen.PrimaryScreen : Screen.FromControl(app); var screenWidth = ActiveScreen.Bounds.Width; var screenHeight = ActiveScreen.Bounds.Height; // 多螢幕下,將執行設定為視窗的那個螢幕 DesktopAlertManager.Instance.SetActiveScreen(ActiveScreen); #region 通用排版樣式 // 提示框上的三點是否要繪制 radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.CaptionElement.CaptionGrip.ShouldPaint = false; // 是否自動關閉 radDesktopAlert.AutoClose = alertType != Alert.Error; // Error 不自動關閉 // 自動關閉的秒數 radDesktopAlert.AutoCloseDelay = AlertSecond != -1 ? AlertSecond : alertType.ToNumberValue(); radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.BorderDashStyle = DashStyle.Dot; radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.BorderBoxStyle = BorderBoxStyle.SingleBorder;//.OuterInnerBorders; // 底色是否要漸層 radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.GradientStyle = GradientStyles.Solid; // 標題文字 radDesktopAlert.CaptionText = Title; // 內文 radDesktopAlert.ContentText = Content; // 風格樣式 //radDesktopAlert.ThemeName = "FluentDatk"; // 自動尺吋 radDesktopAlert.AutoSize = true; // 關閉鈕 radDesktopAlert.ShowCloseButton = alertType != Alert.Success; // Success會一閃而過,就不需要關閉鈕了 // 選項鈕 radDesktopAlert.ShowOptionsButton = false; // 釘選鈕 radDesktopAlert.ShowPinButton = false; // 內文字型 radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.ContentElement.Font = ContentFont; // 標題字型 radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.CaptionElement.TextAndButtonsElement.Font = CaptionFont; // 跳出提示的位置 //radDesktopAlert.ScreenPosition = AlertScreenPosition.Manual; // 跳出提示下方的一排按鈕排版空間 //radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.ButtonsPanel // 內文相關設定 //radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.ContentElement // 標題相關設定 //radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.CaptionElement #endregion 通用排版樣式 switch (alertType) { case Alert.Error: // 跳出提示的位置 radDesktopAlert.ScreenPosition = AlertScreenPosition.BottomRight; // 提示框的底色 radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.BackColor = ErrorColor; //radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.ContentImage = RadMessageIcon.Info; // Properties.Resources.envelope break; case Alert.Success: // 跳出提示的位置 radDesktopAlert.ScreenPosition = AlertScreenPosition.Manual; if (alertpopup != null) { // TODO 想找找是不是能放畫面正中間,多個訊息好像會重疊 // 目前先暫時這樣子,不會太明顯的歪… // 公式:多螢幕的偏移 + 所在螢幕的一半 - 訊息框的大概尺吋(暫時抓不到會多少,先以大概的數字來取) alertpopup.Location = new Point(ActiveScreen.Bounds.X + ((int)(screenWidth / 2)) - 160, ActiveScreen.Bounds.Y + ((int)(screenHeight / 2)) - 80); } // 提示框的底色 radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.BackColor = SuccessColor; break; case Alert.Warning: // 跳出提示的位置 radDesktopAlert.ScreenPosition = AlertScreenPosition.BottomRight; // 提示框的底色 radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.BackColor = WarningColor; break; } #region 使用者自訂項目 // 當有指定底色時,使用指定的底色 if (BackGroupColor != Color.Transparent) { radDesktopAlert.Popup.AlertElement.BackColor = BackGroupColor; } // 當有指定出現位置時,使用指定位置 if (CustomScreenPosition != null && CustomScreenPosition is AlertScreenPosition) { if ((AlertScreenPosition)CustomScreenPosition == AlertScreenPosition.Manual) { if (ScreenPositionLocation != null) { alertpopup.Location = ScreenPositionLocation; } } radDesktopAlert.ScreenPosition = (AlertScreenPosition)CustomScreenPosition; } //訊息是否顯示在螢幕中間 if (ShowMessageOnScreenCenter) { radDesktopAlert.ScreenPosition = AlertScreenPosition.Manual; // 公式:多螢幕的偏移 + 所在螢幕的一半 - 訊息框的大概尺吋(暫時抓不到會多少,先以大概的數字來取) alertpopup.Location = new Point(ActiveScreen.Bounds.X + ((int)(screenWidth / 2)) - 160, ActiveScreen.Bounds.Y + ((int)(screenHeight / 2)) - 80); } #endregion 使用者自訂項目 radDesktopAlert.Show(); }