public void Initialize(RaceFile race) { if (SmokeTableIndex > 1) { //-2 because index is 1-based in race file and #1 is the default (no smoke) SmokeParticles = new MaterialSmokeParticleSystem(race.SmokeTables[SmokeTableIndex - 2]); _emitter = new ParticleEmitter(SmokeParticles, 5, Vector3.Zero); } if (_defaultTyreSmokeSystem == null) { _defaultTyreSmokeSystem = new TyreSmokeParticleSystem(); } }
private void LoadRaces() { StreamReader RaceFile; string[] tempRace; try { RaceFile = File.OpenText("Races.txt"); RaceFile.ReadLine(); while (!RaceFile.EndOfStream) { tempRace = RaceFile.ReadLine().Split('\t'); cbRaces.Items.Add(tempRace[0]); RaceDict.Add(tempRace[0], new Race(tempRace)); } Races = RaceDict; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
private static void CreateDefaultWaterSpecVols(RaceFile file, List <CActor> actors, CModelGroup models) { // Water specvols don't seem to be included anywhere in the map definition. We figure them out here by // looking for non-solid horizontal polygons if (file.SpecialVolumes.Count == 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < actors.Count; i++) { CActor actor = actors[i]; if (actor.Model == null) { continue; } CModel model = actor.Model; bool foundWater = false; Vector3 min = new Vector3(9999), max = new Vector3(-9999); List <Vector3> waterVerts = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (Polygon poly in model.Polygons) { if (poly.MaterialIndex < 0) { continue; } string materialName = actor.Model.MaterialNames == null ? "none" : actor.Model.MaterialNames[poly.MaterialIndex]; //this is a non-solid material if (materialName.StartsWith("!")) { // if this is a flat horizontal plane, mark it as water float y1 = models._vertexPositions[model.VertexBaseIndex + poly.Vertex1].Y; float y2 = models._vertexPositions[model.VertexBaseIndex + poly.Vertex2].Y; float y3 = models._vertexPositions[model.VertexBaseIndex + poly.Vertex3].Y; if (Math.Abs(y1 - y2) < 0.15f && Math.Abs(y1 - y3) < 0.15f) { foundWater = true; waterVerts.Add(Vector3.Transform(models._vertexPositions[model.VertexBaseIndex + poly.Vertex1], actor.Matrix)); waterVerts.Add(Vector3.Transform(models._vertexPositions[model.VertexBaseIndex + poly.Vertex2], actor.Matrix)); waterVerts.Add(Vector3.Transform(models._vertexPositions[model.VertexBaseIndex + poly.Vertex3], actor.Matrix)); } } } if (foundWater) { //add a bottom waterVerts.Add(new Vector3(waterVerts[0].X, waterVerts[0].Y - 6 * GameVars.Scale.Y, waterVerts[0].Z)); BoundingBox bb = BoundingBox.CreateFromPoints(waterVerts); Matrix m = Matrix.CreateScale(bb.GetSize()) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(bb.GetCenter()); SpecialVolume vol = file.SpecialVolumes[0].Copy(); //copy default water vol.Matrix = m; file.SpecialVolumes.Add(vol); } } }
public Race(string filename, string playerVehicleFile) { Race.Current = this; Logger.Log("Starting race " + Path.GetFileName(filename)); ConfigFile = new RaceFile(filename); foreach (string matFileName in ConfigFile.MaterialFiles) { MatFile matFile = new MatFile(matFileName); ResourceCache.Add(matFile); } foreach (string pixFileName in ConfigFile.PixFiles) { PixFile pixFile = new PixFile(pixFileName); ResourceCache.Add(pixFile); } if (GameVars.Emulation == EmulationMode.Demo) { ResourceCache.Add(new CMaterial("drkcurb.mat", 226)); //demo doesn't have this file, I guess the color is hard-coded } else { ResourceCache.Add(new MatFile("drkcurb.mat")); } ResourceCache.ResolveMaterials(); if (filename.Contains("TESTMAP")) //nasty hack... { GameVars.Scale.Y *= 0.5f; } DatFile modelFile = new DatFile(ConfigFile.ModelFile); ActFile actFile = new ActFile(ConfigFile.ActorFile); _actors = actFile.Hierarchy; _actors.AttachModels(modelFile.Models); _actors.ResolveTransforms(false, ConfigFile.Grooves); if (filename.Contains("TESTMAP")) //nasty hack... { GameVars.Scale.Y *= 2f; } // link the actors and grooves foreach (BaseGroove g in ConfigFile.Grooves) { g.SetActor(_actors.GetByName(g.ActorName)); } // link the funks and materials foreach (BaseFunk f in ConfigFile.Funks) { f.Resolve(); } if (ConfigFile.SkyboxTexture != "none") { PixFile horizonPix = new PixFile(ConfigFile.SkyboxTexture); _skybox = SkyboxGenerator.Generate(horizonPix.PixMaps[0].Texture, ConfigFile.SkyboxRepetitionsX - 3f, ConfigFile.DepthCueMode); _skybox.HeightOffset = -220 + ConfigFile.SkyboxPositionY * 1.5f; } Physics.TrackProcessor.GenerateTrackActor(ConfigFile, _actors, out _nonCars); Logger.Log("NonCars: " + _nonCars.Count); GridPlacer.Reset(); List <int> opponentIds = new List <int>(); List <int> pickedNbrs = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int index = 0; while (true) { index = GameEngine.Random.Next(1, OpponentsFile.Instance.Opponents.Count); if (!pickedNbrs.Contains(index)) { pickedNbrs.Add(index); break; } } try { Opponents.Add(new Opponent(OpponentsFile.Instance.Opponents[index].FileName, ConfigFile.GridPosition, ConfigFile.GridDirection)); NbrOpponents++; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("Error while loading opponent " + OpponentsFile.Instance.Opponents[index].FileName + ", " + ex.Message); } } foreach (CopStartPoint point in ConfigFile.CopStartPoints) { Opponents.Add(new Opponent(point.IsSpecialForces ? "bigapc.txt" : "apc.txt", point.Position, 0, new CopDriver())); } foreach (Opponent o in Opponents) { Drivers.Add(o.Driver); } OpponentController.Nodes = ConfigFile.OpponentPathNodes; PlayerVehicle = new Vehicle(GameVars.BasePath + @"cars\" + playerVehicleFile, new PlayerDriver()); PlayerVehicle.PlaceOnGrid(ConfigFile.GridPosition, ConfigFile.GridDirection); Drivers.Add(PlayerVehicle.Driver); Peds = new PedestrianController(ConfigFile.Peds); _map = new RaceMap(this); RaceTime = new RaceTimeController(); PhysX.Instance.Scene.SetActorGroupPairFlags(PhysXConsts.TrackId, PhysXConsts.VehicleId, ContactPairFlag.Forces | ContactPairFlag.OnStartTouch | ContactPairFlag.OnTouch); PhysX.Instance.Scene.SetActorGroupPairFlags(PhysXConsts.VehicleId, PhysXConsts.NonCarId, ContactPairFlag.Forces | ContactPairFlag.OnStartTouch | ContactPairFlag.OnTouch); PhysX.Instance.Scene.SetActorGroupPairFlags(PhysXConsts.TrackId, PhysXConsts.NonCarId, ContactPairFlag.OnTouch); PhysX.Instance.Scene.SetActorGroupPairFlags(PhysXConsts.VehicleId, PhysXConsts.VehicleId, ContactPairFlag.Forces | ContactPairFlag.OnTouch | ContactPairFlag.OnStartTouch | ContactPairFlag.OnEndTouch); }
public static Actor GenerateTrackActor(RaceFile file, CActorHierarchy actors, out List <NonCar> nonCarInstances) { List <Vector3> verts = new List <Vector3>(); List <ushort> indices = new List <ushort>(); List <ushort> materialIndices = new List <ushort>(); List <OpenC1.CActor> actorsList = actors.All(); nonCarInstances = new List <NonCar>(); for (int i = 0; i < actorsList.Count; i++) { CActor actor = actorsList[i]; if (actor.Model == null) { continue; } if (actor.Name.StartsWith("&")) { if (Char.IsDigit(actor.Name[1]) && Char.IsDigit(actor.Name[2])) { NonCar nc = GenerateNonCar(actor, file.NonCars); if (nc != null) { nonCarInstances.Add(nc); continue; //dont-merge with track } } } int baseIndex = verts.Count; for (int j = 0; j < actor.Model.VertexCount; j++) { verts.Add(Vector3.Zero); } foreach (Polygon poly in actor.Model.Polygons) { if (poly.MaterialIndex < 0) { continue; } string materialName = actor.Model.MaterialNames == null ? "none" : actor.Model.MaterialNames[poly.MaterialIndex]; //this is a non-solid material if (materialName.StartsWith("!")) { continue; } int index = baseIndex + poly.Vertex1; indices.Add((ushort)index); if (verts[index] == Vector3.Zero) { Vector3 transformedVec = Vector3.Transform(actors.Models._vertexPositions[actor.Model.VertexBaseIndex + poly.Vertex1], actor.Matrix); verts[index] = transformedVec; } index = baseIndex + poly.Vertex2; indices.Add((ushort)index); if (verts[index] == Vector3.Zero) { Vector3 transformedVec = Vector3.Transform(actors.Models._vertexPositions[actor.Model.VertexBaseIndex + poly.Vertex2], actor.Matrix); verts[index] = transformedVec; } index = baseIndex + poly.Vertex3; indices.Add((ushort)index); if (verts[index] == Vector3.Zero) { Vector3 transformedVec = Vector3.Transform(actors.Models._vertexPositions[actor.Model.VertexBaseIndex + poly.Vertex3], actor.Matrix); verts[index] = transformedVec; } if (Char.IsDigit(materialName[0])) { ushort matModiferId = (ushort)(ushort.Parse(materialName.Substring(0, 1)) + 1); if (matModiferId >= file.MaterialModifiers.Count) { matModiferId = 0; } materialIndices.Add(matModiferId); } else { materialIndices.Add(0); } } } TriangleMeshDescription meshDesc = new TriangleMeshDescription(); meshDesc.TriangleCount = indices.Count / 3; meshDesc.VertexCount = verts.Count; meshDesc.AllocateVertices <Vector3>(meshDesc.VertexCount); meshDesc.AllocateTriangles <ushort>(meshDesc.TriangleCount); meshDesc.AllocateMaterialIndices <ushort>(materialIndices.Count); meshDesc.TriangleStream.SetData(indices.ToArray()); meshDesc.VerticesStream.SetData(verts.ToArray()); meshDesc.MaterialIndicesStream.SetData(materialIndices.ToArray()); meshDesc.Flags = MeshFlag.Indices16Bit; MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(); Cooking.InitializeCooking(); Cooking.CookTriangleMesh(meshDesc, s); Cooking.CloseCooking(); s.Position = 0; TriangleMesh triangleMesh = PhysX.Instance.Core.CreateTriangleMesh(s); TriangleMeshShapeDescription shape = new TriangleMeshShapeDescription() { TriangleMesh = triangleMesh, }; ActorDescription actorDescription = new ActorDescription() { GlobalPose = Matrix.CreateTranslation(0, 0, 0), Shapes = { shape } }; foreach (Checkpoint checkpoint in file.Checkpoints) { ActorDescription actorDesc = new ActorDescription(); BoxShapeDescription box = new BoxShapeDescription(checkpoint.BBox.GetSize()); box.Flags = ShapeFlag.TriggerOnEnter | ShapeFlag.Visualization; actorDesc.Shapes.Add(box); Actor actor = PhysX.Instance.Scene.CreateActor(actorDesc); actor.GlobalPosition = checkpoint.BBox.GetCenter(); actor.UserData = checkpoint; } StillDesign.PhysX.Actor environment = PhysX.Instance.Scene.CreateActor(actorDescription); environment.Group = PhysXConsts.TrackId; environment.Shapes[0].SetFlag(ShapeFlag.Visualization, false); CreateDefaultWaterSpecVols(file, actorsList, actors.Models); for (int i = 1; i < file.SpecialVolumes.Count; i++) { SpecialVolume vol = file.SpecialVolumes[i]; Vector3 scale = new Vector3(); Vector3 trans = new Vector3(); Quaternion q = new Quaternion(); Matrix matrix = vol.Matrix; bool success = matrix.Decompose(out scale, out q, out trans); if (scale.Z == 0) { scale.Z = 0.1f; } ActorDescription actorDesc = new ActorDescription(); BoxShapeDescription box = new BoxShapeDescription(scale); if (success) { if (float.IsNaN(q.X)) { continue; } box.LocalRotation = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(q); } else { //if the matrix cannot be decomposed, like part of the long tunnel in coasta... // get the rotation by calculating some points and working out rotation from them Vector3 v1 = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(-1, -1, 1), matrix); Vector3 v2 = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(-1, 1, -1), matrix); Vector3 forwards = v2 - v1; forwards.Normalize(); box.LocalRotation = Matrix.CreateWorld(Vector3.Zero, forwards, Vector3.Up); } box.Flags = ShapeFlag.TriggerOnEnter | ShapeFlag.TriggerOnLeave | ShapeFlag.Visualization; actorDesc.Shapes.Add(box); Actor actor = PhysX.Instance.Scene.CreateActor(actorDesc); actor.GlobalPosition = vol.Matrix.Translation; actor.UserData = vol; } return(environment); }